Mosiah CHAPTER 7 Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi, where Limhi is king—Limhi’s people are in bondage to the Lamanites—Limhi recounts their history—A prophet (Abinadi) had testified that Christ is the God and Father of all things—Those who sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and those who put their trust in the Lord will be delivered. About 121 B.C.
Mosiah CHAPTER 8 Ammon teaches the people of Limhi—He learns of the twenty-four Jaredite plates—Ancient records can be translated by seers—No gift is greater than seership. About 121 B.C.
Mosiah CHAPTER 9 Zeniff leads a group from Zarahemla to possess the land of Lehi-Nephi—The Lamanite king permits them to inherit the land—There is war between the Lamanites and Zeniff’s people. About 200–187 B.C.
Mosiah CHAPTER 10 King Laman dies—His people are wild and ferocious and believe in false traditions—Zeniff and his people prevail against them. About 187–160 B.C.
While King Mosiah’s people were enjoying “continual peace” in Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:1), their thoughts turned to another group of Nephites, who many years before had left to dwell in the land of Lehi-Nephi. Generations had passed, and Mosiah’s people had heard nothing from them. So Mosiah asked Ammon to lead a search party to find the Nephites who had left. The search party found that the Nephites, “because of iniquity” (Mosiah 7:24), were in captivity to the Lamanites. But with the arrival of Ammon and his brethren, suddenly there was hope for deliverance. (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”)
Ammon searches for people of Limhi
Mosiah 7
One day King Limhi saw some strangers outside the city. He had them put in prison. The strangers were Nephites from Zarahemla.
God helped people in the scriptures, and He can help me.
Explain that King Limhi’s people were in trouble, so he shared a story to help them have faith. Read Mosiah 7:19 to the children, see “The Passover” and “The Israelites in the Wilderness” and Moses Parting the Red Sea, Maybe your children would like to act them out. How did the Lord help the people in these stories? How can He help us?

Old Testament Scripture Stories “The Passover”

Friend April 2022 “Moses and the Manna”

Latter Day Kids “He Will Deliver You” Lesson ideas
For more examples of how the Lord helps us, select some verses of “Book of Mormon Stories” or “Nephi’s Courage” (Children’s Songbook, 118–19, 120–21) to sing with your children. Help them identify how the Lord helped people in the Book of Mormon—and how He can help us.

The Primary Pad “Book of Mormon Stories”

How did the people in these stories show that they trusted in God? How did the Lord help these people?
What stories from our lives or our ancestors’ lives can we share to inspire greater trust in God?
Friend April 2020 “Family Night Fun” Heroes with God’s Help: Make your own faith hero cards! Draw pictures of people in the scriptures who did something hard with God’s help. On one of your hero cards, draw a picture of yourself. What hard things can you do with God’s help?
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”
- Read Mosiah 7:33 to the children, and help them understand what the verse teaches us to do to receive help from the Lord. Help the children think of actions to represent these things, and repeat the verse while they do the actions. What are some things we need help with? How can we show that we trust the Lord? Share an experience when you trusted the Lord and He helped you.
- Invite three children to write a trial or challenge they face on the board. Ask a child to read Mosiah 7:33, and encourage the other children to erase one of the trials or challenges each time they hear something they can do to receive the Lord’s help. How can trusting in the Lord help us overcome our challenges?
Ensign April 2020 “Family Study Fun” Paper Chain of Deliverance

