Table of Contents
Clean Again
Friend March 2017 “A Great Feeling” Paulo didn’t want the feeling he had when he was baptized to go away, but the next day he yelled at his brother. Through repentance and the sacrament he was able to get the feeling back.
Friend May 2024 “Clean Again” Emily wanted to keep the good feeling she had when she was baptized. She felt sure she could do it. But then her brother did something that made her angry and she yelled at him. I’ve ruined it, she thought. I couldn’t even choose the right for one day! But then she was reminded during her confirmation that because of Jesus she can repent and be forgiven, and when she takes the sacrament she can promise again to follow Jesus.

Remembering Jesus During Sacrament
Friend June 2020 “Koa and the Sacrament” He sings the sacrament hymn.Koa thinks about Jesus. He listens to the sacrament prayers. Koa is reverent. He feels happy inside!
Friend April 2017 “Mia’s First Sacrament” Mia learns about the sacrament when she goes to church with the missionaries.
Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

Friend April 2017 “Jesus Gave Us the Sacrament”

Friend April 2020 “Just One Piece” Todd has a hard time sitting still during the sacrament. He is also hungry so he grabs two handfuls of bread. He learns that “We don’t take the bread because we are hungry. We take the bread to remember Jesus.” The next week he tries extra hard to remember Jesus during the sacrament.

Friend June 2023 “A Tiny Piece of Bread” Anahí was excited to take the sacrament at the church building again after Covid was over. She listened to the prayers and looked at a picture of Jesus while waiting, but by the time the tray got to her there was only a small crumb left. She picked it up and put it in her mouth, but all day long she worried that it didn’t count because it was only a crumb. But her mom said, “What matters is how you felt as you remembered the Savior,” Mami said. “And even though you just had a tiny piece of bread, Jesus’s love for you is not tiny. He loves you so, so much.”

Passing the Sacrament
Friend January 2023 “Representing Jesus” The older boys were going to show David and the other 11-year-old boys how to pass the sacrament. David was nervous because his autism sometimes made it hard for him to learn new things, but he practiced and had lots of help.