Influence of Women
Friend September 2023 “Women of Faith” By President Dallin H. Oaks tells about the women who have influenced him in his life.

Honor Your Mother
I can honor my mother as Jesus did.

Jesus Turns Water into Wine video
Come, Follow Me—For Primary: New Testament 2023 “John 2–4” At the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus that the wine had run out. According to the Joseph Smith Translation, Jesus responded to His mother by asking, “Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do” (in John 2:4, footnote a). Jesus is an example of how we should treat our mothers.

- Invite the children to read John 2:1–11 and take turns retelling the story in their own words.
- Ask the children to list things their mother might need help with. Invite them to practice what they could say to her using some of Jesus’s words: “What wilt thou have me to do for thee?” (John 2:4, footnote a).
Friend November 2022 “A Happy Helper” Felix helps his mom get ready for Grandpa’s visit. A
- Invite some mothers to visit your class and share what their children do to show respect for them.
To honor your parents means to love, respect, and obey them.
Friend November 2021 “Jesus Honored His Parents” As He grew up, Jesus obeyed His earthly parents. He loved and cared for them. Even when He was dying on the cross, He asked one of His disciples to take care of His mother. He also honored His Heavenly Father by keeping the commandments.

New Era March 2017 “20 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad”

Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2023 “John 2-4” At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him.
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Gifts and Cards
No Mother in the Home
Friend June 2019 “For Parent’s of Little Ones” Father’s Day and Mother’s Day can bring up sad feelings for children who don’t have a mom or dad at home. This article gives great ideas on how to honor those days in sensitive ways.