Table of Contents
- Each of Us is of Great Worth to God.
- How do We Know Heavenly Father Loves Us?
- We Feel Their Love When We Pray
- The Lord Knows Who I Am and Loves Me.
- Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know me and love me.
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves Me and Wants to Help Me
- Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to earth because He loves me.
- Heavenly Father loves me, so He gave me a Savior.
- Heavenly Father loves me, so He sent His Son.
- God Loves All His Children
- Heavenly Father loves all His children.
- “God is no respecter of persons.”
Each of Us is of Great Worth to God.
Friend January 2022 “You Are a Beloved Child of God” “You are a beloved child of God. Please remember that fact. If you never forget that one pure truth, you can face any problem with faith and courage. I know that Heavenly Father watches over you. He loves you very much, and so do I.” (President Russel M. Nelson)
See “Allegory of the Olive Tree” The Lord does everything he can to reclaim his people.
Friend June 2021 “Bright Idea”
Friend May 2022 “Gathering Israel” Cut out the pieces, Glue to heavy paper or craft sticks, and put the puzzle together.
Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–12
Many people struggle with feelings of low self-worth; others are unkind toward people who are different from them. The powerful message of Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 can change how we view ourselves and people around us.
Repeat verse 10 with the children, this time replacing “souls” with the children’s names.
Help the children think of things that people consider valuable. Then let the children take turns looking in a mirror, and as they do, tell each child that he or she is a child of God and of great worth. Testify that to Heavenly Father, they are more valuable than all the things they thought of earlier.
- Ask each child to write his or her name on a piece of paper and pass the papers around the room. Invite them to write on each paper they receive something they like about that person. Encourage them to be kind and thoughtful in their comments. Then help the children read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–12, and invite them to share what they learn about how God feels about us. Explain that we are all of great worth to God because we are His children.
- Show the children something that is very valuable to you. How do we treat things that are valuable to us? Ask a child to read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10. How can we show other people that “the worth of [their] souls is great” in our sight?
Each family member could read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–13 and substitute his or her name in place of the words “soul,” “souls,” and “all men.” You could then discuss how these verses help us understand our worth to the Father and the Son (see Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19).
Liahona February 2021 “Your Worth is Great” Family Study Fun: Circle of Worth
Circle of Worth: Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer were counseled to remember that “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10). As we help others to see their own worth, we bring them nearer to Christ while becoming closer to Him ourselves.
- Invite family members to sit in a circle.
- Each person will take a turn standing in the middle of the circle.
- Everyone sitting in the circle will tell the middle person, “You matter to me because ___________,” and share specific details of why that person is of worth to them.
- The middle person will then choose their own statement of personal worth: “I matter to God and myself because __________.”
Discussion: Why is it important to remember our own worth as well as the worth of those around us? If Christ were in the circle, what would He say about us? Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10–13 and discuss what Christ went through because of how much He loves and values us.
Friend February 2021 “Scripture Time Fun”
Friend February 2021 “Scripture Time for Little Ones” For Doctrine and Covenants 18–19: Help your little ones say, “I am important to Heavenly Father.” Then sing “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2) and have your children give themselves a hug when they sing the words, “I am a child of God.”
For additional teaching ideas see “Child of God“
Friend July 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” Paper Lilies
- Sing “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75).
- Jesus said to “consider the lilies of the field” (Doctrine and Covenants 84:82). If Heavenly Father takes care of the flowers, we can trust that He will take care of us! (See Doctrine and Covenants 84:83–85.)
- Make a paper lily to remind you of Heavenly Father’s love and care. Trace your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. Roll the hand shape into a cone. Then roll each “finger” around a pencil to curl the paper outward for the petals. If you want, you can tape your flower to a stick to make a stem.
Friend November 2020 “We are Moving Forward”
Read 1 John 4:11 to the children, and sing a song about God’s love, such as “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 228). Ask a few children to share how they know that Heavenly Father loves them. After each answer, invite the children to hug themselves and say, “God is love, and God loves me.”(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)
Friend November 2023 “Bright Idea”
How do We Know Heavenly Father Loves Us?
Friend June 2024 “The Scripture Hunt” Calan’s Mom and Dad always told him that Heavenly Father loved him. His parents showed him love in lots of ways, like giving him hugs. But he had never gotten a hug from Heavenly Father, so how did he know it was true. His Mom and Dad said the Book of Mormon told about things Heavenly Father wants us to know, so he decided to search there to find the answer to his question. After many searches in the Book of Mormon he found a scripture that Nephi said, “I know that he loveth his children” (1 Nephi 11:17). Calan felt a powerful feeling in his heart as he read it. It felt like a big hug. Heavenly Father did love him!

