Missionary #1

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Why Share the Gospel –  Activity

• Items needed: A gift bag or gift box, paper and pencils, scriptures

Attention Activity
Show the family the gift bag/box. Hand out a paper and pencil to each person. Have the family members write down what they think would be the greatest gift they could give to someone. Collect the papers and put them in the gift bag/box. Pull out one response at a time, and read and discuss the responses. (Make sure to point out the positive of each person’s response, such as fun, needed, useful, long lasting, etc)

Have the family look up and read D&C 14:7 – “If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.”

God has given us many wonderful things on this earth, but according to this scripture the gift of eternal life is better than anything we could ever receive on earth. Eternal life (or exaltation) is to live in God’s presence and live the kind of life He has.

We can not give someone eternal life, but we can share something with others that will help them get on the path towards gaining eternal life.

• What do you think that is? The gospel (The gospel is all the doctrines, laws, and ordinances needed to gain eternal life.)

Missionary #2

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Why Share the Gospel – Scripture Story and Object Lesson


  • Print pictures from Doctrine-and-Covenant-Stories. Divide each picture page by cutting on the dotted lines.
  • Gather ingredients to make a chocolate cake. Also collect a mixing bowl, a spoon, and a few extra odd items such as pickles, mustard, etc.


Scripture Story – Apostasy and Restoration

 (Teach the following story using the pictures from Doctrine and Covenants Stories as visual aids.  Read the following corresponding text as you show the pictures to the family.)

#1) The gospel has been on the earth since the time of Adam, whenever there has been a righteous man who has authority to administer in God’s name, and a people who are willing to listen to and accept the gospel.

#2) When people reject and rebel against the commandments of God, they are in a state of apostasy (a turning away from truth). They lose the blessings of divine guidance and authority. This happened several times during the Old Testament time period. Another time period apostasy occurred was after the Savior was resurrected.

#3) After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the apostles continued to teach people about Jesus and his gospel. Many people joined the church, but soon apostasy began to creep into the church. Some of the people began to turn away from the truth and teach false ideas based on their old religious beliefs.

#4) During this time period, there was also persecution going on from outside the church. Many church members were persecuted and killed because of their beliefs. One by one the apostles were all killed by these persecutors.  After the apostles died, the priesthood keys and authority were no longer on the earth.  Because of the wicked state of the people, they were not restored to the earth at that time. Without prophets and apostles to lead and guide, more and more error crept into church doctrine. Knowledge and understanding about many important doctrines were lost, including the knowledge of the purpose of life.

#5) Ordinances were also changed. Baptisms began to be preformed on babies instead of waiting until a child had grown to the age of accountability. Baptisms also began to be done by sprinkling water instead of  by immersion.  Because of the changes to doctrine and ordinances, and the loss of priesthood keys and authority, the true church was no longer on the earth.

Object Lesson

Show the family the chocolate cake ingredients you gathered. Tell them you don’t have the recipe, but  it doesn’t matter because you think you can remember how to do it. Tell them you also want to make a few changes and add some things to the cake that you think will make it taste better.  Mix ingredients in random amounts, and add a few of the extra items.  Ask the family if they think your concoction will make a delicious chocolate cake? Why not? Without the right ingredients and recipe, the end result won’t be as hoped for.

Tell the family that just as the cake needed the correct ingredients, it is also necessary for a church to consist of the correct components, which includes correct doctrines and ordinances, and power and authority from God.

  •  How and when was the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth again?  In 1830, through Joseph Smith


#6) When Joseph Smith was young, he noticed how the different churches interpreted the same things in different ways. He wanted to know which of all the teachings and churches were correct.

#7) As he prayed for an answer, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. The restoration process then began. Joseph Smith, who had been chosen for this responsiblity because of his faithfulness in the preexistence, helped restore the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth once again.  Because of the restoration we now have vital truths, knowledge, and the true priesthood authority that had been lost.

