Friend March 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Paulo’s grandmother tells Paulo she has lived a long time because she eats her vegetables. She also said, “When we take care of our bodies, God blesses us with strength and energy.”
Friend July 2017 “Kirtland and the Word of Wisdom”
Friend May 1985 – “Decide Now” – Spencer W Kimball decides ahead to follow the word of wisdom.
Friend July 2016 “Clarence vs. the Champion” Clarence is blessed to set an example of the Word of Wisdom during a race.
Friend April 2018 “A Long Shot: part one” When Elder Condie gave up basketball to go on a mission, he didn’t know if he would ever play again, but then he was invited to form a missionary team to help prepare Australia’s basketball team for the Olympics. He and his team mates were able to be public ambassadors for the church, including for the Word of Wisdom. Other teams were amazed at their endurance, especially since they only had time to practice once a week May 2018 “One Shot at a Time: part two”

Friend June 2017 “Martin’s Choice” Martin feels spiritually stronger after doing family scripture study. He also feels happy when he makes good choices and follows the prophet. These things help him when he has to make a choice about what to do when he is given tea at a school campout.
Friend June 2021 “Tea or Mango Juice?” Chung’s friend, Jiro, ordered the two of them cold tea on a hot day, but Chung asked for mango juice instead. He explained to Jiro why he doesn’t drink tea. He invited Jiro to church hoping someone could explain it better, but Jiro wasn’t interested. Jiro spoke up for him though when their class was going to have tea as a reward for hard work. He explained that Chung didn’t drink tea because it was part of his religion. Chung was glad he had such a good friend.

Friend April 2015 “Show and Tell” After I earned my black belt in tae kwan do, I went to a special ceremony for all the new black belts. Before it started, my instructor told us what we would do during the ceremony, which included drinking tea. I knew Heavenly Father said not to drink tea. I explained to my instructor why I could not drink tea. He let me drink water instead. My mother said she was proud of me for honoring my baptismal covenants and sharing my beliefs. I know following Heavenly Father’s commandments will always make me happy.
Joseph R., age 10, Texas, USA
Help Protect Others
Friend August 2021 “The Drug Decision” Alvin sees two classmates with a bag of drugs that they were planning on trying after school. Even though he doesn’t want them mad at him, Alvin tells his teacher because he knows drugs can hurt people.