Table of Contents
- Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. (Younger children)
- Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. (Older children)
- Signs of the Savior’s Second Coming can help us face the future with faith.
- We must always be ready for the Savior’s Second Coming.
- I am responsible for my own conversion to Jesus Christ.
- I can use the gifts God has given me.
- At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives.
- Jesus wants me to serve others.
- The Widow’s Mite
- Additional Resources
JOSEPH SMITH—MATTHEW Chapter 1 An extract from the translation of the Bible as revealed to Joseph Smith the Prophet in 1831: Matthew 23:39 and chapter 24.
Matthew CHAPTER 24 Jesus foretells the doom of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple—Great calamities will precede His Second Coming—He gives the parable of the fig tree.
Matthew CHAPTER 25 Jesus gives the parables of the ten virgins, the talents, and the sheep and the goats.
Mark CHAPTER 12 Jesus gives the parable of the wicked husbandmen—He speaks of paying taxes, celestial marriage, the two great commandments, the divine sonship of Christ, and the widow’s mites.
Mark CHAPTER 13 Jesus tells of the calamities and signs preceding the Second Coming—There will be false Christs and false prophets—He gives the parable of the fig tree.
Luke CHAPTER 21 Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple and of Jerusalem—He tells of the signs to precede His Second Coming and gives the parable of the fig tree.
Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. (Younger children)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 One sign that Jesus will return soon is that His gospel is being preached throughout the world. The children can help fulfill this prophecy by sharing the gospel.
- Show a map, globe, or picture of the earth (see Gospel Art Book, no. 3) and help the children say, “This Gospel … shall be preached in all the world” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31). Why does God want all of His children to hear His gospel?
- Invite the children to march in place as you sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” or “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 168, 174).
- Show the video “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” ( As the children watch, help them count the ways they can share the gospel that they see in the video. What other ways to share the gospel can they think of?

Before Jesus comes again, the gospel will be preached in all the world. (Older children)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 The children you teach can help preach the gospel in all the world before the Savior’s Second Coming.
- Invite the children to share blessings they have received or will receive because they are members of Christ’s Church. Read together Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31, and ask the children how they feel the gospel will bless God’s children throughout the world.
Blessings of the gospel Activity: Read the clues below (not the answer) and let the children pick which picture it is describing.
- Prophet: Because of this blessing of the gospel we have the privilege to hear Gods words and direction about current issues and challenges we face. This gift is God’s living spokesman.
- Book of Mormon: Because of this blessing of the gospel we know the purpose of life. We also know what we need to do to gain eternal salvation and how to live happy lives.
- Temples: This blessing of the gospel allows us the opportunity to receive saving ordinances for ourselves and our dead. We can also be sealed to our family so that we can be with them forever.
- Priesthood: Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive healing blessings for the sick, blessings of comfort and guidance, and have authority to act in Gods name and perform saving ordinances, such as baptism.
- Baptism Because this blessing of the gospel, when performed by proper priesthood authority, we can receive a remission of our sins and enter into the gate that leads to eternal life.
- Holy Ghost Because of this blessing of the gospel we can receive personal revelation and guidance throughout our lives. We can also receive comfort during difficult times.

- Show the children a map of the world or of your country, and help them identify some places where a family member or friend has preached the gospel on a mission.