Friend March 2022 “How do We Know Heavenly Father Loves Us?”
The Beautiful Earth that was Created for Us.
Friend March 2023 “Margo and Paolo” Seeing Heavenly Father’s amazing creations (such as a meteor shower) helps Margo and Paulo feel God’s love.
Friend November 2023 “Bright Idea”
We Feel Their Love When We Pray
Ensign October 2017 When we read the scriptures or pray, we can feel how much Heavenly Father and Jesus love us. Color in a heart each time you pray or read your scriptures. What else can you do to feel close to Heavenly Father and Jesus?
The Lord Knows Who I Am and Loves Me.
William E. McLellin had five specific questions for the Lord. Joseph Smith received answers to them in a revelation even though he did not know what William’s questions were. This experience could help you teach the children that God is aware of them and can answer their questions.
- Tell about how the Lord answered William E. McLellin’s questions through a revelation from the Prophet Joseph Smith (see Doctrine and Covenants 66, section heading). Testify that Heavenly Father knows us and wants to help us. Ask the children to share how they know that God loves them.
- Read to the children Doctrine and Covenants 66:4. Tell the children about a time when the Lord showed you what He wanted you to do. Read the verse again, this time inserting the name of one of the children. Repeat for each of the children.

Friend March 2018 “Heavenly Father Listens” Elder Clayton felt the love of God as a teen when he prayed about some worries. Heavenly Father loves us and is interested in our lives just like a parent would be. (Activity page included: Find the hearts in the room of the girl who is praying.)
Heavenly Father and Jesus know me by name.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 21–23; Mark 11; Luke 19–20; John 12” As you read about the Savior’s interaction with Zacchaeus, what messages do you find that may bless the children you teach?
- Show a picture of Zacchaeus in the Sycamore Tree (in this outline or at Help the children find Zacchaeus and say his name. Create actions for the children to do as you tell the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus—for example, standing on their toes to see over a crowd or pretending to climb a tree. Explain that the Savior saw Zacchaeus and called him by name. Testify that the Savior also knows each of the children and their names.
Latter Day Kids “The Story of Zacchaeus” Lesson ideas
- Bring an empty picture frame to class, or make one out of paper. Invite each child to take a turn holding the frame around his or her face while the rest of the class says, “Heavenly Father and Jesus know [child’s name].”
- Sing together a song about Heavenly Father’s love, such as “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3). Help the children listen for things that help them know Heavenly Father loves them.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know me and love me.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 Throughout our lives, we need to be reminded that Heavenly Father and Jesus know us personally. Psalm 139 can help you teach the children that They know them and love them.
- Make short lists of things you know about each child. As you read the lists one at a time, ask the children to guess who you are describing. Read Psalm 139:1–3, and help the children understand words they might not know. Testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus know them very well—They know their names, what makes them happy and sad, and things they do well.
Friend August 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Guess Who
Song: “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75)
Activity: Write each person’s name on a small piece of paper and put it in a box or bowl. One person pulls out a name. Each person takes a turn to ask yes or no questions until someone guesses the name. Talk about how our Heavenly Father knows us—our name, what we like to do, and everything about us.
“Heavenly Father Loves Me, and He Has a Plan for Me” (January 2013 Liahona and Friend)Nathaniel knows his grandma loves him because she knew the things he liked. His grandma explained that was someone else who had known him and loved him longer than anyone, before he even came to earth. Heavenly Father
- Read Psalm 139:23, and invite the children to put their hands on their hearts when you say “heart” and to touch their heads when you say “thoughts.” Share a time when you felt God knew your heart and your thoughts.
Friend April 2016 “Your Future Home” Story of President Eyring’s desire for a home full of charity that he wanted for his family when he grew up. He didn’t talk to anyone about those feelings, but when he got his patriarchal blessing the patriarch described what he had been yearning for. It was not secret, because God knew.
Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.
Feeling the “everlasting love” of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help the children you teach draw nearer to Them.
- Show the children some objects (or pictures of objects) that last a long time and some that do not, such as a metal coin and a piece of fruit. Ask the children which one will last longer, and discuss why some things last longer than others. Read Jeremiah 31:3, and help the children understand that the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for them is “everlasting.”
- Ask the children to share how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ show Their “lovingkindness” for them (Jeremiah 31:3). To give the children ideas, sing a song about Their love for us, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” or “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75, 228–29). If possible, show pictures of things mentioned in the song. How do we feel when we think about the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
Friend December 2023 “How Do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Help Me?”

