Lesson 34: Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes

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Lesson 34

Jesus Christ Teaches the Nephites the Beatitudes


  • Items needed: a pencil for each child, five pieces of cardstock and several pieces of white paper, scriptures for each child, strong magnets or tape, scissors, sticky tack, small ziplock baggies or envelopes, a small container of salt mixed with dirt, and a small container of regular salt. Optional: cooked pasta
  • Print the visual aids. Fold each of the first six pages in half along the fold line. Tape together the folded pages along the edges (in the order printed) so they make one long line of figures with the picture of Jesus at the beginning.
  • Cut apart the pattern labels. Using sticky tack, attach the head labels to a piece of cardstock in random order. Do the same thing with the body labels. Cut out the jewels and attach them to another piece of cardstock using sticky tack.
  •  Cut apart the Law of Moses/Law of the Gospel strips on the lines. Attach the title strips to the top of a piece of cardstock. Using sticky tack, attach the rest of the strips to another piece of cardstock in random order.
  • Fold a white piece of paper into three even sections. Place the small paper doll pattern on top of the folded paper; then using it as a pattern, cut out a chain of three paper dolls. Cut out four pages of paper doll chains per child. The pages can be stacked to make the cuts. Tape the figures together so you have 12 dolls in a row. Fold each of the doll chains and place them into a baggie or envelope.
  • Print or copy one page of the black and white jewels and labels handout for each child.
  • Print the lesson pictures, or use a computer laptop or tablet to show the images to the children.

Attention Activity

Give a volunteer the scissors and a piece of paper. Ask him or her to cut out a perfectly shaped paper doll (without making any folds in the paper). Once the child is done, ask if it was hard to make a perfectly shaped doll that was equal in shape and size on both sides. Show the child the paper doll pattern. Ask if it would have been easier to make a perfectly shaped paper doll if the child had been given a pattern to follow.

(Read 3 Nephi 12:48) Explain that we are to strive to become like our Father in Heaven who is perfect, and we have been given a pattern to follow and instructions on how to work towards that goal.

  • What is the pattern we have been given? Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus set an example for us to follow, and because the Father and the Son are one in purpose and characteristics, if we become like the Son we also become like the Father.

We have also been given instructions to follow. When the Savior lived on the earth, he taught the Sermon on the Mount (show picture). When he appeared to the Nephites after his death and resurrection, he taught them a similar sermon (show picture). This sermon gives us directions to follow towards the formation of the kind of person each of of us needs to become.

Show the children the folded up papers with the picture of Jesus on the outside. Spread out the folded papers and attach it to the chalkboard with the magnets under the words “Blessed are the…” Explain that each scripture reference comes from the sermon the Savior taught the Nephites, and each tells us a characteristic we need to develop in order to become like Jesus.

Point out the sign “Blessed are the…” on the chalkboard and explain that the beginning of Jesus’s sermon includes what is known as the “Beatitudes.” Beatitude means to be blessed or happy. Show the children the jewels, and explain that they are labeled with the promised blessings we will receive if we develop the characteristics mentioned in the sermon. Have the children read 3 Nephi 13:19-20. Explain that the temporary worldly things we might treasure on earth do not even compare to the wonderful eternal blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for us if we live righteous lives

Display the three cardstock pages that contain the head labels, the body labels, and the jewels. Explain to the children that they are going to do an activity where they will find the instructions the Savior gave, and then they will label the fold-out figures on the board with those instructions.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Have a volunteer read the first scripture reference (with class members following along in their scriptures). Then have the child find the label that matches it and put the label on the head of the first figure. (Note: The last doll pattern on the board is an activity. When the final label is left, put it on the doll head and then explain the activity.)
  2. Next, have the children find the label to what they think the beatitude means. If they are correct, have a child attach the piece to the body of the figure.
  3.  Then ask the children what things they can do to become that kind of person. Write on the arms and legs of the figure the things the children mention.
  4.  Next, have the children find the jewel that has the promised blessing on it that goes with the beatitude, and have a child put it in the doll’s hand.

Before starting the activity, give each child one of the fold-up paper doll figures and a pencil, and explain that they are going to copy down each trait onto their figures to help them remember the type of person they need to become. (The children may need to sit on the floor and turn their chair to use it as a table.) Have them first draw a picture of themselves on the top figure, so when the dolls are folded, that is the image they see. Then have the children write the traits on the head and the ways to become that kind of person on the arms and legs of each figure as it is discussed. Explain that at the end of the lesson they will get their own copy of the body labels and jewels.

