Church Around the World

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Church Members Live Around the World

Friend December 2021 “The Church Around the World”

See “One in a Million” to see videos about church member children from specific places around the world.

See also “Apostles” to see images and stories about their visits to church members around the world.

Friend February 2019 “Elder Holland’s Trip with the Prophet” Elder Holland and the prophet visited church members around the world. Match the flag with its country. (Article also includes information about the church in each of the eight countries they visited.)

Friend February 2022 “How We Go to Church” Here’s how some families travel to church around the world. How do you get to church?

Friend March 2022 “For Little Friends” Avi is riding to church with his family. Count the wheels in the picture!

Friend February 2020 “Bright Idea: “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ” (2 Nephi 25:26).” Member children around the world saying Christ in their own language.

Friend January 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt receives an email from their friends Margo and Paulo. Their friends are traveling all over the world because of their dad’s job. They are going to share their adventures once a month (in the Friend). The first one is below.

Friend April 2021 Homes come in many shapes and sizes. No matter what a house is made of, it’s the people inside who are important! Trace the drawings of these homes from around the world. Then draw your own house.

The Church is the Same Wherever You Go

Friend March 2019 “Praying to Understand” When Davide goes with his family to visit his grandfather on an island called Tenerife, he becomes concerned about going to church. He worries that it will be different and that he won’t be able to understand the people. He prays for help and is glad when the primary president speaks English. He also recognizes a primary song and it brings him peace.

Friend August 2021 “Dear Friends” I was scared I wouldn’t make new friends when we moved to South Korea. When I was reading the Friend, I saw Matt holding the South Korean flag in the “Find It!” activity (April 2020). Matt said, “Wherever you go in the world, Primary is the same.” I felt Heavenly Father was telling me that Matt was right and that I can go to Primary in South Korea and make friends! Alice W., age 10

Friend February 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Paulo and Margo move around a lot and it’s hard for Paulo to always be the new kid in Primary. Margo reminds him that no matter where they go they sing the same songs and learn about Jesus. Paulo also remembers the always make great friends wherever they go.

Attending Church on Vacation

Church Members in Countries Around the World



South America





Friend September 2019 “Hello From Russia”

Friend September 2019 “Cover” Clipart of a family going to church in Russia.

Friend September 2019 “Family Night Fun: Russian Apple Cake” Recipe

Friend March 2019 “Elder Uchdorf Visits Russia” He encourages them to prepare themselves for the new temple that will be built there. It will be the first temple in Russia. Link includes photos.


Friend January 2020 “Hello from Mongolia”

North America


Friend May 2019 “Hello from Canada”

Friend May 2019 “Food and Fun: Maple Candy Pops” Canada-inspired treat!

Friend January 2021 “President Ballard Visits Canada” President Ballard was a mission president in Ontario, Canada 46 years ago. He travelled to Ontario to visit the people there.

Friend April 2022 “Hello from Canada!”Canada is the second-largest country in the world. It has nearly 200,000 Church members. Canada has many cultures, lots of lakes, ice hockey, two languages, and 9 temples.

Friend April 2022 “Meet Tristan from Canada” You don’t need to do big things to help others.Tristan likes to help in lots of small ways. He gives his mom and dad hugs and kisses when they feel tired. He cleans his room and gathers items for recycling. He prays, and he tries to help everyone feel good. He also sang at his friend’s baptism.

Caribbean Islands

Friend October 2021 “Elder Renlund Visits the Caribbean”


Friend August 2024 “Hello from Barbados!”

Friend August 2024 “Following Jesus in Barbados” Antonio follows Jesus by sharing his testimony. (See more at link)

Friend April 2021 “Find It” On the island of Barbados, many people have a tradition of flying kites around Easter to remind them that Christ rose from the tomb. Find the kites and other items listen below.

Dominican Republic

Friend June 2019 “Hello from the Dominican Republic”

Friend June 2019 “Food and Fun” Try these refreshing drinks from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico!

Friend October 2024 “Hello from the Dominican Republic!”

