Table of Contents
Jacob CHAPTER 5 Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees—They are a likeness of Israel and the Gentiles—The scattering and gathering of Israel are prefigured—Allusions are made to the Nephites and Lamanites and all the house of Israel—The Gentiles will be grafted into Israel—Eventually the vineyard will be burned. About 544–421 B.C.
Jacob CHAPTER 6 The Lord will recover Israel in the last days—The world will be burned with fire—Men must follow Christ to avoid the lake of fire and brimstone. About 544–421 B.C.
Jacob CHAPTER 7 Sherem denies Christ, contends with Jacob, demands a sign, and is smitten of God—All of the prophets have spoken of Christ and His Atonement—The Nephites lived out their days as wanderers, born in tribulation, and hated by the Lamanites. About 544–421 B.C.
Friend April 2024 After you read, color part of the picture. You can read these scriptures that go along with each week’s reading from Come, Follow Me.
Allegory of the Olive Tree
As Jacob taught his people, he quoted an allegory given by a prophet named Zenos (see Jacob 5:1). An allegory, like a parable, is a story that uses symbolic characters, and familiar objects and actions to teach truths. This allegory is about people who have turned away from the Lord in sin and the Lord’s efforts to help them return to Him. As you study Jacob 5, consider how the Lord is always reaching out to you even when you have sinned.

Jacob 5 is a long chapter—the longest in the Book of Mormon. Perhaps it would help to divide it into the following sections, which describe periods of the world’s history:
Verses 3-14 The scattering of Israel before the time of Christ
To save the house of Israel, He plucks off the most wicked branches (people) and destroys them.“Now in that parable the olive tree is the House of Israel. … In its native land it began to die. So the Lord took branches like the Nephites, like the lost tribes, and like others that the Lord led off that we do not know anything about, to other parts of the earth. He planted them all over his vineyard, which is the world.
Verses 15–28. The ministry of Christ and the Apostles
Verses 29–49. The Great Apostasy
Verses 50–76. The gathering of Israel in the latter days
Verses 76–77. The Millennium and end of the world
The chapter ends with the Millennium and the earth’s final cleansing. The rest of Jacob 5 represents the Lord’s and His servants’ efforts to save those who live in the last days. He gathers his people and nourishes them one last time ( Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students “Unit 10”)
- Pruning removes dead branches and bad fruit from a tree. The master cut off the dead branches and cast them into the fire (see Jacob 5:9). How does God help us “prune” our lives of sins and weaknesses?
- Digging includes clearing away obstacles, such as weeds, from around a tree. Digging ensures nothing will hinder the tree’s ability to grow. What obstacles keep us from growing spiritually?
- Nourishing keeps a tree healthy by providing minerals and other nutrients. Like trees, our spirits need nourishment. How can we nourish our spirits? Ensign March 2020 “What Can We Learn from the Allegory of the Olive Tree?”
Book of Mormon Seminary Student Manual (2024) ” Jacob 5:1-53″ After this first visit, the master of the vineyard took two other important actions to save his tame olive tree:
- He commanded that the main decaying branches of the olive tree be removed and that some branches from a wild olive tree be grafted to the main tree (see Jacob 5:7–10). This grafting can represent the Lord’s efforts to help Gentiles become part of His covenant people through baptism and conversion.
- He took young and tender branches from the main olive tree and grafted them into different portions of the vineyard (see Jacob 5:8, 13–14). This can represent the scattering of Israel to different portions of the world. Some of those who were scattered were righteous, such as Lehi’s family (see 1 Nephi 10:12–13). Others were scattered because of wickedness.
- What did you notice about the state of the trees and the fruit during these visits?
- What did you notice about the words and actions of the lord of the vineyard during these visits?
- What do these words and actions teach you about Jesus Christ? (Add your insights to your journal page.)
