Table of Contents
Friend February 2021 “Elder Holland Visits Africa”
Friend February 2021 “Funstuff: Country Search” There are 54 countries in Africa. Can you find these countries on the map? Which countries did Elder Holland visit?
Friend September 2020 “Children of Heavenly Parents” Lisa Harkness of the General Primary Presidency visited the people in Africa. She found that the people of Africa come from many different countries and cultures and they speak many different languages, but they are rich in their faith and their knowledge that they are children of God.
Friend November 2024 “Hello from Kenya!”

Friend November 2024 “Following Jesus in Kenya”When Martin met the missionaries, they gave him a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. Martin is visually impaired, so he couldn’t read the small words. But he still wanted to learn more. The missionaries gave Martin a copy of the Book of Mormon in braille. Braille is a form of written language for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Friend January 2025 “Going to Church with Ghuka” Kelvin’s invited him to go to church with them. He was curious about a picture on the wall. The missionaries explained that it was a picture of the prophet who is a messenger from God and teaches us what God wants us to know. The missionaries gave him Book of Mormon and Kelvin was excited to learn more. The missionaries came and taught him and eventually he was baptized. When he grew up he served a mission and then attended college through BYU–Pathway Worldwide.

Friend April 2023 “Following Jesus in Nigeria”

Friend April 2023 “Hello from Nigeria!”

Friend January 2021 “Meet Stella from Ghana” Stella and her family visit their 83 year old landlady almost everyday. They adopted her since she doesn’t have any family. They help her with housework to help keep her healthy. (See link for the story and photos)
Friend January 2021 “Adventures in Ghana with Margo and Paolo”
Friend October 2019 “Hello from the Democratic Republic of the Congo!”
Friend October 2019 “Food and Fun” Refreshment: Congo Chicken Stew. Activity: Jungle Search. Can you find the six hidden animals? Color in each one.
Friend October 2021 “Adventures in the Republic of the Congo with Margo and Paolo”
Friend October 2021 “Meet Nathan from the Republic of the Congo” Nathan likes to help his younger siblings Stephy and Aaron learn to read. He helps them with their homework and reads Book of Mormon stories with them. Nathan also helps his siblings make their beds and get ready for school with their snacks and backpacks. (see photo)
Nathan loves going to school. He follows Jesus by helping his younger siblings learn too.
Challenge: Getting an education is important! Make a list of all the things you have at home and in the community that can help you learn. How can you use each one to learn more? Friend October 2021 “Adventures in the Republic of the Congo with Margo and Paolo”
South Africa
Friend May 2020 “Hello From South Africa”
Friend April 2021 “Julia Mavimbela” During a time of racism and violence in South Africa, Julia wanted to bring goodness to her community, so she started a community garden. She taught love and forgiveness. Then she met missionaries and joined the church. She continued to teach love and helped start Women for Peace, a group to promote unity and peace in South Africa.
Friend September 2022 “Meet Cebisile from South Africa” (See photos and the child’s service story at link)
Friend April 2021 “Jump the Stick” A game kids play in South Africa.
- A player picks a starting point and sets the stick on the ground away from that point.
- The player jumps over the stick and then places it where they landed.
- The next player now has to jump from the same starting point and try to land past the stick. Then they move the stick to the new landing spot.
- Anybody who doesn’t jump over the stick is out. Keep going until you have a winner!
Friend August 2021 “Elder Rasband Visits South Africa” Elder Rasband dedicates the Durban South Africa Temple. (Photos)
Friend August 2021 “Find It” Here are some animals that live in South Africa, where Elder Rasband visited! Can you find and color all 10 animals in this scene?
Friend December 2021 “Dear Friend: We Love to See the Temple” Daniel and Samuel B., ages 4 and 6, visited the Johannesburg South Africa Temple.
Friend September 2022 “Hello from South Africa!”
Friend October 2020 “Hello From Madagascar”

Friend March 2025 “Hello from Madagascar!”

Friend October 2020 “Faneva the Missionary” Missionaries taught Faneva’s family the gospel. Faneva wanted to be a missionary when he grew up to teach people about what he was learning. In Primary they sang songs about being a missionary now and he decided that is what he wanted to do. He tried to be a good example. He invited people to church. He helped his neighbors. When he was older he also went on a mission.

Friend March 2025 “Following Jesus in Madagascar”

Friend January 2021 “Géoffroy Koussemou” Geoffroy learned to rely on the Lord while going to school to learn about farming. He joined the church and served the Lord by sharing the gospel with his friends and then selling his farm and serving a mission. Because of his faith and service a branch formed in Benin, which turned into a ward and then a stake.
Ivory Coast
Friend February 2022 “Hello from Ivory Coast!”
Friend February 2022 “Meet Animan from Ivory Coast” Animan helps his family in the shop and with filling the water drum. He tries to stand up for what is right. (See photos and more story at link.)
Friend July 2019 “Elder Andersen Visits Ivory Coast” Elder Neil L. Andersen and his wife, Sister Kathy Andersen, traveled to Ivory Coast for the groundbreaking of a new temple. (Activity: Children sing the words “I love to see the temple” in many different languages. Follow the line from each of these sentences to the correct language.)
Cape Verde
Friend August 2019 “Elder Rasband Visits Cape Verde” Elder Rasband visited a school were many of the children don’t have parents to take care of them. The Church gives money to help the children’s school that Elder Rasband visited. (Activity: Four children donated money to the Church’s Humanitarian Aid Fund. Follow the shapes along the path to see what each child’s money was used for. (Also includes instructions on how to donate money to humanitarian aid.)
Friend December 2021 “Dear Friend: Where I Read the Friend” Sharon H., age 3, reads the Friend in English in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania!
Friend December 2021 “Christmas in Mali” Judith and her siblings were going to their branch’s Christmas party. Not many people in Mali celebrated Christmas. In this part of Africa, most people didn’t know much about Jesus. To them, Christmas was just an ordinary day of work and play.

Friend December 2021 “Meet Willard from Burundi” Willard’s family members were refugees. They had to leave their home country. Willard and his family love to serve people around them. Willard serves in many ways. (See more and photos in article)
Friend December 2021 “Adventures in Burundi with Margo and Paolo”
Friend March 2020 “Ludovic’s Piano” Ludovic learns to play hymns by ear and plays for his branch during sacrament meeting.

Cape Verde
Friend May 2023 “Hello from Cape Verde!”
Friend May 2023 “Following Jesus in Cape Verde” Raissa’s family joined the church and were sealed in the temple when she was young. Recently, she went to the open house for the Praia Cape Verde Temple. She said, “I did important things to get ready to go to the temple, like praying, going to church, studying scriptures, and learning the gospel.”
Friend September 2024 “Hello from Zimbabwe!”

Friend September 2024 “Following Jesus in Zimbabwe” Sariah follows Jesus by helping her mother.
Friend February 2025 “Walking to Church” It takes Kupa and her mom and siblings about an hour and half to walk to church each Sunday. She loves going to church! At church, during fast and testimony meeting, she shared her testimony about the wonderful gospel that she loves.