  1. Poor in Spirit (3 Nephi 12:3)
  2. A person who realizes they need spiritual assistance. To be poor in spirit means that a person realizes they are spiritually in need (they need help strengthening their spirit and making the things of God a priority in their life), and they are humble enough to turn to Heavenly Father for help.
  3. How can we show Heavenly Father that we realize we are in need of his help to develop spiritually? Pray, study his words in the scriptures, go to church.
  4. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
  1. They that Mourn (3 Nephi 12:4)
  2. Feelings of deep sorrow and regret for the sins they have committed. Blessed are they that mourn for the sins they have committed because godly sorrow worketh repentance. (2 Cor. 7:10)
  3. How do we show that we feel sorry for the sins we have committed? Pray and ask for forgiveness, right the wrong, do not do it again.
  4. They shall be comforted. Repentance brings comforting forgiveness.
  1. Meek (3 Nephi 12:5)
  2. Someone who is gentle, kind, and patient. To be meek is to be gentle and kind. It is also someone who has self-control and is not quick to become provoked or angry.
  3. In what ways can we demonstrate meekness? We can be patient with family members and friends. We can be kind to those who wrong us.
  4. They shall inherit the earth. The earth will someday be sanctified and celestialized (D&C 88:18), so those who inherit the earth will be those who are worthy to inherit the celestial kingdom.
  1. [They who do] Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness (3 Nephi 12:6)
  2. A person who desires to fill their life with goodness. We should have a desire to fill our lives with the things of God like we desire to fill our bodies with food and water.
  3. In what ways can we fill our lives with righteousness? Learn gospel principles by studying the scriptures and by listening to our teachers and leaders. Keep the commandments. Avoid evil and temptation.
  4. They shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. When we do good and righteous things, the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion
  1. Merciful (3 Nephi 12:7)
  2. Someone who is compassionate and forgiving.
  3. In what situations can we show mercy?
  4. They shall obtain mercy. They shall receive mercy in the Day of Judgment (when we are judged according to the deeds we did on earth). (3 Nephi 13:14-15)
  1. Pure in Heart (3 Nephi 12:8)
  2. Someone who is genuinely clean and good in thought and action.
  3. What are some examples of good thoughts and actions?
  4. They shall see God. In order to be with our Heavenly Father we must be pure of heart, for no unclean can enter into the kingdom of heaven.
  1. Peacemakers (3 Nephi 12:9)
  2. Those who encourage harmony and peace. Peacemakers look for ways to help solve problems peacefully. (Show the children the picture of the boy being a peacemaker.)
  3. What are some other situations that you can be a peacemaker?
  4. They shall be called the children of God. Those who are troublemakers, quarrelsome, or contentious, and those who go against law and order are following paths opposite those who choose to be obedient to their covenants to take upon themselves the name of Christ.
  1. Persecuted for My Name’s Sake (3 Nephi 12:10)
  2. Someone who stands up for the right despite opposition. Explain that the message in 3 Nephi 12:10 continues in verse 11 and 12 and says, “Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute (tease, make fun of, or torment), and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (because of the  desire to follow Jesus and obey the commandments,); For ye shall have great joy and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you.”
  3. In what ways can we stand up for our beliefs in Jesus Christ and his gospel? Be obedient to the commandments even when others are not choosing the right. Let others know what your beliefs are.
  4. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
  1. Salt of the Earth (3 Nephi 12:13) What does salt do? It enhances flavor. (Optional: Show an example of this with some cooked pasta.)
  2. Someone who influences and enhances people’s lives for good. Just as salt enhances food and makes it taste better, we should influence people for good. Why wouldn’t you want to use the contaminated salt? (The dirt would give the food a bad flavor, and it could be unsafe to ingest.)  Explain that through contamination, salt loses its desirable taste and flavor. If we contaminate our lives with the dirt and evil of the world, then we could become a negative influence on others, and we could cause great spiritual harm.
  3. How can we be a good influence and example to others?
  4. Glorify your Father in Heaven. This blessing actually goes with the scripture about being a light, which also means to be a good example. (3 Nephi 12:16) “Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Glorify means to worship and praise. People seeing your good works will have a desire to worship God and follow his commandments.
  1. Has Sincere Intents and Actions (3 Nephi 13:1-4)
  2. A person who has proper motives and intentions when doing good works such as the following:  Service:  Read 3 Nephi 13:1-4. (Explain that giving alms means to give money or food to the poor.) In this scripture, the Savior tells us we need to serve the needy, but we must do it with pure intentions and motives. We must not do it for personal, selfish motives such as to look good or to get praise. Prayer: Read 3 Nephi 13: 5-7. The Savior tells us we also need to pray with pure intent and not use vain repetition (fancy words used without thought or feeling to try and look good and get praise). The prophet Mormon warned that if anyone shall pray and not with real intent of heart … it profiteth him nothing, for God receiveth none such. (Moroni 7:9) Fasting: Read 3 Nephi 13:16-18.           Point out that each of the scriptures that were read indicate that we are not to be hypocrites. A hypocrite is a person who says one thing and does another. An example of a hypocrite is a person who pretends to be good and spiritual by doing public service, fancy public prayers, or public fasting but really has little desire to help others or serve God.
  3. What are some ways we can avoid being hypocrites? If we say we believe in something such as honesty, kindness, forgiveness, that is the way we should be.
  4. [The Father shall] Reward thee openly. When we do good works in secret and not to get gain the Father will reward us openly.
  1. Obeys the Law of the Gospel
  2. Someone who abides by the fullness of the gospel. During the sermon to the Nephites, the Lord talked about the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses had been established with the Israelites, but it did not contain the fullness of the gospel. It was a strict preparatory gospel of ordinances and performances. The Israelites had been rebellious, and the Law of Moses was meant to keep them in remembrance of God and their duty towards him. (Mosiah 13:27-32) It was also meant to help the people look forward to the coming atoning sacrifice of Christ. When the Savior’s mortal mission was completed, the law was fulfilled—the atonemeant had occurred. (Read 3 Nephi 12:46-47) Old things had passed away and the Law of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was now in place, which is the fullness of the gospel.
  3. Activity: Show the cardstock labeled with the “Law of Moses” and “Law of the Gospel” strips. Show the children the other strips and tell them to find two laws that seem to match and put the higher law under the “Law of the Gospel” sign. Explain why it is a higher law. For example, it is easy to love your neighbor, but it is harder to love your enemy; it’s easy not to kill, but it’s hard not to get angry; it is easy to have the desire to make someone to pay for hurting you, but it is harder to have mercy and forgive. Have the children read the scripture references to check the answers. Also have them write the Law of the Gospel items on the arms and legs of their paper doll.
  4. Have the children read 3 Nephi 12:20 and look for the blessing we gain when we follow the Law of the Gospel. Saved and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.


