Abraham seeks the blessings of the patriarchal order—He is persecuted by false priests in Chaldea—Jehovah saves him—The origins and government of Egypt are reviewed.
Jesus Christ Can Lead Me by the Hand.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” Abraham wanted to be righteous even though members of his family were wicked. The Lord said to him, “I will lead thee by my hand” (Abraham 1:18). Just as God promised to help Abraham, He can lead the children you teach when they desire to choose the right.
- Use “Abraham and Sarah” (in Old Testament Stories) to help the children understand that people around Abraham were doing bad things, but Abraham wanted to do what was right and the Lord helped him.
Old Testament Stories ” Abraham and Sarah”
- Read to the children Abraham 1:18 and 2:8, and invite the children to listen for a part of the body that is mentioned in both verses. How would it feel to have Jesus Christ lead us by the hand or to have His hand protecting us? Testify that Jesus leads us by guiding us through His Spirit.
- How do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ help us when we try to choose the right?
Gospel Media “He Will Lead Thee”
Friend January 2021 “The Party Problem” Luz felt uneasy about going to a graduation party. It didn’t sound like the kind of party where she’d be able to feel the Holy Ghost. She thought about it, made her choice not to go, and then asked Heavenly Father if that was the right choice. Afterwards she felt a wave of warmth and light and knew she had made the right choice.

- Sing a song related to this principle, such as “Teach Me to Walk in the Light” (Children’s Songbook, 177).
- Show several pictures of the Savior (see Gospel Art Book,nos. 38, 39, 40, and 41), and help the children see things that He did with His hands. What can we do with our hands to help others?
Below song includes a story about a boy that didn’t have any friends and another boy learns in FHE and then befriends the lonely boy.

Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2”When Abraham’s life was in danger, he called on God and was rescued. The children you teach may have their own experiences with prayer they can share.
- Display the picture An Angel Saves Abraham (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and invite the children to share what they know about the story it depicts, found in Abraham 1:12, 15–17. Ask the children to read these verses and share things they learn about prayer.
Pearl of Great Price Coloring Book “Abraham Saved by the Angel of the Lord”
- Invite the children to share experiences when Heavenly Father answered their prayers, and share one of your own experiences.
Friend October 2018 “Canyon Prayer” Carsen and some family members get lost in a canyon while hiking. Carsen knew that Heavenly Father knew the way out so he suggests they pray. He then receives a prompting on which way to go, and they are able to quickly find their way out.
Friend April 2018 “Lost and Found” Cael knows Heavenly Father answers prayers because when he found himself alone and scared on a mountain trail, he prayed. His father felt the Holy Ghost telling him to go look for his Cael.

See also Teaching Children the Gospel “Prayer: Stories” under the title “Praying for Help”.
President Joseph Fielding Smith, commenting on the human sacrifices that took place during the time of Abraham, wrote: “Abraham was of the [tenth] generation from Noah. Several hundred years had passed since the flood, and people had multiplied and spread over the face of the earth. The civilizations of Egypt, Chaldea, Assyria and the petty nations of Canaan, had been established. In the midst of this scattering the true worship of the Father was nearly lost. Sacrifice instituted in the days of Adam and continued in the practice and teaching of Noah, in the similitude of the great sacrifice of the Son of Man, had become perverted. Instead of offering clean animals, such as the lamb and bullock, the apostate nations had dwindled in unbelief to the extent that human sacrifice was offered to their idol gods” (The Way to Perfection, 85).
Abraham and Sarah
Old Testament Scripture Stories “Abraham and Sarah” Illustrations and video
Abraham leaves Ur to go to Canaan—Jehovah appears to him at Haran—All gospel blessings are promised to his seed and through his seed to all—He goes to Canaan and on to Egypt.
Abram will become a great nation—He and his seed will bless all the families of the earth—He travels from Haran to the land of Canaan—Because of famine, he goes down into Egypt—Abram and Sarai are tested in Pharaoh’s court.
I Can Be a Peacemaker.
