Mormon Chapter 1 Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning the sacred records—War commences between the Nephites and the Lamanites—The Three Nephites are taken away—Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and witchcraft prevail. About A.D. 321–26.
Mormon Chapter 2 Mormon leads the Nephite armies—Blood and carnage sweep the land—The Nephites lament and mourn with the sorrowing of the damned—Their day of grace is passed—Mormon obtains the plates of Nephi—Wars continue. About A.D. 327–50.
Mormon Chapter 3 Mormon cries repentance unto the Nephites—They gain a great victory and glory in their own strength—Mormon refuses to lead them, and his prayers for them are without faith—The Book of Mormon invites the twelve tribes of Israel to believe the gospel. About A.D. 360–62.
Mormon Chapter 4 War and carnage continue—The wicked punish the wicked—Greater wickedness prevails than ever before in all Israel—Women and children are sacrificed to idols—The Lamanites begin to sweep the Nephites before them. About A.D. 363–75.
Mormon Chapter 5 Mormon again leads the Nephite armies in battles of blood and carnage—The Book of Mormon will come forth to convince all Israel that Jesus is the Christ—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites will be scattered, and the Spirit will cease to strive with them—They will receive the gospel from the Gentiles in the latter days. About A.D. 375–84.
Mormon Chapter 6 The Nephites gather to the land of Cumorah for the final battles—Mormon hides the sacred records in the hill Cumorah—The Lamanites are victorious, and the Nephite nation is destroyed—Hundreds of thousands are slain with the sword. About A.D. 385.

Ammaron Chooses Mormon to Keep the Plates
Mormon 1
Like Mormon, I can follow Jesus Christ.
Mormon 1:1–3; 2:1, 23–24; 3:1–3, 12, 17–22
Book of Mormon Stories “Mormon the Prophet”
Mormon was a Nephite who believed in Jesus Christ. He grew up in a time when many people did not obey God’s commandments. The people robbed and killed each other for money and power. There were many wars.
When Mormon was 10, a man named Ammaron came to him. Ammaron took care of the records of the Nephite’s history. Ammaron trusted Mormon and told him the records were hidden in a hill. Ammaron said that when Mormon was 24, Mormon should write what he had seen about their people and add it to the records.
As Mormon grew up, he remembered what Ammaron asked him to do. When Mormon was 15 years old, he was visited of the Lord. Mormon learned about the goodness of Jesus.
Friend November 2024 “Mormon and the Gold Plates”

Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 49: Mormon and His Teachings” Images and Video
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 1-6”
- Because Mormon was quite young when he developed his faith in Christ, he can be an inspiration to your children. Perhaps you could read Mormon 1:1–3 and your children could listen for how old Mormon was when Ammaron gave him a special mission. You could also help them find in these verses the qualities that Ammaron saw in Mormon. How do these qualities help us follow Jesus Christ?
- Because Mormon followed Jesus Christ, he was given opportunities to serve and bless others. You could invite your children to read one or more of the following passages and help them share what they learn about Mormon: Mormon 1:1–3; 2:1, 23–24; and 3:1–3, 12, 20–22 (see also “Chapter 49: Mormon and His Teachings,” Book of Mormon Stories, 138–42). How did he follow Jesus Christ? How did his faith in Jesus Christ help or bless others? How can our faith help people we know?
Come Follow Me Kid & The Red Crystal

I can be righteous like Mormon.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 1–6”
- Junior Primary:
Before reading the story, invite the children to listen for how old Mormon was when Ammaron gave him a special mission. Then ask them to hold up that many fingers. To help the children imagine how young Mormon was, show them a picture of someone who is 10 years old. Help them understand the qualities that Ammaron saw in Mormon when he was young, and testify that the children can be like Mormon as they follow Jesus Christ.
What righteous qualities do you see in the children you teach?

