“Because I Have Been Given Much” – Hymn # 219 (First verse)
- Print the song pictures. Cut out the boy and girl figures, the word strips, the word bubble, and the gift boxes. Fold the box lids on the lines and glue or tape the lid down.
- Items needed: a display board, tape to post pictures on the display board, a CD player, and the music CD’s of the hymns. (This song is not on the church website because of copyright issues, but CD’s of the hymns can be found at meeting house libraries or church distribution centers.)
Song Instructions
Post the main picture of the two girls on the display board. After discussing a line of the song, put up the word strip under the picture. Also add the pictures called for that go with that line.
Because I have been given much
Discussion – Ask the family what are some of the gifts and blessings we enjoy because we are members of the restored church of Jesus Christ?
Picture – As the family gives their answers, put a couple of the gift pictures next to the child with the scriptures.
I too must give.
Discussion – Because we have been given the knowledge of the gospel, we must share that gift with others so they too can enjoy the blessings of the gospel.
Picture -Take one of the gifts off and put it next to the other child.
Because of thy great bounty Lord
Discussion – Bounty means generosity.
Picture – Put two more gifts next to the child with the scriptures to represent bounty.
Each day I live.
Discussion – Because of these gospel gifts, we live in happiness. Point out how happy the girl on the right looks, and that she wants to share that happiness with her friend.
Picture – Point to the girl’s happy face.
I shall divide my gifts from thee
Picture – Put one of the gifts over by the child on the left.
With every brother that I see,
Discussion – Who are our brothers and sisters? (Everyone in the world, because we are all sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. )
Picture – Put the other children next to the child on the left.
Who has the need of help from me.
Discussion – Why would others have need of help from you to learn about the gospel? (In D&C 123:12 it says that they are kept from truth because they know not where to find it.)
Picture – Put up word bubble next to the children on the left.
Sing the Song.
Use the CD for accompaniment. Take off the pictures before singing the song, and add them as you sing.
After singing, remind the family what the first two lines of the song are, and then take those word strips off. Using the picture aids as reminders, sing the song again. Do this with each two lines of the song until the family can sing the song without word reminders.
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