If we follow the pattern and instructions Christ has set for us (point to the fold out), we can become like the Savior and live in a “blessed and happy” state now and throughout eternity.

Encourage each child to go home and choose one of the items to work on this week. Tell them to fold open their paper doll figures to that item and post it somewhere in their room to remind them of their goal. Give each child a copy of the body labels and small jewels. Explain that they can cut out the body label and attach it to their doll figure before starting the goal to remind them of what it means. At the end of the week they can color and cut out the jewel that matches their goal and put it on the doll to remind them of the blessing they can obtain from obtaining that characteristic. Encourage the children to continue to work on a different characteristic each week.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: 3 Nephi 12:1-48 and 3 Nephi 13:1-24.

(The new reading chart can be found here.)

Prophet: Thomas S. Monson

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Table of Contents


A Jericho Road” Thomas learns an important lesson about unselfishness when his mother gives a widow’s son a train at Christmas.

Friend August 2015 “Fire”  Thomas learns the importance of obedience after starting a grass fire with matches.

Friend January 2016 As a deacon, President took the sacrament to a homebound man.


Young Adult

Friend April 2017 “Follow the Prophet” Thomas Monson wanted to be an officer in the military. Harold B. Lee told Thomas the military wasn’t for him, so Thomas gave up his commision. A few week school later he was called as a bishop.


Friend June 2016 President Monson wrote letters to members of the military in his ward. We can follow his example.



Friend Feb 2015 “Showing Love Through Service” Elder Monson gives his suit to a man in Germany whose suit was worn out.


Friend Sept 1987 “Blaze,…” Elder Monson shares his faith in the power of prayer when a boy’s horse becomes sick.

Friend November 1987 “Gift of Faith” During a visit to a village in Samoa, Elder Monson is inspired to shake each child’s hand. He finds out they had prayed for that.



