Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:2–21
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine & Covenants 93”
It is important that the children you teach learn who Jesus Christ is and why they should follow Him. Doctrine and Covenants 93:19 ” I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness. 20. For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fulness. You shall receive grace for grace.”
- Show a picture of the Savior, and ask the children why it is important that we know about Jesus Christ. Invite them to look for additional answers in Doctrine and Covenants 93:19. Invite them to think of one way they can learn more about Jesus during the coming week, and give them a chance to share their ideas.
- Choose several truths you learned about the Savior in section 93 that are inspiring to you. For each truth you choose, read to the children the verse where it is found, and give them a key word to listen for as you read. Share a brief testimony of the Savior, and allow the children to share their own.
2. He is the Light of the world
3. He and the Father are one (one in purpose)
4-5. Jesus Christ did the works of the Father. The Father gave him His fulness.
7. He was in the beginning before the world was
8. He is the Word, the messenger of salvation.
9. He is the redeemer of the world, the Spirit of truth, and the world was made by him
10. Worlds were made by him, men were made by him, all things were made by him.
11. He is the only begotten of the Father. He is full of grace and truth. He dwelt in the flesh among us.
12-13. He received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace
14-15. He is the Son of God
17. He received all power in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with him.
21. He was in the beginning with the Father. He is the firstborn
- Ask the children to listen for something they learn about the Savior as you summarize in your own words some of the truths taught in section 93. (You could also use “Chapter 33: A Revelation about Jesus Christ” [Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 126–27].)

- Think of a creative way to encourage children to read about the Savior in section 93. You could write on strips of paper several references to verses from section 93 that teach truths about Jesus Christ (for example, see verses 5, 9–10, 17, 21). Place the strips of paper in a container, and ask the children to take turns selecting one and reading the scripture passage to the class. What do we learn about Jesus Christ from these passages?
Friend August 2021 “Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones”
Take turns leading family members through your house or somewhere outside. If it’s dark, have the leader use a flashlight or other light source. Talk about how we are blessed when we follow the Savior. Help your little ones say, “I can follow Jesus Christ.”
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine & Covenants 93”
To help your family discuss what they learn in section 93about the Savior and themselves, you could play a matching game. For example, you could prepare one set of cards with verses from section 93 that teach truths about the Savior (see verses 3, 12, 21, 26) and another set that teaches something similar about ourselves (see verses 20, 23, 28–29). Family members could take turns picking a card from each set, reading the verses, and trying to find truths that match. How do these truths influence how we feel about the Savior and about ourselves?Doctrine and Covenants 93:12–13, 20.
What does it mean to receive “grace for grace” and to continue “from grace to grace”? (verses 12–13). What do these verses suggest about the way we grow and learn? How does knowing this affect the way we treat others—and ourselves?
I lived with Heavenly Father before I came to earth.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:23, 29, 38
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Doctrine and Covenants 2021 “Doctrine & Covenants 93”
The Savior emphasized three times in section 93 that we lived with God “in the beginning” (verses 23, 29, 38). Why might He want us to know this? How might knowing this truth bless the children you teach?
- Repeat together with the children the words “Ye were also in the beginning with the Father” (Doctrine and Covenants 93:23). Explain that before we were born on earth, we lived with Heavenly Father in heaven. Sing together “I Am a Child of God” or “I Lived in Heaven” (Children’s Songbook,2–3, 4).
- Invite the children to draw pictures of themselves with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the premortal life. Bear your testimony that God loves all of us and that we are all His children.
- Read Doctrine and Covenants 93:23, 29, 38 together, and invite the children to look for a truth about themselves that is repeated in these verses. Ask the children to share anything they know about our life with Heavenly Father before we were born. Give each child one of the following scripture references, and help them find something these scriptures teach about life before we came to earth: Jeremiah 1:5; Doctrine and Covenants 138:53–56; Moses 3:5; Abraham 3:22–26.
- Sing together “I Am a Child of God” or “I Lived in Heaven” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3, 4). What truths do we learn from this song about our purpose for coming to earth?
Friend August 2021 “Scripture Time Fun” Reminder Rocks
- Sing “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3).
- We lived with Heavenly Father before we came to earth (see Doctrine and Covenants 93:23). We are all His children.
- Find some smooth rocks and write “You are a child of God” on them with paint or markers. Then give each rock to a friend, family member, or someone you think could use a reminder.
24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;
The world has many different views on what truth is and how to find it. How can you help the children you teach understand that truth is true no matter what others may say and that Heavenly Father knows all truth?
- Write the word truth on the board, and ask the children to write a definition next to it. Read together how the Lord defined truth in Doctrine and Covenants 93:24. Sing a hymn about truth, such as “Oh Say, What Is Truth?” (Hymns, no. 272), and invite the children to find in the hymn other ways to describe truth.
- To help the children apply truths in Doctrine and Covenants 93, write a few scripture references from this section on pieces of paper. On other pieces of paper, write the truths that each of these verses teaches. Invite the children to work together to read the verses and match the truths to the verses they read. Why are we grateful to have a knowledge of the truth?
See Latter Day Kids for other lesson helps, including a great object lesson about truth.
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