Priesthood: Stories

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Boys and Men Receive the Priesthood

Friend April 2018 “The Priesthood and Me” Journal entries from a girl who wonders why only boys receive the priesthood. She learns that both boys and girls use priesthood power for their callings and responsibilities.

Receiving the Priesthood

Friend May 2017 “Awesome! Robert receives the Aaronic Priesthood and learns about the line of authority.

Friend June 2016 “Was I Ready” A boy prays to know if he is ready to receive the priesthood.


Friend October 2017 “Worthiness Worries” Matthew can’t get the image of an immodestly dressed woman out of his head that he saw on an advertisement. He worries that he isn’t worthy to receive the priesthood. His mother helps him remember that the Savior took on himself all our difficulties and he can help us.

Duties of the Priesthood

Friend November 2015 “Priesthood Power” Bobby learns that the priesthood is about serving people.

Friend November 2015

Friend January 2016 President Monson fulfilled his deacon duties by taking the sacrament to a home bound man and by being a good secretary.


Passing the Sacrament

Friend February 2025 “Peace during the Sacrament”Te Rakiwas nervous to pass the sacrament for the first time. His friend taught him what to do. He felt happy after he passed the sacrament because the sacrament allows everyone to renew their covenants, and it feels amazing to help others.

Friend November 2020 “Help Passing the Sacrament” Brayden was almost old enough to pass the sacrament, but he didn’t know how he was going to do it because he used a walker to help him walk. But then the other deacons volunteered to take turns pushing him in his transport chair so he could carry a tray. He was glad to be part of such a great deacons quorum!

Friend January 2023 “Representing Jesus” The older boys were going to show David and the other 11-year-old boys how to pass the sacrament. David was nervous because his autism sometimes made it hard for him to learn new things, but he practiced and had lots of help.

Father’s Blessings

Friend November 2019 “The Primary Talk” Dennis was afraid to give a talk in Primary. He prayed, prepared, and practiced but he was still nervous, so he asked his father to give him a blessing. After the blessing he was able to give the talk with only a few stutters, and he knew Heavenly Father had helped him.

Friend June 2019 “A New Chapter” Sarah’s dad died in an accident and she and her mom had to move to a new place. Sarah is sad a lot and she is also worried about not knowing anyone in church or school. She would like a blessing, but her dad isn’t there to give her one. Her mom suggests her uncle give the blessing. After the blessing, Sarah quickly makes friends at church and school.

Friend September 2017 “Moresby the Brave” Moresby is worried about starting school, so his father gives him a blessing. Moresby’s day goes well, and he is even brave enough to help someone else who is having a hard time on their first day.

Friend February 2016 “You are Special” In Emma’s blessing from her father, Emma gets a message from Heavenly Father.


Friend June 2018 “Twin Jitters” Kaylee is nervous about getting baptized. She worries about being dropped or not being able to breath. Her twin brother is also nervous. Her grandmother suggests they get a blessing from their father. Afterwards they feel much better.

Healing Blessings

Friend August 2024 “Margo and Paolo” Margo and Paulo and receive a blessing but don’t feel better afterwards. Their mother tells them to be patient, that sometimes blessings from the Lord take time, but she is sure He heard their prayers. A few days later they are healthy and strong again.

Friend October 2023 “Timeon’s Priesthood Blessing” Timeon fell and hurt his arm when playing monkeys with his friends at an empty tree hut. He was in a lot of pain, but there were no doctors close enough to visit in the dark. The elders gave him a priesthood blessing. Soon Timeon’s arm didn’t hurt so much. He felt calm and peaceful. He was even able to fall asleep. They were able to go see a doctor in the morning. Timeon was grateful for priesthood power.

Friend August 2021 “Peace through Priesthood Power” When Elder Steven R. Bangerter was a child, he had gamma globulin anemia which made it hard for his body to fight off germs, so he got sick a lot. One night he had an earache so bad that he thought his head would explode. He father gave him a blessing and he was able to sleep through the night and feel better the next day. The next few year his father continued to give him priesthood blessings. He taught him that those blessings were opportunities for Heavenly Father to speak to him.

