Activity pages can be printed and made into quiet books.
Friend November 2016 Find the answers to the below quiz in Elder Stevenson conference address “Look to the Book, Look to the Lord.”
Friend March 1988 “Name this Prophet” Read the clues and name this Book of Mormon prophet. (Lehi)
Friend January 2024 “Lehi’s Family”
Friend January 1986 “Lehi and Sariah’s Family” Arrange the names of Lehi, Sariah, and their six sons on this crossword puzzle.
Friend November 2015 “Leaving Jerusalem” Unscramble the names and then match with the description.
Brass Plates
Friend January 2024 “Connect the Scriptures” Number the sentences below in the order they happened in the story. Then find the matching colors and number the dots. Draw lines from dot to dot in number order to complete the picture.
Lehi’s Vision
Friend September 1989 “Lehi’s Vision” Match the things that Lehi saw in his vision with what they stand for. Answers: (1) d, (2) g, (3) f, (4) e, (5) j, (6) h, (7) b, (8) c, (9) a, (10) i.
For the Strength of Youth January 2024 “Fun Stop”

Friend January 2019 “Book of Mormon Puzzler: Funstuff” Find the blocks of Book of Mormon symbols that match the numbered blocks below. Write the letters in the numbered spaces to find the name of the vision Nephi and Lehi saw.
Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon Draw your family eating the fruit of the tree.
Friend February 2024 “Color by Number” What object did Lehi find in 1 Nephi 16:10? (See also Alma 37:38.) Finish the picture to see what it might have looked like! Use the guide below to color the squares.

Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon Draw what you think the Liahona looks like. How did the Liahona work?
Friend June 1987 “Compass of Faith” Liahona dot-to-dot and story figures.
Nephi’s Bow
For the Strength of Youth “Fun Stop”
Nephi Builds a Ship
Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon Connect the dots to help Nephi build the ship. How did Nephi know how to build a ship?
Friend March 1988 “Nephi Builds a Ship” When the Lord told Nephi to build a ship, Nephi made his own tools. Circle the tools Nephi might have made in those days, then color.
Friend February 2024 “Boat Building” Find the hidden objects.
Coloring Page: “Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.” (February 2012 Liahona and Friend)
Crossing the Sea
Friend January 2024 “I Can Follow Jesus by Reading the Scriptures”
Nephites Separate from the Lamanites
For the Strength of Youth February 2024 “Fun Stop”Uh, oh! The Lord has warned Nephi to take whoever will go with him and find a new place to live, away from Laman and Lemuel (see 2 Nephi 5:5–8). Can you help Nephi and his group get to safety?
Nephites Buid a Temple
Friend March 2024 “A Temple in the Promised Land”
Review of Lehi and Nephi
Friend February 2020 “Funstuff: Book of Mormon Puzzle” Fill in the empty squares so that all six pictures are in each row (across), each column (up and down), and each blue box. What do these symbols remind you of in the story of Nephi and his family?
Game Questions to review the stories “Lehi Leaves Jerusalem” through “Crossing the Sea”


King Benjamin
Friend April 2024 “Hearing King Benjamin” The Nephites gathered with their families to hear King Benjamin speak (see Mosiah 2:5–8). Can you find the hidden objects? Where does your family gather to listen to the prophet speak today?
For the Strength of Youth April 2024 “Fun Stop” Connect the dots to see this group of people waiting to hear King Benjamin speak on the tower
Friend May 2024 “Abinadi Teaches the Gospel” The prophet Abinadi taught King Noah and his priests about Jesus Christ and His commandments (see Mosiah 12–17). Can you find all the hidden objects?
Friend November 2020 “Funstuff: Puzzle Page”
Alma the Younger

Alma and Amulek
Friend June 2024 “Alma and Amulek Teach Together”
Friend January 2020 “Find It” For family night, Maria hid stuffed animals around the room to represent the animals that Ammon helped find and protect (see Alma 17:27–33). Can you find all 12 stuffed animals? Then find the other hidden objects.
Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “Ammon and the King’s Sheep”
For the Strength of Youth July 2024 “Fun Stop” Can you help Ammon gather the king’s sheep? Don’t worry—no need to cut off anyone’s arms. (For Ammon’s story, see Alma 17.)
Organize the sheep so they all fit perfectly in the pen. You can do this by cutting out the puzzle pieces on page 29 (after you’ve read the article on the next page) and arranging them, or you can draw them in instead.
Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “Abish Gathered the People”

Faith is Like a Seed
For the Strength of Youth July 2024 “Fun Stop” In Alma 32, the word of God is compared unto a seed that is “planted in your heart.” Can you “plant” each of the nine different seeds by filling out the grid? You must have one (and only one!) of every type of seed in each row, column, and colored box.
Scripture Stories Coloring Book—Book of Mormon “Alma Compared the Word to a Seed”
The Title of Liberty
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Moroni’s Title of Liberty”
Friend August 2024 “Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty”
Two Thousand Stripling Warriors
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “The Stripling Warriors”
- “Stripling-Warrior Search” (August 2019 Friend)
Find eight letters hidden in this picture of the stripling warriors, and unscramble them to decode a hidden message.
Samuel the Lamanite
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Samuel the Lamanite”
Friend January 2013 “Funstuff: Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies”
Signs of Jesus Birth
Friend September 2024 “A New Star” People in the Book of Mormon saw the star that showed that Jesus Christ had been born far away! Can you find the hidden objects?
Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites
For the Strength of Youth September 2024 “Fun Stop” The Savior is about to visit the land of the Nephites. But right now, there is lots of destruction. Can you find all 10 hidden objects in the ruins? (See 3 Nephi 8–11 for the story!)
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “Jesus Blessed the Children”
Book of Mormon: Coloring Book “The Twelve Nephite Disciples” Nine of Jesus’s twelve disciples lived to age 72 because they wanted to speedily return to Jesus. The other three disciples wanted to live until Jesus comes again. Find the Three Nephites in the bottom half of the page who did not get old.
The Nephites Live in Peace
Friend September 1988 Review of Story
Book of Mormon Coloring Book “The Jaredite Barges”
Friend November 2024 “The Jaredite Barges” Find the hidden objects.

- “Brothers of Faith” (May 1971 Friend) Crossword puzzle Complete the blanks in the story (See story at link)
Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 “Ether 1-5” Help the brother of Jared find 16 hidden stones.
Additional Resources
Review of the Book of Alma
Friend June 2020 “Who Am I” Review game for the Book of Alma. Guess who the mystery person is.

Book of Mormon Review
For the Strength of Youth January 2024 “Fun Stop”
Friend August 1988 “Family Reunion”
Friend November 2016 “Scripture Hero Search”

Friend August 1987 “Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle”
Friend July 1988 “Book of Mormon ABC’s” Each player in turn picks letter from pile, reads clue, and has two minutes to find answer that begins with that letter in the Book of Mormon. Person

Friend November 1981 “Book of Mormon Quiz” Match the Book of Mormon terms in the numbered column with the appropriate identification in the lettered column.
Friend Aug/Sept 1981 “Book of Mormon ABC’s”
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