Music: Lesson Ideas

Good Music can be Uplifting

Friend March 2020 “Music for a Better Day” Elizabeth had a terrible day at school. Her dad suggested that good music might help her feel better, and to think about what she was playing while she practiced her piano. The song she was playing was about giving thanks to God. She began to feel more peaceful as she thought about all her blessings. Good music did help her feel better.

Good Music Can Protect Us from Sin

Friend November 2020 “Hyrum Beats the Bad Words” Hyrum figures out a way to help him not think about the bad words that he hears.

Music Can Bring Comfort

Friend November 2020 “Like a Star” Carrie’s family lost their house and had to live at campgrounds. It was hard on Carrie and she prayed for a home. A Primary song reminded her that Heavenly Father loves her.

Friend March 2025 “Singing the Shadows Away” Logan had a nightmare about a monster. When it woke him up he was too scared to leave his bed. Then he saw a picture of his family at the temple and the song “I Love to See the Temple” popped into his head. As he sang he thought about that day at the temple and he was able to peacefully fall back to sleep. He realized church songs are powerful enough to make even scary monsters go away.

Music Can Help Us Feel the Holy Ghost

Friend July 2022 “I Can Feel the Holy Ghost”

Friend April 2019 “ A Comforting Song “ Mia is feeling sad, so she sings a Primary song, and she feels the comforting influence of the Holy Ghost.

Music with Bad Words Makes it Harder to Feel Spirit

Friend June 2023 “The Dance Choice” Maddie didn’t feel good about a song that her dance class was going to dance to. She remembered that her mom had said music with bad words could make it harder to feel the Spirit. Maybe the Holy Ghost was telling her the song wasn’t good. Maddie’s teacher said she could sit out during the song. Even though it was scary to sit out alone, she chose to do that and felt good that she had listened to the Holy Ghost.

Applying Primary Songs to Ourselves

Friend October 2021 “Peace and Primary Songs” Max loved Primary because he felt safe and loved there. His family wasn’t like the happy families they sang about in Primary. One Sunday, the chorister asked them to imagine being grown up with a family. Max imagined praying with his family and having family home evening and playing with them. It made Max feel happy and peaceful to know that someday he could have a family like that.

Making Music with Things Around the House

Friend November 2017 “Sandbox Sounds” Children make music with things found in a sandbox. Activity: What other things around the house could you make music with?

Singing in Ward/Stake Choir

Friend August 2017 “Bonnie’s Song” Bonnie loves to sing. She wants to sing in the Tabernacle Choir but is too young, so she decides to sing in the ward choir instead.

Friend February 2024 “Eric’s Loud Voice” Eric practices singing hymns to learn how to sing better and is invited to sing in the choir for stake conference.

I can praise the Lord through music

Psalm 146:1, 5–9

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Old Testament 2022 To praise the Lord means to express our gratitude and love for Him. Help the children learn that we are praising Him when we do things like sing, pray, and obey His teachings.

  • Invite the children to share experiences when someone praised them or told them they did a good job. Share some of the good things from Psalm 146:6–9 that the Lord has done, and invite the children to talk about other things He does for us. Help them think of ways they can praise Him for those things.

Friend November 2004 “Blessings Tree” Cut out the leaves and place them in a sack. Have the children take turns picking a leaf from the sack, telling how the item written is a blessing, and gluing it to the tree. When they pick a blank leaf, have them share a blessing of their choice that they are thankful for. Then write the blessing on the leaf and glue it to the tree.

  • Sing together a song of praise, such as “Beauty Everywhere” (Children’s Songbook, 232–33). Explain that for the Israelites long ago, the Psalms were like the songs we sing today to worship and praise God.

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 You might invite your family to read a few verses of Psalms 146–50 out loud, trying to convey the feelings of the writer. How can we express our praise to the Lord? Family members might enjoy writing their own psalms of praise and sharing them with each other.

Friend August 2022 “Write a Psalm”

Friend November 2010 “Bright Idea”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 The traditional Jewish name for the book of Psalms is a Hebrew word that means “praises.” That word, Tehillim, is also related to the exclamation “hallelujah” (meaning “praise Jehovah” or “praise the Lord”). If you had to choose one word to sum up the main message of the Psalms, “praise” would be a good choice. Some of the Psalms contain the direct invitation to “praise ye the Lord” (see especially Psalms 146–50), and all of them can inspire a feeling of worship and praise. The Psalms invite us to reflect on the Lord’s power, on His mercy, and on the great things He has done. We can never repay Him for any of this, but we can praise Him for it. That praise may take different forms for different people—it may involve singing, praying, or bearing testimony. It often leads to a deeper commitment to the Lord and to following His teachings. Whatever “praise ye the Lord” means in your life, you can find more inspiration to do it as you read and ponder the Psalms.

Friend October 1989 “Sing Praises” Lesson ideas and activity. (Activity: Look up scriptures where people in the scriptures sang praises to the Lord and then fill in the blanks.)

