Table of Contents
Sermon on the Mount
Friend March 2019 “Jesus Taught about Prayer” Jesus taught the steps of prayer in the Sermon on the Mount”

Friend April 1988 “Scriptural Giants: The Faith of Mary and Marth”
The Good Samaritan
Friend May 2022 “Hudson the Good Samaritan”

The Last Supper – Sacrament
Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”
“The Sacrament Helps Us Remember Jesus” Friend September 2015
Life of Jesus
Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

Friend August 2019 “Paul Repents”
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Friend September 1986 “Saul Becomes Paul” Story
“Paul Testifies of Christ” – Link includes story of the prison earthquake miracle, and it also includes lesson ideas.
Friend October 2019 “Paul’s Missionary Journeys”
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Coloring Page: Jesus Can Help Me Do Hard Things
Friend November 2019 “James Taught the Gospel” James, the brother of Jesus, taught the gospel and helped lead the church when he grew up. One of his teachings in James 1:5. says that if we have questions, we can ask God. Many years after James wrote this scripture, a boy named Joseph Smith read it. He prayed to know which church to join. Joseph’s prayer was answered!When I have questions, I can ask God, like James taught. (Memorize James 1:5 as a family. Talk about how this verse led Joseph Smith to receive the First Vision.)
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Coloring Page: I Can Learn From the Scriptures