In June 1831, Joseph Smith held a conference with the elders of the Church in Kirtland. There, the Lord organized some of the elders into companionships and sent them to Jackson County, Missouri, with this charge: “Preach by the way” (Doctrine and Covenants 52:10).
Many of the elders did so diligently, but others did not. So when the time came to travel back to Kirtland, the Lord said, “With some [elders] I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man” (Doctrine and Covenants 60:2).
We’ve all had experiences when we could have shared the gospel with someone, but for some reason, we didn’t. As you read the Lord’s words to early missionaries who failed to “open their mouths,” think about your own opportunities to share the gospel. How is your testimony of the gospel like a “talent,” or a treasure from God? In what ways do we sometimes “hide [our] talent”? [How can we share our “talent” and “treasure”?](Doctrine and Covenants 60:2; see also Matthew 25:14–30).
Friend December 1991 “I Have a Testimony of Jesus Christ” One possible way to use this activity would be to have each child choose a testimony card below and write or think about what their testimony is about that that topic. Then have them share their testimony (if they would like to). Could also have them work in pairs so it’s easier to share together. (For little ones you could use pictures instead of the testimony cards.) Help the children understand that their testimonies are gifts and treasures that can be shared with others

Friend September 1999 “We Can Testify of Jesus Christ and His Gospel” Lesson ideas about testimonies and sharing them.
We bear testimony not only in words but in the way we act—even in the way we dress. Write out a role-play situation for each class to help the children see that there are many times when they can share their testimonies. Give the classes a few minutes to prepare their role plays; then present them. Possible situations:
- You are playing with a group of friends. Two of you are wearing CTR rings. One of the other children asks what the letters mean.
- You have a friend who is ill or injured, and you visit her. She is very discouraged. What can you say to help her understand that Heavenly Father loves her and will bless her?
- Two of your friends at school are talking about a child who is new in your class. They think that he dresses strangely, and they don’t want to play with him. You think that you should follow what Jesus taught and be a friend. What can you say to them? How can you include him?
- Your family listened to a talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley. He said that every member of the Church needs a friend, a responsibility, and nurture (spiritual nourishment) with the good word of God. A family who lives not too far from you has just joined the Church. They have children your age. As you ride home in the car, you start to discuss what you might do for this family, since you have a testimony that President Hinckley is a prophet.
- Your class has been asked to give a Sharing Time presentation about prayer. Have you or has someone in your family had an experience in which your prayers were answered? Ask if two or three class members would like to briefly share their experiences, their testimonies that prayers are answered.
- You have a friend who has a serious problem. You know that reading the scriptures would help her. What could you tell her?
- A repairman comes to your house and sees a Book of Mormon sitting on the table. He asks what it is about. What would you tell him?
In conclusion, thank the children and remind them that we can share our testimonies in testimony meeting, when we give talks, when we sing, when we interact with our friends, whenever we are prompted to by the Spirit, and by our examples.
Friend November 2008 “Sharing a Testimony”
The other day I had a friend over who is not a member of the Church. He saw a picture of Jesus on our refrigerator, and told me that he did not believe that Jesus was real. I said, “Jesus is real, and I believe in Him!” I then told him that Jesus really lived on this earth a long time ago and that He died, but on the third day He was resurrected. I told him that because of Jesus, we will be able to live again after we die too.
My friend listened to what I was saying as he looked at the picture of Jesus. He seemed to believe that what I was telling him was true. I want to give him a Book of Mormon with my testimony written in it for his birthday. I know this Church is true, and I am thankful when I can share my testimony with my friends. (Brigham P., age 6, Montana)
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”
Jesus Christ wants me to share His gospel.
Children love to share what they know with others. Help them understand that when they share what they know about the gospel, Heavenly Father is pleased with them.
- Explain that the Lord asked the Prophet Joseph Smith and other Church leaders to travel from Kirtland, Ohio, to Jackson County, Missouri. He asked them to preach the gospel along the way and as they returned home. Read Doctrine and Covenants 62:3, and ask the children to listen for what the missionaries did that pleased the Lord. Testify that the Lord is pleased with us when we share the gospel with others.
- Help the children make badges that show they want to be missionaries of the Church. Let them wear their badges and practice sharing their testimonies with each other.
- Sing together a song about sharing the gospel, such as “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Children’s Songbook, 168). Help the children think of what they could say if someone asked them what they love about Jesus Christ and His Church. Invite them to draw pictures of things they love about Christ’s gospel.
I can open my mouth to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Doctrine and Covenants 60:7, 13; 62:3, 9
A child’s testimony can be as powerful as an adult’s, because the power of testimony comes not from a person’s age or experience but from the Holy Ghost. Help the children gain confidence that they can open their mouths and share with others what they know is true.
- What blessings did the Lord promise in Doctrine and Covenants 60:7; 62:3, 9 to those who share His gospel? How does sharing the gospel bless others? Consider sharing an experience from your life when you shared the gospel—what blessings came from your efforts? Invite the children to share any experiences they have had. You could also sing a song about missionary work, such as “Go Forth with Faith” (Hymns, no. 263), and talk about the blessings mentioned in the song.
