Table of Contents
- Friendship is the Best Gift
- Not Alike, but Friends
- Finding Friends
- Friends Say Their Sorry
- Friends Forgive
- How to Friendship:
- Friends with Someone with Disabilities
- Find Things in Common
- How to Be a Good Friend
- Friends are Kind and Help Each Other
- Finding Good Friends
- Friends Help Each Other Choose the Right
- Friends Play Together in Kind Ways
- Friends Can Include Others
- Friends Stick up for Each Other
- Friends Help Each Other
- Friends Encourage Each Other
- Friends Protect and Look Out For Each Other
- Friends Support Each Other
Friendship is the Best Gift
Friend September 2018 “The Candy Bar“ Ben is invited the Dante’s birthday party, but his family doesn’t have money to buy gifts, so they get Dante a candy bar. Dante expresses his appreciation for the gift and that he is glad that he and Ben are friends. Friendship is the best gift.

Not Alike, but Friends
Friend July 2019 “The Perfect Match” Maggie loved to match things. When she saw a blond girl sitting sadly alone, she tried to friendship her with a friend that was also blond. Later, her father asked Maggie why she didn’t play with Anna. Then he reminded her that we need to love others as Jesus did, and that it didn’t matter whether we looked the same or thought in the the same ways.

Finding Friends
Pray for Help
Friend December 2017 “Signs of Friendship” Conner has a hard time finding a friend, and his mother suggests he pray about it. A boy that is deaf moves into the neighborhood. Conner realizes the boy must be lonely too, so Conner learns some sign language and goes and introduces himself.

Friend October 2019 “The Phone Call” Mackenzie is lonely after her best friend moves. She prays for help, and Heavenly Father blesses her to find a new best friend.
Friend April 2022 “For Older Kids” (Includes a photo)
Before I moved, I didn’t have many friends. I thought things would be the same in my new city. I prayed and asked my Heavenly Father to help me find good friends. He did! I am grateful I can pray and share my deepest feelings with my Heavenly Father.
Sydnee G., age 12, Idaho, USA
Friend February 2023 “Lost and Found Friends” Leah didn’t know anyone in her new class. She hoped she could make a friend. A girl named Anna sat next to and asked if Leah wanted to be friends. They were good friends through the year and played together every day. Then Anna started acting strange and not talking to her. When asked why, Anna said her new friend said Leah was weird and she didn’t think they could hang out anymore. Leah was hurt, but soon school ended and she was busy with lots of activities hanging out with her best friend. School was about to start and Leah was worried about not having a friend. She kept praying for help. Then on the first day of school she found that her best friend was in her class. Heavenly Father had helped her.

To Get a Friend, Be a Friend
Friend October 1988 “Friends for the Asking” Trent had lots of friends before he moved, now he doesn’t know anybody and his birthday party is coming up. He learns that he needs try harder and put some effort into making friends.

Friend September 1986 “Two for Lunch” A girl wants someone to eat lunch with at school. Her mom tells her to look around and find someone eating alone and invite them.
Friend April 2017 “Star Shines” Star is a new member of the church and is anxious because she has never been to Primary before and doesn’t know anyone. She sees another girl that looks anxious too, and Star invites her to sit with her. The two new girls now both have a friend.

Friend August 2018 “Finding a Friend” Christy’s family had just moved, and she didn’t know anyone at her new school. At recess no one came to play with her. It seemed like all the friends were taken. One day she helped someone who was hurt and they became friends. She learned that to get a friend you have to be a friend.
Serving Others Can Lead to Friendship
Friend April 2022 “Matt and Mandy”
Look for Things in Common
Friend February 2023 “Recess Friends” Jason didn’t like to play soccer, so he read books during recess, but he wanted to have fun with friends too. He noticed two other kids not playing soccer and wondered if they prefered quiet things too. He suggested they all play checkers together during recess.

Be Kind
Friend June 2024 “What We Can Give” Aliya’s class went on a school trip to a nature preserve. She was excited to learn about the animals, but she was new and didn’t know how to make a friend. The class helped clean the ponds because they learned It’s about what we can give. She remembered that saying and met a girl named Zoe by complimenting her shirt. They became friends and had lots of fun together. She was thankful to Heavenly Father for the beautiful world and for her new friend.
Friends Say Their Sorry
Friend July 2020 “How to Lose a Friend” When Charlotte’s friend got a solo in the choir concert and she didn’t, Charlotte was hurt and said something mean to her friend that she didn’t mean. She didn’t know how to fix things. She decided to give her presentation in class about how to lose a friend, hoping that her friend would see she was sorry and forgive her.