- Invite a few children to come prepared to share how their family members or their ancestors were introduced to the gospel.
- Ask each child to write the name of someone he or she can talk to about Jesus Christ or invite to church. Also ask the children to list things they can do to be missionaries now.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 1” Ask the children to use this week’s activity page to make an invitation they could use to invite a friend or family member to learn more about Jesus Christ. (Maybe include it in a Friend magazine or a Book of Mormon)
Friend May 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities”
Story: Jesus Christ said that before He comes again, the gospel will be preached to all the world (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31). We can help get ready for the Second Coming by sharing the gospel with others.
Song: “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission” (Children’s Songbook, 169)
Activity: Make your own missionary name tag! Write your name on a piece of paper and cut it out. On the back, write one thing you can do to share the gospel now. Pin or tape your name tag to your shirt.
Signs of the Savior’s Second Coming can help us face the future with faith.
“Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2023
- Signs of the Savior’s Second Coming may be difficult for some class members to understand. It might help them to work in groups and identify signs they find in Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:21–37. It might also help them better understand the importance of these signs if they compare them to road signs. Why are road signs important? How are the signs of the Second Coming like road signs? How are they different? You might even give each group pieces of paper in the shape of road signs and invite them to write on each paper a sign that will precede the Second Coming. Let them share what they found, and invite the class to discuss evidence of these signs in the world today.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 It can be unsettling to read about the events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But when Jesus prophesied of these events, He told His disciples to “be not troubled” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:23). How can you “be not troubled” as you hear about earthquakes, wars, deceptions, and famines? Think about this question as you read these verses. Mark or note any reassuring counsel you find.
See also Gospel Topics, “Second Coming of Jesus Christ,”
You could also see “ Signs of the Times ” in the Guide to the Scriptures, available on
We must always be ready for the Savior’s Second Coming.
Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:26–27, 38–55; Matthew 25:1–13
“Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2023 The parables in Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:26–27, 38–55 and Matthew 25:1–13 can help class members recognize the importance of being prepared for the Second Coming. Invite class members to search these verses and share what they feel the Savior is inviting us to do.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 To help your family explore this chapter, invite them to look for the Savior’s teachings about how we can prepare for His Second Coming (see, for example, verses 22–23, 29–30, 37, 46–48). What can we do to follow this counsel? Your family might enjoy singing “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83) and drawing pictures of what they imagine the Savior’s Second Coming will be like.
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023)
President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) taught that false Christs and prophets are not limited to people but can also come in the form of false ideas and teachings (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson [2014], 132). As you study this lesson, seek the guidance of the Spirit as you look for ways you can trust in the Lord and overcome any false ideas or deception.
After teaching about other deceptions and about signs of His Coming (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:23–36), the Savior taught a way to overcome deception. Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:37 .

In your study journal, draw a piece of treasure or a treasure chest. To treasure something means you cherish, hold dear, or greatly appreciate it. When we “treasure up” the Lord’s word, we consider it sacred and protect it (see Doctrine and Covenants 43:34). Around or inside the chest, write ways we can treasure up the Lord’s word.
I am responsible for my own conversion to Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 The parable of the ten virgins teaches that we cannot borrow our conversion to the Savior from others. How can you help the children take responsibility for their own conversion?