Friend April 2024 “The Story of the Olive Trees”
The video below is great to help children understand this story. The only problem with this video is that it calls the wild branches bad. The wild branches are the Gentiles who have not made covenants with the Lord. The children should know that all can repent and join with God’s covenant people and and produce good works, but all those who do not change from their wicked ways will have God’s judgements come upon them–represented by the fire.
For additional insights about the allegory, see the diagram and charts below.

Symbol | Meaning |
Tame olive tree (verse 3) | The house of Israel, God’s covenant people |
The vineyard (verse 3) | The world |
Decay (verse 3) | Sin and apostasy |
Master of the vineyard (verse 4) | Jesus Christ |
Pruning, digging, and nourishing (verse 4) | The Lord’s efforts to help us be righteous and produce good works |
Branches (verse 6) | Groups of people |
Wild olive tree (verse 7) | Gentiles—those who have not made covenants with the Lord. Later in the allegory, natural olive trees, representing portions of the house of Israel in apostasy, are also described as “wild.” |
Plucking and grafting branches (verses 7–8) | The scattering and gathering of the Lord’s covenant people. In addition, the grafting of wild olive branches into the tame olive tree represents the conversion of Gentiles who become part of the Lord’s covenant people through baptism. |
Burning branches (verse 7) | God’s judgments upon the wicked |
Fruit (verse 8) | The lives or works of people |
Roots of the tame olive tree (verse 11) | The covenants the Lord makes with those who follow Him. Roots may also represent individuals with whom the Lord covenanted anciently, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (see Jacob 6:4). |
Ponder the phrase “It grieveth me that I should lose this tree.” What emotions do you think the Lord expressed here, and why?
Read the phrase again, and this time insert your name in place of “this tree”: “It grieveth me that I should lose [your name].” By inserting your name throughout Jacob 5 in places that are meaningful and appropriate, you will be able to relate the allegory to yourself and learn more about the Lord’s concern for you. You may also insert the word I or me in suitable places in the scriptures.
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Allegory of the Olive Tree”
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Jacob 5-7” Some families have found it helpful to draw the symbols from the allegory of the olive trees as they read it. Your family might enjoy that approach, or there could be another way you can help family members visualize the symbols in the allegory. Maybe you could mark an area on a table or floor to represent the vineyard (or the world) and depict the tame olive tree (or the house of Israel) with an object, such as a puzzle, that can be divided into pieces (to represent the scattering of Israel) and then brought back together (to represent the gathering of Israel). What does this allegory teach us about the Lord? about His servants?
The Lord cares for His people.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 5-7”
- How can you share the story of the olive trees in a way that your children can understand? One way is to take a walk outside to look at a tree and briefly review the main points of the story. What did the Lord of the vineyard do for His trees? How can we be like workers in the story and help others feel the Savior’s love?
- Jacob shared the story of the olive trees to invite his people to come unto Christ. It can do the same for your children. Perhaps you could summarize the story with verses such as Jacob 5:3–4, 28–29, 47, and 70–72 (see also “Old Testament Olive Vineyard” , Gospel Library). You or your children could then read Jacob 5:11, 41, 47, and 72, looking for things that show how much the Lord of the vineyard (Jesus Christ) cared about the trees. What does the Savior do to show that He cares about us?’
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Jacob 5-7
- Read and explain to the children key verses summarizing the allegory of the olive trees, such as Jacob 5:3–4, 28–29, 47, and 70–72, and invite the children to draw pictures of what these verses describe. What do we learn from these verses about how the Lord feels about His people? Ask the children to pretend to take care of an olive tree as you briefly summarize verses 61–71 (they might act out digging, watering, and so on). Invite a few children to read Jacob 5:11, 41, 47, and 72, looking for things that show how much the Lord of the vineyard (Jesus Christ) cared about the trees. What does the Savior do to show He cares about us? The video “Old Testament Olive Vineyard” ( can help with this activity.