Overview of His Life

Friend February 2018 “Remembering President Thomas S. Monson” Includes photos

Three Wagons in a Row: Pioneer Game

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Tic Tac Toe – Three Wagons in a Row: Pioneer Game


  • Print nine wagons onto white cardstock. Cut out and put together the wagons with tape or glue. (I used double-sided tape so I can take them apart and store then in a file when not in use.) Cut three long pieces of string or twine and put three wagons on each string (see picture). Tie the ends of the string in knots or loops.
  • Cut out nine 10X10 inch squares of fabric or brown lunch sack paper. Each of these squares will be made into a bag. I plan on putting song titles in some of my bags. Pioneer story titles, treats, game or activity items could also be put in the bags. Choose what to put in the bag and put one in the middle of each cut out square. Draw up the sides of each square into a sachet type bag. Tie each bag with twine or string. Put one bag in each wagon.
  • Draw a large tic tac toe game board on the chalkboard. Put each string of wagons across a row. (Our chalk board has bulletin boards on each side so I plan on using tacks to attach the strings to each side of the board. Duck tape might also work on the edge of the board.) Make sure there is enough room for the wagons to be pushed off the tic tac toe board on each side. Start with the wagons all on the left side of the board (off the tic tac toe board).
  • Print a dice and write the numbers one, two, or three on each of the spaces, or put two sets of each of these numbers in a bag.


Game Rules: Have a child roll the dice (or draw out numbers from a bag). The child moves one of the wagons the rolled amount of spaces across the tic tac toe board. Another child rolls the dice and does the same thing. The object of the game is to get three wagons  in a row, diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. This is not a competition. There are no teams. Let each Primary child take a turn rolling the dice and moving a wagon.

When one of the children gets three wagons in a row they get to choose one of the wagons and get its bag out. Whatever is inside the bag is the activity the Primary children will do, such as singing a pioneer song, or listening to a pioneer story, or doing a pioneer game or activity. After the activity, have the children continue playing the game in the same manner until all the bag activities have been done (or until time runs out).

(When there are no spaces where they can move a wagon, they must choose one of the wagons to slide off the game board to the right as their turn. When all three wagons on a string are on the right side of the board, they can start moving them back across to the left side of the board.)



Pioneer: Stories

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Celebrating Pioneer Day

Friend July 2017 “Pioneer Night” A family celebrates Pioneer Day for Family Home Evening.

Friend July 2019 “For Older Kids” “I got to play a part in the British pageant. I have really enjoyed portraying a wonderful girl. I have learnt the sorrow she felt and the brave personality she was. The opportunity of being in the pageant has bought me closer to the Saviour, and I will never forget it!” Poppy F., age 11, West Sussex, England

Pioneer Courage

Friend July 2017 “Road to Zion” After Mary’s father has a stroke, Mary gets her family to Utah traveling alone in their wagon.

Pioneer Trek

Friend January 1986 “Ellen Pucell Unthank” While crossing the plains in handcarts, Nellie’s parents died and Nellie’s feet froze and had to be amputated, but she remained faithful and thankful.

Friend June 1988 “The Scent of Lilacs”  Becky and her brothers and sisters lose both their mother and their father as they travel to the salt lake valley.

Friend June 1987 “Jacob Hamblin” Jacob has a reputation for being honest with the Indians, which his son finds out.


Friend July 1984

Friend July 1984

Friend July 1987 A little boy went missing from a handcart company. The father was to use a shawl to signal the mother if he found the boy alive.


Friend July 1987 “The China Doll” Lou worries there won’t be room for her doll in the covered wagon.




Friend July 2015 Part 1 of 2.  Two girls leave their mother in Sweden & travel to America

Friend August 2015 Part 2

Pioneers that Prepared the Way

A pioneer is someone who goes before others and prepares the way for them.

Friend July 2018 “A Different Kind of Pioneer” Gabby doesn’t have any ancestors that crossed the plains to tell about at Primary Activity Day, so she tells about her great-grandmother who was a pioneer through her faith in God. Her faith influenced  Gabby’s mother to join the church.

Friend July 2016 “A Priceless Heritage” When President Eyring’s great grandfather joined the church he left a priceless heritage for his descendants.


A Different Kind of Pioneer” – Friend July 1984 – Girl gives a Primary talk about her family joining the church.

Friend July 2019 “Mara the Pioneer” Mara learns that she is a pioneer because the church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years.

Pioneers in Every Land

Friend April 2021 “Julia Mavimbela” During a time of racism and violence in South Africa, Julia wanted to bring goodness to her community, so she started a community garden. She taught love and forgiveness. Then she met missionaries and joined the church. She continued to teach love and helped start Women for Peace, a group to promote unity and peace in South Africa.

Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.

7th Article of Faith

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“We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.”

Friend June 2021 “Matt and Mandy” In FHE the family discusses the seventh article of faith about gifts of the spirit.

Friend July 1987

Friend July 1987

Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Pearl of Great Price “7th Article of Faith: Spiritual Gifts” Match each picture to its spiritual gift.

Friend June 2015

Memorization Tip: Article of Faith 7 is about gifts of the Spirit. Seven and Spiritboth begin with s!

