Church Members Live Around the World
Friend December 2021 “The Church Around the World”

See “One in a Million” to see videos about church member children from specific places around the world.
See also “Apostles” to see images and stories about their visits to church members around the world.
Friend February 2019 “Elder Holland’s Trip with the Prophet” Elder Holland and the prophet visited church members around the world. Match the flag with its country. (Article also includes information about the church in each of the eight countries they visited.)
Friend February 2022 “How We Go to Church” Here’s how some families travel to church around the world. How do you get to church?
Friend March 2022 “For Little Friends” Avi is riding to church with his family. Count the wheels in the picture!

Friend February 2020 “Bright Idea: “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ” (2 Nephi 25:26).” Member children around the world saying Christ in their own language.
Friend January 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt receives an email from their friends Margo and Paulo. Their friends are traveling all over the world because of their dad’s job. They are going to share their adventures once a month (in the Friend). The first one is below.
Friend April 2021 Homes come in many shapes and sizes. No matter what a house is made of, it’s the people inside who are important! Trace the drawings of these homes from around the world. Then draw your own house.
The Church is the Same Wherever You Go
Friend March 2019 “Praying to Understand” When Davide goes with his family to visit his grandfather on an island called Tenerife, he becomes concerned about going to church. He worries that it will be different and that he won’t be able to understand the people. He prays for help and is glad when the primary president speaks English. He also recognizes a primary song and it brings him peace.
Friend August 2021 “Dear Friends” I was scared I wouldn’t make new friends when we moved to South Korea. When I was reading the Friend, I saw Matt holding the South Korean flag in the “Find It!” activity (April 2020). Matt said, “Wherever you go in the world, Primary is the same.” I felt Heavenly Father was telling me that Matt was right and that I can go to Primary in South Korea and make friends! Alice W., age 10
Friend February 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Paulo and Margo move around a lot and it’s hard for Paulo to always be the new kid in Primary. Margo reminds him that no matter where they go they sing the same songs and learn about Jesus. Paulo also remembers the always make great friends wherever they go.

Attending Church on Vacation
Church Members in Countries Around the World
- Indonesia
- Hong Kong
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Phillipines
- Cambodia
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- Vietnam
- India
- United Arab Emirates
- Japan
- Lebanon
- Nepal
- Sweden
- England
- Czechoslovakia
- Poland
- France
- Italy
- Estonia
- Germany
- Denmark
- Norway
- Bosnia
- Finland
- Ireland
South America
- Kenya
- Nigeria
- Ghana
- Congo
- South Africa
- Madagascar
- Benin
- Ivory Coast
- Cape Verde
- Tanzania
- Mali
- Togo
- Cape Verde
- Zimbabwe
Friend September 2019 “Hello From Russia”
Friend September 2019 “Cover” Clipart of a family going to church in Russia.
Friend September 2019 “Family Night Fun: Russian Apple Cake” Recipe
Friend March 2019 “Elder Uchdorf Visits Russia” He encourages them to prepare themselves for the new temple that will be built there. It will be the first temple in Russia. Link includes photos.
Friend January 2020 “Hello from Mongolia”
North America
Friend May 2019 “Hello from Canada”
Friend May 2019 “Food and Fun: Maple Candy Pops” Canada-inspired treat!
Friend January 2021 “President Ballard Visits Canada” President Ballard was a mission president in Ontario, Canada 46 years ago. He travelled to Ontario to visit the people there.
Friend April 2022 “Hello from Canada!”Canada is the second-largest country in the world. It has nearly 200,000 Church members. Canada has many cultures, lots of lakes, ice hockey, two languages, and 9 temples.
Friend April 2022 “Meet Tristan from Canada” You don’t need to do big things to help others.Tristan likes to help in lots of small ways. He gives his mom and dad hugs and kisses when they feel tired. He cleans his room and gathers items for recycling. He prays, and he tries to help everyone feel good. He also sang at his friend’s baptism.
Caribbean Islands
Friend October 2021 “Elder Renlund Visits the Caribbean”
Friend August 2024 “Hello from Barbados!”

Friend August 2024 “Following Jesus in Barbados” Antonio follows Jesus by sharing his testimony. (See more at link)
Friend April 2021 “Find It” On the island of Barbados, many people have a tradition of flying kites around Easter to remind them that Christ rose from the tomb. Find the kites and other items listen below.
Dominican Republic
Friend June 2019 “Hello from the Dominican Republic”

Friend June 2019 “Food and Fun” Try these refreshing drinks from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico!
Friend October 2024 “Hello from the Dominican Republic!”

Friend October 2024 “Following Jesus in the Dominican Republic”Camila follows Jesus Christ by having faith during hard times. When her parents got divorced, Camila was sad. She turned to Heavenly Father, and He helped her feel comfort. Camila also loves to read her scriptures. “It helps me feel good and learn things,” Camila says. “Reading the scriptures helps me learn right from wrong.” (See pictures at link)

Friend February 2019 “Hello from Mexico”

Friend August 2022 “Hello from Mexico”

Friend August 2022 “Meet Jarom from Mexico” Jarom cares about his friends and wants them to be happy. He said, “When you pray, remember your friends and family,” ask to know how you can help them.” (See full story and photos at link)
Friend September 2022 “Moisés and the Pesos” Moises works in his father’s shop and earns money. His parents are separated and his mom struggles to provide for the family. His mom and family join the church. One day there is not enough to live on and pay tithing, but his mom pays tithing first. As she pays tithing in life, they always have enough for their needs. His mom’s example makes him want to pay tithing too.
Friend July 2024 “Hello from Nicaragua!”

Friend July 2024 “Following Jesus in Nicaragua” Felix follow Jesus in several ways. Read article to find out how.
Puerto Rico
Friend June 2021 “Meet Karles from Puerto Rico” Karles loves to help people. After an earthquake he helped give out hygiene kits to others who had lost their homes and to those who were sick and elderly. Karles also helped at an international day of service, and he likes to help his parents with their chores. (See story and photos at link.)
Friend June 2021 “Adventures in Puerto Rico with Margo and Paolo”

Karles followed Jesus by serving others after an earthquake. You can help others in your community too!
Challenge: Wherever you live, there are people who need help. You could donate to a food pantry, help your neighbors, or volunteer at a community organization with a parent or guardian.
United States
Friend September 2023 “Hello from the USA!”

Friend September 2021 “Meet Eleanor from the USA” After a hurricane in Florida, Eleanor and her siblings did their own Helping Hands project in the neighborhood. They helped clear branches from a tree that was blocking the door of an older couple’s home. They invited their friends to help too. (Photos included at link)

Friend September 2021 “Adventures in the USA with Margo and Paolo”

Friend September 2023 “Following Jesus in the USA” Laksmi and her family moved to the USA from Cambodia. Laksmi follows Jesus Christ by showing kindness to her family.
Friend September 2020 “Hello from Guatemala”
Friend September 2020 “Food and Fun” Make guacamole. In Guatemala, people eat avocados almost every day. For parties and celebrations, they make guacamole! Make a quetzal craft. Quetzals are Guatemala’s national bird. They live in high mountain forests.
Friend October 2022 “Meet Edrick from Guatemala” Edrick and his family love to help! His mom works in a shop teaching people how to sew. At the shop, they also have a vegetable garden. People who come to the shop can take vegetables home if they don’t have food. Edrick helps by watering the plants.