Fear and Courage: Lesson Ideas

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Friend August 2022 “How Can I Find Peace in Scary Times?”

Friend February 2025 “Looking to the Light” When Elder John A. McCune was young he had to feed the cows, and when it was dark outside he was scared because his home seemed so far away. He focused on the light coming from the windows, but when he took his focus from the light, his fear felt overpowering. It is very easy to feel afraid in the world today. But if we stay focused on the light of Christ, our fears become less powerful. Each day, we can choose: Are we going to focus on the darkness or focus on the light? We are children of God. He will guide us safely to our heavenly home.

Make this craft to remind you to focus on the light of Christ. How has focusing on Him helped you overcome your fears and feel peace?

  1. Draw a picture of yourself in the center of the sun. Then cut out the picture!
  2. Hang the picture on your window so light can shine through.

Friend March 2023


Faith in Jesus Christ can help me not be afraid.

Matthew 14:22–33

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 5–6” Peter showed great faith when he walked on the water toward Jesus. What lessons might there be for the children in this story?

New Testament Stories “Jesus Walks on the Water” Video and images

Show the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (see also Gospel Art Book, no. 43) as you tell the story from Matthew 14:22–33 in your own words. Consider using this week’s activity page to help the children tell the story back to you. You could also bring a small bowl of water and invite the children to pretend to “walk” their fingers across the surface of the water.

Friend October 2009 “Jesus Walks on the Water” Rebus

Show the video “Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and ask the children why Peter was afraid. Then ask them to tell about times when they felt afraid and share what helped them. Help them see that faith in Jesus Christ helps us overcome fear.

Friend October 2019 “Coloring Page: Jesus Can Help Me Do Hard Things”

Friend April 2013 “Coloring Page”

New Testament Coloring Book “Jesus Walked on Water”

Faith in Jesus Christ can help me not be afraid.

Matthew 14:22–33

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 5–6” Faith and fear play prominent roles in the story of Jesus and Peter walking on the sea. What can children learn from this story?

Show the picture in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (see also Gospel Art Book, no. 43). Ask the children to find phrases in Matthew 14:22–33 that describe the picture.

Ask the children to look for signs of faith and signs of fear as they read Matthew 14:22–33. You could also show the video “Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org). What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ? Help the children think of times when their faith helped them overcome fear.

Ask the children to imagine they were present and had a camera when Jesus and Peter walked on the sea. Which moment would they choose to photograph and why? Suggest that they search Matthew 14:22–33 for ideas. Invite them to draw a picture of the moment they chose, share their pictures, and explain why they chose that moment.

New Testament Seminary Student Manual (2023) “John 6:22–58”Peter’s example teaches us what we should focus on. Remember what happened to Peter when he focused on Jesus Christ and what happened when he shifted his focus to the storm around him (see verses 28–31).

Latter Day Kids “Look to Christ in Faith” Lesson ideas

“Be strong and of a good courage, the Lord thy God is with Thee”

Joshua 1–46

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Joshua 1–8; 23–24” After Joshua became the leader of the Israelites, the Lord encouraged him by saying, “Be strong and of a good courage” (Joshua 1:6). What can the children learn from Joshua about how to be strong and courageous for Christ?

  • Invite the children to find the phrase that is repeated in Joshua 1:6, 9, and 18, and write it on the board (see also verse 7). Help the children think of reasons we might need this message, just as Joshua did. Review as a class some of the stories in Joshua 1–46 (see also “Joshua the Prophet” and “Rahab and the Spies” in Old Testament Stories), and ask the children to identify how the people in these stories showed courage and strength.

Old Testament Stories “Joshua the Prophet”

Friend May 2022 “Joshua’s Courage”

Old Testament Stories “Rahab and the Spies”

  • Invite the children to talk about someone they know who is strong and courageous for Jesus Christ. Encourage them to write down something they would like to do to be stronger and more courageous for Christ.

