The Widow’s Mite – Scripture Story
Print one copy of the story cards. Cut the picture pages in half on the dotted lines. To make the picture cards into a flip-chart, punch a hole in the top left corners of the picture pages and attach the cards together with hinged metal rings found in office supplies, or string or ribbon.
Items needed: Scriptures – Old Testament
Scripture Story
( Show picture #1 to the family. Read #1 of the words below as you hold up the picture. Continue on in numerical order, holding up pictures and reading words.)
1. The people of Israel had been taught the law of tithing. The people paid tithing by giving one-tenth of their crops or animals.
2. During the time of the prophet Malachi they had begun to give blind and sick animals, and polluted bread as tithing.
(Have the family look up and read Malachi 3:8)
- Why would not paying tithing, or giving our worst, be robbing God? (The Lord created the earth and everything on it. Everything is His, but He has given it to us to use. When we refuse to pay our tithing, or pay it grudgingly, we are being ungrateful and keeping from him what is rightfully his.)
3. The Lord wants us to gladly pay tithing with gratitude in our hearts.
4. In Jesus Christ’s time, tithes and offerings were collected at the temple in large containers with openings at the top (point out the container in the picture).
5. One day Jesus watched the people as they came and put their money into the container. When Jesus saw the widow put in her money he called over his disciples.
6. He told the disciples that the widow had done a great deed. Because of her love for Heavenly Father, she had given all that she had.
7. We are not required to give all that we have, but we can show our love and appreciation for Heavenly Father by happily paying our tithing with a grateful heart.