Abram returns from Egypt—He and Lot part—The Lord will make Abram’s seed as the dust of the earth in number—Abram settles in Hebron.
Come Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” When Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen disagreed over their grazing land, Abraham proposed a solution that brought peace. You can use this example to inspire the children to be peacemakers.
- Share with the children the story from Genesis 13:5–12, and invite them to act it out. Let the children take turns pretending to be Abraham, his nephew Lot, and the herdsmen. Suggest ways they can follow Abraham’s example of being a peacemaker, such as taking turns with a toy when playing with a friend. Invite them to role-play these examples.
Latter Day Kids “Abraham and Lot” Lesson ideas to go with the above video
- Read Matthew 5:9, and explain that Jesus wants us to be peacemakers. Help the children think of what they can do to be peacemakers at home or with friends. Invite them to draw a picture of themselves being a peacemaker. Ask the children to share how they feel when they are peacemakers like Jesus Christ.
“Cease From Anger” (February 2010 Friend)
Take this quiz to see how forgiving you are. When we are loving and forgiving, we can be peacemakers.
Come Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2”We all face situations that tempt us to become frustrated and contentious. Consider how the story of Abraham and Lot could help the children be peacemakers in such situations.
- Write Main Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution on the board. Invite the children to read Genesis 13:5–12 and identify the parts of the story listed on the board. Help the children think of situations when they could be peacemakers, such as when someone argues or tries to fight. Then invite them to role-play how they could be peacemakers in those situations.
- Help the children find the topics “Peace” and “Peacemaker” in the Guide to the Scriptures (scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Invite each child to select a scripture about peace and share what he or she learns with the class. Help them think of some examples of the Savior being a peacemaker, such as in Luke 22:50–51. How can we follow His example?
- “Matt and Mandy” (October 1994 Friend)
Mandy learns to be a peacemaker by watching her mother’s example.
Friend June 2018 “Coloring Page”
What did Abraham do to create peace in his family? Perhaps your family members could practice being a peacemaker like Abraham by role-playing how to resolve conflicts that are likely to arise in your family. Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2”
Lesson 10: Abraham and Lot,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 39–4 To strengthen each child’s desire to show love to others.
Additional teaching ideas: Teaching Children the Gospel: Peacemaker and Resources for Teaching Children “Peacemaker”
Abraham Pays His Tithes
Lot is captured in the battles of the kings—He is rescued by Abram—Melchizedek administers bread and wine and blesses Abram—Abram pays tithes—He declines to accept the spoils of conquest.
What do we learn about Melchizedek from Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 14:25–40? (in the Bible appendix; see also Alma 13:13–19). How can we “[establish] righteousness” as Melchizedek did? (verse 36). What else about Melchizedek’s ministry inspires us? Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2”
Friend April 1994 “Melchizedek” Story of Melchizedek
Liahona February 2022 “Teaching about God’s Promises” Tithing Brings Gratitude
In Genesis 14:20, we read that Abraham paid tithing. Elder David A. Bednar has taught that spiritual blessings “are poured out through the windows of heaven and into our lives as we honor the law of tithing” (“The Windows of Heaven,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 18).
- As a family, discuss the blessings you’ve seen from obeying the law of tithing.
- Have one person write the blessings down.
- Together, go through the list again and discuss some of the ways these blessings make your life better.
Elder Bednar also taught that “a subtle but significant blessing we receive [as we honor the law of tithing] is the spiritual gift of gratitude that enables our appreciation for what we have. … A grateful person is rich in contentment” (“The Windows of Heaven,” 18). How has your family seen gratitude as a blessing of paying tithing?
Sarai gives Hagar to Abram as his wife—Hagar flees from Sarai—An angel commands Hagar to return and submit herself to Sarai—Hagar bears Ishmael.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” Reading about Hagar could be an opportunity to discuss how the Lord helps us when we feel wronged. You might point out that “Ishmael” means “God hears.” When have we felt that the Lord heard and helped us when we felt wronged? (see Genesis 16:11).
It is Important to Keep My Promises.
