Children’s Guidebook Goals
Friend January 2021 “Goals and Growing Up” Thinking about some things learned in the past, what want to learn in the future, how to accomplish it, and then visualizing accomplishing the goal.
Friend September 2022 “Children and Youth Goals” Make and roll the cube to choose a goal for the Children and Youth program!
Friend April 2021 “Growing Tall and Strong” You are like a tree, growing taller and stronger every day! On the roots, draw or write the names of people, places, and things that help you feel loved. On the branches and trunk, draw pictures or write words that describe the kind of person you want to become.
Friend October 2020 “Funstuff: Find It” Antonio set a goal using his Children’s Guidebook to learn how to paint. His Primary class wants to learn with him! Find 12 jars of orange paint and 19 pumpkins.

Friend January 2020 “Food and Fun: Inspiration Board” Cut out pictures and words related to goals you would like to set or have set in your Children’s Guidebook. Glue the pictures and words to a poster board or large paper and hang it up to remind you of your goals.
Friend February 2022 “Beach Fun” Eli set a goal to ride his bike to the beach with his dad. Help them find their way!
Friend March 2020 “Funstuff” Juana set a goal to learn to play soccer. Now learn to draw yourself playing soccer! Change the hair style and clothing to look like you.
Friend March 2023 “A Tasty Goal” Sara wanted to follow the Word of Wisdom better (see Doctrine and Covenants 89). She made a goal for Children and Youth to eat more fruits and vegetables. Can you find two rows that have all of the same foods but in a different order?