Table of Contents
- Choosing the Right Helps Us Feel Holy Ghost
- Choices Have Consequences
- Good, Better, Best
- Choosing the Right Regardless of Peer Pressure
- Making Good Choices
- Choosing the Right
- What Would Jesus Do
- Choosing the Right Keeps Us Safe and Happy
- Things that Help us Choose the Right
- Choosing the Right Helps Us Be Happy
- Choosing the Right Changes Hearts
- Courage to Choose the Right
- Helping Others Make Good Choices
- The Lord is Happy when We Choose the Right
Choosing the Right Helps Us Feel Holy Ghost
Friend April 2017 “Game Changer” Caleb feels like it is hard to have to make different choices than his friends, but the Holy Ghost comforts him and and helps him.
Choices Have Consequences
Friend March 2017 “Toys in the Bathtub” Eli really wants to put a toy in the bath, but his mom says no because it could mess up the toy.
Good, Better, Best
Friend October 2016 “Halloween Choice” Carly has to make a choice between a family trip to the temple and a Halloween party.

Choosing the Right Regardless of Peer Pressure
Friend July 2021 “Secrets and Surprises” Maddy’s friend Kate told her to put a crumpled paper doll from the store in her pocket so they could rescue it from being thrown away. At home Kate told Maddy to keep it a secret and Maddy realized they had stolen it. Maddy had an upset feeling. She didn’t think it was right to keep it a secret so she told her mom. Her mom explained that most secrets are not good unless it is something like a happy surprise.

Friend November 2018 “Finders Keepers?” Mike finds some money on the school grounds and takes it to the office even though his friends think they should keep it and spend it.

Regardless of Loss of Friends or Position
Friend May 2019 “Last Friend Standing” Some new friends of a girl want to hide their bowling shoes and not pay for the game. The girl prays for courage and then tells them that she won’t steal. Even though she loses them as friends, she feels the Holy Ghost telling her that she did the right thing.

Friend April 2019 “Farm-Club Fiasco” Nathan is the president of the Farm Club but is ostracized and removed as president when he doesn’t want to stay an extra night for fun at a competition because he doesn’t want to miss church.
Making Good Choices
Friend February 2020 “Layla Makes Good Choices”Layla likes making good choices! She helps her dad and mom and she puts on her pajamas when asked. Good choices make Layla and Mommy and Daddy happy! When we make good choices, we are following Jesus. Activity: Heavenly Father is happy when we choose the right! Point to the good choices.
Choosing the Right
Friend September 2020 “The Lost Ring” Tyler found a silver diamond ring during PE and tried to find the owner. He turned it in to the front desk even though his friend thought he should keep it and sell it. He had a warm feeling afterwards.
Friend October 2018 “I was trick-or-treating with friends and found $200. I told my mom about it. Later as we were walking down the street, a lady was looking for $200 that she had lost. She was so happy that we found it, and she gave me $10 for being honest. I shared $5 with my friends. I felt warm and happy because I was honest and chose the right. Leah D., age 6, Kentucky, USA“
Friend July 2018 “Show and Tell” I was playing with a friend who showed me a video. At first it was funny, but then a character said a bad word. When I hear bad words, it feels bad in my body, so I asked him if we could do something else. He said OK. I felt happy inside! Javaan F., age 9, North Carolina, USA
Friend June 2017 “My Light” Poem about the light that shines when we choose the Right. (Could be the light of Christ or light of example.)

Friend September 2016 “Blair Chooses the Right” Blair has choices to make on Sunday and she chooses the right on each choice.

Friend Sept 2015 “A Courageous Choice” – Girl able to have courage to do what was right after remembering a story in the Friend magazine about a child choosing the right in the same type of situation.
What Would Jesus Do
Friend September 1986 “The Competition” Elizabeth wants to win a piano competition. On the way to the competition she sees her competition’s car has slid off the road. She chooses to help.

Choosing the Right Keeps Us Safe and Happy
Friend March 2023 “Run toward the Light” When Elder Peter M. Johnson was a child he ran away from boys who wanted to steal his money. He ran out of a dark alley towards the light and was safe. In his life he tried to run from what was bad and look for what was good. In college he met some members of the church while playing basketball. He joined the church. He knew there was hope, peace, and happiness when running toward the light.

Things that Help us Choose the Right
Friend June 2017 “Martin’s Choice” Martin feels spiritually stronger after doing family scripture study. He also feels happy when he makes good choices and follows the prophet. These things help him when he has to make a choice, such as what to do when he is given tea at a school campout.

Friend January 2021 “The Party Problem” Luz felt uneasy about going to a graduation party. It didn’t sound like the kind of party where she’d be able to feel the Holy Ghost. She thought about it, made her choice not to go, and then asked Heavenly Father if that was the right choice. Afterwards she felt a wave of warmth and light and knew she had made the right choice.

