Friend July 2021 “Protect Yourself” If someone tries to harm you with words or actions, it’s not OK! If you feel unsafe, do the following:
Friend October 2020 “Saying No, Hearing No” Teaching children to say no when needed and to respect others when they tell us no in order to keep the children and others safe.

Ensign October 2020 “How Do I Talk to My Kids about Abuse Prevention?”
Friend August 2018 “For Parents of Little Ones” Obedience to safety rules helps keep us safe. How to help small children follow safety rules.
Friend August 2022 “Staying Safe”
Friend June 2017 “Tickling Trouble” Lizzie and Max learn that we should respect each other when we don’t want to be touched (including being tickled). We should also say stop if we don’t want to be touched, and tell a parent if someone doesn’t stop when told.
Friend August 2022 “No Poking!” Lily likes to poke Cait when they are playing. Cait doesn’t like it. Her mom tells her ““If someone touches you and you don’t like it, you can tell them no.”

Internet Safety
Friend October 2020 “Chat-Box Mess” Myra accepted someone she didn’t know as a friend on an online game she was playing. She quickly regretted her decision when he began asking personal questions. Then the person began sending her bad messages. She told her dad and he was able to block the him and report him. He reminded her that it was safer to only play with kids she knows.
Becoming Lost
Friend August 1988 “My Tree” Jenny gets lost in the woods while playing hide-n-seek. She remembers her dads instructions to hug a tree, and she says a prayer and is soon found.
Friend July 2019 “Lost in the Amusement Park” A boy loses his mom and sister at an amusement park and prays for help.