Table of Contents
Friend March 2021 “Working Together” Caleb works hard with his mom cleaning out the weeds so they can plant a garden.

Friend August 1988 “Allie’s Choice” Allie shows she is responsible while her mother is away by taking care of work instead of going to a horse show and she is than allowed the responsibilty of boarding a horse.
Making Work Fun
Friend January 2022 “Songs and Soap Bubbles” Alice has a lot of responsibility helping with her five younger siblings. One of her chores is to do the dishes. She decides to make doing the dishes fun by learning hymns as she does them. The hymns help her feel peace in her busy, noisy life.

Friend October 2016 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy have a big chore of raking leaves, but they add some fun and surprise their parents.

Friend August 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy decide to surprise their mom by cleaning their rooms the night before. It goes fast because they work together and the surprise is fun. They want to surprise her by doing other chores too.
Friend July 2016 Picking thorny blackberries was not fun, but a boy learned about responsibility and the rewards of work.
Friend July 2016 “Ryan the Unstoppable Reader” Ryan has a reading disability and has to spend his summer working on his reading, but his hard work pays off and his reading level increases.
Friend April 1983– interview with Paul H Dunn. His father had him work for any spending money.
Friend May 1988 “Sweet Peas” Children grow vegetables in a garden to sell and make spending money.
Friend February 1987 “Blake’s Lucky Socks” Ethan studies hard to win a spelling bee. His friend, Ethan, doesn’t study but thinks he’ll win because he’s wearing his lucky socks.
Friend May 2016 “The Laundry Monster” It’s time to help put laundry in a basket, but Ana wants to keep playing. Her guilt grows.

Friend February 2016 “Happy Faces” Easton earns happy faces on a bedtime chart. Link includes chart. Parent Information
Friend June 1987 “Lipstick and Hot Chocolate” Tanya finds that baby-sitting to earn dance lessons is more difficult than expected, but she is responsible and fixes her mistakes.

Friend August 2016 “When I Grow Up” Rosemary starts her own business designing temple dresses. It takes discipline, study, and prayer to make it work.
Friend March 2019 “Becoming Dr. Cannon” Mattie Hughes was excited when she heard Brigham Young encouraging women to become doctors. She worked hard and saved her money so she could go to medical school. Eventually she became a doctor and helped many people.

Friend January 2018 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy and her friend both have to practice piano. They work together and it makes it fun. Then they both try to do their own thing and it turns out terrible.
Pet Care
Friend June 2018 “Stacie’s Puppy” Stacie takes care of her puppy.