Lessons Learned from Conference
Friend November 2024 “A Special Conference” While watching conference, Indira heard the prophet say that “Our greatest joy comes as we help our brothers and sisters.” She decided to try it. That week she was extra nice to her family. She shared her toys. She did what Mom and Dad asked without complaining. When Indira helped her family, they were happy. And that made her happy too.

Friend October 2023 “Listening to the Prophet” Francesco likened conference to the fruit and vegetable truck who advertise what they have over a loud speaker as they drive by. He said, “Jesus uses the prophet to share His words, just like Ramón uses the loudspeaker. That way everyone in the world can hear Him!” Francesco was excited to hear the prophets words at conference. He wanted to follow Jesus Christ. And he could do that by following the prophet!

Friend October 2020 “Matt and Mandy” As the family reads about King Benjamin, Matt says how cool it must have been to be there listening to a prophet. Mandy reminds him they already get to do that at conference.
Friend May 2020 “Drawing Conference Words” Before conference, Tina and Troy’s grandmother gave them crayons and notebooks so they could draw special words they hear.
Friend May 2019 “Service for Suzie” Ophelie’s favorite part of conference is when the prophet asked them to do acts of service. Ophelie’s family decide to look for ways to help others. They find out that a neighbor is having eye surgery and Ophelie asks if they can make dinner for her.

Friend April 2019 “Action Rhyme: General Conference” King Benjamin once taught his people from a tower tall. The message went from tent to tent until it reached them all.Now when the prophet speaks today, I watch him on a screen. And then I see him when I read the Friend’s next magazine!
Friend October 2016 “General Conference Breakfast” Jacob’s family makes a special breakfast together before conference. (As you read the story to the children, point to the pictures and let them say that part.)
Friend May 2023 “Conference Show and Tell” Children tell what they love about conference and show some things they did during conference like art. One family says ” We get together as a family before conference and write down questions we have. We watch conference and help each other listen for answers to our questions.”
Watching Conference Around the World
Friend May 2024 “Watching Conference Around the World”
Conference is special to me because I spend time with my family. We listen to the speakers and do crafts. Lucy A., age 10, Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait
I liked Elder De Feo’s talk. He said we can see Jesus with our spiritual eyes if we keep our faith. Then we will feel peace and have His Spirit with us. Thomas M., age 7, Catalonia, Spain
My family prays to Heavenly Father to help us prepare for conference and be taught by the Spirit. We dress in our Sunday best. We watch conference together and sing along to all the songs. Harriet O., age 9, Lagos State, Nigeria