Temples #1 – Ordinances

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 Identify the Saving Ordinances 


  •  Print the pictures and labels and cut them out. Write an O on the back of each ordinance picture (baby blessing, father’s blessing, blessing the sick, baptism, confirmation/Holy Ghost, sacrament, Melchizedek Priesthood, temple marriage). Tape together three sheets of card stock  along the middle edges of the back. Do the same on two sheets of card stock.  Glue the Identify the Ordinances label to the three-fold board, and the Ordinances label to the two-fold board, and the Saving Ordinances label to a single sheet of card stock. For more durability, laminate the card stock, or put them in page protectors and cut off the excess plastic before taping them together.

  • Attach all the pictures to the three-fold board with either sticky back Velcro or non-permanent double sided tape. This will make the pictures movable from one board to the another while still being able to display them. If Velcro is used, attach the hook pieces to the pictures and the pad pieces to the three different boards as indicated in the sample picture above.


Why are temples an important and necessary part of the gospel? Because saving ordinances are performed in the temple

 Many different ordinances are performed throughout a person’s life, some are for comfort and guidance, but others are essential to salvation. (Do the activity below to identify the ordinances and the saving ordinances.) Hint: Ordinances are sacred ceremonies or acts that are performed by the proper priesthood authority.  

 Activity Directions   

 Have the family members take turns identifying the ordinances and moving them to the two-fold board labeled Ordinances. Have them check to see if they are correct by looking at the back of the pictures for an O.  Next have the family members identify the saving ordinances and move them to the page labeled Saving Ordinances. The saving ordinance answers include: Baptism, Confirmation/Holy Ghost, Melchizedek Priesthood Ordination, and Temple Marriage/Sealing.  

 Inform the family that there is one additional saving ordinance. It is received in the temple before going on a mission or before temple marriage. It is called the Endowment.   

 Look up and read D&C 95:8. “I gave unto you a commandment that you should build a house, in the which house I design to endow those whom I have chosen with power on high.”

 We also receive an endowment of divine power from other sacred ordinances that we receive in our life. For example, “remission of sins is extended through the ordinance of baptism, confirmation brings with it the promise of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, and ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood opens the way for “every man [to] speak in the name of God””. (Quote by Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the Seventy, Ensign August 2001)  

 As part of these saving ordinances we also make sacred covenants with God.  We promise to serve God and keep his commandments. These covenants and endowments of power are meant to help us become more like our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ so that we can become worthy of and prepared for exaltation. 

Note: This activity could be used for Primary sharing time if bigger pictures from the meetinghouse library are used and if bigger labels are made. Attach the pictures and labels to the chalkboard with magnets.

General Handbook, 18.1 and 18.2.

Ordinances of Salvation and Exaltation: The priesthood includes the authority to administer gospel ordinances that are necessary for salvation and exaltation. People make sacred covenants with God as they receive these ordinances. The ordinances of salvation and exaltation are listed below:

  • Baptism
  • Confirmation and gift of the Holy Ghost
  • Conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordination to an office (for men)
  • Temple endowment
  • Temple sealing

Other Ordinances and Blessings: Other ordinances and blessings make it possible for God’s children to receive His power, healing, comfort, and guidance. These ordinances and blessings are listed below:

  • Naming and blessing children
  • The sacrament
  • Conferral of the Aaronic Priesthood and ordination to an office (for young men and men)
  • Setting apart members to serve in callings
  • Consecrating oil
  • Administering to the sick
  • Blessings of comfort and counsel, including father’s blessings
  • Dedicating homes
  • Dedicating graves
  • Patriarchal blessings by ordained patriarchs

Colored Targets Song Review Game

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Colored Targets Song Review Game

I cut out several colored circles to use as targets. I taped them to a wall in the primary room, and put them each about a foot or two apart. I put them in an area where there were no obstructions in the path to get to the wall.  I put a piece of double sided tape in the middle of each target.

I had some different colored fuzzy balls (from Wal-Mart) in a baggie, one that matched each colored target. I blindfolded a volunteer and  had him choose a fuzzy ball from the bag. I turned him around a couple of times and then faced him towards the targets. The other children sang  the song as the volunteer tried to find the matching colored target that went with the fuzzy ball. Since he couldn’t see, the other children helped him find the right target by singing louder when he got close to the target, and softer when he moved away from the target. I stood by the child to make sure he didn’t get off track and run into something as he walked toward the targets.  After the child found the target, another volunteer was chosen and we did the same thing.

