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Courage to Do What’s Right
Valiant: Doing the right thing even when it is difficult or we are afraid. Being valiant means to have the courage to face challenges or dangers.
Friend July 2021 “Vaha’i Tonga”Vahai’ was determined to remain faithful, so he said his prayers every night at boarding school. At first the other kids made fun of him, then they started to join him. He invited them to a district conference and 77 of them came. Seven of them wanted to be baptized after the conference.
Latter Day Kids “The Valiant Fox- Come Follow Me: August 10th-16th” Video, lesson and activity ideas. Helping children to understand what valiant means.
Bad dreams
Sing a church song
Friend January 2021 “Oliver the Brave” Oliver has a bad dream about monsters. He prayed, but it didn’t go away. His parents tell him he needs to do more than just pray. So he thinks of other things he can do such as singing “I am a Child of God”, and it worked.
Friend March 2025 “Singing the Shadows Away” Logan had a nightmare about a monster. When it woke him up he was too scared to leave his bed. Then he saw a picture of his family at the temple and the song “I Love to See the Temple” popped into his head. As he sang he thought about that day at the temple and he was able to peacefully fall back to sleep. He realized church songs are powerful enough to make even scary monsters go away.

Heavenly Father will Help
Friend December 2024 “Brave Enough” Terry and Hailey were in a special play for their ward Christmas party. He needed to practice with the other kids but was afraid because he didn’t know some of them. At family prayer he asked them to pray for him to have courage to go to play practice. When he went to the practice, he was nervous to sit by kids he didn’t know, but he found out that they were fun. Terry hardly felt nervous anymore. He knew Heavenly Father had helped him.
Friend August 2020 “Maddy’s Courage” Maddy didn’t want to start school because she was afraid. Her mom reminded her of sometimes we have to do brave and hard things, such as Daniel facing the lions, or Nephi crossing the ocean, or Esther talking to the king. And just like Heavenly Father helped all of those people, He would help her too.

Friend December 2019 “Brave Like Joseph” Isabel got bumps all over her arms and legs that lasted months. The medicine made blisters and the blisters got infected. She had to go to the hospital, but she was afraid. Here mom told her about Joseph Smith’s bone surgery on his leg when he was her age. He was scared too, but he knew Heavenly Father would help him. Isabel thought that if Joseph could do that surgery, she could go to the hospital.

Friend April 2021 “The Sister Solo” Sophie loved to sing and wanted to take a singing class, but she had hearing problems and was afraid. Her sister volunteered to take the choir class too. Sophie was getting comfortable and having fun, but then she had problems with one of her solos. She prayed for help and the teacher suggested she sing the solo with her sister.
Friend March 2022 “Stage Fright”Grant and his mom were going to perform a clogging dance for the ward talent show, but he got stage fright and ran. His mom found him and they said a prayer together. He knew Heavenly Father would help him, and they performed proudly.
Friend May 2022 “A Prayer in the Storm” Alexis was scared of the thunder in the storm and didn’t feel safe. She found her dad and asked if they could say a prayer. After the prayer she felt peaceful and wasn’t afraid anymore.

Friend October 2022 “Being Brave” Brayden was scared to talk in front of so many people for the Primary program. His father suggested saying a prayer to help him fell brave. It helped him feel better and he was able to say his part and remember all the words.