Friend October 2024 “Following Jesus in the Dominican Republic”Camila follows Jesus Christ by having faith during hard times. When her parents got divorced, Camila was sad. She turned to Heavenly Father, and He helped her feel comfort. Camila also loves to read her scriptures. “It helps me feel good and learn things,” Camila says. “Reading the scriptures helps me learn right from wrong.” (See pictures at link)


Friend February 2019 “Hello from Mexico”

Friend August 2022 “Hello from Mexico”

Friend August 2022 “Meet Jarom from Mexico” Jarom cares about his friends and wants them to be happy. He said, “When you pray, remember your friends and family,” ask to know how you can help them.” (See full story and photos at link)

Friend September 2022 “Moisés and the Pesos” Moises works in his father’s shop and earns money. His parents are separated and his mom struggles to provide for the family. His mom and family join the church. One day there is not enough to live on and pay tithing, but his mom pays tithing first. As she pays tithing in life, they always have enough for their needs. His mom’s example makes him want to pay tithing too.


Friend July 2024 “Hello from Nicaragua!”

Friend July 2024 “Following Jesus in Nicaragua” Felix follow Jesus in several ways. Read article to find out how.

Puerto Rico

Friend June 2021 “Meet Karles from Puerto Rico” Karles loves to help people. After an earthquake he helped give out hygiene kits to others who had lost their homes and to those who were sick and elderly. Karles also helped at an international day of service, and he likes to help his parents with their chores. (See story and photos at link.)

Friend June 2021 “Adventures in Puerto Rico with Margo and Paolo”

Karles followed Jesus by serving others after an earthquake. You can help others in your community too!

Challenge: Wherever you live, there are people who need help. You could donate to a food pantry, help your neighbors, or volunteer at a community organization with a parent or guardian.

United States

Friend September 2023 “Hello from the USA!”

Friend September 2021 “Meet Eleanor from the USA” After a hurricane in Florida, Eleanor and her siblings did their own Helping Hands project in the neighborhood. They helped clear branches from a tree that was blocking the door of an older couple’s home. They invited their friends to help too. (Photos included at link)

Challenge: Team up with a friend or sibling to solve a problem. Is there something in your home or community you can help with?

Friend September 2021 “Adventures in the USA with Margo and Paolo”

Friend September 2023 “Following Jesus in the USA” Laksmi and her family moved to the USA from Cambodia. Laksmi follows Jesus Christ by showing kindness to her family.


Friend September 2020 “Hello from Guatemala”

Friend September 2020 “Food and Fun” Make guacamole. In Guatemala, people eat avocados almost every day. For parties and celebrations, they make guacamole! Make a quetzal craft. Quetzals are Guatemala’s national bird. They live in high mountain forests.

Friend October 2022 “Meet Edrick from Guatemala” Edrick and his family love to help! His mom works in a shop teaching people how to sew. At the shop, they also have a vegetable garden. People who come to the shop can take vegetables home if they don’t have food. Edrick helps by watering the plants.

Friend October 2022 “Hello from Guatemala!

Church Around the World: Africa

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Friend February 2021 “Elder Holland Visits Africa”

Friend February 2021 “Funstuff: Country Search” There are 54 countries in Africa. Can you find these countries on the map? Which countries did Elder Holland visit?

Friend September 2020 “Children of Heavenly Parents” Lisa Harkness of the General Primary Presidency visited the people in Africa. She found that the people of Africa come from many different countries and cultures and they speak many different languages, but they are rich in their faith and their knowledge that they are children of God.


Friend November 2024 “Hello from Kenya!”

Friend November 2024 “Following Jesus in Kenya”When Martin met the missionaries, they gave him a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. Martin is visually impaired, so he couldn’t read the small words. But he still wanted to learn more. The missionaries gave Martin a copy of the Book of Mormon in braille. Braille is a form of written language for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Friend January 2025 “Going to Church with Ghuka” Kelvin’s invited him to go to church with them. He was curious about a picture on the wall. The missionaries explained that it was a picture of the prophet who is a messenger from God and teaches us what God wants us to know. The missionaries gave him Book of Mormon and Kelvin was excited to learn more. The missionaries came and taught him and eventually he was baptized. When he grew up he served a mission and then attended college through BYU–Pathway Worldwide.


Friend April 2023 “Following Jesus in Nigeria”

Friend April 2023 “Hello from Nigeria!”