Abram desires offspring—The Lord promises him seed in number as the stars—Abram believes the promise—His seed will be strangers in Egypt—Then, after four generations, they will inherit Canaan.
Abram is commanded to be perfect—He will be a father of many nations—His name is changed to Abraham—The Lord covenants to be a God unto Abraham and his seed forever—Also, the Lord gives Abraham the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession—Circumcision becomes a token of the everlasting covenant between God and Abraham—Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah—She will bear Isaac, with whom the Lord will establish His covenant—Abraham and the men of his house are circumcised.
Genesis 15:1–6; 17:1–8; Abraham 2:9–11
Old Testament Stories “Abraham and Sarah” Abraham prayed to the Lord to learn more about Him. The Lord visited Abraham and called Himself Jehovah. Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham. He promised that Abraham would have the priesthood. He also promised that through Abraham’s family, all the families of the earth would be blessed.
Come Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” Learning about the covenant that God made with Abraham and Sarah can help the children understand what it means to keep promises. It can also help them prepare to make and keep covenants.
- Ask the children if they know what a promise or covenant is. Invite them to share experiences when they made a promise or someone made a promise to them. If it’s helpful, share some examples of your own. Help the children understand that Abraham and Sarah promised to obey God. Choose a few phrases from Genesis 15:1–6; 17:1–8; Abraham 2:9–11 to share some of the blessings God promised to them. These might include “Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield,” “Thou shalt be a father of many nations,” or “All the families of the earth [shall] be blessed.”
Pearl of Great Price Coloring Book “Abrahamic Covenant”
- What are some simple promises the children could make and keep during class? For instance, ask them to promise to stay in their seats for a few minutes or put away their chairs at the end of class. Share with them a time when you made a promise and kept it, and invite them to share any experiences they have had. Help them understand that they will make promises with Heavenly Father when they are baptized and when they go to the temple.
Sometimes keeping our promises help keep us safe, such as in the the story below. Keeping the covenants we make with Heavenly Father can also help keep us safe, spiritually and physically, and help us to become more like our Heavenly Father.
Friend April 2021 “Trouble at the Creek” Brian doesn’t keep his promise to his mom to stay away from the creek after the storm. He crosses it on a fallen log and gets his foot stuck.

Friend February 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Story: God told the prophet Abraham, “Fear not … I am thy shield” (Genesis 15:1). He told Abraham that He would help and protect him.
Song: “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Children’s Songbook, 148)
Activity: Draw or make a shield. Write on your shield ways you can obey God.
Friend February 2019 “The Baptism Covenant” Cut out and mix up these cards. Then take turns matching cards that go together. With each match, talk about that part of the baptism covenant.
I Can Keep the Covenants I Make with Heavenly Father.
Genesis 17:1–8; Abraham 2:8–11
Come Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” Teaching the children about the covenant God made with Abraham and Sarah can help them think about their own covenants.
- Invite the children to read Genesis 17:1–8 and Abraham 2:8–11 and make two lists: what Abraham was asked to do and what the Lord promised him in return. What do we learn about the Lord from these verses?
- Invite the children to read Genesis 17:1–8 and Abraham 2:8–11 and make two lists: what Abraham was asked to do and what the Lord promised him in return. What do we learn about the Lord from these verses?
“Lesson 9: Jehovah Makes Covenants with Abraham,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 35–38
- Have the children take turns choosing slips of paper with the following scripture references on them that tell of the promises made to Abraham. Explain that seed means descendants. Have them read each verse aloud and, if they desire, mark the verses in their own scriptures.
- Abraham 2:9—His name would be great among all nations.
- Abraham 2:10—All who accept the gospel through baptism would be known as Abraham’s descendants.
- Abraham 2:11—The Lord would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed Abraham.
- Abraham 2:11—His descendants would have the priesthood.
- Abraham 2:11—His seed would have the responsibility to be missionaries and take the gospel to all nations.
- Abraham 2:19—Abraham and his descendants would be given the land of Canaan.
- Genesis 22:17—The Lord would multiply Abraham’s seed greatly (Abraham would have many descendants).