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures “Have Courage and Serve God” Lesson ideas

Friend July 2022 “Bright Idea”

Friend July 2022 ““I Don’t Want to Grow Up!” Chakell had a lot of worried thoughts about the future. She worried about going to middle school and whether she would be smart enough or have friends. She worried that future changes in her life would be too hard. Her mother explained that with faith we can let Heavenly Father lead us and help us.

Heavenly Father helps me have courage when I am afraid.

Friend October 2018 “Esther the Queen” Video

Esther CHAPTER 3

Mordecai, the Jew, refuses to bow to Haman—Haman arranges a decree to kill all the Jews in the kingdom.

Esther CHAPTER 4

Mordecai and the Jews mourn and fast because of the king’s decree—Esther, at the peril of her life, prepares to go in unto the king.

Esther 4:15–16

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Esther” The children you teach will face situations when they need the Lord’s help to be brave. How will you help them learn from Esther’s example of courage?

  • Do the children you teach know what it means to be brave? Share a simple definition, such as “Being brave means doing what is right even when you are afraid.” Share the story of Esther (see “Queen Esther” in Old Testament Stories), and help the children see how Esther was brave. Let the children use the figures on this week’s activity page to retell the story.
  • Show a picture of Esther (see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families). Sing with the children a song about being brave, such as “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, 162). Point out words and phrases in the song that describe Esther, and testify that the Savior can help the children be brave.
  • Tell the children about times when Jesus Christ was brave; for example, when He suffered for our sins, both in Gethsemane and on the cross (see Matthew 26:36–3927:33–35). Ask the children to tell about a time when they were brave (consider contacting their families in advance to ask them for some examples). What helped them be brave? Tell the children how the Lord has helped you be brave when you were afraid.

Friend August 2020 “Maddy’s Courage” Maddy didn’t want to start school because she was afraid. Her mom reminded her of sometimes we have to do brave and hard things, such as Daniel facing the lions, or Nephi crossing the ocean, or Esther talking to the king. And just like Heavenly Father helped all of those people, He would help her too.

Esther 3:1–114:10–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Esther” When have you seen the children you teach be courageous? What experiences can you share when you needed the Lord’s help to be brave?

  • Write on the board Mordecai showed courage by … and Esther showed courage by … Invite some of the children to read Esther 3:1–11 and others to read Esther 4:10–17. Ask them to use what they read to complete the sentences on the board. Then write I will show courage by … and invite the children to list things Heavenly Father wants them to do that require courage. How can we be like Mordecai and Esther?
  • Invite the children to think of situations they face in which it might be hard to do the right thing. Write on the board Esther’s courageous words “So will I go in unto the king, … and if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16). Help the children apply Esther’s words to themselves by replacing “go in unto the king” with a righteous but difficult choice they might have to make. Then invite them to replace “perish” with something unpleasant that might come from doing what is right. Why is it better to do the right thing, even if there are difficult consequences?
  • Show the video “Choose the Harder Right” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org), and invite the children to decide on a “harder right” in their lives that they will choose. Discuss how Jesus Christ is an example of this principle.

God Can Help Me Do Hard Things.

Moses 6:26–34

Liahona January 2022 “Who Was Enoch”

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “Genesis 5; Moses 6”

When Enoch was called to preach the gospel, he worried that he would fail. But God helped him do great things.

  • Ask the children to share a time when they were asked to do something that was hard or scary for them. Share the story of Enoch’s call to be a prophet, found in Moses 6:27, 31–34 (see also “Enoch the Prophet” in Old Testament Stories). Emphasize that although Enoch did not feel ready to be a prophet, God promised to help him. Help the children understand some ways God helps us when we are asked to do hard things.
  • Share some scriptural examples of when God helped people do difficult things—for example, Noah building the ark, David fighting Goliath, Ammon defending the king’s flocks, or Samuel the Lamanite preaching. (For pictures and scripture references, see Gospel Art Book, nos. 7197881.) Share an experience when the Lord helped you do something difficult.
  • Read Moses 6:26–34 with the children. Why did Enoch feel that he couldn’t preach the gospel? (see Moses 6:31). How did God help Enoch? (see Moses 6:32–347:13).
  • Invite the children to name some difficult things that children their age sometimes do (such as completing an assignment for school, being kind to someone who is unkind, or telling the truth when they have made a mistake). Help the children find phrases in Moses 6:32–34 that can help them. Ask the children to share a time when God helped them do something difficult. Share your own experiences too.