Friend January 2021 “Meet Stella from Ghana” Stella and her family visit their 83 year old landlady almost everyday. They adopted her since she doesn’t have any family. They help her with housework to help keep her healthy. (See link for the story and photos)

Friend January 2021 “Adventures in Ghana with Margo and Paolo”


Friend October 2019 “Hello from the Democratic Republic of the Congo!”

Friend October 2019 “Food and Fun” Refreshment: Congo Chicken Stew. Activity: Jungle Search. Can you find the six hidden animals? Color in each one.

Friend October 2021 “Adventures in the Republic of the Congo with Margo and Paolo”

Friend October 2021 “Meet Nathan from the Republic of the Congo” Nathan likes to help his younger siblings Stephy and Aaron learn to read. He helps them with their homework and reads Book of Mormon stories with them. Nathan also helps his siblings make their beds and get ready for school with their snacks and backpacks. (see photo)

Nathan loves going to school. He follows Jesus by helping his younger siblings learn too.

Challenge: Getting an education is important! Make a list of all the things you have at home and in the community that can help you learn. How can you use each one to learn more? Friend October 2021 “Adventures in the Republic of the Congo with Margo and Paolo”

South Africa

Friend May 2020 “Hello From South Africa”

Friend April 2021 “Julia Mavimbela” During a time of racism and violence in South Africa, Julia wanted to bring goodness to her community, so she started a community garden. She taught love and forgiveness. Then she met missionaries and joined the church. She continued to teach love and helped start Women for Peace, a group to promote unity and peace in South Africa.

Friend September 2022 “Meet Cebisile from South Africa” (See photos and the child’s service story at link)

Friend April 2021 “Jump the Stick” A game kids play in South Africa.

  1. A player picks a starting point and sets the stick on the ground away from that point.
  2. The player jumps over the stick and then places it where they landed.
  3. The next player now has to jump from the same starting point and try to land past the stick. Then they move the stick to the new landing spot.
  4. Anybody who doesn’t jump over the stick is out. Keep going until you have a winner!

Friend August 2021 “Elder Rasband Visits South Africa” Elder Rasband dedicates the Durban South Africa Temple. (Photos)

Friend August 2021 “Find It” Here are some animals that live in South Africa, where Elder Rasband visited! Can you find and color all 10 animals in this scene?

Friend December 2021 “Dear Friend: We Love to See the Temple” Daniel and Samuel B., ages 4 and 6, visited the Johannesburg South Africa Temple.

Friend September 2022 “Hello from South Africa!”


Friend October 2020 “Hello From Madagascar”

Friend March 2025 “Hello from Madagascar!”

Friend October 2020 “Faneva the Missionary” Missionaries taught Faneva’s family the gospel. Faneva wanted to be a missionary when he grew up to teach people about what he was learning. In Primary they sang songs about being a missionary now and he decided that is what he wanted to do. He tried to be a good example. He invited people to church. He helped his neighbors. When he was older he also went on a mission.

Friend March 2025 “Following Jesus in Madagascar”


Friend January 2021 “Géoffroy Koussemou” Geoffroy learned to rely on the Lord while going to school to learn about farming. He joined the church and served the Lord by sharing the gospel with his friends and then selling his farm and serving a mission. Because of his faith and service a branch formed in Benin, which turned into a ward and then a stake.

Ivory Coast

Friend February 2022 “Hello from Ivory Coast!”

Friend February 2022 “Meet Animan from Ivory Coast” Animan helps his family in the shop and with filling the water drum. He tries to stand up for what is right. (See photos and more story at link.)

Friend July 2019 “Elder Andersen Visits Ivory Coast” Elder Neil L. Andersen and his wife, Sister Kathy Andersen, traveled to Ivory Coast for the groundbreaking of a new temple. (Activity: Children sing the words “I love to see the temple” in many different languages. Follow the line from each of these sentences to the correct language.)

Cape Verde

Friend August 2019 “Elder Rasband Visits Cape Verde” Elder Rasband visited a school were many of the children don’t have parents to take care of them. The Church gives money to help the children’s school that Elder Rasband visited. (Activity: Four children donated money to the Church’s Humanitarian Aid Fund. Follow the shapes along the path to see what each child’s money was used for. (Also includes instructions on how to donate money to humanitarian aid.)


