3 Nephi CHAPTER 8 Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals attest the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the land for three days—Those who remain bemoan their fate. About A.D. 33–34.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 9 In the darkness, the voice of Christ proclaims the destruction of many people and cities for their wickedness—He also proclaims His divinity, announces that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and invites men to come unto Him and be saved. About A.D. 34.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 10 There is silence in the land for many hours—The voice of Christ promises to gather His people as a hen gathers her chickens—The more righteous part of the people have been preserved. About A.D. 34–35.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 11 The Father testifies of His Beloved Son—Christ appears and proclaims His Atonement—The people feel the wound marks in His hands and feet and side—They cry Hosanna—He sets forth the mode and manner of baptism—The spirit of contention is of the devil—Christ’s doctrine is that men should believe and be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. About A.D. 34.
Signs of Christ’s Crucifixion Occur: Disasters and Darkness
Lesson 33: The Savior Appears to the Nephites

3 Nephi 8-9

When I am in darkness, Jesus Christ can be my light.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- To help your children relate to the experiences described in 3 Nephi 8–9, you could retell or listen to a recording of portions of these chapters in a darkened room. Discuss what it might have been like to be in darkness for three days. Then you could talk about why Jesus Christ called Himself the Light of the World (see 3 Nephi 9:18). What did Jesus invite the people, and us, to do so He can be our light? (see 3 Nephi 9:20–22).
Ensign September 2020 “Come, Follow Me Shareable Scriptures”
Just as the sun is necessary for light which living things on the earth need to live, it is necessary for us to follow Jesus because he is the light that shows the way to Eternal Life.
Friend September 2020 “Family Night Fun”
Friend September 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”
Turn off the lights and shine a light on a picture of Jesus as you read 3 Nephi 9:18. Then help your little ones say, “Jesus is the Light of the World.” You could also read the scripture story on pages FJ4–FJ6. Testify that Jesus knows each one of us individually. He loves us!
- Show the children a map of the world, and help them find Jerusalem and the Americas. Explain that the destruction described in 3 Nephi 8 was a sign to the people in the Americas that Jesus Christ had been crucified in Jerusalem. Read together 3 Nephi 11:1–15, and ask the children to tell you when they find something in these verses that helps them feel God’s love. Share verse 37, and testify that the Savior loves all children. Bear your testimony about the truth of what you are reading.

Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit
For the Strength of Youth September 2024 “Fun Stop” The Savior has taught us that we should have a “broken heart,” which means to be humble, repentant, and meek (3 Nephi 9:20; Guide to the Scriptures, “Broken Heart,” Gospel Library). Can you break this heart symbol into seven pieces by drawing only three straight lines? There is more than one right answer. (Write on each piece a broken heart characteristic.)
3 Nephi 10
Jesus protects His people as a hen protects her chicks.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- The imagery of a hen gathering her chicks can be a powerful teaching tool to help children understand the Savior’s character and mission. You could read 3 Nephi 10:4–6 while your family looks at a picture of a hen and chicks. Why would a hen need to gather her chicks? Why does the Savior want to gather us close to Him? How do we come to Him for safety?
Latter Day Kids “Come Follow Me: How Oft Will I Gather You?” Videos and Lesson ideas.
Media Library: Come Create with Me | Games | Find the Chicks

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- Show a picture of a hen caring for her chicks. Read 3 Nephi 10:6, and tell the children about how a hen calls to her chicks and protects them under her wings when there is danger. Discuss how Jesus is like the hen and we are like the chicks. How can we come to Him to find safety?
- Place a picture of Jesus on a wall. Invite the children to walk around the classroom as you read 3 Nephi 10:4 out loud. Tell them to move toward the picture of Jesus when they hear the words “gathered” or “gather.” Repeat this activity as you read verses 5 and 6. Share with the children how you have come to the Savior for safety, and testify that He will protect us from spiritual dangers as we keep His commandments.
Friend September 2024 “Jesus Gathers Us Like a Hen Gathers Her Chicks”
Hen Craft – Let each family member choose a chick on page 9 below Have them write their name on that chick and color it. Discuss specific ways Christ can protect us and take care of us when we come to Him. Put the hen together (on page 8 below) with a brad or tape holding the wing on at the top. Have each family member take turns stating something they can do to come unto Christ and/or a way Christ has or will protect them when they’re close to Him. As they share, they can place their chick underneath the hen’s wing to visualize the comfort and safety that can come to us as we follow and stay close to Christ. (Hen and chicks designed by Crystal from theredcrystal.org).

Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites
3 Nephi 11
Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 43: Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites” Video and Images
Friend November 2013 “Jesus Appears to the Nephite People”

God speaks to me in a soft, small voice.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- Perhaps you could read some of these verses in a soft, “small voice” (3 Nephi 11:3). Or you could play a recording of a song like “This Is My Beloved Son” (Children’s Songbook, 76) softly so that it is difficult to hear. What did the people have to do to understand the voice from heaven? (see verses 5–7). What do we learn from their experience?
Liahona September 2024 “Come, Follow Me Family Fun: Hearing God’s Voice”
In 3 Nephi 11, we read how the Nephites could not hear the voice of God until they turned their eyes toward the voice and opened their ears.
- Stand across from someone. Turn around so you’re not looking at each other.
- One person is the speaker, and the other is the listener. Have the listener cover his or her ears.
- Have the speaker say a phrase in a quiet voice, like “I’m trying to be like Jesus.”
- See if the listener can tell what the speaker is saying.
- Now have the listener uncover his or her ears and turn toward the person speaking.
- The speaker repeats the same phrase.
Discussion: Was it easier to hear the voice when the listener faced the speaker? Read 3 Nephi 11:5. How can you turn your eyes and open your ears to God’s voice today?
I can learn to recognize God’s voice in my life.
Ask the children to read verses 5–7 to find out what the people did that helped them understand the voice.
Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun”

Read 3 Nephi 11:3–7 together. Before Jesus Christ appeared to the people in Bountiful, they had to “open their ears” to the words of God.
- Invite everyone to turn to each other and talk about their day.
- Meanwhile, have someone softly read 3 Nephi 11:7. Then ask the group if they can repeat what was said.
- Read the scripture again, this time with everyone listening quietly. Now repeat the verse together.
Discussion: Why was it easier to remember the verse the second time? How can we eliminate distractions and “open our ears” to the Spirit this week?
Jesus Christ invites me to come to Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- How will you help your children feel the Spirit as you read 3 Nephi 11:1–15 together? Perhaps you could ask them to tell you when they find something in these verses that helps them feel God’s love. You could do the same with the pictures in this outline or the video “Jesus Christ Appears at the Temple” (Gospel Library). Tell your children about how you feel when you read and ponder these events. Let them share their feelings too.
Jesus Called Twelve Apostles

Friend November 2024 “Christ Gives Power to Bless the Nephites” The Disciples Whom He Had Chosen by Casey Childs
Jesus Christ wants me to be baptized.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 8-11”
- As you read 3 Nephi 11:21–26, you could invite your children to stand up every time they hear the word baptize. What did Jesus teach about baptism? If your children have seen a baptism before, ask them to describe what they saw. Why does Jesus want us to be baptized?
Friend March 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt invites a friend to his baptism. His friend asks why he is getting baptized. Matt explains the fourth article of faith to him.
Additional Resources
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Appears to the Nephites”
Friend August 1988 Review
Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers “Jesus Visited the Americas” Video and Images (Also found in Friend September 2016)

Friend September 2020 “One by One” Action Rhyme
Gospel Art Book, no. 82
Image: “Christ Comes to America”
Coloring page: “Jesus Appears to the Nephites” (November 2013 Friend)
The Cozy Red Cottage Lesson ideas
Activity 3: Heart demonstration & journal page. Print and cut out the heart. Tape two different colored
papers (preferably a light and dark color) together and place behind the heart opening. Elder Hales taught “Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Where the light of Christ is found, the darkness of Lucifer, even Satan, must depart, defeated.” This idea is based off this quote and I hope I explain this idea in a way that makes sense. What do we allow to take up space in our heart? Is it kindness, joy, gratitude, faith, hope, love or is it anger, fear, jealously, guilt, contention, etc. Share some of these things with your family and as you do move the heart towards the dark or the light. Notice how the colors in the heart change. Do we allow so much anger to fill up our heart that there is little room for joy. Or do we allow faith to fill our heart that there is little to no room for fear? There is only so much space-what are we filling our hearts with?
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