New Era December 2020 “Not Ice-olated” Object lesson that demonstrates that with the Lord’s help, we can lift even the heaviest, slipperiest burdens.

Friend August 2020 “Maddy’s Courage” Maddy didn’t want to start school because she was afraid. Her mom reminded her of sometimes we have to do brave and hard things, such as Daniel facing the lions, or Nephi crossing the ocean, or Esther talking to the king. And just like Heavenly Father helped all of those people, He would help her too.

Friend April 2022 “For Older Kids”

Friend July 2022 “David’s Sling” Follow the paths to the matching rocks to find out ways God can help you when you follow Him.

When I am afraid or in danger, Jesus can help me feel peace. (Junior)

Mark 4:35–41

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7”The account of Jesus calming a storm can help children know that He can give them peace when they feel afraid.

  • Help the children imagine that they are on the ship as you read Mark 4:35–41. (See also “Chapter 21: Jesus Commands the Winds and the Waves,” in New Testament Stories, 53, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.) Ask the children to describe how they might have felt if they had been there. When have the children been scared? How did they find comfort?

Friend September 2013 “Jesus Calms the Tempest”

Friend March 2023 “Jesus Christ Calms the Storm” Illustrations by Apryl Stott

Friend March 2023 What are some things that scare your little ones? Calmly talk about one of those fears. Then help them say, “When I am afraid, Jesus can help me feel peace.”

Friend March 2023 “Come, Follow Me Activities: The Storm”

Story: Read the story of Jesus Christ calming the storm on page 46 or in Mark 4:36–41. Talk about ways Jesus brings you peace.

Song: “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75)

Activity: Stand in a circle and hold the sides of a blanket. Put a ball on the blanket and gently toss it around, like the ship was tossed on the waves. Take turns telling the group to go fast, slow down, or “be still.”

  • Invite the children to make the sounds of a storm and stop when someone says “Peace, be still.” Testify that just as Jesus can bring us peace when there is a storm outside, He can bring us peace in our hearts when we feel bad on the inside.

Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.

  • Teach the children actions to accompany the third verse of “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 57), and sing the verse together while doing the actions.

When I am afraid or in danger, Jesus can help me feel peace. (Senior)

Mark 4:35–41

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7” Children need to know that the Savior can give them peace when they face the storms of life—now and in the future.

  • Ask one of the children to use Mark 4:35–41 and the picture Jesus Calms the Storm (Gospel Art Book, no. 40) to tell the story of Jesus calming the storm. Ask the children to describe how they might have felt if they had been there.

Friend September 2021 “Singing for Jesus” Songs about Jesus can bring us peace and comfort

  • Invite the children to share experiences when they felt peace after praying for help. Remind them that this peace comes from the Savior.

Friend March 2023 “The Earthquake Prayer” Violet woke up when she felt an earthquake. She and her family ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. They had practiced what to do in an earthquake, but Violet was scared. She said a prayer, and felt like someone was giving her a hug. She was glad Heavenly Father helped her feel peace.

  • Give each child a paper rain cloud, and ask them to write on it a trial that someone might have. Put all of the clouds on the board, covering a picture of the Savior. Invite a child to remove one of the clouds and suggest ways we could help someone with that trial to find peace. When all the clouds are removed, testify of the Savior’s power to calm the storms in our lives.

Friend March 2023 “Peace from the Savior” President Eyring gives ideas on how to feel peace even during difficult times such as remembering the Savior and following him.

For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “Jesus Christ: PEACE among the STORMS”

The Savior has the power to calm any storm in your life. He can heal your pain, ease your burdens, and provide light when you’re in darkness.

It’s important to remember that sometimes the Lord calms the storms in your life, and sometimes He instead calms and comforts you while the storm rages on. When you have faith in Him, you also trust in His will and timing. You believe that He will help you, regardless of when your peace and calm actually arrive.

