Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Ruth; 1 Samuel 1–3” When Ruth’s husband died, she could have stayed in her home country, but she chose to go with her widowed mother-in-law, Naomi, and care for her. Consider how Ruth’s Christlike example could inspire the children you teach to be kind to those around them.
- Invite the children to represent Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, or other characters as you tell their story from the book of Ruth (see also “Ruth and Naomi” in Old Testament Stories). Invite the children to raise their hands every time they hear an act of kindness in the story. How do we feel when people are kind to us? How do we feel when we are kind to others?
Old Testament Stories “Ruth and Naomi”

Friend June 2022 “Ruth and Naomi”

Latter Day Kids “Showing Kindness to Others” Lesson ideas
For the Strength of Youth June 2022 “Fearless Together”

- Sing together a song about being kind, such as “Kindness Begins with Me” (Children’s Songbook, 145). Help the children think of ways they can be kind to their family and friends. If they need help, show them pictures of people showing kindness. For every idea mentioned, let the children draw a heart on the board.
Liahona June 2022 “We Follow Jesus Christ and His Prophet”
Family Support Game
After Ruth became a widow, she chose to stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, instead of returning to her people, “for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (Ruth 1:16).
Ruth supported Naomi by staying with her. Try this activity to learn about supporting family:
- Choose a family member and stand back-to-back. Place any object (a small ball or a book) between each other’s backs.
- Working as a team, see how many steps you can take together without letting the object fall.
- Take turns as a family until everyone has had a chance to work as a team to help each other.
Discussion: How did Ruth and Naomi help each other? Ruth believed in Heavenly Father and had faith, so she stayed with Naomi. How was she blessed? How can we support each other and trust the Lord when we have difficulties?
Friend June 2022 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Grains of Service
Story: Read about Ruth in the scripture story on page 8. She worked hard and gathered grain to take care of her husband’s mother. God blessed her for serving others.
Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Songbook, 198)
Activity: Cut out pieces of paper in the shape of grain kernels. Use a stick or long piece of paper as a stem. Glue or tape your kernels to the stem to make a stalk of grain. Whenever you serve someone, pull off a kernel. Keep going until the stem is bare!
Old Testament Coloring Book “Ruth and Naomi”
Lesson 26: Ruth and Naomi,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 114–16
To help the children have the desire to follow the example of righteous people and to be good examples themselves.
Friend July 2018 “Ruth was a Loyal Friend” Link includes story and goal card ideas to learn how to be a good friend like Ruth.
Friend April 2015 “April’s New Wheelchair” April’s brother helps her see that she can learn to get around in her wheelchair.
Friend April 2015 “Cheering Up Grandpa” After Mike’s grandmother dies, his grandpa becomes very sad, even when gardening. Mike nominates his grandpa for Gardener of the Year hoping to help his grandpa feel better.
Giving Time to Those We Love
Friend April 1988 “Hero Sister” Cassie takes her sister to the bus stop and stays with her until the buss arrives, even though she needs to get to school to finish some homework. While waiting, Cassie saves her sister from a runaway car.
Service Helps Us Be Happy
Friend June 2016 Two sisters throw a bedroom sleepover party for their younger sister because she feels left out.
Friend April 2016 “Off to Chicago” Alex is sad his brother will be gone for 3 days, but he makes a gift to help his brother not be lonely and that makes Alex feel better.
Friend April 2016 “Love Spoken” Cassie makes a recording of her mother’s favorite story for her mom to listen to while she’s sick. She learned this from her mom.
Friend January 2016 “The Cleanup Crew” Skit about children thinking of a way to help their mother.
Friend October 2015 “The Doll in the Green Dress” – Girl sacrifices what she wants when she chooses a doll, out of love for her sister.
Friend January 2016 Even though it is embarrassing at times, a boy helps his mother by translating for her because he loves and appreciates her,
Friend May 2016 “A Buggy for Mom” Joseph uses all the money he had earned selling newspapers to buy a baby buggy for his mom.
Friend September 2015
Friend Jan 2015 “Mommy’s Flower Garden

Friend November 1986 “Something Special” Lara’s mother has time to do something with Lara because Lara has helped so much.
Friend May 2022 “For Little Friends” Ava is picking flowers to give to her grandma. How many flowers can you count?
Friend May 2022 “Juwan’s Funny Faces” Juwan helps his mom while they shop by making funny faces so his tired little sister won’t cry.
Friend August 2022 “The Cleaning Mission” Millie’s aunt is in the hospital and Millie wants to help her, so she and her mom go to her aunt’s home and clean.