Word of Wisdom #3

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 What does the Word of Wisdom say is bad for our bodies? – Game


  • Print the Word of Wisdom game picturesCut apart  the picture of the boy and the picture of the garbage can on the dotted lines. Also cut the smaller pictures apart on the lines.
  • Items needed: D&C Scriptures for each person, blindfold, tape.


Lesson and Game 

Ask the family members to close their eyes and imagine they have a baby sister (or have them think about a baby sister or brother they have). Tell them that they love their baby sister very much and have lots of fun playing with her. One day the baby gets sick and won’t eat or play. You take the baby to the doctor and he says that the baby is sick from something she swallowed.

  •  How would you help your baby sister so she doesn’t get sick again? (By keeping her away from the items that could make her sick.)
  • What could happen if you put something in your body that was bad for it? (Your body could be harmed.)

Heavenly Father and Jesus love us very much. We are Heavenly Father’s sons and daughters, and Jesus’ brothers and sisters. They don’t want us to be sick and unhealthy. They want us to be happy and strong. They know what things will hurt our bodies, so we were given commandments to avoid those things.

  • Ask the family members if they remember what these commandments are called and where they are located in the scriptures. (Word of Wisdom, D&C 89)

Have the family look up and read D&C 89:7.

  • What item does the Lord say is not for the belly? (Strong drink)
  •  What does it mean by strong drink? (Have the family read the top half of D&C 89:5. Strong drinks mean alcoholic beverages.)

Show the picture of the beer and wine to the family.

Tape the picture of the boy onto the wall. Tell the family that according to this scripture, alcoholic beverages are not for the body. Tape the garbage can to the wall about five feet away from the picture of the boy. Put a piece of tape on the back of the alcohol picture and hand it to a volunteer. Place the volunteer several feet away from the pictures on the wall, with no obstructions in the way.

Blindfold the volunteer. Tell them the object of the activity is to keep the alcoholic beverages away from the body (the picture of the boy) and put it into the garbage. Spin them around once and point them in the right direction. Tell them if they would like help they can ask one family member to give them directions. Explain that we can always get help in life from the Lord and from people in our lives that we trust.

After the family member has finished his/her turn have everyone read D&C 89:8.

  • What does this scripture says is not for the body? (Tobacco) Show the family the picture of tobacco products. Tell them that this commandment also includes chewing tobacco.

Do the same blindfold activity with the tobacco picture. Afterwards explain that in Joseph Smith’s time, people did not have the medical knowledge that we now have. They didn’t know about the bad effects of smoking and alcohol use. But the Lord knew about these bad effects and he warned the people.

Next have the family read D&C 89: 9.

  •  What does this scripture says is not for the body? (hot drinks)

Show the family the picture of the tea and coffee. Explain that prophets have told us “hot drinks” refers to tea and coffee. When this revelation was given, tea and coffee were the hot drinks being consumed at the time.

Give the picture of tea and coffee to another family member and do the blindfold activity again.

Afterwards ask if they know what other item is harmful to us that recent prophets have warned us not to use.  (Illegal drugs)  (If the children ask about medicinal drugs, explain that some drugs can help us when we are ill, but they should be used only with a parent’s or doctor’s supervision.)

Show the picture of the drugs and do the blindfold activity again.

Sabbath Day: Lesson Item 1

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It is a Commandment to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy 

Game and Object Lesson


  • Items needed: a pitcher of water, a bowl, and a clear plastic cup or a glass.
  • Either print a copy of the game and cut out the game pieces, or download and open the game in Microsoft Word. If opened in Microsoft Word, the game pieces can be moved by clicking on the center of the image or label and then dragging it to where it should go on the chart.
  • Alternative visuals: Cut out the game cards and the picture of Moses. (Optional: color cardstock can be used for the game boards.) (Game cards are from “My Creation Book” pictures – Friend, March 2002 “For Little Friends”

Divide the family into two groups or more. (More copies of the game board and creation pictures will be needed if if the family is divided into more than two groups.)
Give each group a game board and a set of creation pictures.
Have each group try to put the correct pictures in each square according to which “day” it took place in the creation account (one square will get two pictures). After they are done, tell them the correct order and have them check their answers.

• On the first day God made light and divided the light from the darkness.
• On the second day God made the sky (firmament).
• On the third day God made the flowers, grass and trees.
• On the fourth day God made the sun, moon, and stars
• On the fifth day God made the birds, fish and whales.
• On the sixth day God made the land animals… and man.

Discussion or PowerPoint
After they fix their boards, ask the family what day of the week is missing on their chart. (The seventh)

• What happened on the seventh day? (Read Genesis 2:2-3) God sanctified the day and rested from his labors.

Since the beginning of the world, one day a week has been set apart for us to rest from our labors, and to focus on worship and spiritual matters. We call this day the Sabbath.

• What day do we observe the Sabbath? (On Sunday)

(Show the picture of Moses)
When Moses was on the earth, the Lord gave him some stone tablets.
• What was written on those tablets? (The Ten Commandments)

Read Exodus 20:8 Explain that keeping the Sabbath day holy was one of the Ten Commandments. Keeping the Sabbath day holy is a commandment.

Object Lesson Discussion or Video

• Why are we to keep the Sabbath day holy?

In the bible dictionary, it says that something that is holy is set apart for a sacred purpose.

• What purpose was the Sabbath day set apart for? (For worship, and to get spiritually strengthened and physically rested)

Read the scripture Exodus 31:17. “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.” So on the Sabbath we are to rest and refresh. We know what rest means, so what does refresh mean? (It means to be re-energized, reinvigorated, replenished.)

Heavenly Father knew we would need to be physically re-energized and spiritually replenished after a busy week, so he gave us a day to recharge and refresh our bodies and spirits.

Object Lesson:

Show a full glass of water and explain that the full cup represents being spiritually replenished and physically rested and recharged after a Sabbath day of attending our church meetings, resting our bodies, and focusing on gospel activities.

During the week we are involved in activities that may drain our spiritual and physical reserves. (Pour water from the cup into the bowl as you name several possibilities such as work and chores, sports. school and responsibilities, disagreements with a family member, or making  wrong choices.)

We can replenish our cup a little each day as we read the scriptures, pray and keep the commandments (pour a little water from the pitcher into the cup for each item mentioned), but the Lord knew we would need more.

So on Sunday we are commanded to use the entire day for spiritual refreshment and physical rest so that we can have the spiritual strength and physical renewal to help us make good choices and keep the commandments throughout the week. (Fill the cup with water) So the Sabbath tops of our spiritual and physical reserves and we are recharged and replenished for the next week. (Object lesson from Primary 6 manual, Lesson 20, Enrichment Activity #1 )