I can praise God by singing. (Jr)

Revelation 15:2–4

The Saints John described in Revelation 15:2–4 sang praises to God for His goodness. What songs of praise can help the children express their love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

As you read aloud parts of Revelation 15:2–4, ask the children to do actions like pretending to play a harp or direct a choir. How do we feel when we sing about Jesus? (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Friend March 2020 “Music for a Better Day” Elizabeth had a terrible day at school. Her dad suggested that good music might help her feel better, and to think about what she was playing while she practiced her piano. The song she was playing was about giving thanks to God. She began to feel more peaceful as she thought about all her blessings. Good music did help her feel better.

Ask the children to share some of their favorite songs about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Sing a few of the songs together, and help the children understand what the songs teach us about Heavenly Father and the Savior. (Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “Revelation 15–22”)

Music is a Way to Share Testimony

Friend May 2023 “Cameron the Piano Player” Cameron volunteered to play a couple of songs in the Primary Program even though he didn’t know how to play. He took lessons and practiced really hard and did great at the program and wanted to learn more songs. He felt like playing the piano was a way of sharing his testimony.

Learning, Teaching, and Leading Music

Friend February 2024 “Musical Math” Music is played in counts. Each music note has a different count. Use the notes below to help you find out what is missing in these math problems. One has been done for you. Answers: 1) 4; 2) 1; 3) 7; 4) quarter note; 5) dotted half note; 6) 6; 7) 3

Friend May 2024 “Notes and Rests” Music notes tell us when to sing. There are also symbols in music called rests. Rests tell us when not to sing. Music notes and rests both have counts to show how long they are.

Use the notes and rests below to draw lines from dot to dot! Draw a curved line for notes and a flat line for rests. The size of the curved line matches how many counts the note has. One has been done to show you how.

Friend February 2024 “Eric’s Loud Voice” Eric practices singing hymns to learn how to sing better and is invited to sing in the choir for stake conference.

Friend March 2021 “A Piano for Prophet” A boy named prophet set two goals: first, learn how to play the piano, and second, teach others how to play. Several people became interested in learning more about the church as they learned how to play using the Primary songs. (Link includes a Video of the story.)

Friend April 2023 “Leading Like Jesus” Julie was asked to conduct the hymns in sacrament meeting, and she was very anxious. After talking to her father about her fears, she thought about how being a conductor is like Jesus Christ because he is our leader and he guides us in the right way and at the right time. She then became excited to conduct because she would represent Christ.

Liahona June 2024 “The Power of Primary Songs” Story of how music can help children during the difficult trials in life.

Sharing Primary Songs with Others

Friend July 2022 “Fatima’s Favorite Song” Fatima’s teacher asked the kids to learn a song and share it in class. Fatima shares her favorite song “Families Can Be Together Forever.” Fatima’s mother invites the teacher to come hear more songs at church.

The First Hymnbook

Doctrine and Covenants 25:11–12

For the Strength of Youth “Making the First Hymnbook”

Doctrine and Covenants Coloring Book “Emma Smith Gathered Hymns”

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 14: Emma Smith Selects Sacred Hymns” (This link includes stories, activity ideas, and question ideas)

What has Heavenly Father promised us if we sing hymns to worship him? (D&C 25:12.) What kinds of blessings might we receive from singing hymns? Explain that hymns can help teach us the gospel and strengthen our faith and testimonies. They can help us want to repent and keep the commandments. They can make us feel happy when we are sad and can fill our minds with good, clean thoughts (see enrichment activity 5). They remind us that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us.

See Music for ideas and stories on how sacred music helps us.

Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine and Covenants 23–26: “Strengthen the Church”

The Lord said that sacred music “is pleasing unto me.” Help the children see singing as not just a fun activity but also a way to worship Him. Singing is one way we can show our love for God.

  • Invite each child to share his or her favorite hymn or Church song, and sing some of them together. Read Doctrine and Covenants 25:12 to the children, and invite them to imagine how Heavenly Father and Jesus feel when They hear us sing these songs.
  • Teach the children a song about singing, such as “Lift Up Your Voice and Sing” (Children’s Songbook, 252)

Latter Day Kids “Song of the Heart” Lesson Ideas

Friend March 2021 “Scripture Time Fun: Name that Song” Have a family song challenge! One person hums a Church song. Everyone else guesses what song it is. When someone guesses right, everyone sings the song together! Then take turns choosing the next song.

Friend November 2015 “Gratitude for Music” – About the hymn book and how to use it.

Good Music Can Affect the Spirit in Our Home

Friend August 2017 “Family Night Fun” Music can affect our mood.

Friend December 2017 Goals to listen only to music that is pleasing to Heavenly Father.

Music Can Help Us Spiritually

Friend September 2021 “Singing for Jesus”Singing hymns and Primary songs is a way to show our love for Jesus. He set an example for us. At the end of the Last Supper, Jesus and His Apostles sang together (see Matthew 26:30).When you sing, think about what the words are saying. As you sing, you will feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Music Can Help Bring Us Peace

Friend September 2021 “Singing for Jesus” Songs about Jesus can bring us peace and comfort

Music Refreshment Ideas

Friend August 2017

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