Table of Contents
Alma CHAPTER 32 Alma teaches the poor whose afflictions had humbled them—Faith is a hope in that which is not seen which is true—Alma testifies that angels minister to men, women, and children—Alma compares the word unto a seed—It must be planted and nourished—Then it grows into a tree from which the fruit of eternal life is picked. About 74 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 33 Zenos taught that men should pray and worship in all places, and that judgments are turned away because of the Son—Zenock taught that mercy is bestowed because of the Son—Moses had lifted up in the wilderness a type of the Son of God. About 74 B.C.
Alma CHAPTER 34 Amulek testifies that the word is in Christ unto salvation—Unless an atonement is made, all mankind must perish—The whole law of Moses points toward the sacrifice of the Son of God—The eternal plan of redemption is based on faith and repentance—Pray for temporal and spiritual blessings—This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God—Work out your salvation with fear before God. About 74 B.C.‘
Alma CHAPTER 35 The preaching of the word destroys the craft of the Zoramites—They expel the converts, who then join the people of Ammon in Jershon—Alma sorrows because of the wickedness of the people. About 74 B.C.
Alma 32
Alma Teaches the Poor Zoramites
If I am humble, the Lord can teach me.
Alma 32:1–13, 27–28 Alma 31:8–35
Ask the children what they remember learning last week about the Zoramites (see Alma 31:8–24). Remind them that one reason Alma was worried about them was their pride (see Alma 31:24–28).
Definition of Pride: A inflated, high opinion of one’s own importance, merit, or superiority.
In what ways might people think they are better than others and become lifted up in pride? Answers might include the following: people may think they are better than others because of how smart, pretty or handsome, athletic, wealthy, or talented they are. (Have the children build with blocks, or cut out the following image into pieces and post them on the board, or draw a part of the Rameumptom tower on the board as each answer is given.)
Ask the children how they would feel if they were being made fun of for not being as smart, good looking, athletic, talented, or rich as someone else.
Read together Alma 32:1–5, and ask the children to summarize what had happened to the Zoramites who were poor. Then invite the children to read verses 12–13 to find out why Alma felt that being cast out of their synagogues (or churches) was a good thing for these Zoramites. What are some of the blessings that come from being humble?(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)
What is humility? A modest opinion of one’s own importance, rank, etc. Guide to the Scriptures: The condition of being meek and teachable. Humility includes recognizing our dependence upon God and desiring to submit to His will.
What are some of the blessings that come from being humble? Teachable, turn heart to the Lord, etc.
Display a hard, solid object (like a stone) to represent a hard or prideful heart and something soft (like soil) to represent a soft or humble heart. Let the children feel both objects. Then show the children a seed to represent the word of God. Invite them to try to push the seed into the hard object and the soft object. Read together Alma 32:27–28, and talk about what it might mean to “give place” (verse 27) for the word of God in our hearts. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)
How can we humble ourselves so we are not lifted up in pride? (Have the children take off or erase a level of the Rameumpton tower for every answer they give.) Answers may include the following: by remembering that our gifts, talents, and abilities come from the Lord, by praying for humility, by looking for the good in others, by building love for others by praying for them and serving them.
The Lord can teach me as I choose to be humble.
(Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35) Alma and Amulek had success teaching the Zoramites who were humble. Invite your children to complete a sentence like “I am being humble when I ______ .”
Planting the Seed of Faith
My testimony of Jesus Christ grows as I nourish it.
(Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35)
- Seeds, trees, and fruit are familiar objects that can help children understand abstract principles like faith and testimony. Let your children hold a seed while you read Alma 32:28. Then you could ask them to help you think of ways that growing a testimony of Jesus Christ is like planting and nourishing a seed (see “Chapter 29: Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God,” Book of Mormon Stories, 81). Maybe you could plant your seed and talk about what is needed to help a seed—or a testimony—grow.
Book of Mormon Stories “Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God” Video and Images
- A picture of a tree accompanies this outline; you might use it to illustrate Alma’s words in Alma 32:28–43. Or you could go for a walk to find plants at different stages of growth and read verses from Alma 32 that compare a growing plant to our testimony. Or maybe your children could draw a tree on the board and add a leaf or a fruit every time they think of something they can do to help their testimony of Jesus Christ grow.

Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 22: Alma Teaches about Faith” Attention Activity: Give each child a seed, show the illustration of a seed, or draw a seed on the chalkboard.
- What can a seed become? (A plant or tree, depending on the type of seed.)
- What must happen before a seed can begin to grow? (Show the illustration of the sprouting seed or draw one on the chalkboard.)
- What does a tree look like when it is young? (Show the illustration of the sap-ling or draw one on the chalkboard.) What does it look like when it is mature? (Show the illustration of a tree or draw one on the chalkboard.)
- What nourishment does a seed need to help it grow into a plant or tree? (Explain that nourishment means something that helps things grow or keeps them alive and well, such as water, fertilizer, sunshine, and soil. Place the illustrations of the sun, rain, soil, and fertilizer near the picture of the seed.)
Explain to the children that in this lesson they will learn how they can grow a strong testimony.
Lesson 22: Alma Teaches Faith Lesson ideas Visual Aids