Friend September 2020 “Amy and Her Trike” Amy accidentally hits Todd while riding trikes. She says sorry, gives him a hug, and asks if he wants to ride trikes with her.

Friends Forgive
Friend August 2021 “Not Invited” Becky isn’t invited to her friend’s birthday party. She feels really left out and sad. She prays to be able to forgive her friend and is able to play together the next day. When Becky has her birthday party she invites her.

How to Friendship:
Someone New
Friend September 1986 “Strengthen Thy Brethern” A girl scared to attend a new school suddenly feels better when another child friendships her.
Friend June 1986 Put the pictures in order, or have a child tell the story in their own words.

Friends with Someone with Disabilities
Friend November 2019 “Seeing a New Friend” Beth had never met someone blind before, so she was a little unsure what to do with Cara when she and her family came for dinner. Even though Cara couldn’t see the toys, she could feel them and know what they were. Pretty soon Cara and Beth were giggling together, and Beth realized she had a new friend.

Friend April 2017 “Ben’s Buddies” Ben has many disabilities but his Primary class make sure he is included.
Friend March 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt’s friend wants to know why Matt is friends with him because he can’t run, ride bikes, or even talk very well. Matt said he likes his friend’s jokes, and they like a lot of the same stuff. Matt’s friend says he liked Matt because he stood up for him.
Find Things in Common
Friend Sept 1987 A strange new animal is left out and lonely until the other animals look for things they have in common with it.

Friend May 2024 “Chess Friendship” Matvii and his family were moving to Germany because it wasn’t safe where they were from. A bishop’s family let them stay with them. Matvii was upset when he realized the Bishop’s children didn’t understand their language. How could he make friends if he couldn’t talk to them. Eventually the children found games and activities that they all knew and could play together, like football and chess.
How to Be a Good Friend
Friend January 2025 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paolo want to be a good friend like their friend Laura who they miss.
Friends are Kind and Help Each Other
Friend October 2018 “Kaity and Quincy” Kaity, who has Down syndrome, loves her friend Quincy. Quincy always helps her at church. When Quincy’s brother dies, Katie wants to help her friend. She is able to comfort her sad, crying friend with just the right words and hugs.

Friend August 2018 “A Friend like Mark” Josh is made fun of by some boys at church for his costume and his lack of ability to play basketball. A new boy moves in, and instead of making fun of Josh, he encourages him and helps him with basketball
Friend November 2023 “Margo and Paolo” When Margo meets a new girl that feels like she talks too much and isn’t good at making friends, Margo is positive and lets her know she’s made a friend and then she finds things in common.

Finding Good Friends
Friend February 2024 “True Friends?” Henry’s friends did things that made him uncomfortable like watching bad videos, telling mean jokes at school, or stealing apples. He was afraid to say anything because he didn’t want to be alone and friendless. His mom told him that true friends help you do what’s right. The next time they watched a bad video he said he didn’t want to watch it. His friends made fun of him and said mean things about him. “Is this what true friends would do?,” Henry thought. He left and felt peaceful. He realized he wasn’t alone. The Holy Ghost was with him.
Friend February 2024 “5 Ways to Spot a True Friend” Here are five ways to spot a true friend. These things can help you be a true friend too!
Friend March 2018 “Friends by Mail” Harrison’s friends influenced him to make bad choices. He was feeling unhappy and frustrated. He knew he needed to change friends.
Friend April 2016 “Better Friends” A girl’s friends say mean things about her so she finds other friends.

Friends Help Each Other Choose the Right
For the Strength of Youth April 2024 “Thanks for Looking Out” Sam gets upset and uses bad language when he loses a game. His friend helps remind him that isn’t who he is.
Friend January 2018 “Forts and Friends” Even though Callie and Marco go to different religions, they both have the same standards. While watching a movie at school that made Callie feel uncomfortable, Marco suggested they both go read instead.

Friend September 2016 “Pretty Much Brothers” Xander likes having Sevak from Armenia staying with his family. It’s like having an older brother, but Sevak doesn’t know the things Xander knows about Jesus and Heavenly Father, so Xander helps him.