Friend December 2021 “Dear Friend: Where I Read the Friend” Sharon H., age 3, reads the Friend in English in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania!


Friend December 2021 “Christmas in Mali” Judith and her siblings were going to their branch’s Christmas party. Not many people in Mali celebrated Christmas. In this part of Africa, most people didn’t know much about Jesus. To them, Christmas was just an ordinary day of work and play.

Friend December 2021 “Meet Willard from Burundi” Willard’s family members were refugees. They had to leave their home country. Willard and his family love to serve people around them. Willard serves in many ways. (See more and photos in article)

Friend December 2021 “Adventures in Burundi with Margo and Paolo”


Friend March 2020 “Ludovic’s Piano” Ludovic learns to play hymns by ear and plays for his branch during sacrament meeting.

Cape Verde

Friend May 2023 “Hello from Cape Verde!”

Friend May 2023 “Following Jesus in Cape Verde” Raissa’s family joined the church and were sealed in the temple when she was young. Recently, she went to the open house for the Praia Cape Verde Temple. She said, “I did important things to get ready to go to the temple, like praying, going to church, studying scriptures, and learning the gospel.”


Friend September 2024 “Hello from Zimbabwe!”

Friend September 2024 “Following Jesus in Zimbabwe” Sariah follows Jesus by helping her mother.

Friend February 2025 “Walking to Church” It takes Kupa and her mom and siblings about an hour and half to walk to church each Sunday. She loves going to church! At church, during fast and testimony meeting, she shared her testimony about the wonderful gospel that she loves.

Church Around the World: Asia

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Friend February 2023 “Find It!” Many families around the world celebrate Lunar New Year. What are your favorite family traditions? Find the items hidden below.


Friend November 2023 “Hello from Indonesia!”

Friend November 2023 “Following Jesus in Indonesia”

Friend July 2024 “Visiting Grandma and Grandpa” While Ernesto’s family were visiting his grandparents in Indonesia, he was able to share his beliefs with them by explaining why he doesn’t drink tea when offered some, and by reading the scriptures and praying with his family and inviting his grandparents to join with them.

Hong Kong (China)

Friend December 2022 “Meet Jun Eui from Hong Kong” Jun Eui patiently helps his sisters with homework. He also helps his mother with chores. He says that when he helps others he feels happy and he feels the Holy Ghost. (See link for photos)

Friend December 2022 “Hello From Hong Kong”

Friend February 2024 “A Happy Lunar New Year” Claire and her family celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. Not only is it a time to enjoy the fun holiday traditions, it is also a time to spend with family, so they put family member pictures on the table and called Claire’s grandma and grandpa.


Friend January 2024 “Hello From Thailand!”

Friend January 2024 “Following Jesus in Thailand”

Friend July 2021 “Elder Andersen Visits Thailand” Includes photos


Friend August 2020 “Hello From Malaysia”

Friend August 2020 “Food and Fun” Make this tasty Malaysian treat! Sweet Potato Balls. Also, Batu Seremban is a traditional Malaysian game. Here’s a version you can play.

Friend August 2020 “The Mooncake Festival” Vincent was excited to explore at the mooncake festival, but while exploring he fell and hit his chin. He had to go to the hospital and he was scared, so he prayed and felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He knew that everything would be okay.


Friend January 2019 “Hello from the Philippines” Margo and Paulo share about the the places they are visiting around the world, starting with the Philippines.

Friend April 2021 “Adventures in the Philippines with Margo and Paolo”

People come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Everyone is an important child of God.
Challenge: Be friendly to someone new and include them even if they’re different from you.

Friend March 2021 “Augusto Lim” Augusto’s little daughter asked why they didn’t attend church. Augusto prayed about it and a couple of days later missionaries showed up at their door. Augusto served Heavenly Father his whole life and became the first General Authority in the Philippines.

Friend June 2019 “Elder Christofferson Visits the Philippines”

Friend April 2021 “Meet Shiloh from the Philippines” Shiloh loves to help people everywhere he goes, and is friendly and willing to play with everyone. It doesn’t matter how different they are. Shiloh has a condition called Down syndrome, but he knows everyone is a child of God! (photos included in story)

Friend May 2022 “Teams and Talents” Jillian helped her friend come back to church.