“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament Explain that the parable of the ten virgins is based on ancient Jewish wedding customs. The bridegroom and his friends escorted the bride from her home to the home of the bridegroom. Along the way friends of the bride waited to join them. When they arrived at the bridegroom’s home, they all went inside for the wedding. These weddings usually took place in the evenings, so those waiting for the bride and bridegroom carried lamps.
New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “Matthew 25:1–13”
Before studying the parable, it is important to understand Jewish wedding customs during the Savior’s day. The bridegroom, accompanied by his close friends, would go at night to the bride’s house for the wedding ceremony. Following the ceremony, the wedding party would proceed to the groom’s house for a feast. Wedding guests joining the procession, including virgins or bridesmaids, were expected to carry their own lamps or torches to indicate they were part of the wedding party and to add brightness and beauty to the occasion.
- The bridegroom is symbolic of the Savior, and the coming of the bridegroom represents the Second Coming (see Doctrine and Covenants 33:17 ; 88:92 ; 133:10).
- President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency taught: “The ten virgins obviously represent members of Christ’s Church, for all were invited to the wedding feast and all knew what was required to be admitted when the bridegroom came” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Preparation for the Second Coming,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 8).
- The lamps can symbolize our testimonies (see David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 109). Note that all ten virgins had lamps.
- The oil can symbolize our conversion unto the Lord Jesus Christ (see David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 109). This can include our efforts to follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost and to live obediently to the Savior and His gospel (see Doctrine and Covenants 45:56–58 ; In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. … Each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle [1972], 255–56)
Most Jewish wedding ceremonies would take place in the evening. Several scripture passages refer to the Savior coming again like a thief in the night (see Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 12:44 [in the Bible appendix]; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 ; 2 Peter 3:10 ; Doctrine and Covenants 45:19 ; 106:4). The coming of the bridegroom at midnight suggests the unexpected hour of the Savior’s return. President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) explained:
In Matthew 25:12 , notice the bridegroom’s response to the foolish virgins who tried to enter the wedding feast late and without the necessary oil. Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 25:11 clarifies that the bridegroom said, “Ye know me not” (in Matthew 25:12 , footnote a).
- Remembering what the oil represents, why would the oil be essential to truly know the Savior and be ready to meet Him?
- Why could the wise virgins not simply give the oil to the foolish virgins?
- Ask a child to come prepared to share how he or she learned about the parable of the ten virgins at home this week.
- Draw an oil lamp on the board, and label it testimony. Give each child a piece of paper shaped like a drop of oil, and ask each child to write on it something he or she will do to become more converted to the Savior. Attach their drops to the board around the lamp.
“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament
Friend September 1995 “I Believe That Jesus Will Come Again,”
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 You might cut paper in the shape of drops of oil and hide the drops around your home. You could attach the drops to objects like the scriptures or a picture of the temple. When family members find the drops, you could discuss how these things help us prepare for the Second Coming.
- Invite the children to help you make a list of things to do to prepare for a special visitor. How are these things similar to or different from ways we can spiritually prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming?
Friend August 2021 “The Important Guest” Ammon mother told him to tidy his room and she told him, “We want to invite someone important to be our guest. So we want our house to be clean and neat.” That night Ammon found out that the special guest was the Holy Ghost. The family also discussed additional ways to help the Holy Ghost feel welcome in their home.

- On five strips of paper, write things that cannot be borrowed. On five other strips, write things that can be borrowed. Shuffle the strips, and ask the children to sort them into these two groups. Read together Matthew 25:1–13. Why is it important not to rely on others for our conversion to Jesus Christ?
“Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins,” Primary 7: New Testament Why do you think the five wise virgins did not share their oil? (Matthew 25:9.) Why couldn’t they have given some of their oil to the others? Explain that the shape of Jewish lamps, outside lips rounded inward, made it almost impossible for someone to pour oil from one lamp to another (see the illustration at the end of the lesson). In the parable, the oil in the wise virgins’ lamps represents their righteous living and obedience. We each fill our own lamp, which represents our own life, with our obedience and righteousness. Heavenly Father’s blessings to us for our righteous actions cannot be given to the disobedient.
New Testament Coloring Book “The Ten Virgins”
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “He Will Come Again” Lesson ideas
I can use the gifts God has given me.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 Young children are discovering their gifts and abilities. Help them understand that these gifts and abilities come from Heavenly Father.
- Bring several coins to use as you tell the parable of the talents, found in Matthew 25:14–30. You could ask three children to represent the three servants. Explain that in Jesus’s day, talents referred to money, but today talents can mean our gifts and abilities.
For the Strength of Youth February 2023 “The Talents” Parable of the talents
- Ask the children to name ways their parents, siblings, teachers, or friends have helped them. What talents do these people have that help them serve others?
- Write a small note to the children telling each of them about the gifts or abilities you notice in them. As you share with each of the children the gifts you see in them, encourage them to improve their gifts and use them to serve others.
Friend December 2022 “Gifts to Share” Sometimes we don’t value or share our gifts. Maybe we are afraid that they are not as perfect as we would like. But if we don’t share our gifts, we miss a chance to bless God’s children. We miss a chance to feel God’s love.
Friend December 2022 “Talent Match”