Friend October 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Loving Others
Heavenly Father and Jesus love us even when we sin and want to help us repent
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7”The accounts in Mark 2:15–17 and Luke 7:36–50 can help the children understand that Jesus Christ loves us even when we sin. He wants to help us repent and draw close to Him.
A paralyzed man (“sick of the palsy” as used in this account means he was paralyzed)
Watch the video “Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy,” available at, from time code 0:00 to 1:07.
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Mark 2:1–12” Some of the people present at this event questioned the Savior’s authority to forgive sins. Read Mark 2:6–12, looking for what the Savior did to demonstrate His authority to forgive. The phrase “Son of man” in verse 10 refers to Jesus Christ being the Son of “Man of Holiness,” who is God the Father (see Moses 6:57). You may also want to continue watching the video “Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy” from time code 1:07 to 2:57.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, then of the First Presidency, testified of the Savior’s power to heal spiritual illness.
Sometimes spiritual illness comes as a result of sin or emotional wounds. …Even the deepest spiritual wounds—yes, even those that may appear to be incurable—can be healed.
My dear friends, the healing power of Jesus Christ is not absent in our day. The Savior’s healing touch can transform lives in our day just as it did in His. If we will but have faith, He can take our hands, fill our souls with heavenly light and healing, and speak to us the blessed words, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk” [ John 5:8 ].
(Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Bearers of Heavenly Light,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 78)

“Friend August 2013 “Friend August 2013 “Jesus Heals a Sick Man” By Margo Mae

Friend August 2013 “Jesus Heals a Man Taken with a Palsy” Coloring Page
Friend November 2009 “Jesus Heals a Sick Man”
Latter Day Kids “I Can Show Compassion for Others” Lesson ideas
- Write How does Jesus feel about sin? and How does Jesus feel about us when we sin? on the board. Ask the children to think about these questions as they read together Mark 2:15–17 and then share their answers. (You may want to read together “Publican” in Guide to the Scriptures [].–In ancient Rome, a collector of taxes for the government. Publicans were generally hated by the Jews. Some publicans readily accepted the gospel) Why is it important to know that Jesus loves us, even though we aren’t perfect? How can knowing this help us when we need to repent?
- Show a picture of the Savior (such as one in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families), and ask the children what words they would use to describe Him. Invite them to find words that describe Him in Psalm 86:5, 13, 15. If needed, help them define these words. What could we say to a friend who feels that God is angry at them when they sin?