This game is a way to get the children to review the song through repetition and have fun while doing it. If the children don’t know all the words, you can post the words above the targets. Remove sections of the words after each volunteer’s turn. If the children are unsure of the words, or don’t sing,  remind them of the words and sing all they way through once before starting the game again.

Tithing #1

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 Pay Tithing with a Grateful Heart – Game and Activity


Print one copy of the blessing cards found in the November 2008 Friend.  Glue the cards onto heavier paper so that the images can’t be seen through the cards when playing the game. Cut out each card.   

Print the purse, envelope and the page entitled “Our Blessings from Heavenly Father”.  Cut out the purse and envelope. Cut out the front windows of each, and cut out the handle opening on the purse. Tape a piece of clear plastic (a piece of a Ziploc baggie or page protector) over the window on the inside of the purse and envelope. To form the envelope and purse, fold each on the lines and glue the two side tabs to the inside fold.

Items needed: ten dimes or pennies, Doctrine and Covenant scriptures, a pen or a marker


Place the cards facedown. Have the family take turns flipping over two cards trying to make a match. When someone makes a match, have them tell why they are thankful for that blessing. Have them write that blessing, and an additional blessing they are grateful for (not duplicating any previous ones), on the paper entitled “Our Blessings from Heavenly Father”. When the game is over, point out all the wonderful blessings Heavenly Father has given us.


Read D&C 104:14-15    According to this scripture, who created the earth and who does everything belong to? (The Lord)  Everything we have is His, but He has created it and provided it for us to use.

The Lord asks (commands) that we give 10% of the income that He provides to help strengthen and build His church on the earth. This 10% is called tithing. This is a small amount compared to all the many things the Lord has given us.

(Hold out the ten dimes (or pennies) in your hand). Ask the family, “If we are to give 10%, which is one of every ten, how much would we owe the Lord if we had ten dimes.”  Put one dime in the envelope that says “For the Lord”. Put the rest in the container that says “For Us”.  Ten percent is a small amount compared to all he has given us (Indicate the blessing chart and the other 90% of the money).  We should give 10% with gratitude in our hearts.

Sabbath Day: Lesson Item 2

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“To Keep Ourselves Unspotted From the World”

Materials Needed:

  • Girl and boy figures and dirt spots (Friend, February 2002, For Little Friends).  Put the girl and boy figures into a page protector, and cut out the individual dirt spots.
  • A Doctrine and Covenants for each person
  • Tape to attach the spots
  • A CD player and a CD of General Conference


In life Satan tries hard to tempt us to sin.

Show the picture of the girl, the boy, and the dirt spots. Tell the children that the dirt spots represent sin.

  • What are some sins that Satan tries to tempt us to make in life?  (Answers might include: lying, disobeying a parent, fighting with siblings, cheating, stealing)  Have a family member put a dirt spot onto the girl or boy figure for each answer they give. You may need to help or direct their answers so that everyone has a turn.

Satan doesn’t want us to excel and succeed in life. He wants us to live lives that are full of degradation and worldly thoughts and actions such as greed, selfishness, and pride.

Heavenly Father wants us to live upright, clean lives so that we can gain exaltation, and he provides ways for us to achieve this.

  • Have the children look up and read the first phrase of D&C 59:9, and ask if they know what it is saying.  (In order to keep ourselves unspotted from the world we need to go to church, take the sacrament and renew our covenants on the Sabbath.) Take a spot off the girl or boy figure for each item mentioned: going to church, taking the sacrament and renewing our covenants.
  • What other things does D&C 59:9-14 say that we should do on the Sabbath in order to keep ourselves unspotted from the world? (devotions and worship of God, resting from our labors, oblations (which is service to God), confessing and repenting, preparing food with singleness of heart, fasting and prayer)  Take a spot off for every item mentioned.
  • Why would doing these things help keep us clean and unspotted from the world?  (Because we are spiritually and physically strengthened and renewed, and we are not as susceptible to worldly thoughts, temptations, and sin.)