Friend May 2021 “What Are Your Gifts?” Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities that God has given to each of His children.
New Testament Coloring Book “Parable of the Talents”
“Lesson 26: Parable of the Talents,” Primary 7: New Testament
- Ask the children to name as many talents as they can think of; list the talents on the chalkboard as they are mentioned. Encourage the children to include character traits such as being a good listener, loving others, being cheerful, and so on.
- Give the children each a piece of paper and a pencil and ask them to make a list of their own talents. Tell them not to let others in the class see the list. Then ask the class members to each name a talent for every other child in the class. As each child’s talents are mentioned, suggest that the child add to his or her list any talents identified by the other children that are not already on the list. Then ask the following questions:
See additional story ideas at Talents
At the Final Judgment, we will give the Lord an account of our lives.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 After the Resurrection, the Lord will judge us based on our obedience to His commandments and acceptance of His atoning sacrifice.
The parable of the talents and the parable of the sheep and goats can inspire us to think about the account of our lives we will give to the Lord at the Final Judgment. You might read the parables together and invite each class member to share one question the Savior might ask about our lives when we are judged. “Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School: New Testament 2023
- Invite half of the class to read Matthew 25:14–30 and the other half to read Matthew 25:31–46. Ask the groups to act out the parables for the class. What is the Lord teaching us in these parables?
New Testament Stories “The Talents”
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![New Testament stories [art]](
Latter Day Kids “The Parable of the Talents” Lesson ideas
For the Strength of Youth February 2023 “The Talents” Parable of the talents
Friend December 2022 “Gifts to Share” Sometimes we don’t value or share our gifts. Maybe we are afraid that they are not as perfect as we would like. But if we don’t share our gifts, we miss a chance to bless God’s children. We miss a chance to feel God’s love.
- Invite the children to read Matthew 25:35–36 in pairs and make a list of things they can do to show their love for Jesus Christ.
Friend September 2007 “The Master Served” Link includes lesson ideas
Friend January 2018 “Family Night Fun” Hide slips of paper with difficulties someone may be enduring written on them. When someone finds a paper, have them say how they could help that person.
Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “He Will Come Again” Lesson ideas
Jesus wants me to serve others.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 We serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by serving people around us. Help the children consider ways they can serve others.
- Summarize the parable in Matthew 25:34–46. Help the children understand that when we are serving others, we are serving Jesus.
The “right hand”: In ancient times, being seated at the right hand of the king, or next to the king on his right side, was the most honorable position at a feast.
- Hold up a picture of a child with a picture of Jesus hidden behind it. What can we do to serve this child? Remove the child’s picture and explain that when we serve each other, we are serving Jesus.
Friend September 2007 “The Master Served” Link includes lesson ideas
The Red Crystal This site has great visual aid ideas.
- Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves serving others in the ways the Savior describes in Matthew 25:35–36. Ask the other children to guess what they are drawing.
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Match the pictures as the above scripture is read.

- Invite the children to share experiences when someone has shown Christlike service to them or their families.
“Lesson 27: Parable of the Sheep and the Goats,” Primary 7: New Testament
Read the following or similar situations to the children (use situations that are within the children’s experiences). Ask them what they think they should do if:
- They see a younger child who is thirsty but can’t reach the water.
- They know a child who hasn’t been to church for several weeks.
- They know someone who doesn’t have enough to eat.
- They see someone who doesn’t have a warm coat, and it is very cold.
- They know someone who has been home for a long time with an illness or disability.
- What would Jesus want you to do? Why do you think you should help others in situations such as these?
News with Naylors “Helping Others” Activity ideas
The Widow’s Mite
New Testament Stories “The Widow’s Mite”
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New Testament Coloring Book “The Widow’s Mite”
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023
Coming.Mark 12:38–44; Luke 21:1–4.
What do these verses teach about how the Savior views our offerings? Show your family how to pay tithing and fast offerings to the Lord. How do these offerings help build God’s kingdom? What are some other ways we can offer “all that [we have]” to the Lord? (Mark 12:44).
Lesson 24: The Widow’s Mite,” Primary 7: New Testament Lesson, stories, and activity ideas. Tithing theme.