Book of Mormon Lesson Tips

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Display Board
A display board will be needed for many of the lessons. Various items can be used as a display board such as a wall, a chalkboard, a dry erase board, a flannel board, a poster board, etc. (See this link for directions on how to make a felt/vinyl display board.) The following items can be used to attach items to the display board: tape, magnets, sticky tack, removable double sided tape, Velcro, etc.

Scripture Use
The Book of Mormon will be used for every lesson. Encourage the children to bring their scriptures. Some lessons will specify when a Book of Mormon for each child is absolutely necessary. You may want to have extra copies of the Book of Mormon available for those lessons.

Scripture references in the lesson are meant to be looked up by all the children. Once the scripture reference has been found, choose a child to read the reference as the others follow along in their own books. This will give the children experience looking up and reading scriptures. It will also help each child focus on the scripture and understand it better.

Food Object Lessons
Some of the lessons use food for object lessons. Please be aware of any allergies before giving children food. If a child has a food allergy, provide an alternative food item for that child.

Scripture Story Visual Aids

The scripture story visual aids can be printed, or to save ink they can be shown on a laptop computer by scrolling down as each picture is discussed. Some of the lessons do require the pictures to be printed for activities associated with the scripture story. Read each lesson thoroughly before teaching to see which method will work best.

Scripture Stories

The scripture stories in the lessons are a shortened version of the original. In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the lesson and story, it is best to read the original scripture story in the Book of Mormon before teaching the lesson. There may also be important parts you could feel inspired to add back into the lesson for specifics needs in your class.




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