Object Lesson

Turn on a general conference CD (or DVD).  Also turn on some other items that make noise such as a TV, radio, hand vacuum, blender, etc.

  • Is it difficult to hear and listen to the conference CD with all the noisy distractions?

We would have to turn off all the competing noises in order to hear and focus on the conference CD. That is why Heavenly Father has given us the Sabbath Day, so we can turn off all competing influences and focus on things that will strengthen us spiritually and keep us unspotted from the world.

Tithing #2

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  The Widow’s Mite – Scripture Story


Print one copy of  the story cards. Cut the picture pages in half on the dotted lines. To make the picture cards into a flip-chart, punch a hole in the top left corners of the picture pages and attach the cards together with hinged metal rings found in office supplies, or string or ribbon.

Items needed: Scriptures – Old Testament


Scripture Story

( Show picture #1 to the family. Read #1 of the words below as you hold up the picture. Continue on in numerical order, holding up pictures and reading words.)

 1. The people of Israel had been taught the law of tithing. The people paid tithing by giving one-tenth of their crops or animals.

2.  During the time of the prophet Malachi they had begun to give blind and sick animals, and polluted bread as tithing.

(Have the family look up and read Malachi 3:8)

  •  Why would not paying tithing, or giving our worst, be robbing God? (The Lord created the earth and everything on it. Everything is His, but He has given it to us to use.  When we refuse to pay our tithing, or pay it grudgingly, we are being ungrateful and keeping from him what is rightfully his.)


3.  The Lord wants us to gladly pay tithing with gratitude in our hearts.

4.   In Jesus Christ’s time, tithes and offerings were collected at the temple in large containers with openings at the top (point out the container in the picture).

5.   One day Jesus watched the people as they came and put their money into the container. When Jesus saw the widow put in her money he called over his disciples.

6.   He told the disciples that the widow had done a great deed. Because of her love for Heavenly Father, she had given all that she had.

7.   We are not required to give all that we have, but we can show our love and appreciation for Heavenly Father by happily paying our tithing with a grateful heart.

Tithing: Song Ideas

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Part one of an interactive lesson that teaches the song “I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing.”

Launch Presentation

Part Two

Launch Presentation

Song -“I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing”  Children’s Songbook pg 150


Print one copy of the song pictures. Be prepared to play the song on a media device. A copy of the song can be obtained from www.lds.net, or CD’s can be checked out from the meetinghouse library.

Put the mountain scene in a page protector. Cut out the small pictures and word strips. Put removeable doubled sided tape on the back of each small picture and word strip.

Verse One

Tell the children to listen to the words in the song as you play or sing it. Have them find three things in the first verse that Heavenly Father has given us. (The sun that shines, the rain that falls, the meadowlark that sings) Put the pictures of those items on the mountain scene.

Ask what two words describe these gifts. (Good and Lovely) Put this word strip up above the mountain scene on the right hand side.

Then ask who gives us these good and lovely things? (Heavenly Father) Put this word strip to the left of “Good and Lovely”.

You are now ready to sing the first verse. Take the pictures off and put them on at the appropriate times as you sing the song, or leave them on and point to them when you come to that part.

Tell the children to look at the pictures to help them remember the words as they sing.

Verse Two:

(Keep verse one pictures on the scene as you sing verse two)

On the second verse put the child on the mountain scene. Ask what the child is holding. (A tithing envelope)

Tell the children to listen to the song, then ask, “What does the song say I am glad to do”? (Pay a tithing) Point out how happy and glad the child looks.

According to the song how much should you pay? (One tenth of all I earn) Put the word strip “1/10th” below the mountain scene on the left hand side.   

Does the song say it is a big or a little thing to pay tithing? (Little)

Put the word strip “Little” on the bottom right of the mountain scene.

Put on the rest of the pictures and indicate the whole picture when you tell them the last sentence – “it’s little when I think of all God gives me in return”.

You are now ready to try and sing the second verse the same way you did the first.

Review song words the children had trouble with and then sing the song again.

Encourage the children to think this week of all that God has given them and to remember how little one-tenth is to give God in return.