Friend January 2019 “Testimony Plants” In Primary, the children were supposed to draw a plant that represented their testimony, but Elisa wasn’t sure what that meant or if she had a testimony. She learns that a testimony is the things she believes in like Heavenly Father and Jesus. She also learns that testimonies grow and need to be nourished.
Friend July 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Alma 32:41 together and help your little ones say, “My faith grows when I do good things.” Help your children learn about seeds and plants by picking seeds out of a piece of fruit or caring for a houseplant. Explain that our testimonies grow little by little, like a seed grows into a plant.
As you read Alma 32:26–43 together, stop occasionally and invite the children to draw a picture of the seed or plant being described—for example, a seed and a seedling (verse 28), a growing plant (verse 30), and a mature plant bearing fruit (verse 37). Encourage them to label their pictures with references from Alma 32. How is nourishing a seed like nourishing our testimonies of Jesus Christ? How do we nourish our testimonies? Invite the children to silently think about how their testimonies are growing and what they will do to nourish them. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)
If possible, give each of the children seeds to take home and plant to remind them to help their testimonies of Jesus Christ to grow.
Show pictures of a plant in various stages of growth, and ask the children to help you put the pictures in the correct order (see the pictures in this week’s activity page). Explain that as we live the gospel, our testimony grows—it starts small like a seed but can become big like a tree. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Alma 32-35”)
Friend January 1999 “Faith in Jesus Christ”
Friend July 2020 “My Family Night Fun”
- Sing “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96–97).
- The prophet Alma taught us that faith grows like a seed (see Alma 32:28–30). Faith starts small, but as we work to help it grow, it can become strong!
- Color the pages for the booklet on page 24 with your family. How can you help your faith grow?

Friend January 2019 “Seeds of Faith”
Friend July 2018 Coloring page: Faith is like a seed. When planted it will grow.
Friend January 2019 “Faith” The song “Faith,” simplified for beginning pianists. Also, Sing-along video.
Friend July 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Growing Your Testimony” Alma taught that when you listen to the word of God and do things to show your faith, your testimony will grow, like a tree (see Alma 32:37). Draw things you can do to help a tree grow, like giving it water and sunshine. Then draw things you can do to help your testimony grow, like going to church and praying.
For younger children: Sing “Faith” (Children’s Songbook, 96). While you sing, do actions to show a seed growing big and tall. Talk about growing your testimony.
Media Library “Want to Increase your Faith?”

Come Follow Me Kid Cookie Dough Seed Activity
- Place a small, seed-sized piece of cookie dough on a large cookie sheet. This represents the word of God.
- Take turns listing ways we can help our faith in Jesus and His word grow.
- For each idea, add more dough to the seed-sized piece. Mold it into a tree shape with roots and branches as it gets bigger.
- Read Alma 32:42. What will grow on this tree? (fruit) Place white chocolate chips on the branches to
represent this sweet, white fruit. - Bake and enjoy!
See more teaching ideas at Faith
Alma 33-34
I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, about anything.
(Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Alma 32-35)
- Help your children find phrases that describe places we can pray (in Alma 33:4–11) and things we can pray about (in Alma 34:17–27). Perhaps they could draw pictures of themselves praying in these places. Share with each other experiences when Heavenly Father heard your prayers. You could also sing a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13).
Come Follow Me Kid Show pictures below and ask which place or places they think would be good spots to pray. Read Alma 33:3-8, and have them listen carefully to see if they can hear which of these places would be places we could pray from. Help them understand that we can pray anywhere and our prayers will be heard if we pray in faith. You could also have some fun with this and list additional places/times and ask, “Would it be okay to pray __” (in a car, at midnight, in the backyard, silently, etc.), and help them see that the answer to all of these is “Yes!”
- In the wilderness (Alma 33:4)
- In a field (Alma 33:5)
- In your house (Alma 33:6)
- In your closet (Alma 33:7)

- Help them think of things they can say to Heavenly Father when they pray, and invite them to draw pictures of these things. Testify that they can talk to Heavenly Father about anything they are thinking or feeling.
Latter Day Kids “Pray Always” Lesson ideas
Sing a song that teaches the children about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” or “We Bow Our Heads” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13, 25). Help them notice what the song teaches about prayer.
Additional Prayer Ideas
Additional Resources
Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 22: Alma Teaches about Faith”
Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 21: The Zoramites and the Rameumptom,” Write the following scripture references on the chalkboard. Ask the children to match the verses that describe the Zoramites’ erroneous beliefs with the verses that contain the correct teachings of Alma and Amulek:
Alma 31:16 (The Zoramites believed there would be no Christ.)
Alma 31:20–23 (All the Zoramites gave the same prayer and then never worshiped again all week.)
Alma 31:24 (The Zoramites’ hearts were set upon riches.)
Alma 34:8 (Amulek testified of Christ.)
Alma 34:19–27 (Amulek taught that we should pray always and about everything.)
Alma 34:28–29 (Amulek taught that we should give of our riches to the poor.)
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