When you’re lonely, sad, anxious, or waiting for promised blessings, remember this question: Are you waiting for “a great calm” with a fearful heart or with a faithful heart?

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7” Children might enjoy pretending they are in a boat in a stormy sea while someone reads Mark 4:35–38. Then, when someone reads verse 39, they could pretend to be in a boat in a calm sea. You could also sing together a song about finding peace in the Savior, such as “Master, the Tempest Is Raging” (Hymns, no. 105). What phrases in the song teach us about the peace Jesus offers?

Additional Resources

The Red Crystal “Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7” Lesson ideas

I Can Learn to Always Follow the Spirit.

The Lord is watching over me.

2 Kings 6:8–17

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “2 Kings 2-7” When Elisha’s servant saw the Syrian army surrounding them, he was very afraid. However, Elisha told him to “fear not” because the Lord was with them (2 Kings 6:16).

  • Read 2 Kings 6:15 to the children, or paraphrase it so they can understand. Invite the children to imagine they are surrounded by a large army with horses and chariots, as Elisha’s servant was. How would they feel? What would they do? Ask them to close their eyes while you read 2 Kings 6:16–17 to them. When you get to the words “open his eyes,” ask the children to open their eyes. Describe to them what the servant saw protecting him and Elisha. Share how you know the Lord is watching over us.
  • Sing together a song about God’s care for us, such as the first verse of “Dearest Children, God Is Near You” (Hymns, no. 96). Replace words in the song with names of the children to emphasize that God is watching over them.

I am not alone.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 “2 Kings 2-7” The children you teach may sometimes feel like the servant of Elisha—unsure of how to meet the challenges before them. You can use the account in 2 Kings 6:8–17 to teach them to “fear not” because the Lord has not left them alone.

  • Read together 2 Kings 6:15–17. Invite one of the children to pretend to be Elisha’s servant while the other children ask questions about his experience, such as how he felt when the Syrian army surrounded the city or what it was like to see the army of God. Talk with the children about times when they feel alone in trying to live the gospel. How does the Lord help us know that we are not alone?
  • Sing a song about relying on the Lord, such as “When Faith Endures” (Hymns, no. 128). What does this song teach us about trusting in the Lord?

Liahona July 2022 “You Are Never Alone”

Family members might enjoy drawing a picture of the experience of Elisha and his servant described in these verses. How can these verses help us when we feel alone or overwhelmed?

Liahona July 2022 “Coming Closer to Jesus Christ”

Numbers Unbreakable

2 Kings 6:8–23

Read the story of Elisha and the young servant in 2 Kings 6:8–23.

  1. Get a thin stick that could be easily broken.
  2. Challenge someone to break it.
  3. Put 10 or more sticks together. Challenge the same person to break the group of sticks without separating any.
  4. Why was the challenge more difficult the second time?
  5. Read 2 Kings 6:16-17: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”
  6. Whom did Elisha and the young servant see protecting them?
  7. Read the following: “Like that servant of Elisha, there are more with you than those you can see opposed to you. Some who are with you will be invisible to your mortal eyes” (Henry B. Eyring, “O Ye That Embark,” Liahona, Nov. 2008, 58).

Discussion: Read Doctrine and Covenants 84:88. At times when we might feel alone, how can we trust that we are not? How is the Lord protecting and helping us today? (For ideas, see Ronald A. Rasband, “Be Not Troubled,” Liahona, Nov. 2018, 18–21.)

For the Strength of Youth July 2022 “Fear Not—the Lord Is with You”


Fear of the Bad Things that Could Happen

Friend July 2022 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child writes the Friend with this question: “Sometimes I worry about all the bad things that could happen. How can I feel more hopeful and less worried?, and the Friend Magazine responds.

Fear of what Others Think

Doctrine and Covenants 30:1–2

Friend February 2017 “Conference Cards” Handout that says, ““The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us.”

Friend July 2021 “Courage to Stand Alone” Sometimes we need to do the right thing even when no one else is doing it. Activity page brining to mind moments and people who had courage to do the right thing. Also, ideas about how to gain courage.

