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What is a Disability?

Friend October 2018 “Katie and Quincy” Story: “Some disabilities make it harder for a body to work. Other disabilities make it harder for a brain to work. Some people have a disability that affects their brain and their body. No matter what, every child is an important and loved child of God!”

What to do if you meet someone with a disability:

Friend May 2018 “For Parents of Little Ones” Teaching little children understanding and how to interact with somebody disabled or injured—instead of them staring or asking loud, uncomfortable questions.

Friend October 2019 “I Don’t Want to Be Different” Mika loved going to dance class. When the dancers all moved together she felt like she wasn’t the only one with Down Syndrome. But one day, when she asked for help with a new dance step, some girls said she talked funny. Mika wished she wasn’t different than other people. Her mother suggested that she pray and ask Heavenly Father how he feels about her. She got a loud answer that He loves her just the way she is, so she stopped worrying about what the other girls thought and started focusing on helping others who looked sad.

Friend October 2024 “Kindness at Camp” “Kat had her arm amputated as a baby, and now has a prosthetic arm. She was worried about going to camp, but everyone at camp was friendly and nice. Later, she tripped during the sack race because she couldn’t grab onto the sack properly. She felt like her new friends wouldn’t want her anymore because she made their team lose, but they greeted her with high fives and hugs. When a new boy is introduced that didn’t know English. She remembered how all her new friends had welcomed her to the group and she wanted that for him as well, so she bravely went up and talked to him with a few Spanish words she knew. Rodrigo’s worried look went away, and he smiled back.

Kindness and Service to those with Disabilities

Friend April 2022 “A Part to Play” The kids in Capri’s Primary class each got a part to say in the Primary program, but Capri has disability that makes it hard to speak. Her teacher gave her a special music box to play in the program that plays “I Am a Child of God.” Capri felt something warm in her heart. She knew she was a child of God. And she had an important part to play.

Friend October 2024 “Just Right for Zack” Zack has sensory processing disorder, so he likes to do the same things every day. One day at church, all the kids practiced for the Primary program in the chapel. This was very different! Nothing helped him feel better so the leaders gave him a special job for the program. It was just right for him.

Friend June 2023 “Drawing with Christian” Gabriel like to draw during sacrament meeting, but a boy named Christian sometimes and took his pencils and scribbled on Gabriel’s drawings. Christian couldn’t talk, and he didn’t sit still. Gabriel’s sister suggested they help him draw next time he came over to them. Christian had a big smile when they helped him draw the following Sunday. Gabriel enjoyed it too.

Friend August 1983 ” Peggy’s Brother” A girl is reluctant to help her friend at a special Olympics because she feels uncomfortable, but after seeing how caring her disabled friend’s brother is, she is touched.

Friend February 2024 “My New Buddy” Sam makes a goal to make new friends so he joined a group called Peer Buddies. In Peer Buddies, fifth graders work with younger kids who have learning disabilities or delays. On the first day he had so much fun playing with one of the children. He was glad the Children and Youth goal helped him make a new friend.


Friend October 2018 “Kaity and Quincy” Kaity, who has Down syndrome, loves her friend Quincy. Quincy always helps her at church. When Quincy’s brother dies, Katie wants to help her friend. She is able to comfort her sad, crying friend with just the right words and hugs.

Friend May 2018 “Best Buddies” Anna pushes Will’s wheelchair when they play tag and listens when Will slowly says something because she wants to hear what he has to say. Will laughs at Anna’s jokes. Anna helps Will find blocks to stack and Will doesn’t mind when Anna accidentally knocks over a tower. They are best friends.

Friend November 2019 “Seeing a New Friend” Beth had never met someone blind before, so she was a little unsure what to do with Cara when she and her family came for dinner. Even though Cara couldn’t see the toys, she could feel them and know what they were. Pretty soon Cara and Beth were giggling together, and Beth realized she had a new friend.

Friend March 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt’s friend wants to know why Matt is friends with him because he can’t run, ride bikes, or even talk very well. Matt said he likes his friend’s jokes and that they like a lot of the same stuff.

Able to Do Many Things

Friend April 2021 “A Card for Grandma” Ethan’s grandma is sick. He prays for her and makes a card for her.

Friend April 2022 “Samuel’s New Team” Samuel was born without a left hand, but he was a very good basketball player. He was joining a new team but was worried about what they would think. They didn’t pass the ball to him at first, but one boy saw he could play well and passed to Samuel to show the others that too. Samuel made a basket and his team cheered.

Friend March 2025 “Searching for Monkeys” Boston’s family was visiting a rainforest to see wild monkeys. They were seeing lots of them, but Boston didn’t see any because he was blind. He could only see things very close to him. Usually, he didn’t mind being blind. He could still do lots of cool things. But today was hard being blind. He said a prayer that a monkey would come close enough for him to see it. He realized he was able to hear the monkeys and began pointing out to his family where they were. He realized it was kind of like the Holy Ghost. He could hear the Holy Ghost when he listened. Suddenly a monkey ran out right in front of him. He got to see one after all!

Family with Disabilities

Friend June 2022 “Backstage Drama” Paisley has a brother who is deaf and has learning disabilities, but he is also silly, has a great imagination, and cares about others. Paisley hears some other kids making fun of people with disabilities. It hurts her. She wished people were more understanding, compassionate, and kind.


Friend November 2024 “Following Jesus in Kenya”When Martin met the missionaries, they gave him a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. Martin is visually impaired, so he couldn’t read the small words. But he still wanted to learn more. The missionaries gave Martin a copy of the Book of Mormon in braille. Braille is a form of written language for people who are blind or visually impaired.