Friend January 2022 “I Am Growing!”

Friend July 2019 “A White Cap for Florence” Florence’s parents worked hard to provide for the family, but without an education there was only so much they could do. Florence wanted to go to college so she could get a good-paying job and help her family, but her family couldn’t afford it. Florence decided to work hard for her goal. She was able to get into nursing school, and she graduated with an award as the best student. Because of her hard work she was able to help others and herself have a better life.

Friend April 2023 “Reaching for Mars” Michelle went to college to be an engineer. After college she got a job helping launch rockets to explore space! She helped create a robot called a rover to send to Mars. She was also called to serve with her husband as mission leaders. She bore her testimony that Jesus Christ created worlds without end, and he wants us to learn, grow, and use our talents for good.

Friend June 2024 “Elise the Engineer” Elise wants to be an engineer when she grows up, but one day at school she couldn’t figure out how to do a math problem. She began to think she wasn’t smart enough to be an engineer, but her sister said, “When something is hard, that doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. It just means you need more practice.” With her sister’s help she was able to learn how to do the math problem, and her confidence returned. She knew that if she worked hard, one day she could attain her goal of becoming an engineer.