Friend February 2023 “Find It!” Many families around the world celebrate Lunar New Year. What are your favorite family traditions? Find the items hidden below.
Friend November 2023 “Hello from Indonesia!”

Friend November 2023 “Following Jesus in Indonesia”

Friend July 2024 “Visiting Grandma and Grandpa” While Ernesto’s family were visiting his grandparents in Indonesia, he was able to share his beliefs with them by explaining why he doesn’t drink tea when offered some, and by reading the scriptures and praying with his family and inviting his grandparents to join with them.

Hong Kong (China)
Friend December 2022 “Meet Jun Eui from Hong Kong” Jun Eui patiently helps his sisters with homework. He also helps his mother with chores. He says that when he helps others he feels happy and he feels the Holy Ghost. (See link for photos)
Friend December 2022 “Hello From Hong Kong”
Friend February 2024 “A Happy Lunar New Year” Claire and her family celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. Not only is it a time to enjoy the fun holiday traditions, it is also a time to spend with family, so they put family member pictures on the table and called Claire’s grandma and grandpa.
Friend January 2024 “Hello From Thailand!”

Friend January 2024 “Following Jesus in Thailand”
Friend July 2021 “Elder Andersen Visits Thailand” Includes photos
Friend August 2020 “Hello From Malaysia”

Friend August 2020 “Food and Fun” Make this tasty Malaysian treat! Sweet Potato Balls. Also, Batu Seremban is a traditional Malaysian game. Here’s a version you can play.
Friend August 2020 “The Mooncake Festival” Vincent was excited to explore at the mooncake festival, but while exploring he fell and hit his chin. He had to go to the hospital and he was scared, so he prayed and felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He knew that everything would be okay.

Friend January 2019 “Hello from the Philippines” Margo and Paulo share about the the places they are visiting around the world, starting with the Philippines.
Friend April 2021 “Adventures in the Philippines with Margo and Paolo”

Challenge: Be friendly to someone new and include them even if they’re different from you.
Friend March 2021 “Augusto Lim” Augusto’s little daughter asked why they didn’t attend church. Augusto prayed about it and a couple of days later missionaries showed up at their door. Augusto served Heavenly Father his whole life and became the first General Authority in the Philippines.
Friend June 2019 “Elder Christofferson Visits the Philippines”
Friend April 2021 “Meet Shiloh from the Philippines” Shiloh loves to help people everywhere he goes, and is friendly and willing to play with everyone. It doesn’t matter how different they are. Shiloh has a condition called Down syndrome, but he knows everyone is a child of God! (photos included in story)
Friend May 2022 “Teams and Talents” Jillian helped her friend come back to church.

Friend November 2022 “Felipe Finds the Way” Felipe and his mother were lost in the jungle forest. Felipe said a prayer and asked for help. A thought came to his mind to look for coconut trees because that was where villages are.

Friend July 2019 “Hello From Cambodia!” (Also food and a game from Cambodia.)
Friend July 2019 “Mara the Pioneer” Mara learns that she is a pioneer because the church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years.
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Friend June 2022 “Hello from Cambodia”
Friend June 2022 “Meet Septream from Cambodia” Sometimes at school Septream notices friends who don’t have enough food. So he shares his snacks and lunch with them. (See photos at link)
South Korea
Friend August 2019 “Hello from South Korea”
Friend August 2019 “Food and Fun” Korean Rice Bowl and the Korean game Jero.
Friend September 2021 “Kim Ho Jik” Kim Ho Jik learned about the gospel from a friend while studying at a university in the U.S. Kim Ho Jik became a leader in his country. He helped open South Korea for missionary work and translated Church materials into Korean.
Friend December 2024 “Hello from South Korea!”

Friend December 2024 “Following Jesus in South Korea” Uicheon follows the Savior by praying when he needs help. When he was younger, he lost part of his toy car. He was sad. Then he and his father prayed together. Right after they said “amen,” they found the missing part! “It was such a quick answer to our prayer,” says Uicheon.
Ji-in followed Jesus Christ by being baptized. She wanted to follow His example. “When I stood up from the water, I had a great feeling and thought about Jesus,” she says. “I felt refreshed, and I thought I became a better person.” (See more images at link)
Friend June 2021 “Tea or Mango Juice?” Chung’s friend, Jiro, ordered the two of them cold tea on a hot day, but Chung asked for mango juice instead. He explained to Jiro why he doesn’t drink tea. He invited Jiro to church hoping someone could explain it better, but Jiro wasn’t interested. Jiro spoke up for him though when their class was going to have tea as a reward for hard work. He explained that Chung didn’t drink tea because it was part of his religion. Chung was glad he had such a good friend.

Friend June 2021 “Elder Christofferson Visits Vietnam” Elder Christofferson said President Nelson’s visit was a reminder to the Vietnamese people that they matter to Heavenly Father. (See photos of his visit at link)
Friend July 2020 “The Surprise Mission Call” Edwin and his wife were from India. They had joined the church while working in Samoa. They wanted their families to learn about the gospel, so they wrote church headquarters to ask for missionaries to be sent there. To their surprise, they were called to as missionaries. They were able to baptize many of their family members and enough people to start a branch.

Friend February 2025 “Finding the Gospel in India” In 1954 a man named S. Paul Thiruthuvadoss was in a used bookstore in India. He found a pamphlet about Joseph Smith inside a book and read it. He and his family were baptized! Can you find the hidden items?
In 1957, S. Paul Thiruthuvadoss requested baptism after having read the Book of Mormon five times. In 1964, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited him with President Jay A. Quealy of the Southern Far East Mission. Finally, on Feb. 5, 1965, President Quealy baptized him, thus beginning the modern-day era of the Church in India.
“At the time he was baptized, there were two missionaries sent for six months,” Sister Rutherford recounted. “And basically, after that six months, Brother Thiruthuvadoss was on his own. When the Church finally sent missionaries back, it was 1973, and there were 225 members. Most of them had been taught by Brother Thiruthuvadoss.”
Friend April 2019 “Elder Bednar Visits India”
Friend November 2021 “They’re Waiting for Me!” Giselle lives in India, and she can’t wait until the temple is built there so she can do baptisms for her ancestors who have died without knowledge of the gospel. (Photos at link)
Friend July 2022 “Michael’s Long Search” Michael read a magazine from the church and wanted to learn more, but there weren’t any Latter-day Saint churches in India. He also read the Book of Mormon and prayed. He knew it was true! He wanted to be baptized. Many years later a senior missionary couple came to India. Finally, Michael was baptized! Later he became a translator for General Conference.

United Arab Emirates
Friend March 2021 “Meet Victoria from the United Arab Emirates” Victoria and her sister made a video of them singing “I Am a Child of God” to help cheer up their teachers when Covid-19 hit. (Link includes photos)
Friend March 2021 “Adventures in the UAE” Victoria wants to help people have clean water. You can help too by not wasting water. And you can help keep it clean.
Challenge: Look for living things in a pond, river, or ocean near you. You can help protect them by picking up trash near water and not putting harmful chemicals down drains.
Friend January 2022 “Meet Ami from Japan” Ami helps with a ward food drive. (See link for photos)
Friend January 2022 “Hello From Japan” See link for photos and more info.

Friend November 2022 “Hello from Lebanon”
Friend November 2022 “Meet Carmen from Lebanon” Carmen wanted to do something nice for their Syrian neighbor for Christmas, so each day she bought something small and put it in the box. On the 25th she gave it to the neighbors. (See images at link)
Friend July 2023 “Hello from Nepal!”

Friend July 2023 “Following Jesus in Nepal”

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