Table of Contents
- Moroni 7
- The light of Christ helps me judge between good and evil.
- If I have faith in Jesus Christ, I can do whatever He needs me to do.
- I am blessed when I have faith in Jesus Christ.
- Believing in Jesus Christ can give me hope.
- I can have hope in Jesus Christ, even during difficult trials.
- “Charity is the pure love of Christ.”
- Moroni 8
- Additional Resources
Moroni Chapter 7 An invitation is given to enter into the rest of the Lord—Pray with real intent—The Spirit of Christ enables men to know good from evil—Satan persuades men to deny Christ and do evil—The prophets manifest the coming of Christ—By faith, miracles are wrought and angels minister—Men should hope for eternal life and cleave unto charity. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni Chapter 8 The baptism of little children is an evil abomination—Little children are alive in Christ because of the Atonement—Faith, repentance, meekness and lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end lead to salvation. About A.D. 401–21.
Moroni Chapter 9 Both the Nephites and the Lamanites are depraved and degenerate—They torture and murder each other—Mormon prays that grace and goodness may rest upon Moroni forever. About A.D. 401.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Moroni 7-9”
- Before Moroni concluded the record we know today as the Book of Mormon with his own final words, he shared three messages from his father, Mormon: an address to “the peaceable followers of Christ” (Moroni 7:3) and two letters that Mormon had written to Moroni. Perhaps Moroni included these messages in the Book of Mormon because he foresaw similarities between the perils of his day and ours.
Moroni 7
The light of Christ helps me judge between good and evil.
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Many people wonder, “How can I know if an impression comes from God or from my own thoughts?” or “With so much deception today, how can I know what is right or wrong?” Mormon’s words in Moroni 7 give us several principles we can use to answer these questions. Look for them especially in verses 12–20.

- How can Mormon’s counsel help us make good choices about how we spend our time and who we spend it with? You could invite family members to search your home and “lay hold upon” (Moroni 7:19), or hold on to, things that invite them “to do good, and to love God, and to serve him” (Moroni 7:13). Praise them for the good things they find.
Primary 4: Book of Mormon “Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings,”
- Use the following or similar examples of choices that apply to your class. Have the children use Moroni 7:16 to help them choose good from evil.
- You are playing ball with your friends when a child who does not play well wants to join your team. Your friends tell you if this person plays on your team you will lose the game. You consider telling the child not to play with you. Ask yourself, “Does this choice invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
- You are watching a movie that has an immoral scene that lasts only a few seconds. You feel embarrassed to leave the movie. Ask yourself, “Does watching this movie invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
- You are in a store when the clerk makes a mistake and doesn’t charge you the right amount for the item you are buying. You know that the item costs more than what you were charged, but the clerk made the error. Ask yourself, “Does paying the wrong price invite me to do good and to believe in Jesus Christ?”
- Your bishop has asked you to read the Book of Mormon every day. Sometimes scripture words are hard for you to understand. Ask yourself, “Does reading the scriptures every day help me to do good and persuade me to believe in Christ?”
Ensign September 2016 Circle ways you can choose the right.
If I have faith in Jesus Christ, I can do whatever He needs me to do.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Mormon wanted the people to know that miracles did not stop when the Savior’s earthly ministry ended. As long as we have faith in Jesus Christ, we can, with His help, do anything He needs us to do—including miraculous things.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Moroni 7-9”
- Consider looking at a few pictures together that show someone from the scriptures accomplishing something important (see, for example, Gospel Art Book, nos. 19, 70, 78, 81). How did having faith in Christ make a difference in these examples? You and your children could then read Moroni 7:33, looking for what we can do when we have faith in Jesus Christ. You could also share experiences with each other when God blessed you with power to do His will.

