Table of Contents
3 Nephi CHAPTER 1 Nephi, the son of Helaman, departs out of the land, and his son Nephi keeps the records—Though signs and wonders abound, the wicked plan to slay the righteous—The night of Christ’s birth arrives—The sign is given, and a new star arises—Lyings and deceivings increase, and the Gadianton robbers slaughter many. About A.D. 1–4.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 2 Wickedness and abominations increase among the people—The Nephites and Lamanites unite to defend themselves against the Gadianton robbers—Converted Lamanites become white and are called Nephites. About A.D. 5–16.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 3 Giddianhi, the Gadianton leader, demands that Lachoneus and the Nephites surrender themselves and their lands—Lachoneus appoints Gidgiddoni as chief captain of the armies—The Nephites assemble in Zarahemla and Bountiful to defend themselves. About A.D. 16–18.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 4 The Nephite armies defeat the Gadianton robbers—Giddianhi is slain, and his successor, Zemnarihah, is hanged—The Nephites praise the Lord for their victories. About A.D. 19–22.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 5 The Nephites repent and forsake their sins—Mormon writes the history of his people and declares the everlasting word to them—Israel will be gathered in from her long dispersion. About A.D. 22–26.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 6 The Nephites prosper—Pride, wealth, and class distinctions arise—The Church is rent with dissensions—Satan leads the people in open rebellion—Many prophets cry repentance and are slain—Their murderers conspire to take over the government. About A.D. 26–30.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 7 The chief judge is murdered, the government is destroyed, and the people divide into tribes—Jacob, an anti-Christ, becomes king of a secret combination—Nephi preaches repentance and faith in Christ—Angels minister to him daily, and he raises his brother from the dead—Many repent and are baptized. About A.D. 30–33.
3 Nephi 1

A new star appeared when Jesus Christ was born.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 1-7”
- This week’s activity page can help your children learn about the miracles the Nephites witnessed when Jesus was born. You can also use “Chapter 41: The Signs of Christ’s Birth” (Book of Mormon Stories, 114–16) to teach them this story—or to help them tell it to you.
Book of Mormon Stories “Chapter 41: The Signs of Christ’s Birth” Images and Video
Before class, place a star on the wall. Invite the children to look for something on the wall that usually isn’t there. Tell the children that the Nephites saw a new star in the sky when Jesus was born. Summarize the account in 3 Nephi 1:4–15 and 19–21.
Show the children a picture of the Savior’s birth Help the children understand that the Nephites were far away from where Jesus was born, but they knew He was born because of the signs they saw. Testify that even though we did not see the Savior’s birth, the Holy Ghost can help us know that the stories about it in the scriptures are true.
Friend September 2020 “Family Night Fun”
“From the First Presidency: The Light of the World” (Dec. 2019 Friend)

Lesson 32: Signs in America of Jesus Christ’s Birth

The prophets’ words are always fulfilled.
Come Follow Me for Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7 The Lord told Nephi, “I [will] show unto the world that I will fulfill all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets” (3 Nephi 1:13).The account in 3 Nephi 1:4–21 can help build the children’s faith that God always keeps His promises.
- Read to the children 3 Nephi 1:20, and share your testimony that the words of prophets are always fulfilled. Invite the children to listen to the prophet at the next general conference.
- Invite the children to compare the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 14:1–7 with its fulfillment in 3 Nephi 1:19–21. Testify that God’s promises spoken through His prophets are always fulfilled.
- How can we show our trust in God when we are worried or discouraged?
- Share something that our living prophet has promised us. What can we do to show our faith that the prophet’s words came from God?
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 1-7”
- As you and your children read 3 Nephi 1:4–10, invite them to talk about how it might have felt to be one of the believers living at that time. Then, as they read the rest of the account in verses 11–15, they could suggest ways to complete this sentence: “The lesson of this story for me is …”
- Maybe your children can help you think of other times when God fulfilled His promises given through His prophet. They might like to find pictures of these stories in the Gospel Art Book (see, for example, nos. 7–8 and 81). Let them share what they know about these stories, including how God’s promises were fulfilled. Read together 3 Nephi 1:20, and share your own witness of these truths.
3 Nephi 2-4
Forgetting spiritual experiences makes me vulnerable to Satan’s temptations.
The Nephites started to fall into wickedness as they let themselves forget the signs of the birth of Jesus Christ and the miracles they had seen. Similarly, if we forget our spiritual experiences, it will be easier for us to drift away from the gospel. Ensign September 2020 “Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities September 7–13”
Ask the children if any of them would like to share a spiritual experience they have had. Ideas could include answers to prayers, warm feelings when reading the scriptures, etc.
What can you do to better remember the past spiritual experiences you have had? Consider writing them down. You could also share them with your family (Sharing your experience can bring back the Spirit. It can also help the other person to feel the Spirit). Ensign September 2020 “How can we keep from forgetting spiritual experiences?”
“Jared’s Journal.” In this Friend story, Jared learns he can color in a journal to remember important things.