Friend November 2022 “Felipe Finds the Way” Felipe and his mother were lost in the jungle forest. Felipe said a prayer and asked for help. A thought came to his mind to look for coconut trees because that was where villages are.


Friend July 2019 “Hello From Cambodia!” (Also food and a game from Cambodia.)

Friend July 2019 “Mara the Pioneer” Mara learns that she is a pioneer because the church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years.

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Friend June 2022 “Hello from Cambodia”

Friend June 2022 “Meet Septream from Cambodia” Sometimes at school Septream notices friends who don’t have enough food. So he shares his snacks and lunch with them. (See photos at link)

South Korea

Friend August 2019 “Hello from South Korea”

Friend August 2019 “Food and Fun”  Korean Rice Bowl and the Korean game Jero.

Friend September 2021 “Kim Ho Jik” Kim Ho Jik learned about the gospel from a friend while studying at a university in the U.S. Kim Ho Jik became a leader in his country. He helped open South Korea for missionary work and translated Church materials into Korean.

Friend December 2024 “Hello from South Korea!”

Friend December 2024 “Following Jesus in South Korea” Uicheon follows the Savior by praying when he needs help. When he was younger, he lost part of his toy car. He was sad. Then he and his father prayed together. Right after they said “amen,” they found the missing part! “It was such a quick answer to our prayer,” says Uicheon.

Ji-in followed Jesus Christ by being baptized. She wanted to follow His example. “When I stood up from the water, I had a great feeling and thought about Jesus,” she says. “I felt refreshed, and I thought I became a better person.” (See more images at link)


Friend June 2021 “Tea or Mango Juice?” Chung’s friend, Jiro, ordered the two of them cold tea on a hot day, but Chung asked for mango juice instead. He explained to Jiro why he doesn’t drink tea. He invited Jiro to church hoping someone could explain it better, but Jiro wasn’t interested. Jiro spoke up for him though when their class was going to have tea as a reward for hard work. He explained that Chung didn’t drink tea because it was part of his religion. Chung was glad he had such a good friend.


Friend June 2021 “Elder Christofferson Visits Vietnam” Elder Christofferson said President Nelson’s visit was a reminder to the Vietnamese people that they matter to Heavenly Father. (See photos of his visit at link)


Friend July 2020 “The Surprise Mission Call” Edwin and his wife were from India. They had joined the church while working in Samoa. They wanted their families to learn about the gospel, so they wrote church headquarters to ask for missionaries to be sent there. To their surprise, they were called to as missionaries. They were able to baptize many of their family members and enough people to start a branch.

Friend February 2025 “Finding the Gospel in India” In 1954 a man named S. Paul Thiruthuvadoss was in a used bookstore in India. He found a pamphlet about Joseph Smith inside a book and read it. He and his family were baptized! Can you find the hidden items?

In 1957, S. Paul Thiruthuvadoss requested baptism after having read the Book of Mormon five times. In 1964, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited him with President Jay A. Quealy of the Southern Far East Mission. Finally, on Feb. 5, 1965, President Quealy baptized him, thus beginning the modern-day era of the Church in India.

“At the time he was baptized, there were two missionaries sent for six months,” Sister Rutherford recounted. “And basically, after that six months, Brother Thiruthuvadoss was on his own. When the Church finally sent missionaries back, it was 1973, and there were 225 members. Most of them had been taught by Brother Thiruthuvadoss.”

Friend April 2019 “Elder Bednar Visits India”

Friend November 2021 “They’re Waiting for Me!” Giselle lives in India, and she can’t wait until the temple is built there so she can do baptisms for her ancestors who have died without knowledge of the gospel. (Photos at link)

Friend July 2022 “Michael’s Long Search” Michael read a magazine from the church and wanted to learn more, but there weren’t any Latter-day Saint churches in India. He also read the Book of Mormon and prayed. He knew it was true! He wanted to be baptized. Many years later a senior missionary couple came to India. Finally, Michael was baptized! Later he became a translator for General Conference.

United Arab Emirates

Friend March 2021 “Meet Victoria from the United Arab Emirates” Victoria and her sister made a video of them singing “I Am a Child of God” to help cheer up their teachers when Covid-19 hit. (Link includes photos)

Friend March 2021 “Adventures in the UAE” Victoria wants to help people have clean water. You can help too by not wasting water. And you can help keep it clean.