Holy Ghost
Friend November 2015 “Karson & the Golden Ticket” Karson finds an extra ticket for the prize jar but feels bad when he goes to put his name on it.
Friend October 2024 “Ryan’s Party” Ryan was excited for his birthday. The first person he invited was Chad. He always had fun with Chad even though Chad sometimes he stumbled over his words, and he wasn’t very good at sports. Chad was good at other things, like origami. Next, Ryan found Ty and Braden at Ty’s house and he gave them each an invitation. When they found out that Chad was coming, they said he was weird and didn’t want to come. Ryan didn’t know what to do. His parents had taught him that when he needed help, the Holy Ghost could guide him, so he said a prayer. When he thought about Ty and Braden, he felt nervous and a little sad. But when he thought about inviting Chad, he felt calm and happy. He knew the Holy Ghost was telling him that inviting Chad was a good choice. Ty and Braden didn’t come to his birthday party. But Ryan had lots of fun with his other friends. Chad even showed them how to make origami. They all went home with their own paper animal.

Choosing the Right Helps Us Be Happy
Friend August 2018 “Racing Rules” Lelah wants to race her trike ke down the sidewalk, but the family rule is to stay in the driveway. She obeys and has a happy feeling.
Friend March 2018 “Ruby Gets Ready” Ruby doesn’t like to put her socks and shoes on all by herself so she cries when asked to do it. She realizes that she needs to make a better choice because she doesn’t feel happy when she gets upset and cries.
Friend March 2018 A man drops some money and Brianna gives it to him. She has a wonderful feeling afterwards.
Friend January 2017 “The Favorite Ball” Seth and Adam are fighting over whose turn it is to play with their favorite ball. Seth doesn’t like the way he is feeling inside and realizes that fighting is not a good choice.
Friend February 2015 “The Blessing Quest” Nathan wants to ride bikes with his friends instead of going to church, but he learns that commandments are meant to help us be happy.

Friend March 2022 “The Snack-Stand Superheroes” Some boys find a box of candy bars under the bleachers. They decide to do the right thing and take it to the snack stand owner to see if it belongs to him. They feel like superheroes.

Choosing the Right Changes Hearts
Friend July 2017 “The Magic Wallet” Mandy’s family is staying in a motel until their house is built, but the manager doesn’t like all the noise the kids make. His heart and views change when Mandy turns in a lost wallet that she finds.
Courage to Choose the Right
Friend April 2021 “The CTR Reminder” Raish was afraid to say anything to her friends who were being mean to a new girl, but then she saw her CTR ring and remembered something her teacher had said. Remember who you are and what you stand for. So Raish stood for the right and asked her friends to stop being mean, and then she went and apologized to the new girl and asked to be her friend.

Friend August 2020 “Choosing the Channel” Camille’s best friend told her about a TV show, but it had some bad words in it so she turned it off. Camille was afraid to tell her friend that she didn’t watch it. They were best friends that did everything together and liked the same things. She was afraid they wouldn’t be friends anymore. But her friend was understanding and said they could find a show they both liked.

Friend March 1988 “Haunted House Hero” A boy who has courage to choose the right rather than accept a dangerous dare, gets help for his friends who fall though the floor of an old house.
Friend November 1985 “The Guy in the Glass”- Boy chooses to befriend and stands up for another boy even though he might get teased and tormented too.
Peer Pressure
Friend March 2022 “The Bike Prank” Sam’s friends want to do a prank where they take all the valve caps off bikes at a bike stand. Sam doesn’t feel good about it but he agrees. He feels really bad about what they did and asks Heavenly Father to forgive him. The next time his friends want to do the same thing, Sam says no and distracts them with a bike race.

Friend March 2018 “Practically Popular” La-Neisha is invited to be friends with the popular girls but is told she can’t have any other friends. She tries to avoid her old friend but feels bad. She chooses to do the right thing regardless of what her new friends think.
Friend September 2017 “Matt and Mandy” Matt tells some boys he doesn’t want to hear a bad joke even though they call him chicken.
Friend May 1983 “Maria Makes a Choice” – Story about girl who chooses not to steal when a friend encourages it.
Friend April 2015 “Courage and Clubs” Kate chooses not to join her friend’s club because the requirement to join is to say a bad word.
Friend February 1987 “The Dogsled Race” Jody borrows a dog and enters a dogsled race to win some ice skates. The dog injures her paw close to the finish line. Jody sacrifices what she wants and does the right thing: she takes care of the dog, like she promised she would–instead of making the dog finish the race.
Friend September 2015 – “To Cheat or not to Cheat” Boy chooses not to cheat on a test

Helping Others Make Good Choices
Friend February 2018 “The Pencil Problem” when Alex gets two pencils from a machine when he only paid for one, Maya says he should tell the librarian. All their other friends thinks he should keep it.

The Lord is Happy when We Choose the Right
Latter Day Kids “Heavenly Father is Happy When I Try to Do Good” Video and lesson ideas