“Scripture Journal.” This activity idea from the Friend can help your children start writing what they learn from the scriptures. Includes a doorknob tag to print and cut out.
Ensign September 2020 “Family Study Fun: Remembering Jar”
Read 3 Nephi 2:1–3 together and talk about how some people “began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard.” Then play an activity to help your family remember God all week.
- Label a jar “God loves me.”
- Give each family member a small piece of paper and ask them to write down a blessing God has given them. Put the papers in the jar.
- Encourage family members to add more papers to the jar as they notice blessings during the week.
- At the end of the week, pick a handful of papers to read out loud and talk about.
Discussion: Why do you think the adversary wants us to forget the spiritual “wonders” we notice in our lives? How can we remember God every day?.
To help your family learn how Satan can deceive us, draw a body, and as your family reads 3 Nephi 2:1–3 and 6:15–17, mark the different parts of the body mentioned. According to these verses, what are some of the ways Satan tempts us to forget God and turn to sin?
We are stronger when we gather together.
3 Nephi 2:11–12; 3:13–14, 24–26
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 1-7”
- Help your children discover why the Nephites gathered together and the blessings that came to them in 3 Nephi 2:11–12 and 3:13–14, 24–26. Why is it important for us to gather today in our families and at church? (How can gathering make us spiritually stronger?)
“The giant redwood trees that grow in northern California [USA] … have a very shallow root system. But when they are surrounded by other redwood trees, the strongest, fiercest wind cannot blow them over. The roots of the giant redwood trees intertwine and strengthen each other. When a storm comes, they actually hold each other up” (Conference Report, Oct. 1994, p. 103; or Ensign, Nov. 1994, p. 78).
Draw on the chalkboard several trees with their root systems intertwined (see illustration). Ask the children to suggest strengths and spiritual qualities they see in others. Label some of the roots with their ideas, and discuss how each individual’s strengths can help strengthen the whole group.
Help the children understand that when we stand together and support each other, as members of families or members of the Church, it is easier for us to remain firm in our beliefs and do the right things.
- Do you know of an object lesson that teaches about the strength of unity? Maybe your children could try breaking one stick and then a bundle of sticks or tearing one piece of paper and then a stack of papers. How are we like the sticks or the papers?
- Stand together in the center of the room.
- Choose one person to walk through the middle of the group.
- Repeat the exercise but this time as a group stand closer together, linking arms and hands if possible.
Discussion: How are we more protected from outside influences as we stand stronger and closer together? How does greater unity protect us?
Come Follow Me for Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7
- Explain that Jesus is gathering His people into the Church today through missionary work (see 3 Nephi 5:24–26). Invite a full-time missionary or ward missionary to share experiences showing how people have been strengthened by being gathered into the Church.
Friend September 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Gathering Game”
- Jesus Christ promised He would gather all His children because He loves everyone and wants them to have the gospel (see 3 Nephi 5:24). Play a game about gathering. Have players stand in a circle. One person in the middle says a fact about themself, like their favorite color. If that fact is true for anyone else, they come to the middle too. Keep going till everyone is gathered in the middle.
- For younger children: Play hide and seek with your little ones. Give them a big hug when you find them. Talk about how Jesus Christ promises He’ll gather us no matter where we are.
Friend September 2024 “Jesus Gathers Us Like a Hen Gathers Her Chicks”
Fortifying Our Homes
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7
- What did the Nephites do to protect themselves from the enemy they faced? What are we doing to make our home a place of safety and protection from the evil in the world?
Turn to the Lord for Help
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7
- What did the Nephites do when they saw the Gadianton robbers coming? What can our family learn from the Nephites when we face difficult situations? What can we learn from the Nephites’ words after the Lord helped them in their time of difficulty?
Friend March 1988 “Scriptural Giants” Lachoneus and Gidggidoni
3 Nephi 5-7
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
3 Nephi 5:12–26; 6:14; 7:15–26
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “3 Nephi 1-7”
- After reading together 3 Nephi 5:13, invite your children to repeat the phrase “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” To learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, read together some of these examples: the converted Lamanites (see 3 Nephi 6:14), Mormon (see 3 Nephi 5:12–26), and Nephi (see 3 Nephi 7:15–26). You could also find ideas in a song like “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).
Come Follow Me for Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7“
- What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? (see Doctrine and Covenants 41:5).
- Teach the children that a disciple of Jesus Christ tries to follow Him. Share a few things Mormon did to be like Jesus, such as teaching God’s word and obeying God’s commandments (see 3 Nephi 5:13–18). Help the children think of ways they can be disciples.
Friend August 2023 “I Can Follow Jesus Christ”
- On a piece of paper, help your children trace their hand and cut the tracing out. Write “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” on one side, and invite them to draw something they can do to be a disciple on the other side.(you might need to help them think of ideas)
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “3 Nephi 1–7
- Maybe family members could talk about times when they noticed each other being disciples. If you have small children, you might make a badge that says, “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ,” and let them wear the badge whenever you notice them following the Savior.
Latter Day Kids “I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ” Includes Lesson ideas
Additional Resources
- News with Naylors Lesson ideas
- Come Follow Me Kid Lesson ideas
- Latter Day Kids Video and lesson ideas about following Jesus
The Cozy Red Cottage Lesson ideas

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