Celebrating Pioneer Day
Friend July 2017 “Pioneer Night” A family celebrates Pioneer Day for Family Home Evening.
Friend July 2019 “For Older Kids” “I got to play a part in the British pageant. I have really enjoyed portraying a wonderful girl. I have learnt the sorrow she felt and the brave personality she was. The opportunity of being in the pageant has bought me closer to the Saviour, and I will never forget it!” Poppy F., age 11, West Sussex, England
Pioneer Courage
Friend July 2017 “Road to Zion” After Mary’s father has a stroke, Mary gets her family to Utah traveling alone in their wagon.
Pioneer Trek

Friend January 1986 “Ellen Pucell Unthank” While crossing the plains in handcarts, Nellie’s parents died and Nellie’s feet froze and had to be amputated, but she remained faithful and thankful.
Friend June 1988 “The Scent of Lilacs” Becky and her brothers and sisters lose both their mother and their father as they travel to the salt lake valley.

Friend June 1987 “Jacob Hamblin” Jacob has a reputation for being honest with the Indians, which his son finds out.
Friend July 1987 A little boy went missing from a handcart company. The father was to use a shawl to signal the mother if he found the boy alive.
Friend July 1987 “The China Doll” Lou worries there won’t be room for her doll in the covered wagon.

Friend July 2015 Part 1 of 2. Two girls leave their mother in Sweden & travel to America
Friend August 2015 Part 2

Pioneers that Prepared the Way
A pioneer is someone who goes before others and prepares the way for them.
Friend July 2018 “A Different Kind of Pioneer” Gabby doesn’t have any ancestors that crossed the plains to tell about at Primary Activity Day, so she tells about her great-grandmother who was a pioneer through her faith in God. Her faith influenced Gabby’s mother to join the church.
Friend July 2016 “A Priceless Heritage” When President Eyring’s great grandfather joined the church he left a priceless heritage for his descendants.
“A Different Kind of Pioneer” – Friend July 1984 – Girl gives a Primary talk about her family joining the church.
Friend July 2019 “Mara the Pioneer” Mara learns that she is a pioneer because the church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years.
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Pioneers are the First Person to Do Something
Friend October 2024 “Joshua the Pioneer” Joshua decided to give a talk in Primary about pioneers. He finds out he is a pioneer too. He was adopted and was the first person in his birth family to join the Church.

Pioneers in Every Land
Friend April 2021 “Julia Mavimbela” During a time of racism and violence in South Africa, Julia wanted to bring goodness to her community, so she started a community garden. She taught love and forgiveness. Then she met missionaries and joined the church. She continued to teach love and helped start Women for Peace, a group to promote unity and peace in South Africa.
Friend February 2021 “Pioneers in Every Land: Vicky Tadić” Vicky was curious why the family next door was different. The mom invited her to church in their home (because there wasn’t a church building in Bosnia). Vicky learned about the Holy Ghost. The next day a voice in her mind told her to stay away from some trash cans. Suddenly a car crashed into them. She was glad she listened. Soon her whole family was learning about the gospel and was baptized.
This is awesome! Thanks so much!
Thank you for taking the time to put together this web site to help others! You are wonderful!