I can be faithful even when others make fun of me. (Sr)

Jude 1:18–22

Ask children to share times when others made fun of them or someone they know because they did what is right. Invite the children to read Jude 1:18–22 and look for how we can remain faithful when others mock or make fun of us. Write what they find on the board, and discuss ways they can follow this advice. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)

Summarize Lehi’s dream (see 1 Nephi 8:1–35), asking a few children to read verses from 1 Nephi 8:26–28, 33. Discuss how the people in the great and spacious building were like the mockers Jude talked about. What can we do to not be influenced by those who make fun of us or don’t agree with what we believe? (see 1 Nephi 8:30, 33). (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “1-3 John; Jude”)

People in a large building on the other side of the river made fun of those who ate the fruit. Some who had eaten the fruit became ashamed and left the tree.

Dealing with Changes in Life

Ensign December 2019 “Navigating Through Transitions” Starting school, leaving Primary, and moving to a new location can all be new, scary situations for children. These tools and tips can help them navigate them successfully.

Friend November 2023 “What’s on Your Mind?” Someone who is struggling with change says, “I feel like so much is changing, and I’m not ready. Why can’t things stay the same?” A few of the things the Friend magazine responds include: “Remember that you are the hero of your story. Each change is a chance to learn and grow. And Heavenly Father will help you.”

Fear of Failing

Friend February 2020 “What’s on Your Mind?” A child writes to the Friend saying that sometimes he is afraid to try new things because he might fail. The Friend magazine reminds him that all people who are really good at something started out as beginners, and it’s okay to make mistakes. They also share some examples of people who weren’t very good when they first started, but they kept trying and eventually became successful.

Dealing with Seeing Bad or Scary Things in the World

Friend August 2022 “How Can I Find Peace in Scary Times?”

Ensign August 2018 “Dealing with Disasters” Helping children cope with traumatic situations.

Friend August 2018 “What’s on Your Mind?” Ways to feel better after seeing bad or scary things in the world. You can turn to Heavenly Father in prayer, to the scriptures, and to a grown-up you trust. Serving others can also help the Holy Ghost bring you peace.

Friend January 2019 “Friends by Mail”

Every night, I read the Friend before sleeping. Whenever I read it, I feel happy and my worries go away. It has helped me when I have worries. Thank you for the Friend!

Friend March 2017 “For Parents of Little Ones” Ideas for helping children deal with fear.


Look for the Good

Friend August 2022 “Matt and Mandy”

If I am Prepared, I need not Fear.

Doctrine and Covenants 38: 30-31

The Saints had already faced much opposition, and the Lord knew more was coming (see Doctrine and Covenants 38: 28–29). To help them not be afraid, He revealed a precious principle: “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 37–40”)

Write the first word of each pair below on slips of paper and hand them out to the children. Ask each child to think of a word that means the opposite of the word on his or her paper. Let each child say the opposite word he or she has thought of while the rest of the class tries to guess the positive word on the child’s paper. (You may want to write both words on the board for more emphasis.)

Word Examples: light/dark, life/death, good/bad, love/hate, success/failure, true/false, peace/war, truth/lie, clean/dirty, happy/sad, healthy/sick, kind/mean, joy/sorrow (Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 20: Korihor, the Anti-Christ,”)

Satan wants us to feel afraid and unhappy. Heavenly Father wants us to follow him so we can be happy. The more we learn the gospel, the better prepared we are to know and do what is truth and right and be not afraid in this world.

For Example:

Friend July 2017 “Fighting off Falsehoods” The gospel truths help us fight against the falsehooods of Satan that we see and hear on media. Match the falsehood with the truth.

Being prepared also helps with tasks that may seem difficult or scary. You could discuss recent family or personal experiences that required preparation. How did your preparation affect the experience?

Fear & Courage: Scripture Stories

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Table of Contents

Courage to do Hard Things

Friend October 2018 “Esther Was Courageous” Story and goal card.

Friend October 2018 “Esther the Queen”

Friend August 2018 “David and Goliath”

Friend August 2018 “David Trusted God” Story and goal card. (David trusted God and did hard things, and I can too.)