Challenge: Look for living things in a pond, river, or ocean near you. You can help protect them by picking up trash near water and not putting harmful chemicals down drains.


Friend January 2022 “Meet Ami from Japan” Ami helps with a ward food drive. (See link for photos)

Friend January 2022 “Hello From Japan” See link for photos and more info.


Friend November 2022 “Hello from Lebanon”

Friend November 2022 “Meet Carmen from Lebanon” Carmen wanted to do something nice for their Syrian neighbor for Christmas, so each day she bought something small and put it in the box. On the 25th she gave it to the neighbors. (See images at link)


Friend July 2023 “Hello from Nepal!”

Friend July 2023 “Following Jesus in Nepal”

Church Around the World: Europe

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Friend March 2025 “Sharing the Gospel on Stage” In Austria in the 1960s, Church members organized a theater group. They wrote and performed plays about the gospel. Hundreds of people who were not members of the Church came and watched. Can you find the hidden items?


Friend February 2023 “Hello From Sweden!”

Friend February 2023 “Following Jesus in Sweden” Three girls from Sweden follow Jesus by reading scriptures and being a missionary. Felicia told her teacher about general conference. “He already knows I’m a Christian,” she says. “I told him the name of the Church and a little about my baptism.”


Friend January 2023 “Hello from England!”

Friend January 2023 “Following Jesus in England” Their great-grandad had an operation on his hand. He couldn’t tend to his garden so they helped him. They also help their nana take care of the ponies.


Friend August 2021 “Olga Šnederfler” Olga longed to go to the temple but there were no temples close by, and it was too hard to leave her country or even worship. Many years passed before they were able to go to the temple and be sealed. Later her husband became the temple president of the Germany Temple and she became the temple matron.


Friend August 2021 “Adventures in Poland with Margo and Paolo”

Friend August 2021 “Meet Porter from Poland” Porter likes to help out at home and school. Porter also helps out by participating in the BillionGraves project. He and his family take photos of headstones at a cemetery and then upload them so people can find information on their Polish ancestors.

Join the Helping Hands Team. When Porter saw a problem (like the recess toys being left out), he helped. You can follow Jesus by looking for ways you can solve problems and serve.


Friend December 2020 “Hello from France”

Friend May 2022 “Activity Time” Follow the maze to help Félix get to church in Paris!


Friend March 2019 “Hello from Italy”

Friend November 2019 “Elder Gong Visits Italy” Elder Gong traveled to Italy when the Rome Italy Temple was dedicated. It’s the first temple to be built in a place where Jesus’s Apostles taught in Bible times!


Friend April 2019 “Hello from Estonia” (Also conversion story of an Estonian boy and his mother. “Feeling New” )

Friend January 2025 “Hello from Estonia!

Friend January 2025 “Following Jesus in Estonia”


Friend June 2020 “Hello From Germany”

Friend March 2021″Elder Uchtdorf Visits Germany” Elder Uchtdorf and his wife visit Germany for the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple. (Article includes photos)

Friend April 2022 “Find It” In Germany, many people decorate with eggs to celebrate Easter. How do you celebrate the Savior’s Resurrection? Find the hidden items.


Friend February 2021 “Funstuff”


Friend May 2021 “Meet Sophie” Sophie and her younger brother, Jacob, love to help their grandmother clean the beach by carefully removing pieces of glass and other items. They make sure the beach is clean and safe for both animals and people. (Photos)

Sophie’s Favorites

Friend May 2021 “Adventures in Norway with Margo and Paolo”


Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.


Friend July 2022 “Hello from Finland!”

Friend July 2022 “Meet Ella from Finland” Ella likes to include others. She doesn’t want anyone to feel left out. Ella and her family like to help people in their neighborhood too. Ella says that serving makes her happy.


Friend June 2023 “Hello from Portugal!”

Friend June 2023 “Following Jesus in Portugal” Matilde gave several of her stuffed animals to children who had to leave their countries with their families.


Friend April 2024 “Hello from Northern Ireland!”

