FHE can helps us understand the gospel better
Friend May 2024 “Listening to the Holy Ghost” At FHE Warner’s mom taught that often the Holy Ghost speaks by giving you a thought in your mind.
“When she said that, I was so surprised. Just earlier, I had prayed and asked my Heavenly Father to help me hear the Holy Ghost. All my life I’d had thoughts that guided me to choose the right. Now I knew that those thoughts came from the Holy Ghost!
Since then, I have noticed the Holy Ghost a lot more. Just last Sunday, we were having home evening again. This time it was about testimonies. I didn’t really know what a testimony was, so I asked my dad. He told me that a testimony is something you know or believe to be true. He said we get our testimonies from the Holy Ghost. I then thought of how I started noticing the Holy Ghost more, and BOOM! I also had a testimony!”
How to have successful FHE’s
Friend February 2019 “For Parents of Little Ones” How to help little ones have a good experience with Family Home Evening.
Ensign April 2017 We began holding family home evenings when our girls were one and two years old. The first time, our lesson was too long and complicated. So the next week I brought 10 different pictures of Jesus. We studied each picture briefly and then I asked, “Who is this?” “Jesus,” we all answered. The lesson lasted about three minutes. The following Monday, we had a similar lesson but with temples. “What is this?” “Temple.” Another success! When we went to church, my two-year-old pointed to a picture on the wall and said, “Look, Mommy, temple!” Silently I rejoiced.
Cynthia Green, California, USA
Friend April 2016 “For Parents of Little Ones” Information on how to have a successful Family Home Evening
Friend January 1988 “Charades” A family have a fun, well planned family home evening.

Friend April 2016 “Flashlight Family Night” The lights go out during family night but the family has fun together.
Friend April 2017 “Matt and Mandy” Each family member does a part of the FHE.
Games & Activity Ideas
Friend August 2017 Go on a walk to a quiet place like a nature trail or nearby park. Sit and read “Ralphie’s Amazing Find.” Bring your family night treat with you! Maybe some choc balls?
Friend May 2016 Freeze Dance. Pick one person to be the music master. That person picks songs to play, and everyone else dances to the music. When the music master pauses the song, everyone else freezes! Anyone who moves is out. The last person dancing becomes the new music master, or you can take turns if there is a tie. Download free, fun music at lds.org/youth/music.