Articles of Faith in Action: When I was seven, I was sick with a fever for a few days. I prayed about what to do. A warm feeling came to me, and the Holy Ghost told me to ask for a blessing. I asked my dad for a blessing. He called our home teacher to come help. When my dad gave the blessing, I felt the Spirit. At the end of the day, I felt much better. Faith M., age 11, Minnesota, USA

Jesus: Activities & Games

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Jesus Loves Us

Friend December 2021 “Jesus Loves Us All”

Jesus as a Child

Friend January 2019 “Family Night Fun”

  1. Read the story about Jesus. Talk about how Jesus grew up in the same ways we do.
  2. Take turns rolling the cube. Read the cube and do the pose or roll again.
  3. Everyone stay posed until they say one thing they’re doing to grow in that way. Once everyone shares, the next person rolls.
  4. Coloring Page

Jesus was Baptized

Friend February 2019 “Coloring Page”

Jesus was Kind and Loving

Friend January 2018 “Colors of Kindness” Crossword puzzle of ways Jesus showed kindness to others.

Jesus with Children

Friend May 2019 “Coloring Page: Jesus Prayed for Children”

Jesus Heals

Names of Jesus

Friend November 2019 “Funstuff: Names of Jesus” There are many different names used for Jesus Christ in the scriptures. Can you find some of these names in the word search?

Friend December 2022 “The Many Names of Jesus”


Friend September 2021 “Singing for Jesus” Songs about Jesus can bring us peace and comfort

Jesus Teaches


Friend May 2019 “Funstuff: Jesus’s Parables” Jesus taught using parables, or stories. Help the traveler find his way through this New Testament city by answering questions about some parables Jesus taught.

Good Shepherd

Friend July 2020 “Help the Sheep” Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we are His sheep. Game: Roll the dice and move that many spaces. If you land on the end of a shepherd’s cane, go up to the end of the cane. If you land on sheep tracks, follow the tracks down. The first one to reach the finish square wins.

Friend June 2018 “Apostles Testify of Jesus”  “Shepherds lead their sheep to food, water, and shelter and protect their sheep from harm. Jesus taught that He is the Good Shepherd. When we choose to follow Him, He can lead us to safety and peace. Lead the sheep safely home through the maze!”

Last Supper

Coloring Page

After Resurrection

Jesus’s Life

Friend November 2019 “Stories of Jesus” The stained-glass window in the visitors’ center of the Rome Italy Temple is full of stories about what Jesus taught and what He did. Can you find them in this coloring page?

Friend March 2018 “Let’s Learn About Jesus” Point to the picture that goes with each sentence.

Blessings from Jesus

Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Blessing from Jesus” Match the cards to finish each sentence. Examples: Because Jesus died for us… … everyone who dies will live again. Because Jesus paid for our sins… …we can repent and be forgiven.

The Living Christ

Friend January 2019 “The Living Christ” The prophets and apostles wrote “The Living Christ” to tell the world about Jesus. Read part of it each month and memorize the words in red. Fill in the blanks with words from the picture to learn more about this first quote. Also, color the card and collect a new one each month.

Friend February 2019 Names of Christ and Jesus is the creator of the earth.

Friend March 2019 Following Jesus example of helping others. Make a map of where you walk and ways you can help.

Friend April 2019 “The Living Christ” He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. He gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind.

Friend May 2019 “The Living Christ” Jesus’s life didn’t begin when He was born or end when He died. Use the scriptures to fill in the puzzle and talk about what Jesus did in each place of his life.

Friend November 2019 “The Living Christ” The apostles bear testimony of Jesus .Use the hints page to fill in the blanks. The highlighted letters give the final message!

Friendship: Activities & Games

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Friendshipping Others

Friend February 2022 “Soccer Riddle” Alessio invited his new neighbor, Sara, to play soccer with his friends! Use the clues to help Sara learn all their names.

Friend November 2022 “How Can I Help Everyone Feel Welcome?”

Friend September 2017 “Find It” Everyone should have someone to play with at recess! Samantha and Jia want to help. Can you help them find those kids who might need a friend?

Friend September 2019 “Find It” These friends play board games together after school. They like to invite new students to play so they can all make new friends! Can you find the hidden objects?

Friend January 2023 “A Story of Friendship” Fill in the speech bubbles to write your own story below! How do you invite and include people around you?

Finding Friends

Find Things in Common

Friend February 2024 “Friendship Finder” Circle the thing each pair of friends has in common.