Friend April 2024 “Following Jesus in Northern Ireland”


Friend June 2024 “Following Jesus in Belgium” Eloise follows Jesus by praying for comfort. Maëline follows the Savior by sharing her testimony with her friends. (See full story and more photos at link.)

Friend June 2024 “Hello from Belgium!”


For the Strength of Youth January 2025 “Connect with Ivan B. from Croatia”


Friend February 2025 “A Chat with Lili about Sharing the Gospel”


For the Strength of Youth March 2025

Church Around the World: South America

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Table of Contents


Friend July 2020 “Hello from Argentina”

Friend July 2020 “Food and Fun” Empanadas recipe and a game that is played in Argentina

Friend June 2022 “Moira’s First Talk” President Scott asked Moira to give a talk in district conference. Moira was only 12 and she was a new member of the church. She wasn’t sure if she could do it but she said she would try. She knew Heavenly Father would help her.


Friend February 2024 “Hello from Bolivia!”

Friend February 2024 “Following Jesus in Bolivia” Davinia follows Jesus by going to church and the temple. Learn more about her at the link.


Friend February 2020 “Hello from Brazil”

Friend January 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo are back from their travels and introduces their family

Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Find It” About half of Brazil is covered in rainforest. Can you find and color all 12 animals and insects in this rainforest scene?

Friend February 2020 “Food and Fun” Recipe for Brazilian Limeade

Friend May 2019 “Elder Cook Visits Brazil” He invited everyone to be a light. That means being a good example and helping others, like Jesus did. “When we are a light, we influence the world for the better.”

Craft: Make a light with different colors using a jar and tissue paper. Maybe have the children say how they can be a light at home, in their neighborhood, and at school for each strip of colored paper they add to the jar.

Friend December 2021 “ Olga Bing” After World War 2 started, church attendance started going down in Olga’s branch after the missionaries were all sent home. Olga prayed about how to make their branch strong again. She decided to invite children in the neighborhood to church class, and the children and their parents came.

Friend May 2022 “Meet Isabella from Brazil” Isabella studies in a school for the Deaf. Her friends call her a peacemaker. (Photos included)

Friend May 2022 “Hello From Brazil”

Friend May 2022 “Brazilian Snacks”


Friend February 2025 “Hello from Colombia!”

Friend December 2019 “Hello from Columbia”

Friend February 2025 “Following Jesus in Colombia” Ruben follows Jesus Christ by sharing the gospel. “When I follow Jesus, I feel happy.” he says. “When I help others, I feel peace.” With his family, he loves to read the scriptures, study Come, Follow Me, and eat ice cream. He serves his family by doing chores and watching his younger sister. (See photos at link)

Friend December 2019 “Family Night Fun” Columbia Gelatin Treat

Friend December 2020 “Elder Soares Visits Colombia” Elder Ulisses Soares traveled with President Dallin H. Oaks to help dedicate a new temple in Colombia. (Also a build a temple activity)


Friend September 2019 “Elder Stephenson Visits Chile” Elder Stephenson visits Chile for a temple dedication, the second temple in Chile


Friend June 2021 “Ana Cumandá Rivera” Ana taught her companion how to read while on her mission. After her mission, Ana wanted to continue to serve. She was invited to teach others how to read.

Friend March 2022 Danial is helping his mom in the garden. Find the objects in the picture. How do you help at home?


Friend October 2023 “Hello from Peru!”

Friend October 2023 “Following Jesus in Peru” Rafael follows Jesus by helping his blind great-grandmother walk up stairs. He also shares hymnbooks with visitors at church.


Friend November 2021 “Meet Magali from Uruguay” Magali helps her family on the farm and she helps her grandmother read the scriptures. (See photos at link.)

Friend November 2021 “Adventures in Uruguay with Margo and Paolo”

Friend January 2022 “Jesus Helped People in Need”

My family ministers to Sister Rosa. Sister Rosa is 90, so she can’t go out of her home. I help Dad to load and transport firewood for Rosa. (Ignacio G., age 9, Canelones Department, Uruguay) (See images at link.)


Church Around the World: Oceania

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Table of Contents


Friend November 2020 “Hello from Australia”

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” The Aboriginal people in Australia use dot painting to tell stories and create beautiful artwork. Here’s a craft for you to make your own!

