Friend February 2022 “Soccer Riddle” Alessio invited his new neighbor, Sara, to play soccer with his friends! Use the clues to help Sara learn all their names.
Friend September 2017 “Find It” Everyone should have someone to play with at recess! Samantha and Jia want to help. Can you help them find those kids who might need a friend?
Friend September 2019 “Find It” These friends play board games together after school. They like to invite new students to play so they can all make new friends! Can you find the hidden objects?
Friend August 2017 “Row Together” Match each person with another person who has what they need. This activity shows some ways we need each other, such as you can’t play a team sport without other people, or we need each other’s talents to accomplish certain things. (Link also includes a story)
Friend June 2018 “Family Night Fun” Add to the chain each time you do something towards being a good friend such as being kind, including others, etc.
Each Friend is Unique
Friend September 2018 “Food & Fun: Getting to Know You” Play this game to learn more about what makes your friends unique! Write questions and wrap them into a ball.
Friend April 2017 “Everybody Needs a Friend” Match the way to say hello with the country’s flag. Also, find something in common like soccer. (Link includes a soccer maze.)
Friend September 2021 “Find It” These friends invited others to play with them. They want everyone to feel welcome! Can you find the hidden items in the picture?
Have you ever wished a friend would do something a little differently? Like reach out to you more, not tease you so much, or support you in something? It’s important to have good friends. But first, it might help to be a good friend.
Time for some self-reflection: Are you the kind of friend you’d want to be friends with? Do you follow Jesus Christ’s example in your friendships?
Let’s take a look in the mirror. Ask yourself each of these questions, and then see how you can be a better friend.
May I share something I’ve learned about choosing friends? Watch what makes them laugh. What makes us laugh says a lot about us.
Find those who laugh with, who do not laugh at; who include others and draw the circle bigger, not smaller; who are kind and do not bully or make fun of others in person or online, especially those with physical or mental challenges or those who are new or from other countries or backgrounds.
Be lighthearted, not light-minded. Lighthearted means wholesome, good humor—lots of it. In contrast, light-minded can include making fun of sacred things, using bad language, or doing edgy things that appeal to the world.
As Doctrine and Covenants 88:40 teaches, like things attract each other. Be the friend you want others to be to you. Look for friends who help you become what you truly want to be.
Jonathan loves David—Saul sets David over his armies—David is honored by the people, and Saul becomes jealous—David marries Michal, a daughter of Saul.
Draw two figures on the board, one to represent David and the other to represent Jonathan. Read to the children a few phrases from 1 Samuel 18:1–4 that emphasize the love these two friends felt for each other. Give each child a paper heart, and ask them how they can show love to a friend. After each child shares an idea, invite the child to attach the paper heart to the board.
Friend August 2018 Find the words below that tell how we can share the Savior’s love with others.
Tell the children about a good friend who helps you live the gospel or build your faith in Jesus Christ, and invite the children to share who helps them. Invite the children to act out doing something nice for a friend.
Friend April 2017 “Be a Light” Color in the sun as you figure out someone to do certain things for as a true friend such as loving, forgiving, encouraging, etc.
Lesson 29: David and Jonathan,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 125–30 To help the children understand how to be a true friend.
Tell the children that one way to strengthen friendships is to get to know one another better. To help the class members know each other better, play the following game.Pass around a bowl of small pieces of candy or dried beans. As you pass the bowl around, have each child name something he or she likes to do, take a piece of candy or a bean, and pass the bowl to the next child. Keep passing the bowl until all the children have had at least one turn.Alternate game: Have the children sit in a circle. Play spin the bottle by placing a narrow bottle on its side on the floor. Tell one thing about yourself and spin the bottle. Whoever the mouth of the bottle points to when the bottle stops spinning will be next to tell one thing about himself or herself, plus one good thing that he or she knows about someone in the class (this could be something the children have learned during the game or something they already knew about the person). Have the child spin the bottle to determine who has the next turn.
How can you help the children know that the Savior loves us even more than a dear friend does?
Display a picture of the Savior as you read Doctrine and Covenants 84:77. Invite the children to point to the picture of the Savior every time they hear the word “friends.” Explain that when we try to keep the commandments, we show Jesus that we love Him. Share what it means to you to have Jesus as your friend.
Help the children list some things they can do to show their friends that they love them. What did Jesus do to show us that He is our friend? What can we do to show the Savior that we are His friends? Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58).
Friend March 2020 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child doesn’t know how to make friends. The Friend magazine explains that lots of other kids are looking for a friend too. So why not be the first to smile and say hello? The Friend also includes an activity where children can think about what they would say in certain situations.
Friend August 2017 “Friends Come and Go” Ways of dealing with friends moving away and making new friends.
(Idea: Before the lesson, cut the picture into parts. During the lesson discuss each part as you put the picture back together on the board)
Friend June 2017 “Question Corner” Ideas from children on how to make friends.
Friend May 2017 HELP for Shyness. It was hard for me to make friends. Then my cousin taught me to think of the word HELP. H is for “hobbies.” E is for “education.” L is for “what you like.” And P is for “plans.” I could talk to anyone about hobbies, school, what we liked to do, and what we were planning to do. That helped me so much that I grew up to be a journalist who interviews lots of people! Linda Davies, video producer
Friend April 2017 “Be a Light” Color in the sun as you figure out someone to do certain things for as a true friend such as loving, forgiving, encouraging, etc.
Friend February 2015 “Question Corner” Children give ideas on how to make friends in a new school.
Friend February 2015 “Happy Alone, Happy Together” Ideas on what to do when want to be alone or when we are lonely.
Friend April 2021 I was feeling lonely at recess, so I asked someone if they would play with me. We started playing with chalk, and more people came, and it was so much fun! If you feel lonely, you can ask someone to play with you! (includes photo)
Friend March 2022 “The Origami Activity” Toshi had just moved to the Philippines and didn’t know the language. He planned a party for his Primary class, and his father help translate. Everyone had a good time.
Working Through Disagreements
Friend May 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Ideas on how to work through disagreements.
Friend September 2019 “3 Ways to Get Along With Others” Love them, forgive them, treat them the way you wanted to be treated. (Includes Golden Rule activity and coloring page.)
When Job was struggling, his friends said that God was punishing him because he had sinned. This story can help you teach the children a better way to respond when a friend has challenges (see Job 16:1–5).
Ask the children to review the many hard things that happened to Job (see Job 1:13–19; 2:7). Read together Job 19:14, 19, looking for how Job’s friends reacted to his trials (see also Job 22:1–5). Invite the children to imagine that they were Job’s friends—how would they try to help him? Encourage them to think of a friend who may be going through a difficult time and plan something they can do to show love and support to their friend.
Ask the children to list some qualities of a good friend and to name a friend who has these qualities. Show a picture of Jesus Christ. In what ways is Jesus a good friend to each of us? How can we follow His example?
Friend October 2018 “Kaity and Quincy” Kaity, who has Down syndrome, loves her friend Quincy. Quincy always helps her at church. When Quincy’s brother dies, Katie wants to help her friend. She is able to comfort her sad, crying friend with just the right words and hugs.