- Sing with the children a song that you feel will help them understand the Savior’s forgiving nature, such as “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, no. 193). Share your testimony that Jesus Christ wants to forgive us.
Friend January 2023 “What’s on Your Mind?” Jesus Christ loves you perfectly. If you make a wrong choice, He still loves you. And He can help you repent and make things right again. He is always waiting for you to follow Him. He believes in you! (See more at link.)
If someone were to stray off a path, fall, and become injured, what would be some of the possible symptoms and effects of being injured? Answers might include: pain, shock, bruises, scrapes, cuts, bleeding, broken bones, sprain, concussion, etc.
Just like a person would suffer the effects of being injured, a person who had sinned would also suffer the consequences and results of that sin. What are some of the consequences that can occur because of sin? Answers might include: guilt, loss of the Spirit’s help and guidance, possible loss of freedom, loss of other’s trust, damaged relationships, possible loss of good health, loss of inheritance in the kingdom of God, etc.
Show the children some medical items and ask what they are used for. (To help treat and heal physical injuries and sickness.)
Who is the master physician that can heal our spiritual wounds, small or large? (Jesus Christ) The Savior said: ‘Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? … If ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life.’”
- A few days before class, invite one of the children and a family member to come to class prepared to share the account in Luke 7:36–50. They could draw pictures depicting parts of the story to show the class. Discuss with the children what the Lord might want us to learn from this story.

Jesus Loves Me
Friend June 2023 “Have You Seen Jesus?”

Friend June 2024 “I Know Jesus Loves Me” What things remind you of Jesus Christ’s love?
Friend October 2024 “The Savior Loves Each of Heavenly Father’s Children”
Friend October 2023 “I Feel My Savior’s Love” A girl feels the Savior’s love during singing time. Her mother tells her that the warmth and love she feels in her heart is the Holy Ghost helping her feel the Savior’s love.

Friend March 2024 “Jesus is Our Savior” When do you feel Jesus’s love?
Friend February 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas for teaching little ones about Jesus.
Friend February 2017 “Jesus Loves Me” Action poem

Friend January 2023 “What’s on Your Mind?” Jesus Christ loves you perfectly. If you make a wrong choice, He still loves you. And He can help you repent and make things right again. He is always waiting for you to follow Him. He believes in you! And so do we.
Friend March 2023 “What Would Jesus Do If He Were Here Today?” From a talk by Elder Uchtdorf
Jesus wants little children to come to Him so He can bless them.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 19–20; Mark 10; Luke 18” This account provides an opportunity to help children feel how much Jesus loves them.
- In your own words, share the account in Mark 10:13–16. You might also show the video “Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me” ( Help the children think of times when they have felt Jesus’s love for them. Bear your testimony to the children that Jesus loves them and wants to bless them.
Latter Day Kids “Let the Children Come Unto Me” Lesson ideas
Friend May 2019 “Jesus Blesses the Children”
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Friend September 2017 “Jesus is Kind” Jesus blesses the children.

- Display the picture Christ and the Children (Gospel Art Book, no. 47). Help the children imagine what it might be like to be one of the children sitting next to Jesus in the picture. Invite the children to share how they feel about Jesus.
- Let the children draw pictures of themselves being blessed by Jesus (see Mark 10:16 and this week’s activity page).
New Testament Coloring Books “Jesus Blessed the Children”
Jesus Christ is a Perfect Friend
How can you help the children know that the Savior loves us even more than a dear friend does?
- Display a picture of the Savior as you read Doctrine and Covenants 84:77. Invite the children to point to the picture of the Savior every time they hear the word “friends.” Explain that when we try to keep the commandments, we show Jesus that we love Him. Share what it means to you to have Jesus as your friend.
- Help the children list some things they can do to show their friends that they love them. What did Jesus do to show us that He is our friend? What can we do to show the Savior that we are His friends? Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58).
Ensign July 2010 “Jesus Christ, Our Perfect Friend”
Friend May 2022 “For Older Kids”
Jesus Loves Me and Wants to Help Me
Come Follow Me Kids “I Will Prepare the Way Before You” I Have Graven Thee Upon the Palms of My Hands – Review who Nephi was. Explain that Nephi shared a scripture about Jesus’s hands. Show picture of the mark in His hands after He was crucified (below). Read 1 Nephi 21:15-16. To help them visualize that we are graven on the palms of Christ’s hands, have each person write their names on the hand in the picture below. You can either give each person their own small picture or print up the big one for everyone to write on together. Remind them that Heavenly Father and Jesus love us, remember us, and want to help us in life. They want to lead us to good things.

Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to earth because He loves me.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “1 Nephi 11-15” To teach Nephi about God’s love, an angel showed Nephi events from the Savior’s life. You could do the same for your children—give them pictures of the events Nephi saw in 1 Nephi 11:20, 24, 27, 31, and 33 (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 30, 35, 39, 42, 57). As you read these verses, help your children find the picture that matches it. What do we learn about Jesus Christ from these verses and pictures? (Or, as you read these verses, ask the children to hold up their picture when they hear the verse that matches it. Or for older children: Invite the children to match verses from 1 Nephi 11:16–33 with pictures. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “1 Nephi 11-15”)

Singing a song like “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35) could help your children feel God’s love. After you sing, ask your children what they learn from the song. What else do we learn about God’s love from 1 Nephi 11:22–23?
“Condescension” means the voluntary descent from a position of rank or dignity. One truth we can learn is that the condescension of God demonstrates His love for us. (Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024))
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “1 Nephi 11-15” Tell the children about some of the things Nephi learned that Jesus Christ would do during His life (see 1 Nephi 11:16–33), and show them pictures of some of these events (see, for instance, Gospel Art Book, nos. 41, 46, 47, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59). Share what the Savior has done for you. Show pictures to help the children think of ways we can share God’s love (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 109, 110, 115).
Friend January 2020 “Come, Follow Me for Little Ones” Read 1 Nephi 11:24 together and help your little ones say, “Jesus came to earth because He loves me.” Help your little one flip through copies of the Friend and draw a heart next to each picture of Jesus. This would be a great time to share your feelings about the Savior.
Heavenly Father loves me, so He gave me a Savior.
For God So Loved the World Video
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4”
- Ask the children to complete sentences like this one: “Because my parents love me, they …” Read John 3:16. Then help each child repeat John 3:16, replacing the words “the world” with his or her own name. Help the children notice what this verse says Heavenly Father did because He loves us. Invite the children to draw a picture of Jesus. Let them share their drawings with each other and express their love for the Savior.
Friend March 2022 “How do We Know Heavenly Father Loves Us?”
Video “For God So Loved the World”
- Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35). Let the children hold up a picture of Jesus every time they sing a word like “Son,” “Jesus,” or “Savior.”
Heavenly Father loves me, so He sent His Son.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” How can you help the children know that Jesus Christ was sent to earth as an expression of Heavenly Father’s love?
- Ask the children to draw a picture of their favorite gift and the person who gave them that gift. Then ask a child to read John 3:16. What gift did Heavenly Father give us? How does this gift show His love?
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “There is no greater evidence of the infinite power and perfection of God’s love than is declared by the Apostle John [in John 3:16]. … Think how it must have grieved our Heavenly Father to send His Son to endure incomprehensible suffering for our sins. That is the greatest evidence of His love for each of us!” (“Love and Law,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2009, 26).
- Ask the children to find answers to the question “Why did Heavenly Father send us Jesus Christ?” as they read John 3:16–17 or sing or listen to “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35).
If we believe in Jesus Christ, which includes repenting of our sins and obeying His word, we can have everlasting life through His Atonement
Friend April 2017 “Family Night Fun” Object lesson to explain the Atonement.
Pour some salt onto a plate. This represents us before we sin.
Now sprinkle pepper on the salt. The pepper is like sin. It keeps us away from Heavenly Father.
Rub the spoon on a towel. Then move it slowly above the salt and pepper. The pepper will stick to the spoon. Jesus’s Atonement lets us repent and get rid of our sins
Friend July 2020 “What’s on Your Mind”
Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father Sent His Son” Lesson ideas
God Loves All His Children
Heavenly Father loves all His children.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” A fundamental truth that even young children can understand is that everyone is a child of God and that He loves all of His children.
- Friend June 2001 “Seek, Then Follow the Prophet’s Counsel” The story of Peter and Cornelius.