Courage During Disaster

Friend September 2018 “Safety from the Storm” Elder Costa’s favorite bible story when he was a child was the story of Noah and how the ark kept his family safe from the storm. Elder Costa related the ark to our homes. Our homes can be spiritual places that keeps us safe from the storms of life. Noah stayed away from the wickedness in the world and was blessed. If we have faith in God he will give us peace no matter what kinds of storms come our way.

Courage When Others Mock You

Friend March 2020 “Eddy and the Book of Mormon” Some kids laugh at Eddy when he reads at school because he has a hard time with some words. It makes him nervous and not want to read out loud. But as his family read the Book of Mormon each day (first they figured out a way to remember to read each day), Eddy learns about Nephi and how his brothers made fun of him for building a boat. That didn’t stop Nephi. He trusted God, and God helped him do hard things. Next time some kids laughed at him while Eddy read in class, he thought of Nephi, and that helped him not to worry about what the kids would say.

Fear and Courage: Stories

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Courage to Do What’s Right

Valiant: Doing the right thing even when it is difficult or we are afraid. Being valiant means to have the courage to face challenges or dangers.

Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.

Latter Day Kids “The Valiant Fox- Come Follow Me: August 10th-16th” Video, lesson and activity ideas. Helping children to understand what valiant means.


Bad dreams

Sing a church song

Friend January 2021 “Oliver the Brave” Oliver has a bad dream about monsters. He prayed, but it didn’t go away. His parents tell him he needs to do more than just pray. So he thinks of other things he can do such as singing “I am a Child of God”, and it worked.

Friend March 2025 “Singing the Shadows Away” Logan had a nightmare about a monster. When it woke him up he was too scared to leave his bed. Then he saw a picture of his family at the temple and the song “I Love to See the Temple” popped into his head. As he sang he thought about that day at the temple and he was able to peacefully fall back to sleep. He realized church songs are powerful enough to make even scary monsters go away.

Heavenly Father will Help

Friend December 2024 “Brave Enough” Terry and Hailey were in a special play for their ward Christmas party. He needed to practice with the other kids but was afraid because he didn’t know some of them. At family prayer he asked them to pray for him to have courage to go to play practice. When he went to the practice, he was nervous to sit by kids he didn’t know, but he found out that they were fun. Terry hardly felt nervous anymore. He knew Heavenly Father had helped him.

Friend August 2020 “Maddy’s Courage” Maddy didn’t want to start school because she was afraid. Her mom reminded her of sometimes we have to do brave and hard things, such as Daniel facing the lions, or Nephi crossing the ocean, or Esther talking to the king. And just like Heavenly Father helped all of those people, He would help her too.

Friend December 2019 “Brave Like Joseph” Isabel got bumps all over her arms and legs that lasted months. The medicine made blisters and the blisters got infected. She had to go to the hospital, but she was afraid. Here mom told her about Joseph Smith’s bone surgery on his leg when he was her age. He was scared too, but he knew Heavenly Father would help him. Isabel thought that if Joseph could do that surgery, she could go to the hospital.

Friend April 2021 “The Sister Solo” Sophie loved to sing and wanted to take a singing class, but she had hearing problems and was afraid. Her sister volunteered to take the choir class too. Sophie was getting comfortable and having fun, but then she had problems with one of her solos. She prayed for help and the teacher suggested she sing the solo with her sister.

Friend March 2022 “Stage Fright”Grant and his mom were going to perform a clogging dance for the ward talent show, but he got stage fright and ran. His mom found him and they said a prayer together. He knew Heavenly Father would help him, and they performed proudly.

Friend May 2022 “A Prayer in the Storm” Alexis was scared of the thunder in the storm and didn’t feel safe. She found her dad and asked if they could say a prayer. After the prayer she felt peaceful and wasn’t afraid anymore.

Friend October 2022 “Being Brave” Brayden was scared to talk in front of so many people for the Primary program. His father suggested saying a prayer to help him fell brave. It helped him feel better and he was able to say his part and remember all the words.