Jesus Christ: Stories

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 The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos

Premortal Life

Friend January 2017 “Jesus Loves Me” Jesus was chosen in the premortal life to be our Savior. On earth he taught us the right way to live and he atoned for our sins because he loves us.


Friend January 2019 “Jesus Learned and Grew”

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Friend February 2017 “When Jesus was a Child” Jesus found teaching in the temple as a child.


Friend March 2023 “Jesus Christ Was Baptized”

Friend February 2019 “Jesus was Baptized”

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Why was the Savior baptized 2 Nephi 31: 4-13

  • To Be Obedient to the Father & To be an Example for Us 

7) But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient unto him in keeping his commandments.

  • To Show us that We Need to Enter the Gate (Baptism) that Leads to the Path Towards Eternal Life

9) And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them

We Need to Follow His Example and be Baptized

5) And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!

10) And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me 

Friend March 2017 “Jesus Was Baptized”

Friend January 2015 “Jesus Was Baptized”  Scripture story and explanation of words.

Friend Jan 2015

Friend March 2023 “Jesus Christ Was Baptized”

Jesus Calls His Disciples

Friend November 2017 “I Want to Follow Jesus”

Jesus Parables and Teachings

Friend May 2017 “Jesus Taught About Heavenly Father’s Love” Jesus teaches about the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son.

For the Strength of Youth July 2023 “The Prodigal Son”

Friend August 2017 “Jesus Forgives” Jesus teaches Peter to forgive. Jesus forgave sins, and he forgave his crucifiers.

Jesus Healed the Sick and Raised the Dead

Friend May 2019 “The Story of the Ten Lepers” You can read this story in .

Friend June 2017 “Jesus Healed People” Story of Jarius’s daughter being raised from the dead, and the story of the women with an issue of blood being healed when she touches the hem of Jesus’s robe.

Friend March 2021 “Jesus Comforted Others” Story of Jesus comforting Mary and Martha after their brother Lazarus died.

Friend November 2023 “Jesus Christ Healed a Man”

Feeding the Multitude

Friend February 2021 “Jesus Shared the Gospel” Story of Jesus feeding the people with fishes and loaves of bread, but most importantly feeding them spiritual food.

Friend July 2017 “Jesus Fed Many People”

The Rich Young Man

For the Strength of Youth April 2023 “Follow Jesus Christ and Do What Matters Most”

Jesus Blesses the Children

Friend May 2019 “Jesus Blesses the Children”

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Friend September 2017 “Jesus is Kind” Jesus blesses the children.

The Last Supper: The Sacrament

Friend June 2019 “Jesus Taught about the Sacrament”

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Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

“The Sacrament Helps Us Remember Jesus” Friend September 2015 

Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

Jesus Atonement, Crucifixion, and Resurrection

After Jesus’s Resurrection

Friend August 2019 “Open Your Hear to the Holy Ghost” When Jesus was about to leave His disciples, He told them how He would give them His peace:

Friend July 2019 “Jesus Said to Share the Gospel”

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Jesus Christ: Clipart

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These images are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Friend magazine. They are not for commercial use. They are for personal use only such as for teaching your family at home or for using in the classroom for teaching. All other uses must contact the church for permission. The link below each picture is where they can be found in the Friend magazine.

Jesus Christ

Remembering Jesus Christ

Jesus Birth

Friend December 2024 “Cover” Peace in Christ

Jesus Childhood

Friend Jan 2015
Friend Jan 2015

Jesus Baptism

Friend Jan 2015
Friend Feb 2015
Friend Feb 2015
Friend Feb 2015

Calling the Apostles

Jesus Teaches

Jesus’ Miracles

Jesus Heals

Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015 Lesson Ideas

Raises the Dead

Walks on Water

Jesus with Children

Friend July 2015
Friend July 2015
Friend April 2015
Friend April 2015

The Last Supper

Garden of Gethsemene

Gospel Art Book, 56).

Crucification and Resurrection

Gospel Art Book
Friend June 1984
Friend June 1984
Gospel Art Book, nos. 57,
Gospel Art Book 59

Second Coming

After Resurrection

Life of Jesus

Friend December 2022 “The Many Names of Jesus”