Missionary #3

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“The Gospel – The Greatest Gift We Could Give”


  •  Print and cut out the pictures and gift boxes.  Cut off the grey parts under the gift box lid and in the box opening.  Evenly space and attach all four boxes (not the lids) to a piece of card stock by taping or gluing down the two side edges and the bottom edges of the boxes. Read the game clues and then put the pictures into the top opening of their correctly colored box. Put non-permanent double sided tape on the edges of the lid and attach them to the top of their matching box.                                                                                                                                                                       


Show the family the gift boxes, and tell them that when they share the gospel with others they are sharing all the restored parts of Jesus Christ’s gospel. It is the most wonderful gift they can give. It is a gift of love for friends and family. These gifts help them attain the greatest gift of all which is the gift of eternal life.

Read the clues below and see if the family can guess some of the restored gifts that are available to our friends and family when we share the gospel.  When the clue is correctly guessed, take the lid off and pull the picture up so that most of the picture can be seen but the bottom edge is still in the box.

 Have the family member that is in charge of the stories read or tell the listed story after each match has been made.


Red Box  Because of this gift we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman. What is this gift?  (THE LIVING PROPHET)  

 Yellow Box Because of this gift we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.  What is this gift?  (LATTER DAY SCRIPTURES) Book of Mormon D&C and Pearl of Great Price 

Purple Box This gift allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever. What is this gift? ( TEMPLES)

Green Box Because of this gift we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism. What is this gift? (PRIESTHOOD AUTHORITY)

What other wonderful gifts were available when the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored? Some ideas might be….

Baptism Because this gift, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.

Holy Ghost Because of this gift we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.

Imagine what your life would be like without all these wonderful gifts in your life. Explain to the family that they have these blessings in their life because somebody shared the gospel with a family member.

 Share how the first person in your family line was taught the gospel.

Missionary #5 – Song

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“Because I Have Been Given Much” – Hymn # 219 (First verse)


  • Print the song pictures. Cut out the boy and girl figures, the word strips, the word bubble, and the gift boxes. Fold the box lids on the lines and glue or tape the lid down.
  • Items needed: a display board, tape to post pictures on the display board, a CD player, and the music CD’s of the hymns. (This song is not on the church website because of copyright issues, but CD’s of the hymns can be found at meeting house libraries or church distribution centers.)

Song Instructions

Post the main picture of the two girls on the display board. After discussing a line of the song, put up the word strip under the picture.  Also add the pictures called for that go with that line.

Because I have been given much

Discussion – Ask the family what are some of the gifts and blessings we enjoy because we are members of the restored church of Jesus Christ?

Picture – As the family gives their answers, put  a couple of the gift pictures next to the child with the scriptures. 

I too must give.

Discussion – Because we have been given the knowledge of the gospel, we  must share that gift with others so they too can enjoy the blessings of the gospel.

Picture -Take one of the gifts off and put it next to the other child.

Because of thy great bounty Lord

Discussion – Bounty means generosity.

Picture – Put two more gifts next to the child with the scriptures to represent bounty.

Each day I live.

Discussion – Because of these gospel gifts, we live in happiness. Point out how happy the girl on the right looks, and that she wants to share that happiness with her friend.

Picture – Point to the girl’s happy face.

I shall divide my gifts from thee

Picture – Put one of the gifts over by the child on the left.

With every brother that I see,

Discussion – Who are our brothers and sisters? (Everyone in the world, because we are all sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. )

Picture – Put the other children next to the child on the left.

Who has the need of help from me.

Discussion – Why would others have need of help from you to learn about the gospel?   (In D&C 123:12 it says that they are kept from truth because they know not where to find it.)

Picture – Put up word bubble next to the children on the left.

Sing the Song.

Use the CD for accompaniment. Take off the pictures before singing the song, and add them as you sing.

After singing, remind the family what the first two lines of the song are, and then take those word strips off. Using the picture aids as reminders, sing the song again. Do this with each two lines of the song until the family can sing the song without word reminders.