Latter Day Kids “What is the Priesthood? “ Lesson ideas to go with video
Priesthood Ordinances Help Me Prepare to Live with Heavenly Father Again.
Doctrine and Covenants 84:4–5, 18–28, 30
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 84”
Do the children you teach know the purposes of the priesthood? In Doctrine and Covenants 84, the Lord reveals one purpose: to help us return to Heavenly Father. (To learn more, see Gospel Topics, “Priesthood,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.)
- Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:20, and ask the children to stand when they hear the word “ordinances.” To help them understand what an ordinance is, display pictures of several priesthood ordinances, such as Gospel Art Book, nos. 103–8, and ask the children to describe what is happening in each picture (see also Guide to the Scriptures, “Ordinances,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Explain that Heavenly Father has given us these ordinances to help us return to live with Him.
- Let the children color the activity page. As they do, explain the various priesthood ordinances shown on the page and why you are grateful for those ordinances.
As they get older, the children you teach will be able to participate in more priesthood ordinances, including baptisms and confirmations for the dead in the temple. How can you help them understand the purposes and power of priesthood ordinances?
- Write Aaronic Priesthood and Melchizedek Priesthood on the board. Read together Doctrine and Covenants 84:18, 26–28, 30, and help the children list truths they learn about the Aaronic Priesthood from these verses. Then read together Doctrine and Covenants 84:18–25, and list truths about the Melchizedek Priesthood.
- Invite the children to list the priesthood ordinances they have participated in or witnessed, such as baptism, confirmation, priesthood blessings, or the sacrament. Ask them to share their experiences with these ordinances. Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:20 together (help them understand unfamiliar words). Why does the Lord invite us to participate in ordinances? How does the priesthood help us return to Heavenly Father?
- Create a puzzle out of a picture of a temple. Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 84:5, and ask them to listen for what the Lord commanded the Saints to build. Give each child a piece of the puzzle, and ask them to share something they can do to prepare to enter the temple.
After reading about how Moses received his priesthood authority, a priesthood holder in your family or a ministering brother could share his experience of being ordained to a priesthood office. If possible, he could share and discuss his priesthood line of authority. Why is it important that we can trace priesthood authority in the Church today back to the authority of Jesus Christ? To request a priesthood line of authority, send an email to lineofauthority@ChurchofJesusChrist.org.Doctrine and Covenants 84:20–21.
When has your family experienced “the power of godliness” being manifested through an ordinance such as baptism or the sacrament? Perhaps you can talk about how these ordinances bring God’s power into our lives. You could also display a picture of a temple and discuss how the ordinances of the temple give us additional power to become like the Savior. You may want to sing a song about the priesthood, such as “The Priesthood Is Restored” (Children’s Songbook, 89), and discuss what this song teaches about the priesthood.
Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Priesthood Authority”
Many different ordinances are performed throughout a person’s life, some are for comfort and guidance, but others are essential to salvation. (Do the activity below to identify the ordinances and the saving ordinances.) Hint: Ordinances are sacred ceremonies or acts that are performed by the proper priesthood authority.

Click on image to see a lesson that explains what the priesthood is and how priesthood holders got this authority to perform ordinances. It also includes a fun activity at the end of the lesson.
- “Blessings of the Priesthood Are Available to All” (October 2012 Liahona and Friend)
An explanation of priesthood ordinances. Includes a fill-in-the-blank activity and a coloring page.
For additional teaching ideas see Priesthood and Ordinances and Resources for Teaching Children “Priesthood”
I am Jesus’s Friend when I Follow Him.
How can you help the children know that the Savior loves us even more than a dear friend does?
- Display a picture of the Savior as you read Doctrine and Covenants 84:77. Invite the children to point to the picture of the Savior every time they hear the word “friends.” Explain that when we try to keep the commandments, we show Jesus that we love Him. Share what it means to you to have Jesus as your friend.
- Help the children list some things they can do to show their friends that they love them. What did Jesus do to show us that He is our friend? What can we do to show the Savior that we are His friends? Sing together a song about Jesus, such as “Jesus Is Our Loving Friend” (Children’s Songbook, 58).
Ensign July 2010 “Jesus Christ, Our Perfect Friend”
Friend June 2018 “Family Night Fun” Add to the chain each time you do something towards being a good friend such as being kind, including others, etc.
Heavenly Father helps His missionaries.
Doctrine and Covenants 84:64–72, 81–88
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 84”
The idea of being a missionary someday can be exciting but also intimidating for some children. Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 can teach them how Heavenly Father helps those He sends forth to preach His gospel.
- Help the children think of missionaries they know. Tell them that Heavenly Father has made a special promise to missionaries. Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:88, and help the children think of actions that go with the promises in this verse. Tell about a time when you were serving the Lord and felt that He was with you, as described in verse 88.
- Share the story of the four-year-old boy in Elder Takashi Wada’s message “Feasting upon the Words of Christ” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 38–40). Help each child think of something they could say to share their testimony with someone—such as sharing an article of faith. Ask each child to pretend to share the gospel with a friend. Testify that Heavenly Father helps us know what to say when we talk with others about the gospel.
The Lord protects and empowers missionaries.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 84”
These verses contain promises the Lord made to those He called to preach the gospel. These promises can also inspire the children as they share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
- Group the children into pairs, and give each pair a few verses to read from Doctrine and Covenants 84:64–72, 81–88. Invite them to search for promises the Lord gives to those who share the gospel. Ask them to share what they learned with the class. Help the children think of people they know, or people in the scriptures, who received the Lord’s help when preaching the gospel (such as Samuel the Lamanite [see Helaman 13:2–4; 16:6–7] or Ammon [see Alma 17:32–38]). Share an experience when you felt the Lord’s support while you were serving Him.
- Bring cups or other similar containers to class. Write on slips of paper ways the children can be missionaries now, and place each slip of paper in a cup. Group the cups close together, open end up, on the floor. Invite the children to take turns tossing a small object into one of the cups and then acting out what is on the paper in that cup. How can Heavenly Father help us when we share the gospel with others, even when it may be hard or we feel nervous?
- Help the children see that we are all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because of missionary work—missionaries either taught the gospel to us, our parents, or our ancestors. Tell the children about how missionaries helped you or your ancestors receive the gospel. Let the children share similar experiences. Encourage them to ask their parents how the first Church members in their families learned about the gospel.
Friend July 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” Paper Lilies
- Sing “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75).
- Jesus said to “consider the lilies of the field” (Doctrine and Covenants 84:82). If Heavenly Father takes care of the flowers, we can trust that He will take care of us! (See Doctrine and Covenants 84:83–85.)
- Make a paper lily to remind you of Heavenly Father’s love and care. Trace your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. Roll the hand shape into a cone. Then roll each “finger” around a pencil to curl the paper outward for the petals. If you want, you can tape your flower to a stick to make a stem.
Doctrine and Covenants 84:43–44.
You could prepare a meal or a treat together and label each ingredient with a word or phrase from verse 44. Why is it important that we include every ingredient? Why is it important to live by every word of God? (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 84”)
Additional Resources
Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 84”
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