We Need Each Other

Friend August 2017 “Row Together” Match each person with another person who has what they need. This activity shows some ways we need each other, such as you can’t play a team sport without other people, or we need each other’s talents to accomplish certain things. (Link also includes a story)

Friend February 2015


Friend September 2016

Friend September 2016

Friend Aug 1981

Friend April 2016

Friend April 2016

Friend February 1984 – Link includes instructions

Friend February 1984 - Link includes instructions

Being a Friend

Friend June 2018 “Family Night Fun” Add to the chain each time you do something towards being a good friend such as being kind, including others, etc.

Each Friend is Unique

Friend September 2018 “Food & Fun: Getting to Know You”  Play this game to learn more about what makes your friends unique! Write questions and wrap them into a ball.

Friends Around the World

Friend April 2017 “Everybody Needs a Friend” Match the way to say hello with the country’s flag. Also, find something in common like soccer. (Link includes a soccer maze.)

Friends Work Together

Friend August 2021 “Animal Games”

Friends Can Include Others

Friend September 2021 “Find It” These friends invited others to play with them. They want everyone to feel welcome! Can you find the hidden items in the picture?

Friends Help Each Other

Friend February 2022 “Activity Time” These friends like to help each other at school. How are these pictures the same? How are they different?

Friends Play Together in Kind Ways

Friend September 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Being Honest” These friends are playing a game. Can you find the hidden hearts?

Lesson 19: The Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s Covenant

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Lesson 19
The Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s Covenant

• Print the story visuals and cut each page in half, except for the last page. Number the back of the scripture story pages to help keep them in order.  (Note: The scripture story visual aids are from chapter twenty-six of Book of Mormon Stories, and the picture of the dog is from Microsoft word clipart.)
• Print and cut out the commandment/situation word strips. Fold the strips and put them into a small container.
• Items needed: chalk and eraser, a shallow dish such as a cake pan, two disposable plastic or styrofoam cups (fill one cup with water and put it in the freezer), a small Tupperware container of water, tongs, one plastic spoon per child, enough ice cubes to half fill a gallon sized Ziploc bag, a small ice chest, 1/3 cup of rock salt, a gallon sized Ziploc bag, and a sandwich sized Ziploc bag filled with the following ice-cream ingredients: 1 cup half-and-half, 2 tablespoons sugar, ½ teaspoon vanilla. (Squeeze the air out of the bag before sealing it.) Put the ice cubes, frozen water, and ice cream ingredients into the ice chest to keep them cold.

Attention Story
There were once two girls who promised their mother they would wash the family dog. Their mother promised that if they would do that chore she would take them swimming. (Show the picture of the dog.) Washing the dog was a harder task than either of the children expected.  It was a messy, dirty job, and the dog did not want to be washed. The dog would squirm away as they were trying to wash it, and then it would roll in the dirt and get dirty again. In frustration, one of the children stopped working and would not help anymore. The other child continued to try and finish the task. She eventually figured out a way to keep the dog contained so it could not get away. She was able to finish washing and drying the dog even though it was a difficult job.

• When the task of washing the dog got difficult how did each child respond? One child gave up and did not finish the task, and the other kept her promise and finished the task.

Pour water into the empty plastic cup, and put the cup in the shallow dish. Explain to the children that the cup of water represents someone who is not firm in keeping their promises. When pressure or difficulty arises, their resolve to keep their commitment breaks. (Demonstrate this by applying pressure to the container with your hand. The container will crush and water will spill out.)

Show the children the cup of ice. Tell them it represents someone who is firm in keeping their commitments regardless of difficulty or pressure. Squeeze the cup. It should be firm and unyielding.

• Remind the children that promises should not be made lightly. What happens if we don’t keep our word and are not dependable? We may lose the trust of others. The girl who did not help wash the dog was not trusted to complete certain future tasks without supervision, but the girl who kept her promise was allowed more freedom and trust.

If we do not keep our promises we also do not get the promised benefits agreed upon in two-way promises. The girl that didn’t help wash the dog was not able to go swimming that day.

A two-way promise between two people is when both people promise something. When one person breaks their side of the promise the other person is not responsible to fulfill their side of the agreement.

• What is a two-way promise called that is made between us and Heavenly Father? A covenant.

We make covenants with Heavenly Father when we are baptized. If we keep our covenants we can gain the promised rewards, including the greatest reward of all, the gift of eternal life. Those who are given eternal life have great freedom and power. Only those who can be trusted to do the right thing are given that freedom and power.

In today’s lesson we learn about a group of people who were firm in keeping their covenants even in the face of great difficulty and adversity.

Scripture Story
Teach the following scripture story using pictures from chapter twenty-six of Book of Mormon Stories as visual aids.