The following hand movements can also be used to help the children remember certain words:

“Gives Me” (cusp hand and move it forward as if offering something)

“All” (Spread hands and arms apart to indicate everything)

“Shines” (Ball up hand and then flick fingers out several times)

“Falls” (Put arms above head and move them down as fingers are spread

out and fluttering)

“Sings” (Put fingers tips on the mouth and open hand as you move it away from the face)

“Glad”  (Smile widely and point to your smile)

“One tenth”  ( Hold up ten fingers and put down one finger)

“Little” (Make a fist and extend the pointer finger and the thumb and put the finger tips of those two fingers close together)

“All” (Spread hands and arms apart to indicate everything)

Primary Program Music Review

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Balloon Popping Meter Chart

This week I made a balloon meter to check if the children were ready for the Primary Program.  As the children sang a song, someone pulled the ribbon that was attached to that songs balloon. If they sang really well, the balloon would go all the way to the top and pop on a pin.  

To make the meter, I purchased a large foam board during a half price sale at Hobby Lobby. I tied different colored ribbons all the way around the board. (The ribbon that curls needs to be stretched before you tie it onto the board, or it will stretch and become loose as you do the activity. Run scissors along the ribbon a couple of times (as if you were curling it) and that should do it.)

I made long song labels for each of the different songs I was checking them on. I printed each song label onto a different colored paper. The papers matched the different ribbons. I taped each label under its matching colored ribbon. I tied a matching colored, blown up balloon to each ribbon. I had left about three inches of ribbon attached when I tied the ribbon onto the board. I used that ribbon to tie on the balloons. I pushed the balloon up against the ribbon and taped the back of the balloon up onto the ribbon so that it couldn’t move to the left or right. This allowed the needle to pierce the balloon. I took a large clip and taped a long needle to it. I taped it in such a manner that the needle could not move to the right or left.

When you put the clip onto the top of the board, above a balloon, it needs to go under the ribbon on the front and the back of the board. This allows the ribbon to freely move up and down. I asked our Primary secretary to operate the meter. She watched the children sing, and she moved the balloon up toward the needle as they sang well, and she stopped at parts they had trouble with. After they sang a song, we went over the parts they had problems with, and then we sang the song again. Our secretary moved the balloon some more as they sang well. When she felt like they knew the song well enough, she moved the ballloon to the top and it popped on the needle.   

Ribbon Wrapped Box

I had also wrapped a box of treats with the same colored ribbons I had used on the chart. Inside the box was Tootsie “Pops”. Each time the children pop a balloon they will get to cut a ribbon. When all the ribbons are cut, it means they know all the songs and are ready for the program. As a reward for all their hard work, they get the tootsie pops. The ribbon cutting activity could be used separately, and would be a great motivational activity on its own.

I got the gift wrapping idea from a friend several years ago. She may have gotten the idea off the internet from someone else. I got the balloon popping idea from a website several months ago. I looked and couldn’t find where I found it, so once again, thank you to all the people who inspire us with their great ideas.

Note: Be sure to test out the balloon meter at home before using it in Primary, to make sure it works properly and is set up correctly.

Tithing #4

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“Tithing is One Tenth of Our Increase”


Personal Note: I have always practiced the law of tithing according to the below quote by Bruce R. McConkie, but I do understand that the interpretation of the word “increase” is varied, so please adjust the following activity to how your family practices the law of tithing. (The items in the activity can be copied and pasted into a word document to make any changes needed.)

Print the all the items for the Job Board Activity, using colored card stock for the cards. Print one of the example tithing slips for each family member.

To make the Help Wanted Job Board, butt together the 11 inch sides of two 8 ½ X 11 pieces of color card stock. Put a long piece of tape down the middle so they are connected. This will be the back side of the board. Turn the board over. Cut out the Job Board Help Wanted title. Glue it to the very top and middle of the two joined card stocks.

Cut out the pocket pattern. Trace and cut out 8 paper pockets using the pattern as a guide. Place them evenly spaced onto the front of the Job Board. Glue or tape down the sides and bottom edges of each pocket.

Cut out the job titles and the job cards.  Glue each job title to the very top of the backside of the matching job card. You should be able to see the job name when it is in the pocket.  Put the job cards into the pockets on the Help Wanted board with the job title facing outward.