Primary Manual 4: Book of Mormon ““Lesson 43: Moroni Teaches Faith in Jesus Christ”
- Play the Who Am I? game with the children. Give them the following clues, and have them guess the person you are talking about.
- I prayed all day and all night, using my faith in Jesus Christ. (Enos.)
- Because of faith, an angel appeared to my son and the four sons of Mosiah to call them to repentance. (Alma.)
- I used a special flag to encourage my people to have faith in Jesus Christ and to fight for their liberty and their families. (Captain Moroni.)
- Because of my faith, I chose to take my family and go with Lehi and his family into the wilderness. (Ishmael.)
- I had the faith to return to Jerusalem to get the brass plates. (Nephi.)
- My faith in Jesus Christ let me see his finger and then his whole being. (Brother of Jared.)
- Our faith in Jesus Christ, taught by our mothers, saved our lives in battle. (2,000 stripling warriors.)
- My faith in Jesus Christ and my desire to preach his gospel helped me fight off a band of robbers who wanted to kill King Lamoni’s sheep. (Ammon.)
- Our faith caused the prison to tumble. (Alma and Amulek.)
- While imprisoned, we were encircled with fire because of our faith. (Nephi and Lehi.)
- Because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we will not taste of death. (Three Nephites.)
- We were guided by the Liahona to the promised land according to our faith in Jesus Christ. (Lehi and his family.)
I am blessed when I have faith in Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Help the children list on the board some of the “good thing[s]” that we receive through the gospel of Jesus Christ, such as having eternal families, returning to Heavenly Father, and being forgiven of our sins. Then invite the children to read Moroni 7:21–22 and 25, looking for how we can receive all of these good things. How can we show our faith in Jesus Christ and His promises?
21 And now I come to that faith, of which I said I would speak; and I will tell you the way whereby ye may lay hold on every good thing. 22 and in Christ there should come every good thing. 25 and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing;
- Read Moroni 7:33, and invite the children to stand up when they hear the word “faith.” Explain that we show our faith in Jesus Christ when we keep His commandments. Help the children make a list on the board of some things Jesus wants them to do, like obeying their parents or telling the truth. Testify that our faith in Jesus Christ can help us keep the commandments.
Believing in Jesus Christ can give me hope.
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Moroni 7-9”
- As you read Moroni 7:41 to your children, perhaps they could raise their hands when they hear something Mormon said we should hope for. Tell them about the hope you feel because of Jesus Christ.
One truth we can learn from Mormon is if we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can have hope through His Atonement to be raised to eternal life.
- You and your children could also think of someone who may be having a hard time with something. Maybe your children could draw a picture for the person that can remind him or her to have hope in Jesus Christ.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
Ensign December 2020 ““What is it that ye shall hope for?”
I can have hope in Jesus Christ, even during difficult trials.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
After describing the wickedness he had seen, Mormon told his son not to grieve. What does it mean to you for Christ to “lift [you] up”? Moroni 9:25–26
- Help the children list a few problems that might make people feel discouraged or hopeless. Invite the children to read Moroni 7:40–41 and 9:25–26, looking for something that might help someone who feels discouraged. Tell them how Jesus Christ and His gospel have helped you during difficult times.
- Invite the children to write a message to someone who feels discouraged to help him or her find hope in Christ, as Mormon did for his son in Moroni 9:25–26. Encourage the children to use words and phrases from these verses in their messages.
New Era December 2020 “Not Ice-olated” Object lesson that demonstrates that with the Lord’s help, we can lift even the heaviest, slipperiest burdens.

Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Moroni 7-9”
- To teach your children about hope in Jesus Christ, you could fill a clear container with water and drop two objects into it—one that floats and one that sinks. As you read together Moroni 7:40–41 and 9:25–26, your children could look for what hope does for us. Then they could compare the floating object to a person who has hope in Christ. How does He “lift [us] up” when we face difficult trials? Help your children think of ways they can keep the Savior and His encouraging teachings “in [their] mind forever.”
“Charity is the pure love of Christ.”
Book of Mormon Scripture Stories “Moroni the Prophet”
Life was hard for Moroni, but he stayed faithful. He wrote down what Mormon taught about charity, the pure love of Christ. Mormon said people should pray to God with all the energy of their hearts to get this love. He said God gives charity to those who truly follow Jesus.
Moroni loved the Lamanites even though some of them had killed everyone he knew and wanted to kill him. He wrote many things on the metal plates to help Lamanites in the future. He hoped they would read the record someday and believe in Jesus again.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Invite the children to share what they think the word “charity” means. Then invite one of the children to read Moroni 7:45. (If some of the words in this verse are hard to understand, help the children look them up in a dictionary.)
Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings”
- Explain the qualities of charity found in Moroni 7:45 using terms the children can understand. You could have the children match Moroni’s descriptions with your explanations.
- Suffereth long: Is patient
- Kind: Not cruel or mean, loving
- Envieth not: Is not jealous
- Not puffed up: Humble, not proud
- Seeketh not her own: Is unselfish
- Not easily provoked: Slow to anger, quick to forgive
- Thinketh no evil: Is trusting, looks for the good
- Rejoiceth in truth: Is honest
- Beareth all things: Is obedient
- Believeth all things: Is faithful
- Hopeth all things: Is optimistic, trusting
- Endureth all things: Is patient, persistent

