Table of Contents
- I can praise God by singing. (Jr)
- I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Jr)
- I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Sr)
- I will be judged by God. (Sr)
- Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him in the celestial kingdom. (Jr)
- Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him in the celestial kingdom. (Sr)
- Additional Resources
- Revelation 15 Exalted Saints praise God in celestial glory forever.
- Revelation 16 God pours out plagues upon the wicked—The nations assemble for Armageddon—Christ comes, islands flee, and mountains cease.
- Revelation 17 John is shown that Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations, has become established throughout the earth.
- Revelation 18 The Saints are called out of Babylon lest they partake of her sins—She falls and is lamented by her supporters.
- Revelation 19 The marriage supper of the Lamb is made ready—The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy—Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
- Revelation 20 Satan is bound during the Millennium—The Saints will then live and reign with Christ—The dead stand before God and are judged out of the books according to their works.
- Revelation 21 Those who overcome will be sons of God—The earth attains its celestial glory.
- Revelation 22 The Saints will reign in celestial splendor—Christ will come, and men will be judged—Blessed are they who keep His commandments.
I can praise God by singing. (Jr)
The Saints John described in Revelation 15:2–4 sang praises to God for His goodness. What songs of praise can help the children express their love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
As you read aloud parts of Revelation 15:2–4, ask the children to do actions like pretending to play a harp or direct a choir. How do we feel when we sing about Jesus? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Friend March 2020 “Music for a Better Day” Elizabeth had a terrible day at school. Her dad suggested that good music might help her feel better, and to think about what she was playing while she practiced her piano. The song she was playing was about giving thanks to God. She began to feel more peaceful as she thought about all her blessings. Good music did help her feel better.

Ask the children to share some of their favorite songs about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Sing a few of the songs together, and help the children understand what the songs teach us about Heavenly Father and the Savior. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Jr)
Ask the children if they have ever been to a wedding. What was it like? Why are people happy at a wedding? Display the picture of the Savior’s Second Coming in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and read Revelation 19:7. Explain that the “marriage of the Lamb” represents the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Why will we rejoice when the Savior comes again? Help the children compare the joy of a wedding to the joy of the Savior’s return. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Share with the children why you are looking forward to Jesus’s Second Coming. You could also sing together a song about the Second Coming, such as “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
“Article of Faith 10” (September 2011 Friend)
The pictures help illustrate what the tenth article of faith means.

Invite the children to share what they do to get ready for church on Sunday. Why do we do these things before we come to church? Why should we prepare for Christ’s Second Coming? On this week’s activity page, let the children draw what they can do to prepare for the Second Coming.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
I can prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by choosing the right. (Sr)
How can you help the children you teach understand that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be a joyous event for the righteous?
Read together Revelation 19:7–8, and help the children understand the symbolism in these verses—the marriage is the Savior’s Second Coming, the Lamb is the Savior, and His wife is the Church (or all of us). What things might we do to prepare for the Savior to come again?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Review and memorize Articles of Faith 1:10 with the children. Explain that this article of faith describes exciting, glorious events that will happen when Jesus comes again. Display the picture of Jesus’s Second Coming in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and invite the children to draw what they think Jesus’s Second Coming will be like. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
“Article of Faith 10” (September 2011 Friend)
The pictures help illustrate what the tenth article of faith means.
I will be judged by God. (Sr)
Write on the board What will Judgment Day be like? Invite the children to look for answers to the question in Revelation 20:12–13 and in “Judgment, the Last” in Guide to the Scriptures ( What has the Savior done so that Judgment Day can be a joyful day? (see Articles of Faith 1:3–4). What can we do so that it is a joyful day for us? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Bring to class a notebook representing the “book of life” (Revelation 20:12), in which you have written some of the Christlike attributes and good works of the children in your class. Read to the children the things you wrote, and invite them to talk about Christlike qualities they have seen in each other. Share your testimony that Jesus Christ helps us become more like Him and provides a way for us to repent and overcome sin. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 Suppose an author offered to write a book about your life. What details or experiences would you want included? If you knew that your future actions would also be recorded, how would you approach your life differently? Think about this as you read Revelation 20:12–15. What do you hope will be written about you in the book of life? In your opinion, why is it significant that it is called “the Lamb’s book of life”? (Revelation 21:27).How would you describe the Savior’s role in your book of life?
Topics and Questions “Judgment” Lesson ideas
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “The Final Judgment” Lesson ideas
For the Strength of Youth December 2023 “The Dead Will Stand before God” Line upon line explanation of Revelation 20:12/
Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him in the celestial kingdom. (Jr)
Revelation 21:1, 3–4, 22–27; 22:1–2
In the last two chapters of Revelation, John used beautiful language to describe the celestial glory that the faithful will enjoy.
Help the children draw the tree described in Revelation 22:2 on the board. Explain that this tree is the tree of life, and its fruit represents the love of God (see 1 Nephi 11:21–22). Give the children pieces of paper shaped like fruit, and invite them to draw on the paper something that helps them feel Heavenly Father’s love. Explain that those who love and obey Heavenly Father will live with Him in the celestial kingdom. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Share with the children some images or details that John used to describe celestial glory (see Revelation 21:1, 3–4, 22–27; 22:1–2), and invite the children to draw pictures of these things. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Sing together a song that teaches how we can prepare to return to God’s presence, such as “I Will Follow God’s Plan” (Children’s Songbook, 164–65). Invite the children to identify what they can do to live with Heavenly Father again. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him in the celestial kingdom. (Sr)
Revelation 21:1, 3–4, 22–27; 22:1–2, 17
Invite the children to search the following verses for words or phrases that John used to describe celestial glory: Revelation 21:1, 3–4, 22–27; 22:1–2. Let them choose something in these verses that they would like to draw. Then they can talk about their drawings with the class. Encourage them to show their drawings to their families at home. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
For the Strength of Youth July 2021 The Lord has revealed some powerful truths about [the celestial kingdom]. Here are some of the things we know:
- To live there means to dwell in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with a perfect, resurrected body and to live the kind of life They live. This life is “a state of never-ending happiness” (Mosiah 2:41) and a “fulness of joy” (3 Nephi 28:10).
- Those who live there have been “made perfect through Jesus,” and “all things are theirs” (Doctrine and Covenants 76:59, 69).
- It has the greatest glory of any kingdom. Its glory has been likened to the brightness of the sun.
- The same kinds of relationships we have here will exist there, including family relationships, but they will be “coupled with eternal glory” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:2).
- It has three degrees. The highest degree is where people live who have been sealed together in eternal marriage and have been true to their covenants (see Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–4).
- The earth will receive a celestial glory (see Doctrine and Covenants 88:17–20).
Read together Revelation 22:17, and explain that the bride who says “Come” is the Church. Who do we, as Church members, want to invite others to “come” to? (see Moroni 10:30–33). What might those around us be “thirsty” for? What are some good ways to invite people to “come”? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)
Friend April 2022 “Harriet Meets the Missionaries” Harriet’s father died and she missed him so much and wondered if she would ever see him again. Then the missionaries came and they told them about the plan of salvation and about being with our families again after death.
Friend September 2018 “No Matter What!” Christian’s friend at school feels useless because she made some mistakes in the school work. Christian tells her about the love of Jesus and that she is a child of God, so she is not useless. His friend wants to know where he learned that, and she asks her parents for permission to go to church with Christian.
Friend July 2023 “How You Can Be a Missionary”
Additional Resources
Revelations 22
Friend December 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities” Story:Revelation 22:4 says that followers of Jesus Christ will have “his name [on] their foreheads.” That means that we will choose to remember and follow Him.