Because of the efforts of the sons of Mosiah many Lamanites had been converted to the gospel. The king of the Lamanites and all those who were converted had changed their natures. They were a new people and did not want to be called Lamanites anymore. They wanted to be called by a new name. The king consulted with Aaron and many of their priests, and they chose a new name to call themselves.

They decided to be called Anti-Nephi-Lehies. (Write the name on the board.) Tell the children that the word “anti” does not have the modern day meaning of being opposed to something. In some languages the word “anti” has a meaning similar to the word “imitation.” The people who had been converted desired to become like Lehi and Nephi. They chose a name to reflect that righteous desire.

The Lamanites who had not been converted were very angry at all those who were converted to the teachings of the Nephites. They began to rebel against the king. They took up arms to destroy the king and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. The king died in the same year that the Lamanites began to make preparations for war against the people of God. Before he died he conferred the kingdom upon one of his sons.

• Why did the unconverted Lamanites want to destroy the Anti-Nephi-Lehies? It was a Lamanite tradition to believe that the Nephite way was wrong. The unconverted Lamanites may have felt anger towards the Ant-Nephi-Lehies for following the Nephite way. Another reason may have been that the changes in those who had become converted made the other Lamanites feel anger at the reminders of the evil things they were doing. They may have wanted to destroy that goodness and not feel the guilt.

When Ammon and his brethren saw the preparations of the Lamanites to destroy the Anti- Nephi-Lehies, they came to the land of Ishmael to talk to the new Lamanite king and to Lamoni, his brother, concerning what the Anti-Nephi-Lehies should do to defend themselves against the Lamanites.

The king, and none of the people who had been converted to the Lord, would take up arms to fight against their brethren the Lamanites. They would not even make preparations for war. They had repented of the murders they had committed in unrighteous wars. They were afraid that if they took up arms to fight and kill again, they would again be stained with sin, and they might not be forgiven this time. They decided to bury their weapons deep in the earth as a covenant to God that they would not kill again.

• Have the children look at the pictures of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies collecting and burying their weapons, and ask the children what kinds of weapons the picture suggests were buried. Have them look closely at the picture to identify the different types of weapons.

• What could happen to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies if they didn’t have weapons to defend themselves against attack? They could die.

• Why did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies value their covenants more than their lives? They were overwhelmingly grateful to the Lord for forgiving them of their sins. They understood the eternal value of what they had gained and did not want to lose it.

• When someone makes a covenant or promise, an action is usually performed as a token or sign of the covenant such as shaking hands, signing a document, etc. What was the token or sign of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s covenant to never kill again? Burial of their weapons

• When you made your first covenants with Heavenly Father at age eight what action did you perform as a sign of your commitment? Baptism

When the Lamanites came into the land to destroy the king and his people, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies went out to meet them. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies prostrated themselves on the earth, which meant they bowed themselves very low, or they laid on the ground with their faces down. They then began to call on the name of the Lord praising him. They were in this attitude when the Lamanites began to fall upon them and slay them with the sword. Without meeting any resistance the Lamanites killed 1,005 of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.

• Why were the Anti-Nephi-Lehies praising God and not afraid to die? (See Alma 27:28) They were grateful for and had faith in Jesus Christ. They knew that because of Jesus Christ they could be resurrected.

When the Lamanites saw that their brethren would not flee from the sword, but they would lie down and perish as they were praising God, they stopped slaying them. Many of the Lamanites felt sorrow and remorse for killing their brethren the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. They threw down their weapons of war, and they would not take them up again. They repented and joined with the people of God. The amount of people that joined the people of God was more than the number who had been slain.

Those Lamanites who did not join the Anti-Nephi-Lehies became even angrier because they had slain their brethren. They put the blame on the Nephites and swore vengeance upon them. The Lamanites took their armies and went to the Nephite lands.

The Lamanites had many battles with the Nephites. When the Lamanites saw that could not overpower the Nephites, they returned again to their own land. After suffering much loss and affliction, many of them joined the Anti-Nephi-Lehies because they began to believe in the Lord. They believed that he gave great power to the Nephites.

But a hard hearted group of people that lived among the Lamanites began to stir up the other Lamanites again in anger against the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. These hard hearted people were apostate Nephites. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies again refused to take up arms, and they once again suffered themselves to be slain.

