I am a Child of God: Song

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I Am a Child of God – Song


  • Items Needed: balloons, and a bag or container.
  • Print the flipchart pages.

Verse One







Friend January 2018 “Lead Me, Guide Me, Game” Heavenly Father has given us some special things to help us find our way back home.
Verse Two

Most of the children in primary know the first verse, so I started with the second verse.

I started off with some questions:

  • If each of us has an earthly father, how is Heavenly Father also our father? He is the father of our spirits.
  • What traits did you inherit from your earthly father? (Not just physical characteristics, but also things like temperament, intelligence, talents or abilities, etc)
  • Did you also inherit the ability to become like your Heavenly Father? Yes!

Show the children a balloon, and explain that just like a balloon grows with each breath of air we put into it, we also can grow and develop (spiritually) as we receive the words of God and take them into our lives.

Put the flipchart pages on the board for the second verse, and explain that we need to learn how to become like our Heavenly Father. His words in the scriptures tell us what we need to do in order to become like him, and we have a limited amount of time to study and learn them (our earth life).

Sing verse two.

Take the flipchart pages off the board.

Tell the children they are going to sing the second verse again, but this time they are going to pass a little container of balloons around as they sing. When the pianist stops playing, the child that is holding the bag needs to tell what the next words are in the verse. (They can get help from the children sitting next to them if needed.) After they tell what the words are, they get to take one of the balloons out of the container.

Tell the children you are going to ask them a question, and for every answer they give, the child holding the balloon gets to put a large breath of air into the balloon. (Take only enough responses to get the balloon filled up.) Once the balloon is filled, have the child tie it off and bring it to the front of the room. (They can have a teacher help them tie it if needed.) The question is:

  • What is something we need to do in order to become more like our Heavenly Father, and what characteristic do we develop when we do that thing?

Start the verse again from the beginning. Continue singing and doing the above activity until the children have the words to the second verse memorized. (No need to sing the chorus.)

Verse Three

Show the children one of the filled balloons.

  • What happens to a balloons ability to stay afloat after it has been inflated with air? (Throw an unfilled and filled balloon into the air to see what happens.) The balloon has increased in its ability to stay afloat. The balloon filled with air also has increased in usefulness and enjoyment.
  • What happens to our abilities and eternal posibilities if we take in God’s words and do them? They increase.

Put the flipchart pages on the board for the third verse. Explain how the words relate to the above concept, then sing the third verse.

Have the children sing the third verse again, but this time give them a filled balloon (possibly one on each side of the room). Explain that they are to keep the balloon aloft by gently tapping on it as they sing. When the pianist stops playing, the person who the balloon lands on tells what the next line is in the verse. They also answer the following question: (They can choose someone to help them if needed.)

  • What blessings will we enjoy if we become like our Heavenly Father and return and live with him again? Answers might include the following: eternal families, a fullness of love, a fullness of knowledge and wisdom, eternal happiness, inheritors in his kingdom, etc. (You may need to provide hints to help them answer this question.)

After the answers have been provided, begin the song and activity again. Continue in this manner until the verse is memorized.


Have the children sing all three verses. Help them to realize that the song is about them, and that they are each a child of God, by having them quickly stand up (and sit down) each time they sing the words “me, my, I, or I’ll”.

1 Nephi

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1 Nephi 1-5

1 Nephi 6-10

  • 1 Nephi 6-10 Lesson
  • Ishmael and His Family
  • Nephi is Bound with Cords
  • Sons of Lehi Marry the Daughters of Ishmael
  • Tree of Life Vision

1 Nephi 11-15

1 Nephi 16-22

1 Nephi: Review Ideas

Sabbath Day: Lesson Item 8

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Sabbath Preparation

 Scripture Story Activity

“The Israelites Prepared Ahead for the Sabbath”


  • Items needed: Bible for each family member, one piece of heavy paper, exacto knife, glue,
  • Print and cut out the PDF or Word illustrations. Fold back the tabs on the basket. With an exacto knife, cut slits on the family picture along the side edges of A and C.  Line up the bottom edge of the basket to the bottom edge of B on the family picture, and then tape tab B down (the tab should be inside the basket, not facing outward). Insert the A and C basket tabs into the A and C side slits. Tape those tabs to the back of the picture. The top of the basket should bow out like a basket. Fold the tabs back on the bottom of the Israelite family picture. Tape the tabs to the top of a heavy piece of paper. The family figure should be standing up on the heavy paper, but you should be able to fold it down to store the picture.
  •  Cut out the scripture references (and the two numbers), and glue one to the back of each manna piece. (Israelite family and manna images are from the Friend Nov. 2004 pg. 390


Display the picture of the Israelite family on the table or floor so that the family figure is standing up.  Put the manna pieces in front of the family figure.

Tell the family that after Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, the Israelites had to travel through the wilderness to reach the Promised Land. They did not have enough food to make such a long journey, so the Lord provided manna from heaven for them to eat.

Activity Instructions:

Tell the family they are going do an activity that will teach them more about the story of the manna from heaven.

Have each family member take turns choosing pieces of manna until they are all gone. Have them look up the scripture references that are on the back of their manna pieces. (A couple of pieces will have numbers instead of scriptures on them. Those will be used later in the activity.)

Going in numerical order read the following questions to the family. After a question is read, ask the family if anyone has the answer to it. Have the person tell what the answer is. (Optional: Also have them read the scripture) After they tell the family the answer, have them put that piece of manna into the basket.


  1. Why did the children of Israel murmur against Moses and Aaron?  (murmur means to complain or rebel) Exodus 16:2-3
  2. Why would the murmuring against Moses and Aaron really be murmuring against the Lord? Exodus 16:6,8
  3. What food did the Lord provide for the Israelites in the mornings, and what food did the Lord provide in the evenings? Also describe how the food arrived. Exodus 16:11-15
  4. Describe the manna’s characteristics such as what it looked like, and what it tasted like. Exodus 16: 14, 21, 31
  5. How much manna did the Lord command the Israelites to gather each day? Exodus 16:16-18
  6. What happened the next day to the manna when more was gathered than was needed? Exodus 16:19-20
  7. What did the Lord instruct the Israelites to do differently in regards to the manna on the day before the Sabbath? Exodus 16: 22-23
  8. How were the Israelites blessed by preparing ahead for the Sabbath? Exodus 16: 24, 29
  9. What happened when some of the people did not prepare ahead and expected to gather manna on the Sabbath? Exodus 16:27
  10. What did the Israelite people do on the Sabbath? Exodus 16:30
  11. How long did the Lord provide food for the Israelites? Exodus 16:35

* Have the family members with the numbered manna pieces answer the following questions.

  1. What did the Israelites learn about the Sabbath? (That they should not work on the Sabbath. They should prepare ahead for the Sabbath so they can rest on the Sabbath day because it is a holy day.)
  2. The Israelites prepared for the Sabbath by gathering twice as much food the day before. Name three things we could do to prepare ahead so that our Sabbaths can be peaceful, restful, and holy?

Sabbath Day: Activities & Games

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Friend August 2017 “Sabbath Day Activities” There are lots of things you can do on the Sabbath. Name five ideas of things to do from looking at these pictures.

Friend November 2016 “Happy Sabbath: Ready, Set, Share-ades” Write down words of things that you learned at church. Put them in a jar. Family members act out the word and guess what it is, then you explain what you learned.


Friend Aug/Sept 1985 – “Family Conference” – A family Sunday activity of classes that each family member prepares.

Friend January 1985
Friend January 1985
Friend January 1985
Friend January 1985
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Friend July 2015
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Attending Church on Vacation

M – Z

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Music – Song List