Show the picture Christ and Children from around the World (Gospel Art Book, no. 116) as you read Acts 10:34–35. Explain that in Peter’s time some people believed that the blessings of the gospel were not for everyone. But Peter learned that God loves all of His children and He wants all of them to learn the gospel.
- Friend May 2022 “Gathering Israel” Gathering Israel means helping bring God’s children back to Him. How can you help people come closer to God? Cut out the pieces, Glue to heavy paper or craft sticks, and put the puzzle together.
Invite the children to draw a picture of themselves. As they share their pictures, talk about something you love about each child. Share your testimony that Heavenly Father loves each of them and all of His children, no matter what they look like or where they are from.
- Friend July 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones” With your little ones, look at pictures of children with different skin colors, body types, and physical abilities. Explain that Heavenly Father loves all His children. Help your little ones make a heart with their hands and hold it next to the pictures.
Sing with the children a song about loving others—for example, “I’ll Walk with You” (Children’s Songbook, 140–41).
Invite the children to share ways that they can show love to everyone, just as Jesus did.
Point to each child one by one and say, “Heavenly Father loves [name].” Let the children take turns pointing to one another and saying this phrase.
Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father Love All His Children” Lesson ideas
“God is no respecter of persons.”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” The children you teach need to understand that Heavenly Father loves all His children, no matter what they look like, where they are from, or what choices they make.
- Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15” For generations, the Jews had believed that being of “the seed of Abraham,” or a literal descendant of Abraham, meant that a person was accepted and chosen by God (see Luke 3:8). They considered anyone else an “unclean” Gentile who was not accepted by God. In Acts 10, what did the Lord teach Peter about who “is accepted with him”? (Acts 10:35). What evidence do you find in this chapter that Cornelius’s life was acceptable to the Lord? Ponder what is meant by the statement “God is no respecter of persons” (verse 34; see also 1 Nephi 17:35). Why is it important to you to know this truth?
Ask the children if they can tell what someone is like just by looking at them or guessing where they are from. According to Acts 10:35, how does God determine if someone is “accepted with him”?

Read Acts 10:34–35; 15:6–11 with the children. Explain that in Peter’s time, Jews believed that God did not accept people who weren’t Jews (these people were called Gentiles). But God taught Peter that God loves all of His children, both Jews and Gentiles. Sing together “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3). Invite the children to substitute each other’s names for words like I or me.
Invite the children to share something unique about someone else in the class. Explain that the statement “God is no respecter of persons” means that Heavenly Father loves all His children, and because He loves them, He wants all of His children to hear the gospel.
- Friend November 2003 “Poster Article: Cornelius and Peter” Story and Missionary Mobile: Hang the mobile somewhere in your room to help remind you that the gospel is for everyone in the world.

- Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Acts 10-15”Like the Jews who looked down on those who were not of the seed of Abraham, do you ever catch yourself making unkind or uninformed assumptions about someone who is different from you? How can you overcome this tendency? It might be interesting to try a simple activity for the next few days: Whenever you interact with someone, try to think to yourself, “This person is a child of God.” As you do this, what changes do you notice in the way you think about and interact with others?
- Liahona July 2023 “God Loves All His Children” General Authorities come from different lands. About half come from the United States. Others come from Central and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, Mexico, and Canada.
- Can you name an Apostle who was born in Europe?
- Can you name an Apostle from South America?
- Can you name an Apostle whose parents came from Sweden and Finland?
- Can you name an Apostle whose family originally came from China?
- We may come from different places, but God loves us all.
- Discussion: In what ways might we be the same or different from other people? Does God love us based on what we look like or where we come from? Review the story of Peter and Cornelius found in Acts 10. What did they learn about judging others? What characteristics are important to the Lord?
Additional Teaching Ideas: “Lesson 40: Peter and Cornelius,” Primary 7: New Testament