• Apostates are people who have turned away from the truth. Why are apostates often hard hearted? (Read Alma 24:30)

When Ammon and his brethren saw the work of destruction among those whom they loved, they asked the king to gather the people and flee to the Nephites. The king was afraid the Nephites would destroy them because of the many murders and sins they had committed against them. Ammon told the king he would ask the Lord what they should do. The king said that if the Lord gave direction that they should go, then they would go. Ammon went and inquired of the Lord. The Lord told him to get the people out of the land because Satan had a great hold on the hearts of the Amalekites (the apostate Nephites).

So the Anti-Nephi-Lehies gathered their possessions and went to the borders of the Nephite land. Ammon and his brothers went to Zarahemla to talk to the Nephites. They talked to the chief judge and told him all the things that had happened. The chief judge sent a proclamation throughout all the land desiring the voice of the people concerning admitting the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. The Nephite people said they would give the land of Jershon to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. They also said they would set their armies between the land of Jershon and the Lamanites to protect them so the Anti-Nephi-Lehies would not have to take up arms against their brethren the Lamanites. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies would merely have to provide food and substance for the army. When Ammon returned and told them the news, they were filled with joy.

• Why were the Nephites willing to help the Anti-Nephi-Lehies? Because of the preaching of Alma, the Nephite people had become righteous. They were trying to do what the Lord would have them do.

The Anti-Nephi-Lehies took possession of the land of Jershon and became known as the people of Ammon. They were distinguished for their zeal towards God, and they were perfectly honest and upright in their treatment towards others.


Remind the children that the Anti-Nephi-Lehies stayed firm in keeping their covenants. Show the children the cup of ice again, and explain that just as we would have to put water in a freezer to keep it firm, we also need to do certain things in order to stay firm in keeping our covenants. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies kept firm in keeping their covenants by deciding ahead of time what they would do if they were attacked, and they also figured out a solution to their difficult situation. In order to stay firm in keeping our covenants we need to decide ahead of time how we will react to temptation, and we need to figure out solutions to our challenging problems and situations.

Show the children the small sealed Ziploc bag filled with the liquid ingredients. Explain to the children that the bag represents keeping covenants, and its contents represent the covenants. Put the small bag into the big Ziploc bag.

Remind the children that when they made covenants at baptism, one of the covenants they promised to keep was to obey the commandments. Have a child choose a commandment/situation from the container and read it out loud. Ask the children how they could respond to that situation so they can keep firm in keeping their covenants.

For every answer the children give, have them use the tongs and get a piece of ice from the ice chest and put it into the large Ziploc bag. Explain that the ice represents staying firm in keeping our covenants by finding solutions and preparing ahead. Ideas for possible solutions to each of the situations could include:

Keep the Sabbath Day Holy – Take a gift over and do something fun with that friend on another day.
Be Honest – Explain to the neighbor and your parents what happened, and offer to do work to pay for the damage.
Do Not Cheat – Offer to teach them how to do the problems you understood, and then ask for their help figuring out how to do  the problems you didn’t understand.
Obey Your Parents – Put some music on and make a game out of the cleaning, or divide the room into sections so it isn’t so overwhelming.
Dress Modestly- Put a shirt with sleeves under the immodest shirt, or wear a shrug over the shirt.
Tithing – Ask your mom if there is a job you can do for her to earn some money.
Do Not Use Profanity – Ask your friends to not use profanity around you, or find new friends who don’t use profanity,
Pray – Get up a little bit earlier to make time to pray.
Read the Scriptures – Use a study guide to help you understand the scriptures.
Be Kind to Others – Include the child and place him in a position that isn’t too difficult, and practice with the child later to help him become better.
Be Chaste – Ask your parents to help put controls on the computer so those kinds of sites can’t be accessed, or make it a goal to use the computer only when others are around.
Keep the Word of Wisdom – Explain to your friend that you don’t drink alcohol or take drugs because it can be dangerous and harmful to your body, and then suggest something fun they can do instead.

After each commandment situation has been discussed, or when the bag is half full of ice, pour the rock salt onto the ice and seal the bag. Shake or squeeze the bag for a minute, and explain that the action represents problems and temptations that are thrown at them. Give each of the children a turn shaking the bag.

After about five minutes of shaking the bag, check the ice cream. It should be the consistency of frozen yogurt. Give each child one large plastic spoonful of ice cream.

  • Ask the children what happened to the liquid because they added ice to the bag. (It became a delicious frozen treat.)
  • Ask what the wonderful results would be of staying firm in keeping our covenants. We could gain eternal life, which is the greatest of all God’s gifts.

Weekly Reading Assignment

Remind the children to do their scripture reading assignment for this week: Alma 23:16-17, Alma 24:1-30, Alma 25:1-6, Alma 25:13-14, and Alma 27:1-30