Friend May 2016 Matt’s friend accidently damages his father’s car. Matt encourages his friend to choose the right and be honest.
Friend February 2024 “Staying Strong Together” When Elder Yamashita was younger only one other person in his school was a member of the church. Some of his friends made bad choices and he struggled to choose the right. Kids from church called every week to see how he was doing. Having friends at church helped him come back to church.
Friends Play Together in Kind Ways
Friend April 2019 “A New Block Tower” Mason accidentally knocks down Bo’s block tower. Mason says sorry and offers to help build another one. Bo forgives him, and they both are happy. (Also include an activity about friends building a tower together.)

Friends Can Include Others
Friend January 2016 A girl plays with a different girl other than her normal friends. Eventually her other friends include the new girl too.

Friend May 2022 “Matt and Mandy”
Friends Stick up for Each Other
Friend June 2019 “Friendship Feud” When a group of girls won’t let Sadra play with them anymore, one of the friends of the girls decides to be a friend to Sadra even though the other girls threatened not to be her friend anymore if she was friends with Sadra.

Friend October 1983 ” The Good Sport” – Boy learns that friends support and help each other even at the risk of losing a game due to the friend not being good at it.
Friend November 1985 “The Guy in the Glass”- Boy stands up for his friend even though he might get teased and tormented too
Friends Help Each Other

Friend June 2018 “Tortillas and Amigas” Adriana went to visit her elderly friend next door and found her looking sad. Adriana wanted to help her feel better so she suggested they cook or eat tortillas because that always makes her friend feel happy. Before eating, Adriana said a prayer on the food and asked a blessing for her friend too and that made her friend feel happy. (Link includes tortilla recipe. Also a puzzle page is included for figuring out what the Spanish words in the story mean.)
Friend May 2018 “Best Buddies” Anna pushes Will’s wheelchair when they play tag and listens when Will slowly says something because she wants to hear what he has to say. Will laughs at Anna’s jokes. Anna helps Will find blocks to stack and Will doesn’t mind when Anna accidentally knocks over a tower. They are best friends.
Friend December 2017 “The Red Ticket” Matteo’s Friend was always getting into trouble at school. He had to pay with tickets that could be used for prizes. He ran out of tickets one day and Matteo offered to pay with his own ticket so his friend wouldn’t have to miss recess.

Friend September 2017 “Good Friends” Jessie goes over to Kaitlyn’s, who has broken her leg. She helps Kaitlyn and plays with her.

Friend September 2016 “A Butterfly for Courtney” Elena’s friend, Courtney, is sad a lot. Elena gives a gift to her friend to help her feel better. (See also “Don’t Give Up” for ideas on how to help a friend who is often sad. Friend September 2016)

Friend August 2024 “The Tiny Cantaloupe” Weston’s friend’s dad died. He wanted to help Nate and his family feel better, so he found a cantaloupe in the garden that he had planted and taken care of and he left it on their doorstep with a note. The family loved it. Weston felt warm inside as Nate hugged him. He couldn’t take away his friend’s sadness, but even a tiny cantaloupe could help bring a smile.
Friends Encourage Each Other
Friend February 2020 “Keep Going, Josie” Josie had been sick and was tired, but she needed to run in the big race with her teammates. She was worried about letting them down. In her first race, others kept passing her and she felt like giving up. But as her teammates passed her they encouraged her to keep going. Their words gave her strength and she was able to finish the race. (We can encourage each other spiritually too like Jesus does.)
Friends Protect and Look Out For Each Other
Friend August 2021 “The Drug Decision” Alvin sees two classmates with a bag of drugs that they were planning on trying after school. Even though he doesn’t want them mad at him, Alvin tells his teacher because he knows drugs can hurt people.
Friend January 2019 “Two Friends, One Coat” Macy forgot to bring her coat to school and she gets cold at recess. Her friend, Monroe, shares her coat with Macy, and they take turns using it.

Friend December 2017 “Warm Hands, Warm Heart” Monroe notices some of her friends don’t have gloves to keep their hands warm at recess, so she brings some gloves to share.
Friend March 2015– Telling friend’s secret about something dangerous. Lesson discussion
Friends Support Each Other
Friend April 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Paolo’s friend is upset because she heard some friends say she is annoying and doesn’t want to be friends with her anymore. Paolo tells her that they are missing out because he always has fun with her, she even make chores fun. She has the best jokes, the best ideas, and she is nice to everyone.
Friend August 2020 “Choosing the Channel” Camille’s best friend told her about a funny TV show, but it had some bad words in it so she turned it off. Camille was afraid to tell her friend that she didn’t watch it. They were best friends that did everything together and liked the same things. She was afraid they wouldn’t be friends anymore. But her friend was supportive of her choice and said they could find a show they both liked.