What does it mean to be “quick to observe”?
Quick to Observe Elder Bednar said, “As used in the scriptures, the word observe has two primary uses. One use denotes “to look” or “to see” or “to notice”—as we learn in Isaiah 42:20: “Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not” (emphasis added).
The second use of the word observe suggests “to obey” or “to keep”—as is evident in the Doctrine and Covenants: “But blessed are they who have kept the covenant and observed the commandment, for they shall obtain mercy” (D&C 54:6; emphasis added).
Thus when we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey.
Show a picture of Mormon (see the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Help the children see that because Mormon was responsible and trustworthy enough to keep and preserve the Nephite records, we have the Book of Mormon today. Talk with the children about what it means to be responsible and trustworthy. Invite them to ponder ways they can be more responsible.
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Ammaron Taught Mormon about the Sacred Records”
Latter Day Kids “Quick to Observe” Lesson ideas
Mormon Leads the Nephite Armies
Mormon 2
Godly sorrow leads me to Christ and to lasting change.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 1–6: “
- When Mormon saw his people’s sorrow, he hoped they would repent. But “their sorrowing was not unto repentance” (Mormon 2:13)—it was not the kind of godly sorrow that leads to real change (see 2 Corinthians 7:8–11). Instead, the Nephites felt worldly sorrow (see Mormon 2:10–11).
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 1-6”
- Perhaps you could make a chart like the one in “Ideas for Learning at Home and at Church” to help your children understand the difference between godly and worldly sorrow as they read Mormon 2:8, 10–15. Then they could also search Mormon 2:12 to find reasons why repentance should make our “heart[s] … rejoice.” How can we make sure that the sorrow we feel for our sins leads us to seek God’s help to change?:
How do you know if your sorrow is godly or worldly? If you are experiencing worldly sorrow, how can you change it into godly sorrow? Sorrow that leads to repentance and Sorrow that doesn’t lead to repentance.
Godly sorrow inspires change and hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. When we feel godly sorrow, we recognize our shortcomings and want to do better. We feel hope for the future—and feel the Savior’s love for us.
I can live righteously despite the wickedness around me.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 1–6:
- What words did Mormon use to describe the world he lived in? How did he maintain hope despite the wickedness around him?
- Beginning in the first chapter of Mormon, you will notice major differences between Mormon and the people around him. As you read Mormon 1, consider contrasting the qualities and desires of Mormon with those of his people. Note the consequences that came to him and them (you’ll find one example in verses 14–15). What do you learn that inspires you to live righteously in a wicked world?
Mormon Refuses to Lead the Armies Because of Wickedness
Mormon 3
Heavenly Father gives me many blessings.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 1-6”
- Inviting your children to list (or draw pictures of) some things they are grateful for might be a good way to help them feel gratitude for God. After they have made a list, you could read Mormon 3:3, 9 and explain that Heavenly Father had blessed the Nephites too, but they had not recognized it. What can we do to show we are thankful to Heavenly Father for our blessings?
Find the things in the picture that show Heavenly Father and Jesus’s love for us.
Friend November 2004 “Blessings Tree” Cut out the leaves and place them in a sack. Have the children take turns picking a leaf from the sack, telling how the item written is a blessing, and gluing it to the tree. When they pick a blank leaf, have them share a blessing of their choice that they are thankful for. Then write the blessing on the leaf and glue it to the tree.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 1–6:
- Invite them to hang their pictures somewhere at home where they can see them and remember that Heavenly Father blesses them in many ways. You could also invite them to identify blessings that come from Heavenly Father as they sing the first verse of “I Thank Thee, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 7).
War and Wickedness Continues
Heavenly Father wants me to love everyone.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 1-6”
- Even though the Nephites were wicked, Mormon never stopped loving them. Help your children find the words “loved” and “love” in Mormon 3:12. You could also sing a song together about loving others, such as “Jesus Said Love Everyone” (Children’s Songbook, 61), while showing pictures of children from around the world. Testify of God’s love for all His children.
Friend May 2022 Cut out the pieces, Glue to heavy paper or craft sticks, and put the puzzle together.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 1–6: “
- It’s often easy to love those who love us and are like us, but Mormon demonstrated that with help from Heavenly Father, we can love those who believe and act differently than we do.
- Ask each child to draw a person on the board, and point out how each person they drew looks different from the others. Draw a large heart surrounding all the drawings. Help the children understand that Heavenly Father wants us to love all people. Read Mormon 3:12, emphasizing the words “love” and “loved.” What did Mormon do to show his love for others?.
Friend October 2020 “Come, Follow Me for Little Ones”
- Read Mormon 3:12 together, emphasizing the words “love” and “loved.” Help your little ones put their hands on their hearts and say, “I can share God’s love with others,” and then hold their hands outward, as if sharing something. You could listen to or sing “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook,136) and put your hands on your hearts whenever you hear the word “love.”
Friend November 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Love One Another” Mormon loved the Nephites (see Mormon 3:12). Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have asked us to love others too. Stand in a circle and close your eyes. Count to three, then open your eyes and look at someone. If you are making eye contact with them, say something you love about each other and step out of the circle. Keep going until there is one person left! Then everyone says something they love about that person.
For younger children: Go on a “love” hunt through your home or outside. Invite your little ones to find things that remind them of the people they love.
Friend November 2024 “Heavenly Father Wants Me to Love Everyone”
Friend October 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Loving Others
- Loving Others Around Us Role-Play – As Mormon grew older, people around him became more wicked, but hewas able to keep his faith really strong. Was Mormon mean to the people around him who were making wrong choices? (No). One thing that made Mormon so super was the love that he had for God and others around him.
- Read Mormon 3:12 and talk about how Mormon felt about the people around him, even though they were wicked.
- Role- play how to respond with faith and love to different scenarios of people being different from us or making not-so-good choices (Your friend wants to steal candy from the store, A friend is saying mean things about another person, your neighbor doesn’t believe in praying, someone you’re playing with starts swearing, etc.).
Mormon again leads the Nephite armies
Mormon 5
To help your family visualize what it means to be “driven about as chaff before the wind” (verse 16), tear a piece of paper into small pieces and let family members blow them around. Explain to them that chaff is a husk that comes off a seed, and it is light enough to be blown around. How is being “without Christ and God in the world” (verse 16) like being chaff in the wind?
- On the back of their paper person, you could also have everyone write/draw one specific thing they’ll do this week to stay anchored in Christ.
- Was Mormon someone who was steady and strong in Christ or someone who was “driven as chaff before the wind”?
Final Battle at Cumorah
Mormon 6
Jesus has “open arms to receive [us]”
Ensign October 2020 “Family Study Fun: The Open Arms of Jesus”

Read Mormon 6:17 together. Talk about what it means that Jesus has “open arms to receive [us]” when He is not physically here with us.
- Invite family members to draw a picture of themselves with Jesus. For younger children, use a coloring page from or the September Friend.
- When the pictures are finished, fold them up and put them in a bowl. Take turns picking a picture at random.
- When someone’s picture is chosen, have them talk about a time they have felt the Savior’s love or share something they can do to follow Jesus.
Discussion: Talk about what you can do as a family to help each other follow Jesus and feel closer to Him. How can we be His “arms” here on earth?
Mormon Abridges the Plates
Friend November 2016 “Mormon Writes on the Golden Plates”

Friend January 1988 “Sharing a Time: Mormon–A Valiant Prophet

Friend November 2020 “Mormon’s Plates”

Friend November 2020 “Coloring Page: Mormon Put Together the Book of Mormon”
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Mormon Put Together Sacred Writings”

New Era April 2020 “The Plates within the Plates”
Friend October 1988 “Scriptural Giants: Mormon and the Book of Mormon”