Friend November 2020 “Food and Fun” Damper is a traditional Australian bread. Travelers would sometimes make this bread outside over a campfire with hot coals. Here’s a version you can try!

Friend July 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt gets an email from his cousin in Australia. He doesn’t know what a lot of the things are that his cousin talks about in the email, but they do have one thing in common: the gospel. Matt’s cousin tells about his baptism and his family getting sealed in the temple.

Friend October 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Matt sends an email to his cousin in Australia telling about himself. Then he goes and watches conference, which is something his cousin would be doing too.

Friend January 2020 “Matt and Mandy” As they walk in the snow, Matt tells his friend that in Australia it’s summer and that his cousin is probably at the beach. Also, he tells him that his cousin has never felt snow or played in it.

Friend October 2021 “Margaret Cummings” Margaret’s family experienced difficulties getting to the temple to be sealed together, but their prayers were answered and they were blessed.

Friend May 2022 “The Footy Decision” Sam loved playing footy and when he found out the games were on Sunday he was sad. He prayed about what to do. He knew it was important to make Sunday special so he decided to go to practices on Thursdays but go to church on Sundays.

American Samoa

Friend July 2021 “Adventures in American Samoa with Margo and Paolo”

Friend July 2021 “Meet Eta from American Samoa” Eta’s mom owns a dessert bakery. Eta and her older sister, Talai, love to share the desserts with their teachers and leaders and with people who might be having a hard time. (includes photo)

Eta followed Jesus by sharing food with others.

Challenge: Look for a chance to share what you have with your friends and family, even if it seems small.


Friend February 2021 “Adventures in Tahiti with Margo and Paolo”

Friend February 2021 “Meet Raiarii from Tahiti” Story of Raiarii sharing the gospel by explaining scriptures and praying with two of his grandmother’s friends. (See story and photos at link.)

Friend November 2023 “Coconuts and Tithing” During the summer Avehei and her brother work in the coconut groves. She always pays my tithing with the money she receives because she knows she and her family are blessed when she obeys.


Friend March 2020 “Hello From Samoa”

Friend March 2020 “Food and Fun” Make Samoan coconut rolls and a pretend Samoan Siapo cloth.

Friend May 2022 “Tom and the Terrible Flu” Tom helped take are of his dad and other villagers when the Spanish Flu hit. He gave them coconut milk, made chicken soup for them, and got them water.

New Zealand

Friend December 2023 “Hello from New Zealand!”

Friend November 2019 “Hello From New Zealand”

Friend December 2023 “Following Jesus in New Zealand” Tarnae is preparing to go to the temple to do baptisms. His nan (grandma) found information about some ancestors so he could be baptized for them. “I am really excited to enter the temple,” says Tarnae. “I feel honored to help do the work for my ancestors.”

When their cousin got baptized, Nephi shared his testimony. Nephi told those at the baptism about Jesus Christ. “I know it is important to share my testimony to strengthen others,” Nephi says.

Friend November 2019 “Fun and Food” A popular flavor of ice cream in New Zealand is hokey-pokey, or honeycomb toffee. Here’s how to make a version at home.

Friend November 2019 “Food and Fun” Here are some fun words from New Zealand. Now find them in the word search!

Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” (story about New Zealand kids at school) Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.

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Friend May 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Sam Beazley”Sam was called to serve as a Labour Missionary building a church school for teenagers. His labor also helped build the Hamilton New Zealand Temple which he later was called to serve in.

Friend July 2022 “Rākau Sticks” The Māori people of New Zealand play a game by tapping, throwing, and catching sticks to a rhythm. Find four sticks or paper rolls to play your own version of this game!


Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.


Friend March 2023 “Hello from Kiribati!” See larger images at link

Friend March 2023 “Following Jesus in Kiribati” Scott is such a good friend to his cousin that he always calls him his younger brother. Scott prays every night and every morning. He always wants to go to Church activities, and he loves home evening. He likes to help others too. “Helping other people makes me happy,” he says. (See more images at link.)

Papua New Guinea

Friend March 2024 “Hello From Papua New Guinea”

Friend March 2024 “Following Jesus in Papua New Guinea”


Friend May 2024 “Hello from Vanuatu!”

Friend May 2024 “Following Jesus in Vanuatu”