- “Abraham and Sarah Made Covenants” (March 2018 Liahona and Friend)
Some information and a hero card about Abraham and Sarah.
Liahona February 2022 “The Abrahamic Covenant” God promised Abraham that “as many as receive this Gospel shall be … thy seed” (Abraham 2:10). Our covenants at baptism and in the temple allow us access to the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant and make us part of the covenant people of God, as long as we are faithful (see Ezekiel 11:20).
- Show a picture of someone getting baptized (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 103, 104). Ask the children to list the promises a person makes at baptism and the promises God makes in return. Suggest that the children look in Mosiah 18:10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, 77, 79 for help. What can we do to keep the covenants we made at baptism?
We Promise
Have the children look up and read Mosiah 18:8-10 to find the covenants we make at baptism. As they find each one have them put the corresponding word strips under the “We Promise” word strip.
To come into the fold of God and be called his people.
We promise to join his church and take upon us the name of Christ. As members of his church we represent Christ and are to be examples of his teachings. (See the lesson on King Benjamin to further review this principle.)
To stand as a witness of God at all times and all places.
A witness is someone who tells others what they know and have seen; so a witness of God tells others what they know about God and His church. They state their beliefs in His commandments and try to be an example of them.
To serve God and keep his commandments.
We become more like our Savior as we obey the commandments.
To serve and help others.
We become more like our Savior as we serve and help others, which includes:
o Mourning with those that mourn.
o Comforting those that stand in need of comfort.
o Bearing one another’s burdens.
The Lord Promises
• What does the Lord promise if we keep the covenants we make? (Have the children look up and read Mosiah 18:9-10 to find the things the Lord promises. As they find each one, have them put the corresponding word strips under the “The Lord Promises” word strip.
We can be redeemed of God.
This means we can be forgiven of our sins when we repent.
We can come forth in the first resurrection.
We will be ready and spiritually prepared to come forth out of the spirit world during the first resurrection.
We can have eternal life.
Eternal life is the kind of life Heavenly Father has, which includes having a fullness of joy, love, peace, knowledge, and power.
He will pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon us.
As we keep our covenants, the Lord will bless us with his spirit more abundantly. The companionship of the Holy Ghost is a wonderful blessing because the Holy Ghost guides, teaches, protects, and comforts us.
Genesis 13:16; 15:2–6; 17:15–19.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2” How can you help your family understand the Lord’s promise in these verses—that even though Abraham and Sarah did not yet have children, their posterity would be as numerous as the dust of the earth, stars in the sky, or sand on the seashore? (see also Genesis 22:17). Perhaps you could show family members a container of sand, look at the stars, or use the picture that accompanies this outline. How can we trust God’s promises even when they seem impossible?’
“Lesson 9: Jehovah Makes Covenants with Abraham,” Primary 6: Old Testament Bring some sand in a container. Let the children try to count the grains they can hold between their thumb and forefinger. Imagine the vastness of Abraham’s posterity. Ask the children how they personally can help fulfill the promises made to Abraham that his seed would become as numerous as the grains of “sand which is upon the sea shore” (Genesis 22:17)
For Additional Teaching Ideas see Teaching Children the Gospel “Covenants” and Resources for Teaching Children “Covenants”
Additional Resources
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2: I Will Lead Thee” Lesson Ideas
- Abraham could validly state that Sarah was his sister. In the Bible the Hebrew words brother and sister are often used for other blood relatives. (See Genesis 14:14, in which Lot, Abraham’s nephew, is called “his brother.”) Because Abraham and Haran, Sarah’s father, were brothers, Sarah was Abraham’s niece and thus could be called sister. The accompanying pedigree chart shows this relationship. (Institute: Old Testament Student Manual Genesis-2 Samuel)
- “Abraham” (Mar. 1994 Friend) A retelling of the story of Abraham being visited by the Lord and the things he learned.
- “Scriptural Giants: Friend of God” (July 1987 Friend)
A retelling of various stories from Abraham’s life.
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