- List some of the symbols in Jacob 5 on the board, such as the vineyard, the lord of the vineyard, the servant, and the olive trees. Then make another list, in random order, of the things these symbols might represent, such as the world, the Savior, Church leaders or missionaries, and God’s people. Read together verses from Jacob 5 that mention these symbols, and help the children draw lines on the board connecting the symbols with their possible meanings (see, for example, verses 3–4, 28–29, 47, 70–72).
God invites me to help Him gather His children.
“Today Latter-day Saints are going to all parts of the world as servants in the vineyard to gather this fruit and lay it in store for the time of the coming of the Master.
Watch this video from the church media library: The Olive Tree
The story of the Lord and his vineyard in Jacob 5 is an allegorical telling of the scattering and gathering of Israel. We are living in the time of the final gathering. The “other servants” (Jacob 5:70) who were called into the Lord’s vineyard include people like you. What can we do to help gather Israel in preparation for the Savior’s Second Coming?
Fruit Fun
- Sing “Dare to Do Right” (Children’s Songbook, 158).
- The prophet Jacob taught about missionary work by telling a story about trees. He compared sharing the gospel to helping trees grow good fruit (see Jacob 5).
- Cut out paper fruit in different colors. Have everyone write one way they can share the gospel. You could even make a tasty fruit treat for dessert (see Treat Time)! Friend March 2020 “My Family Night Fun{“
Read Jacob 5:61 together and help your little ones say, “I can teach people about Jesus.” Then color nametags and dress up like missionaries! Practice talking about the scriptures and Jesus. You could sing a missionary song together, like “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Friend March 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”

The allegory of the olive tree teaches us that we have a duty to help gather Israel, both among the living and beyond the veil.
- Open the Family Tree app on your phone (or go to
- Select “Temple.” If you don’t already have a name prepared for the temple, select “Ordinances Ready.”
- Choose the ordinance you’d like to perform, and the names of any ancestors who need that ordinance will appear.
- Create a bar code to print the names at the temple or print them at home.
- Set a date in the near future to go to the temple and do the ordinances.
Discussion: How does it make you feel to know you are assisting the Lord in gathering His people? Ensign March 2020 “Family Study Fun”
Missionaries serve Heavenly Father’s children.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Jacob 5-7
- Show a picture of a tree, or take a walk outside to look at a tree, and briefly review the main points of the allegory of the olive trees in Jacob 5. For example: the Lord of the vineyard (who could represent Jesus) worked very hard to look after his olive trees (which could represent the people on earth) because He cared so much about them. He called laborers (who could represent missionaries) to help care for the trees. Pick one or two verses from Jacob 5 to read to the children (such as verses 71–72).
- Ask the children if they know someone who has served a mission, or talk about someone you know. Help the children locate on a map the places where those missionaries are serving. Explain that Jacob compared the world to a group of olive trees. The trees are like the people on earth, and caring for those trees is like what missionaries do for God’s children. What do missionaries do to bless Heavenly Father’s children? Look together for some answers to this question in a song such as “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75). How can we be like missionaries?
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Jacob 5-7 Missionaries help God’s children like laborers who care for trees in a vineyard. Help the missionaries find their way through the maze. How do missionaries help God’s children?
See also the following files from Missionary Lesson Ideas, Missionary Stories, and Missionary Games & Activities
Heavenly Father loves me and will forgive me as I repent.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 5-7”
- Jacob 6:4–5 has an important message for us when we make wrong choices. Maybe you could help your children find it. Which words in these verses give us hope in God’s redeeming love? Elder Allen D. Haynie’s story about getting dirty in a mud pit, in his message “Remembering in Whom We Have Trusted” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 121–22), could help. What do this story and Jacob 6:4–5 teach us about what we need to do to be saved in the kingdom of God?
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020: Jacob 5-7
- Invite the children to give themselves a hug. How do we feel when someone we love gives us a hug? Read Jacob 6:5 to the children, and explain that the phrases “[God] cleaveth unto you” and “his arm of mercy is extended towards you” teach that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to come back to Him someday.