Friend August 2021 “The Power of a Priesthood Blessing” Russell M. Nelson gave a very sick doctor a priesthood blessing when they were in Mexico and not near any medical facilities. The next morning he was feeling better.

Friend March 2020 “Hayfields and Priesthood Blessings” When Elder Gerard was a boy, he lived on a farm. The dust from the hay sometimes made him sick because of his allergies. One windy summer day there was a lot of dust in the air and he was having a hard time breathing. His mother brought him in and had two farmers who were members of church give him a priesthood blessing.  As they blessed him, he felt warm, peaceful, and calm.

Friend October 2019 “Matt and Mandy” Matt hurt his arm and needs surgery. He asks to get a blessing before the surgery.

Friend February 2017 “Danger at the Ice Pond” Alice tries to help push the blocks of ice in the pond, but the ice she is standing on cracks and breaks. Her father rushes her home and gives her a priesthood blessing and she has no ill effects.

Friend July 1988 “Power of Prayer” A pioneer father is inspired that something was wrong at home. When he arrives he finds that his daughter has fallen into the fireplace. He gives her a blessing and every promise is fulfilled.


Friend May 2016 “Bad Day in the Badlands” Topher and his classmates get sick on a school trip. Topher gets a priesthood blessing.

Friend May 2016
Friend May 2016

Friend April 2018  “I got sick when my dad was on a business trip. My mom called Brother Hillstrom and Brother Judkins, and they gave me a blessing. They told me that the priesthood was real and Heavenly Father could help me get better. I knew that I might not get better right away, but I would get well soon. I love the priesthood.”

Sienna P., age 8, Utah, USA

Baby Blessings

Friend June 2019 “Baby’s Blessing Day”  Kate learns that a baby blessing is special when her baby sister gets blessed.

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Blessings Without a Father

Priesthood Ordinations and Organization


The First Bishops

Doctrine and Covenants 41

Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants and Church History “Lesson 17: Edward Partridge Is Called as the First Bishop,” Click on link to find additional teaching ideas

In early 1831, almost a year after the Church was organized, many people were joining the Church and gathering in Ohio, as the Lord had commanded. As the Church grew, Joseph Smith needed additional leaders to help with the work of the Church. The Church was facing many financial (money-related) challenges. Many of the Saints who gathered to Kirtland were poor. They had no land or money and little food, clothing, or other things that were necessary for them to live. The Church also needed money to build a temple and to publish written materials such as revelations and missionary pamphlets. The Prophet himself did not have a home or a way to provide for his family, and other Church leaders who were serving in the Church full-time also needed help in supporting their families.

The Prophet asked the Lord what should be done to provide for all of these needs. In February 1831 the Prophet received a revelation calling Edward Partridge, who had only been a member of the Church for two months, to serve as the first bishop of the Church. The bishop’s first responsibility was to help the Prophet provide for the physical and financial needs of the members of the Church. Joseph Smith received other revelations in the next few months that helped Bishop Partridge know what else he was to do as bishop.

Bishop Partridge was asked to help provide the needy members of the Church with food, clothing, and shelter (see D&C 42:30–31, 34). Members who had extra food or other supplies were asked to share with those who did not have enough. Bishop Partridge received and distributed these donations, keeping them in a storehouse where members in need could come.

Another duty given to Bishop Partridge was to purchase and distribute land for individual homes and Church buildings (see D&C 42:35).

Ensign April 2021 “How can we be like Edward Partridge?” Edward Partridge was the first bishop of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. With his firm testimony, he was willing to sacrifice everything he had and endure hardship after hardship, for he knew the Church to be true.

Friend March 2017 “My Dad the Bishop” Syrena was surprised when her dad was called as bishop because she thought bishops were solemn and had perfect families, but she learns that they are men with strong testimonies.

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