Cut out the bonus cards and the Bonus tags.  Glue the Bonus tags to the center of the backside of each bonus card.

Cut out the tithing slips and the paper dice. Use sticky back Velcro, or double sided tape, to hold the tabs of the folded dice in place so that it can be taken apart for storage.

Items needed: Papers and pencils, and a real tithing slip and envelope to show to the family.



Read D&C 119:3-4   According to this scripture how much should we pay for tithing? Tithing is one tenth of our interest, which means one tenth of our increase. One-tenth is one out of every ten.

“Salaries, wages, gifts, bequests, inheritances, the increase in flocks, herds and crops (money increase earned from investments), and all income of whatever nature are subject to the law of tithing.”  Bruce R. McConkie – Mormon Doctrine

Activity Instructions

A family member chooses a job card from the Help Wanted board and reads the job description on the back.

They then roll the paper dice to see how many hours or days they do the work. They roll until the dice lands on a number square. If the dice lands on a Bonus square they get a bonus card. If it lands on Allowance they get to add whatever allowance amount your family uses to their money tally. They are only allowed one bonus or allowance per turn. (If your family doesn’t do allowance you could make that another bonus square)

Have them write down on a piece of paper all their money amounts – allowances, job money earned, and bonus money (small children may  need help).

Show the children how moving the decimal sign in a dollar figure, one position to the left, shows how much tithing should be paid. Let them figure out their tithing for each money item so they can practice this technique. Have them keep track of how much tithing is owed in a separate column.

After each person in the family has had the chance to choose one or two jobs, have them add up their tithing money column and figure out how much tithing is owed.

Show the family a real tithing slip and envelope. Explain that they can be found at the ward meetinghouse, usually near the bishop’s office. (On Sunday you may want to show the children where they are located.)

Help each family member fill out an example tithing slip.  Make sure they understand that tithing is not to be divided up and given in the other categories, or in any other way.  Tithing must always be given in the tithing category. You may want to briefly explain what the other spots are for.

Show the real tithing slip and envelope again and explain that the white slip is what they just filled out and that the printing would copy onto the yellow slip if they were together. Tell them they would put the white slip into the envelope with their money and the yellow would be their copy to keep.  The tithing envelope would then be given to the Bishop or one of his counselors.

Tithing #5 – Song

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“I Want to Give the Lord my Tenth”  Children’s Song Book Pg. 150

Items needed

  • Make eight copies of the coin page so that you have sixteen coins printed. Cut out the coins. Print one copy of the song sentences. Cut out the sentences and put one of the sentence halves on the back of each coin.  (Coin picture source – July 1996 Friend “Dollar Day”)
  • Make a printed copy of the song “I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth”.  Also be prepared to play this song on a media device.


Song Directions

Place the coins on a table, floor, or wall so that the words are facing down and the coins are facing up. Then play a matching game. Have the family members take turns turning over two cards trying to find matching sentences. (Check the song to make sure it is a match.) If the player finds a match, they get to go again. After all the matches have been found, ask each family member how much tithing they would pay on the coins they have collected (each is a quarter). Make sure they keep their matches together as they count.

Spread out all the matches, and have the family try to put all the sentences in the order they think they should go in the song. Have them listen to the song on CD (or other media device) and see if they have it right. Have them rearrange the sentences if needed, and then sing the song.

Take some parts off, and sing the song again. Continue in this manner until all the parts are removed, and the family can sing the whole song without seeing the words.

Tithing #6

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 What is Tithing Used For?   


  • Print one copy of each page of  “Where Does Tithing Go“.  Put each of the two main pages of “Where Does Tithing Go” into a page protector. Tape the two pages together on the back middle. Cut out the pictures so they will fit in each of the spots they are supposed to go in (see the picture above). Number the back of each picture with its matching location number.
  • Items needed: Tape to attach the pictures to the page “Where Does Tithing Go?”.



Read “Where Does Tithing Go” to the family, starting at #1. Attach the picture that goes with each numbered heading as you read (check the above picture to see how they go).

After you are done with the activity explain to the children that our tithing is combined with the tithing of other members to help the Church all over the world.

Play the game found in Tithing #7 to learn more about the things that tithing is used for.