Friend March 2024 “Pencil Peacemaker” A child forgives after another child takes the colored pencil she was using out of her hand. Even though she was angry, she wanted to follow what Jesus asks us to do. Her decision helped both of them reconcile.

For the Strength of Youth March 2023 “When You’re Judged Unfairly”
Friend September 2022 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy is about to score her first goal and is knocked over by a player.
Friend August 2021 “Not Invited” Becky isn’t invited to her friend’s birthday party. She feels really left out and sad. She prays to be able to forgive her friend and is able to play together the next day. When Becky has her birthday party she invites her.

Friend April 2019 “A New Block Tower” Mason accidentally knocks down Bo’s block tower. Mason says sorry and offers to help build another one. Bo forgives him, and they both are happy.
Heavenly Father Will Help Us Forgive
Friend September 2019 “The Frog Princess Forgives” Katya was excited to show her friends the costume items she found so they could do the play “The Frog Princess. But one of her friends wanted to be the princess and she said some mean things to Katya. Katya was upset and went home. Her friend felt bad, but Katya was too angry to forgiver her. Being angry didn’t feel very good though, so she prayed for help to forgive her friend. Heavenly Father helped her forgive her friend and Katya suggested that they take turns being the princess.
Holding Grudge Feels Bad
Friend April 2019 “ The Missing Coat” Brad’s cool superhero coat goes missing at church. Brad thinks someone stole it and starts looking at everybody suspiciously. He wants to catch the thief and make them pay. He felt like he couldn’t trust anyone, and he doesn’t like that feeling. The coat doesn’t show up, so he decides to pray for help finding it. After his prayer he can only think of his friend that he hadn’t seen at church since his coat disappeared. He decides he’d rather his friend came to church and that he could forgive him it was his friend who took the coat. He feels better after that.
Friend Sept 1987 “Getting Even for Mrs. Johnson”
Forgiving Even When It’s Difficult
Friend November 2018 “Hope in Holland” (Part Three) People in Holland were starving and cold because the Nazis took everything, but the war eventually ended and Grace’s father came home from the prison camp. Church leaders sent supplies to help the people, but the Germany people were now starving. The Holland saints forgave and shared some of their supplies with them.
Grateful to be Forgiven, so Forgives Others
Friend April 1985 “Not a Thief” – A boy is grateful that others forgive his mistakes, so he forgives a friend who took one of his toys.
Friend March 2015 -Boy forgives mom for breaking Lego space jet