Ensign December 2020 “Family Study Fun”
Mormon taught that we “must needs have charity” (Moroni 7:44). Use this activity to talk about what charity means.
- Show the picture of Jesus from page 193 of the Come, Follow Me manual for individuals and families.
- Read Moroni 7:45–47 together. As you read, write down on slips of paper phrases that describe charity (for example, “is kind”).
- Put the slips of paper around the picture of Christ. Talk about times He acted in those ways.
- Now show a picture of your family. Talk about what your family can do to follow Christ’s examples of charity. As each idea is shared, move the corresponding paper from Christ’s picture to your family’s picture.
Discussion: Read and talk about Moroni 7:48. What can your family do to get ready to see the Savior again?
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Ask the children to talk about people they know who are good examples of charity. Why is charity called “the pure love of Christ”? (Moroni 7:47). What does verse 48 teach us about how we can be filled with charity? Encourage each of the children to pray for charity this week and to look for ways to show charity to others.

- Ask the children to write names of people they know on pieces of paper and place them in a small bag or container. Invite them to take their container home, select a name from it every day, and do something that shows love for that person. In a future lesson, invite them to share their experiences serving these people.
Friend December 2024 “Come, Follow Me Activities: Secret Service”
Jesus wants us to love each other (see Moroni 7:45–48). Have each family member write their name on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. Then pick a name and secretly serve that person the next day to show your love. At the end of the day, guess who served you!
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Moroni 7-9”
- How can you inspire your children to seek and develop the pure love of Christ in their lives? Perhaps you could help them think of ways that Jesus showed charity (see, for example, Luke 23:34; John 8:1–11; Ether 12:33–34). How can we follow His example?

- A song about love, such as “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136), may start a discussion about what charity is. You could read or summarize Moroni 7:47 and invite your children to draw pictures of themselves showing love to someone. Suggest that they put their picture where it will remind them to love others as Jesus does.
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 “Moroni 7–9: “May Christ Lift Thee Up”
- Ask the children to repeat this phrase with you: “Charity is the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47). Who can we show love to as Jesus did? For an example, example, show the video “My Brother Hyrum” (
For younger children: Ask your child to draw a picture for someone they love.
Friend December 2020 “Family Night Fun” Read “I Can Give a Little Too” on page FJ8. Then do a service project of your own! Decorate a box or jar to collect some coins. Use the money to help someone in need.
Friend December 2020 “Come Follow Me for Little Ones”
Latter Day Kids “Charity- Come Follow Me” Video and more lesson ideas at link.
Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings”
- Moroni had the pure love of Christ. Help the children find some of the following examples of Moroni’s charity, or use some of the following examples as you tell the children the story of Moroni.
- Suffereth long: Moroni lived alone for over thirty-six years patiently keeping the records. (Mormon 8:5.)
- Kind: Moroni prayed for us, and he loved his brethren. (Ether 12:36, 38.)
- Envieth not: Moroni saw our day and counseled us to not be envious or proud. (Mormon 8:35–37.)
- Not puffed up: Moroni was humble because of his weakness in writing. (Ether 12:23–25.)
- Seeketh not her own: Moroni unselfishly worked and prayed for us that we would have a knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Mormon 9:36; Ether 12:41.)
- Not easily provoked: Moroni forgave his enemies and worked hard to write things that he hoped would be of worth to them. (Moroni 1:4.)
- Thinketh no evil: Moroni exhorted us to hold to good and touch not evil. (Moroni 10:30.)
- Rejoiceth in truth: Moroni was honest. (Moroni 10:27.)
- Beareth all things: Because Moroni would not deny Jesus Christ, he had to wander alone for his safety. (Moroni 1:2–3.)
- Believeth all things: Moroni encouraged us to believe in Jesus Christ. (Mormon 9:21.) So great was Moroni’s faith that he was able to see Christ face to face. (Ether 12:39.)
- Hopeth all things: Moroni understood the importance of hope. (Ether 12:32.)
- Endureth all things: Moroni was faithful to the end. (Moroni 10:34.)
Moroni 8
Primary 4 Manual: Book of Mormon “Lesson 42: Moroni and His Writings” (See more lesson and study ideas in the lesson.)
- Moroni received a letter from his father when Moroni was first called to the ministry. As part of the letter Mormon expressed his love, appreciation, and concern for his son (see Moroni 8:2–3). Before class have a parent, or an adult relative or friend, of each of the children in your class write a letter of love and appreciation. Give these letters to the children as you explain the love that Mormon had for his son, Moroni. Point out that Moroni valued this letter; he carried it with him as he fled from his enemies. Suggest that the children save their letters as a reminder to continue to do good things which will please their parents and the Lord.
Additional Resources
line upon line come follow me “Good Gifts”