- Help the children role-play situations in which they might share the gospel with their friends. For example, what would they say if someone asked them why they go to church? Or what if a friend saw them wearing a CTR ring or reading the Book of Mormon and asked questions? What would they say?
Friend June 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones” Make simple missionary name tags out of paper. Help your little ones say, “I can be a missionary!”
The Scriptures Teach Me about Jesus Christ.
Help the children find and make a list of some of the characteristics of Jesus as you read Doctrine and Covenants 60–62
The Lord is all powerful and can preserve me [and help me].
Doctrine and Covenants 60:4; 61:1–2, 36; 62:1
On the way back to Kirtland, Joseph Smith and other Church leaders had a life-threatening experience on the Missouri River (see Saints, 1:133–34).
The Lord used this opportunity to warn and instruct His servants. What do you find in Doctrine and Covenants 60:4; 61:1–2, 36; 62:1 that encourages you to put your trust in the Lord as you face your own challenges?
How could you help your family remember that the Savior is “in [our] midst”? (Doctrine and Covenants 61:36) You could decide together where to prominently display a picture of Him in your home. How can we invite the Savior into our daily lives?
What reason do we see in Doctrine and Covenants 61:36 to “be of good cheer”? (see also John 16:33). Perhaps your family could write or draw pictures of things that bring them joy and collect them in a “good cheer” jar. (Be sure to include pictures of the Savior and reminders of His love for us.) Throughout the week when family members need a reminder of reasons to be happy, they could choose something from the jar.
The Lord is willing to forgive me if I repent.
Doctrine and Covenants 60:7; 61:1–2, 36; 62:1
Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Church were not perfect. Sometimes they argued and were impatient (see “Ezra Booth and Isaac Morley,” Revelations in Context, 133). But the Lord was merciful to them and always offered forgiveness if they repented.
- Read with the children Doctrine and Covenants 60:7; 61:2, and ask them to find words that these verses have in common. Remind the children that these revelations were given to Joseph Smith and other Church leaders. What did the Lord want them to know? What do we learn from these verses about how the Savior feels about us when we make mistakes?
Friend August 2017 “Jesus Forgives” Jesus teaches Peter to forgive. Jesus forgave sins, and he forgave his crucifiers.
Friend May 2020 “Sister Squabble” Jaide’s little sister borrowed her tennis shoes without asking and accidentally got them muddy. Jaide was so mad that she told her sister, “I wish you weren’t my sister.” She felt terrible about what she said. She read a scripture about Jesus forgiving and healing someone (people who came to arrest him in Garden of Gethsemane), and she realized she needed to forgive and try and fix what she had done to her sister with her words.
Ensign January 2018 “Repentance is a Gift” Match each picture with a different step of repentance.
Friend February 2019 “A Little Better Every Day” Heavenly Father can help us make better choices every day. That’s part of what it means to repent! Match the wrong choices with the better choices these kids made the next day.
Jesus is also….
- Show a few pictures of Jesus from His earthly ministry [possibly where he is illustrating some of the other characteristics found in Doctrine and Covenants 60-62 such as forgiveness, mercy, power, succoring the weak] (see Gospel Art Book, nos. 34–61). Let the children help you explain what Jesus is doing in the pictures. Tell the children about one of your favorite scriptures that teaches about Jesus. Share how you feel about Jesus Christ. Ask the children to share why they love Jesus. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)
The Lord wants me to use my Agency and His Spirit to make Good Choices.
Doctrine and Covenants 60:5; 61:22; 62:5–8
- Ask the children to talk about a time when they had to make a decision. How did they decide what to do? Read together Doctrine and Covenants 62:5, 7–8 to learn about what the Lord said to the elders who were about to journey from Missouri to Kirtland, Ohio. What choices did they need to make about their journey? What has the Lord given us to help us make choices? Tell the children about how you have used the guidance of the Spirit and your own best judgment to make decisions.(Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)
Friend May 2017 “Why Do We Need the Gift of the Holy Ghost”
- Divide the class into three groups, and ask each group to read one of the following verses, in which the Lord instructed some missionaries about how to fulfill their missions: Doctrine and Covenants 60:5; 61:22; 62:5. What do we notice about the Lord’s instruction in these verses? Why is it sometimes good for us to use our own judgment instead of waiting for specific instruction from God on every matter? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)
Sometimes the Lord gives us specific direction, and other matters He leaves up to us to decide. Why doesn’t the Lord give commandments about every aspect of our lives? According to verse 8, how are we to make decisions? Why is it good for us to make some decisions without specific direction from God?(Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62”)
Story below about rolypolys that didn’t do anything until they got instructions.
Friend June 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” What good choices have you made today? Together, make a CTR shield to remind you to choose the right. You could draw it on a poster or make the shape out of items in your home.
Additional Resources
Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources “Doctrine and Covenants 60–62“