Why We Need a Testimony
Friend October 2017 “Elder Perry, Chickens, and Me” Elder Perry slips and falls in the dark as he helps Bonnie feed the chickens. He teaches that everyone needs their own light.
What is a Testimony
Friend August 2021 “Anna Shares Her Testimony” Anna learns what a testimony is, and then she shares her testimony at family home evening.

Friend January 2019 “Testimony Plants” In Primary, the children were supposed to draw a plant that represented their testimony, but Elisa wasn’t sure what that meant or if she had a testimony. She learns that a testimony is the things she believes in like Heavenly Father and Jesus. She also learns that testimonies grow and need to be nourished.
Friend February 2021 “Finding Sabrina’s Testimony” Sabrina didn’t know what a testimony was or if Heavenly Father answered prays. But in Primary she heard a story about a boy that had a quiet answer to his prayer. She learned that simple feelings and thoughts can be answers to prayers. She had a good feeling about being baptized and realized that it was the Holy Ghost telling her it was a good choice. After her baptism she got up and bore her testimony.

Gaining a Testimony
Friend January 2022 “Dinis Finds an Answer” Dinis and his family had joined the church, but a couple of years afterwards Dinis was questioning that decision. He knew he needed to ask God if the Church was true. He prayed harder than he ever had before. Then Dinis felt something. The feeling was strong and warm. It grew until he felt it all over his body. He knew it was the Holy Ghost telling him that the church was true.
Friend May 2020 “Conference Notes” Elder Tai told about a man who read the Book of Mormon Stories picture book to gain a testimony. The full Book of Mormon wasn’t in his language. So he carefully read each scripture story and looked at the pictures. He prayed and felt peace and joy. He knew it was true.
Friend January 1988 “Juliano’s Testimony” Juliano learns that even children can receive testimonies.
Friend April 2016 “Ethan’s Testimony” Ethan wants a testimony. It seems like everyone has one except him. As he prays he realizes he does have one.
Friend April 2021 “Matt and Mandy” Matt and Mandy and their parents discuss sustaining during conference. They also discuss how they can know that the prophet is called of God like the fifth Article of Faith states.
Praying for a Testimony
Friend December 2015 Elder Christopherson learned that it isn’t necessary to pray in a special place (such as in the sacred grove) in order to gain a testimony.
Bearing a Testimony
Friend February 2025 “Walking to Church” It takes Kupa and her mom and siblings about an hour and half to walk to church each Sunday. She loves going to church! At church, during fast and testimony meeting, she shared her testimony about the wonderful gospel that she loves.

Friend September 1988 “The Best Gift” Adam’s primary teacher tells the class they will receive something special if they sincerely bear their testimony in sacrament. The other children think it’s a treat from the teacher, but Adam learns it is a witness from the Holy Ghost that the things he is saying are true.
Friend March 2020 “For Older Kids” “A couple of Sundays ago during sacrament meeting, it was time for people to go up and share their testimonies. Suddenly I got an urge to go up to the microphone and tell everyone my testimony. I was shaking, but I knew I could do it. No matter how scared you feel, you should try to share your testimony. It doesn’t have to be to the whole church. It can even be to one person!” Ruth G., age 10, Nebraska, USA
Sharing Testimony
Friend August 2020 “Matt and Mandy” Mandy shares with her friend a time when she prayed about the Book of Mormon and felt it was true. She also shared that she is still praying and reading to help her faith grow stronger.
Friend May 2023 “Conference Notes”
Friend November 2019 “Jesus is Real” Everyone at Ismay’s table at school were excitedly talking about Christmas and their favorite traditions such as going to a church service. Suddenly Charlotte spoke up and said, “Jesus isn’t even real.” Ismay was sad to hear this and she quietly bore her testimony to Charlotte that Jesus was real, and that she felt it in her heart. She was glad she had spoken up and planted a seed about Jesus.
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Friend August 2018 “A Shining Testimony” Christian children at a school in Sri Lanka were asked to share their testimony, but everyone was too afraid. Stefani felt the Holy Ghost telling her to go and do it. After she did, she felt like she had been a light and an example to the assembly. (Link includes photos.)
Friend April 2018 “Jesus is Our Friend” At the doctor’s office Carson asks a lady to read him a book about Jesus. He tells her that Jesus is his friend and that Jesus loves them and if they follow Jesus they will be happy.
Friend January 2019 “Something Special to Share” Diego wants to take something special to share for Show and Tell. He decides to take a picture of Jesus and tell them that Jesus loves everyone.
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Friend February 2016 “Testimony Treasure” Sabrina learns that a testimony is a treasure you want to share with others.
Friend August 2015 – Elder Cook’s brother shares his testimony with him. After that he wanted his own witness from the Holy Ghost.
Friend October 2015 “My Golden Ribbon Dance” – Girl shares her testimony in a dance using church pictures and music
Friend June 2015 “Mia’s Testimony” Mia prays for a testimony but doesn’t feel any different Her father points out the times she has felt the Holy Ghost in her life witnessesing of the truth
Strengthening a Testimony
Praying Strengthens Testimony
Friend May 1988 “The Testimony of a scientist” A scientist prays for a dying fish and his faith and testimony is strengthened when the fish recovers its health.
Friend January 2018 “Moroni and the Mechanic” When Elder Costa’s car breaks down while driving home with his family, his son, Moroni, says a prayer for the right person to come and help them. A mechanic with a tow truck stops and helps them. Moroni’s testimony is strengthened.
For the Strength of Youth July 2024 “Instant Answers” A girl learns that testimony takes effort so maybe there are instant answers online for everything.