Come Follow Me Kid “Jacob 5-7” Outstretched/Extended Arm Hugs- Jacob 6:4-5 says that God “stretches forth His hands” to us and “His arm of mercy is extended” towards us. Remind them that Heavenly Father and Jesus love us and want us to come back, to them someday. Jacob 6:5 also says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I beseech of you in words of soberness that ye would repent, and come with full purpose of heart, and cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you.” Explain what it means to cleave unto God. Take turns stretching out our arms and hands while family members run in for a hug and “cleave unto” you. Remind them of how much Heavenly Father and Jesus love us and would love to give us a hug right now.
- Sing together a song about love, such as “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75). Invite the children to name things that help them feel the Savior’s love.

- Make a chart on the board with two columns labeled Heavenly Father and Us. Read together Jacob 6:4–5, and ask half of the class to look for phrases that apply to God and the other half to look for phrases that apply to us. Record what they discover in the appropriate column. Help them define words they do not understand.
One meaning of the word cleave is to adhere to or stick to something firmly, closely, and unwaveringly.
Friend April 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Jacob asked us to “cleave,” or stay close, to God with all our hearts (Jacob 6:5). Play a game about staying together as a team! Choose one person to be the chaser. When the chaser tags someone, they join hands and chase the other players. When the next person gets tagged, they join hands with one of the chasers too. Keep playing until everyone joins hands.
For younger children: When we “cleave” to someone, we hold tightly to them. Have your children hug a stuffed animal or comfort toy. Talk about how we can be closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by praying and reading the scriptures.
Jacob’s Encounter with Sherem
I can stand up for what I know is true.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Jacob 5-7” How can you inspire your children to stand for truth like Jacob did? Your children could watch the video “Chapter 10: Jacob and Sherem” (Gospel Library) and act out the interaction between Jacob and Sherem, using Jacob 7:1–23 as a guide. How did Jacob stand for what he knew was right? Invite your children to share experiences when they stood for the right, or share your own.

Teaching Children the Gospel “Jacob’s Encounter with Sherem” Lesson ideas
Friend February 2019 “What’s on Your Mind” Someone writes to the Friend and wants to know how to help make the bad things in life better. The Friend responds with an activity of some ways to stand for the right. Unscramble the words, then put them in the correct sentence to find ways to help.
See also the following: Stand for the Right: Stories & Stand for the Right: Lesson Ideas
Divide them into groups, and invite them to create an inspirational banner or poster that represents something that they stand for or believe in.
Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 8: The Prophet Jacob Is Confronted by Sherem” Lesson ideas
- Write on slips of paper situations in which someone tries to convince a child to do something wrong and a reference to a corresponding commandment from the scriptures. For example, your friend goes with you into a store and tries to get you to steal some candy (Exodus 20:15 or Mosiah 13:22), someone offers you a taste of an alcoholic beverage (D&C 89:7), or you are tempted to stay home and not go to church (D&C 59:9). Have the children look up and read each scripture. Discuss how knowing what the scriptures teach strengthens our testimonies of Jesus Christ and helps us resist evil influences.You might want to have the children pantomime these situations and have the other children guess what is being pantomimed.
Stand for the Right Song: Teaching Ideas
Perhaps they could also sing a song that expresses courage like Jacob’s, such as “Stand for the Right,” Children’s Songbook, 159.
Ask them to stand whenever they sing words like right or true.
Teaching Children the Gospel “Song: Stand for the Right”
Teaching Children the Gospel “Review: Stand for the Right”
Additional Resources
- Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Jacob 5-7”
- Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Jacob 5-7”
- Liahona April 2024 “The Gathering of Israel: Like an Olive Vineyard”
- Come Follow Me Kid “Jacob 5-7” Lesson ideas
The Red Crystal Lesson ideas
The Red Crystal Come Follow Me 2020
The Cozy Red Cottage “Jacob 5-7” Visual aids and lesson ideas
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I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for putting these lessons together! It’s so nice to be able to have the coloring pages and additional ideas of how to teach! And I love how you break down the sections each week. Thank you so much!!
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