Mormon Chapter 7 Mormon invites the Lamanites of the latter days to believe in Christ, accept His gospel, and be saved—All who believe the Bible will also believe the Book of Mormon. About A.D. 385.
Mormon Chapter 8 The Lamanites seek out and destroy the Nephites—The Book of Mormon will come forth by the power of God—Woes pronounced upon those who breathe out wrath and strife against the work of the Lord—The Nephite record will come forth in a day of wickedness, degeneracy, and apostasy. About A.D. 400–421.
Mormon Chapter 9 Moroni calls upon those who do not believe in Christ to repent—He proclaims a God of miracles, who gives revelations and pours out gifts and signs upon the faithful—Miracles cease because of unbelief—Signs follow those who believe—Men are exhorted to be wise and keep the commandments. About A.D. 401–21.
Mormon 7
The Book of Mormon and the Bible both testify of Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9: “I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present” Mormon taught that the Book of Mormon was written to help us believe the Bible and that those who believe the Bible will believe the Book of Mormon.
- Show the children the title page of the Book of Mormon, and point to the words of the title as you read it, emphasizing the word another. Help the children think of other books of scripture that teach us about Jesus. Show them that the Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. Help the children say “Old Testament, New Testament” when you point to the Bible and “Another Testament” when you point to the Book of Mormon.

- Choose several events and truths that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of, such as Jesus’s birth, death, and Resurrection. Show pictures from the Gospel Art Book that depict these events and truths. Ask the children to describe what they see in the pictures, and tell them that both the Bible and the Book of Mormon teach about these things. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9)
“Article of Faith 8” (August 2011 Friend)
Read the statements and color the stars different colors if they apply to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or both.

- Display a world map or the activity page for this outline, along with a Bible and Book of Mormon. Use these items to teach the children that the Bible is a record of Jesus’s teachings in and around Jerusalem and the Book of Mormon is a record of His teachings in the Americas.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 7-9”
- To help your children learn the eighth article of faith, you could write each word on separate pieces of paper. Invite your children to work together to put the words in the correct order and repeat it several times.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9
- Write Mormon 7:9 on the board, but leave blanks in place of the words this and that. Also write on the board this = the Book of Mormon and that = the Bible. Invite the children to read Mormon 7:9 out loud and use the phrases on the board to fill in the blanks. What do we learn about the Bible and the Book of Mormon from this verse?
The below video has an object lesson that explains why we need both books.
Friend November 2020 “Family Night Fun: Book of Mormon Treasure Hunt”
Mormon 8
I can keep the commandments even when I feel alone.
Moroni was the last righteous Nephite, but he stayed true to his testimony. Help the children learn from his example.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 7-9”
- Moroni’s example could inspire your children to obey God’s commandments even when they feel alone. After you read Mormon 8:1–7 with them, they could share how they would have felt if they had been Moroni. In verses 1, 3, and 4, what was Moroni commanded to do, and how did he obey? How can we be more like Moroni? (Read Mormon 8:3, emphasizing that Moroni was all alone, but he still kept the commandments, including the commandment to finish the Book of Mormon. Share a time when you were faithful even when you felt alone. Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9)
Friend April 2015 “Courage and Clubs” Kate chooses not to join her friend’s club because the requirement to join is to say a bad word.
Friend April 2021 “The CTR Reminder” Raish was afraid to say anything to her friends who were being mean to a new girl, but then she saw her CTR ring and remembered something her teacher had said. Remember who you are and what you stand for. So Raish stood for the right and asked her friends to stop being mean, and then she went and apologized to the new girl and asked to be her friend.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 7-9”
- Maybe you and your children could talk about situations where they must choose between right and wrong when no one is watching. How does having faith in Jesus Christ help us in these situations? (After discussing Moroni’s example, share some scenarios in which a child must decide whether or not to choose the right, even though no one is looking. Or invite the children to each write down a situation in which they have to make a choice between right or wrong when no one is watching. Put their ideas in a container, and let the children take turns picking a situation and sharing what they would do to be like Moroni. What would Moroni have done? Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9)
Friend September 2009 “School Wise”

Come Follow Me Kid Take turns choosing one slip and deciding whether
or not to choose the right, even though no one is looking. What would Moroni have done?
- A song like “Stand for the Right” (Children’s Songbook, 159) could add to this discussion. (Why is it important to choose the right all the time, even when you are alone?)
More “Choose the Right” ideas here
Mormon 8-9
Jesus Christ is “a God of miracles.”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9: “I Speak unto You as If Ye Were Present” There are many people today who don’t believe that miracles still happen. Use Moroni’s teachings in these verses to teach the children that when we have faith, we can see God work miracles in our lives.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 7-9”
- You might want to explain to your children that a miracle is something God does to show His power and bless our lives.(see Bible Dictionary, “Miracles”) Then you could read phrases from Mormon 9:11–13, 17 that describe some of God’s miracles, and your children could think of other miracles (pictures from the Gospel Art Book, such as nos. 26, 40, 41, and 83, can help). Talk about miracles that God has done in your life. (Testify that God worked miracles in ancient times and He still works miracles today.)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mormon 7–9
- Divide the children into two teams. Invite each team to look for examples of miracles in some or all of these scriptures: Mormon 8:24; 9:11–13, 16–18, 21–25. What could we say to someone who thinks miracles don’t happen anymore? (see Mormon 9:9, 15–21).

Latter Day Kids “A God of Miracles” Lesson Ideas
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mormon 7-9”
- Show your children a recipe, and talk about what would happen if you left out an essential ingredient. Read together Mormon 8:24 and 9:20–21 to find the “ingredients” that can lead to miracles from God.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020
- Certain ingredients are needed to make a science experiment or recipe work successfully. Consider doing an experiment or making a favorite recipe as a family before reading Mormon 9:16–24. As you read the verses (especially verses 20–21), look for the necessary “ingredients” that make miracles possible. What miracles can we see in the world around us and in our family?
You could use the following experiment and use water instead of vinegar. Explain that water didn’t work because it wasn’t the right ingredient.
Friend November 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Mormon 9:19 together and help your little ones say, “God is a God of miracles.” Watch the sing-along video for the song “The Miracle.” If your children are old enough, you could learn to sing the chorus together. (For extra help, find the lyrics in the June 2018 Friend.)
Friend November 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Miracle Art” When we follow Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father can bless us with miracles. Read Mormon 8:24 and draw one of the miracles described in the verse. While you draw, talk about what miracles Heavenly Father has done for your family.

For younger children: Explain to your little ones what a miracle is. Then sing or listen to the song “The Miracle” (Liahona, June 2018, 72–73).
Additional Resources
Show the children a recipe. What would happen if you left out an essential ingredient? Invite the children to search Mormon 8:24 and 9:20–21 to find the necessary “ingredient” that we must have before God can work miracles. Share examples of miracles—big or small—that you have seen in the Church or in your life.
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