Restoration Proclamation
Reading Chart
An Overview of the Doctrine and Covenants: How it Came to Be and What it Contains
Topics from Doctrine Covenants 1:1-38
Joseph Smith’s Childhood
The First Vision
The Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith Learns about the Gold Plates
Elijah and the Sealing Keys
Joseph Begins to Translate the Gold Plates
Martin Harris and the Lost 116 Pages
Oliver Cowdery and Joseph work on Translation
Oliver Cowdery Tries to Translate
Joseph and Oliver wonder if they should Retranslate the Lost 116 Pages
Hyrum Smith asks Joseph to Seek the Lord’s Will on His Behalf
Joseph Knight wanted to know how he could help in the work of the Lord. The Lord’s answer is D&C 12.
John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood.
Joseph and Oliver are Baptized
The Whitmer Family: Miracle of the Plowed Field, Joseph and Oliver Stays with them while Translating, and a Revelation for the Whitmer Family
The Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses
Printing of the Book of Mormon
Restoration of the Church
People disrupt baptisms and break dam and make trouble for the church and Joseph
Revelation for Emma, including selecting hymns for the saints to sing
An angel tells Joseph not to buy wine from their enemies for the sacrament.
Hiram Page claims to receive revelations for the church
Oliver Cowdery’s mission to the Lamanites
The Gathering of God’s People and Second Coming Revelation
Some scriptures in the D&C about the death, resurrection, and atonement of Jesus Christ
First Missionaries
The Saints are Commanded to Gather to Kirtland, Ohio
James Covel covenants to obey the commandments but doesn’t keep his promise.
Early Days in Kirtland
The First Bishop: Edward Partridge
Law of Consecration
Revelation about Second Coming
Gifts of the Spirit
Church Historian Called
Leman Copley and the Shakers
False Spirits Manifest in Strange Behavior
Leman Copley breaks his covenant to allow the Coleman saints to settle on his land
Saints begin to settle in Missouri, including the Coleman saints
Joseph and the missionaries travel to and from Missouri.
The Missouri River is dangerous traveling on.
Some of the missionaries are chastised for not sharing the gospel.
Ezra Booth converted by a healing and then falls away from church.
Preparations to move to Zion
Warnings to dissenters
Building Zion Difficulties
William E. McLellin receives answers to his questions through a revelation
The Latter-day Revelations Are Published (the Doctrine of Covenants)
Ezra Booth publishes letters trying to discredit the church. Joseph and Sydney go on a mission to teach the truth.
Newel K. Whitney is called to serve as bishop in Kirtland.
Joseph Smith is commanded by the Lord to work on inspired revisions to the Bible.
Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory
Joseph receives answers to questions about the Book of Revelations
Organizing the United Firm (United Order)
Frederick G. Williams called to be a counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith
Instructions reiterated to establish a firm—known as the United Firm
Revelation about the Priesthood
85 Letter to William W. Phelps about those who had not obeyed commandment to consecrate their properties
86 Revelation about the meaning of the Second Coming wheat and tares parable.
87 Civil War Prophecy
School of the Prophets
The Lord wants the Saints to build a temple, a “house of God.”
Word of Wisdom
Establishment of First Presidency
Revelation about Apocrypha
Revelation about Jesus Christ and Premortal Life
The Saints are Commanded to Build the Kirtland Temple
The Saints Are Expelled from Jackson County, Missouri
Zion’s Camp
Priesthood Organization
Dedication of the Kirtland Temple
Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear to Joseph and Oliver in Kirtland Temple
Financial difficulties and apostasy in the church
Name of the Church
More Mobs in Missouri
Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail
The Saints leave Missouri
Saints Commanded to Build the Nauvoo Temple
Baptisms for the Dead
Revelation about Eternal Marriage
Appendix to Book of Commandments
Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Brigham Young is the new leader of the church
The Saints leave Nauvoo and establish Winter Quarters.
Joseph Smith’s vision of brother Alvin in Celestial Kingdom.
Salvation for the dead
Joseph F. Smith’s vision about the Spirit World
Articles of Faith
End of the practice of plural marriage
Blessings of the priesthood made available to people of all races.
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Thank you for these lesson helps. Will there be more lessons?
Yes, I’m trying to add more each week.
Why are the lessons now being posted on the week after we’ve taught them in Primary?
I’m following the Come Follow Me schedule. For example, Doctrine and Covenants 88 is supposed to be taught on the 15th, and I posted it on the 11th.
Thank you for all your do for all of us! Will you have D&C 94-97 on here soon?