In Mosiah 7, Limhi reminds his people of instances when God has delivered groups out of physical bondage. Likewise, the Lord is willing and able to deliver us from spiritual bondage.
- On strips of paper, write the tools that Satan uses to keep us in spiritual bondage (pornography, alcohol, immorality, and so on).
- Connect the paper strips to make a paper chain.
- Bind someone’s wrists with the paper chain.
- Read Mosiah 7:33 aloud. As you discuss ways we can turn to the Lord, trust Him, and serve Him, break the chain to represent how the Lord can deliver us.
Discussion: What does it mean to “turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart”? How do we “serve him with all diligence of mind”?
Limhi tells of 24 gold plates found in ruins
Mosiah 8
Limhi and his people want to escape bondage so they sought help from the Nephites in the Land of Zarahemla. Limhi sent a group of people to the land of Zarahemla to try to get help, but they lost their way. They traveled far past the land of Zarahemla and found some ruins of a large civilization. They found bones, armor, and 24 gold plates with engravings in an unfamiliar language in the ruins. This group came back to show King Limhi what they found.
King Limhi hoped that Ammon could translate the record or knew someone who could (see Mosiah 8:6, 11–12).
Read Mosiah 8:13–14, looking for who Ammon said could translate the record and why.
God has given us prophets, seers, and revelators.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”
- One way to teach about seers is to compare them to things that help us see better, like glasses, binoculars, or a microscope. [Show the children how to hold their hands up to their eyes as if they were looking through glasses or binoculars. Read Mosiah 8:17, ask the children to put on their “glasses” each time they hear the word “seer.”] (see also Moses 6:35–36). Talk with them about things that the Lord helps prophets “see” that we can’t. What have our prophets or seers, such as Joseph Smith, revealed to us?
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” Show the children pictures of tools that help us see things we couldn’t otherwise see, such as binoculars, a telescope, or a microscope. How are these tools like a seer? (see Moses 6:35–36). What can seers see that we do not? Explain that God has given us prophets and that one of the roles of a prophet is to be a “seer” because he can “see” things to come. Share some examples of things that prophets have seen and revealed to us (including the scriptures), or share an example of when a prophet was acting as a seer (such as 1 Nephi 11:20–21).
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”
- After reading Mosiah 8:16–18 with your children, you could help them think of ways to complete a sentence like A seer is like a … who helps us … . For example, a seer is like a traffic sign who points us to Jesus.
- Ask the children to review Mosiah 8:16–18 to learn what a seer is. Write this sentence on the board: A seer is like . Help the children think of ways to complete the sentence to explain why a seer is a blessing to us—for example, a seer is like a lifeguard, who warns us of danger.(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”)
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”
Show a short clip of a recent conference message from the President of the Church (or show a picture of him and read something he has taught). Bear your testimony that he is a prophet, seer, and revelator.
Friend May 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities”Ammon taught that prophets can see things to come (see Mosiah 8:16–17). Turn to page 2 to read President Nelson’s message from general conference. What did he teach us? Draw a picture about it.
In our day, “the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve are sustained as prophets, seers, and revelators” (Bible Dictionary, “Seer”). You might show pictures of our living prophets, seers, and revelators. You might show pictures of our living prophets, seers, and revelators and ask your family what they know about them. How are we following them?
Media Library “First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles”
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”
You could also make paper footprints and invite your children to draw pictures on them of things that prophets, seers, and revelators have counseled us to do. Place the footprints in a path around the room, and let your children walk on these footprints. How can a seer be “a great benefit” to us? (see Mosiah 8:17–18).
For younger children: Sing “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11) with your kids. Every time you sing the word prophet, point to a picture of the prophet.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”
- Pick a phrase from Mosiah 8:16–17, and write it on the board, replacing each word with a made-up symbol. Give the children a list of the symbols and the words they represent, and let them decode or “translate” the phrase as seers do. What are some other ways that prophets, seers, and revelators are “a great benefit” to us? (Mosiah 8:18).
- Display the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, and ask the children to describe what they see. Explain that the Prophet Joseph Smith was a seer. What evidence do we have that Joseph Smith was a seer? The Lord gave him tools called the Urim and Thummim and a seer stone to use in translating the Book of Mormon.
Zeniff leads a group to the land of Lehi-Nephi
Mosiah 9-10
King Limhi brought forth the records of what had transpired with his people from the time Zeniff left Zarahemla to their current time.
Book of Mormon Stories “Zeniff” Images and video
Teaching Children the Gospel “Lesson 11: Abinadi and King Noah” The first part of this lesson is about Zeniff.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10”
Zeniff admitted that he had made mistakes. He was overzealous at times, and he had put his people—the ancestors of Limhi’s people—in a difficult situation by making an ill-advised agreement with King Laman. But later, when he went to battle against the Lamanites, he helped his people face their challenges with faith. As you read Mosiah 9–10, look for what Zeniff’s people did to show their faith. How did God strengthen them? What does it mean to you to go forth “in the strength of the Lord”? (Mosiah 9:17; 10:10–11).
When I am weak, the Lord can strengthen me.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Mosiah 7-10”
- When children face challenges, they sometimes feel weak and helpless. How will you help your children rely on the Lord’s strength? You could ask them what we do to become physically strong. What does it mean to have “the strength of men”? (see Mosiah 10:11). What does it mean to have “the strength of the Lord”? (see Mosiah 9:17–18; 10:10). How do we receive the strength of the Lord? Your children could draw a picture of things that help them receive the strength of the Lord.
The Cozy Red Cottage Download activity at link
Friend April 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones” Read Mosiah 9:17–18 together and help your little ones say, “God will help me be strong.” Set out objects of different weights and have your children try to lift each one. Then show them that with your help, they can lift so much more! Testify that God will help us be strong enough to do hard things when we trust Him.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” Invite the children to draw a picture of someone who they feel has the strength of the Lord and share why they drew this person.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10” When the Lamanites attacked, the people of Zeniff were physically and spiritually ready. What can we learn from Zeniff and his people about preparing for challenges?
My choices can influence generations.
According to Mosiah 10:11–17, how did the actions and attitudes of the Lamanites’ ancestors prevent the Lamanites from knowing the truth? How did the choices of the Lamanites’ ancestors affect future generations?
Additional Resources
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 “Mosiah 7-10
The Cozy Red Cottage See activities at link